Over the last week or so, WotC has pushed out a bunch of Planescape promotional videos. Here's a quick recap.
Monstrous Menagerie II: Hordes & Heroes is live! 300+ more monsters for your D&D 2024, or Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition games, plus new horde rules and rules for heroic monsters who level up alongside you--whether they be allies, companions, or foes! Back it now on Kickstarter!
It's a sign of the times, as pretty much everyone has their "handheld multi-media device" with them constantly. I find that I listen to more videos than actively watch, as I can listen and drive, commute, clean the house, etc. I actively read articles too, but the younger generations do seem to be more about getting their news from videos and less from reading - certainly not from newspapers or printed comic books, which are becoming rare sites indeed.As I sit on my porch yelling at kids to stay off my lawn and shaking my fist at clouds, I would also like to say how much I don't like presenting videos for information over a nice written article.
For me it is the least convenient way to present information and I rarely consume it that way. But I'm aging out of the target demographic and I get that.
From a cost perspective I wonder how much producing videos to show for free on YouTube in 2023 costs versus designing and paying for print adds in magazines comics ect did in 1993? Do companies save money or is it just a shift in how it is spent?
do you realize how much those 2e boxed sets are worth?!?!? I have a few of them.i still have all my box sets of Planescape so really no need to buy a simplified version for 5e.
That's cool, i have all of themdo you realize how much those 2e boxed sets are worth?!?!? I have a few of them.
I was right there with you until about 6 months ago. I still like a good article better, but I can tolerate videos now. What is nice, if I am working at home, I can have a video on in the background while working and jump over when something catches my ear. Unfortunately, I am often to invested in my work for that strategy to be effective!..., I would also like to say how much I don't like presenting videos for information over a nice written article.