Awfully Cheerful Engine Let's Look At Magic!


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Let's take a quick look at how magic works in the Awfully Cheerful Engine! Plus news on stretch goals, interviews, and folks making characters in the comments!


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Just to be sure I understand correctly:

When creating a Hero, a standard Hero has 12 points to divide among four Stats (Smarts, Moves, Style, and Brawn), and each Stat must be 2, 3, 4, or 5.

A Hero with Power, such as an Alien, Wizard, or Witch, has five Stats (Smarts, Moves, Style, Brawn and Power), which must be 2, 3, 4, or 5, but still has only 12 points to divide.

So, for a Hero with Power, most of their Stats will be below average, with their only options being three 2 Stats and two 3 Stats, or four 2 Stats and one 4 Stat.

And making Power, which can be used for anything another Stat can do, your 4 Stat won't really make up for all your other Stats being 2 because the number of times you can use your Power is limited by your number of Karma points.

So having a Power might not be as advantageous as might be thought.


Just a tourist passing your way...
Just to be sure I understand correctly:

When creating a Hero, a standard Hero has 12 points to divide among four Stats (Smarts, Moves, Style, and Brawn), and each Stat must be 2, 3, 4, or 5.

A Hero with Power, such as an Alien, Wizard, or Witch, has five Stats (Smarts, Moves, Style, Brawn and Power), which must be 2, 3, 4, or 5, but still has only 12 points to divide.

So, for a Hero with Power, most of their Stats will be below average, with their only options being three 2 Stats and two 3 Stats, or four 2 Stats and one 4 Stat.

And making Power, which can be used for anything another Stat can do, your 4 Stat won't really make up for all your other Stats being 2 because the number of times you can use your Power is limited by your number of Karma points.

So having a Power might not be as advantageous as might be thought.
I agree.

It's a very old discussion through many systems (mainly point-buy systems) if "power"-user should get bonus points for being worse with non-magical things.

Mainly a discussion of flavor vs math / justice.

Before anyone asks - there has been no good answer yet.

Voidrunner's Codex

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