• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Let's read the entire run


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I immediately thought of this issue when that Jumper movie came out, so even though I didn't read it, I guess the premise gripped me more than most of the ye olde fantasy stuff this column covered. Shame that apparently the movie totally butchered the concept of the book. That must be a real kick in the pants to fans of the book who had this pleasant surprise a decade+ later.

And I keep on forgetting to mention it, but the ongoing Yamara story here is easily my favorite and the reason I still love that strip years later. It especially gets good when the drow start showing up in larger numbers.

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Dragon Magazine Issue 186: October 1992

part 1/6

124 pages Boo! Jesus christ don't disintegrate me it was only a joke! Clerics these days. No sense of humour. No wonder they can't get the congregations. So anyway, we've reached another october. And as usual, that means the boogeymen are creeping out from every tomb, and it's up to adventurers to save us all from doom. We've got a well worn formula going now, and all the kids would cry if it was cancelled. So let's show them not that monsters exist, but that they can be beaten once again. Even if they will be back next year. But then, recurring villains are more fun than an endless cavalcade of one-shots.

In this issue:

Letters: Another regular occurrance, someone asking if their old issues of the magazine are collectors items in any way. You might make a profit on them, but I wouldn't bet on it.

And someone complaining that there's too much stuff in the magazine that requires various supplements and campaign worlds, and they'd rather get back to basics a bit. Roger reminds him that even the stuff that has specific trappings is generally pretty easy to convert. Look past the labels. We do need our variety. If we made everything corebook only that would be considerably duller. Once again we face the problem that you can't please everyone all the time, especially if trying to cover lots of bases.

Editorial: The ghost of conventions past once again haunts us in Roger's editorial this month. Physically, they may leave a room with little more than a stale smell of sweat and mountain dew, but it's the memories you take with you that are the cool things. And the freebies and shiny new or rare books, of course. As usual with these things, the busier you are and the more you engage, the more fun you'll have. Course, being a TSR writer and personally knowing half the people there puts you at a substantial advantage. You have to do far less waiting in line, and can join in the really silly games. Certainly seems like they had no shortage of spectacular props this year, with cardboard castles consuming the booths, Aztec Mecha, people dressed as Drow, giant dice, mini cthulhus, balalaika, Spiderman and Jim Ward in a suit. Damn that sounds like fun. Another reminder that since I'm doing this in such a serious way, I really ought to get out to them, actually meet people in person. I will not go mad, I will not go mad. I will find ways to keep this entertaining 'till the end.

50 Castle hauntings: What, couldn't you find 100, then we could use one dice roll instead of breaking it up into 4 little tables? :p I suppose real world legends do start repeating themselves if you hit the folklore books for too long, just like everything. Still even with only 50, you're unlikely to exhaust this, unless your players are stuck in Ravenloft, where there's a crumbling castle with baneful inhabitants with tragic backstories atop every precipice. And some of them are pretty good, particularly the temporal shifts, which are full of stuff that you can't solve by violence and could have significant effects on the campaign. Yet another encouragement for me to fill large quantities of my own game with horror themed stuff, as you could come up with random weirdness on the fly for quite a bit before repeating yourself with this. Now what I need is a random castle layout generator, which would synergize very well with this. A pretty strong start to the articles, as it should be with the amount they have to choose from.

Mission: Impossibly dangerous: Forward we jump to do a bit of providing for the fast growing modern day horror market. Concentrating on the Dark Conspiracy game, this stuff is pretty much system free, but very strongly focussed on the setting of that game. It'd certainly take a bit of work to adapt to Shadowrun or the world of darkness. It does reveal quite a bit about the assumptions of the game, possibly more so than the actual review, with a definite emphasis on reactive mission based adventures rather than active player agency. This obviously isn't my usual style, but it does make this article useful to me on two levels, as well as being quite interesting reading and covering a game they haven't done before. Quite pleasing overall, even if it doesn't actually make me want to buy the game.


Dragon Magazine Issue 186: October 1992

part 2/6

The dragon's bestiary has three new varieties of hard to pronounce undead for your delectation this halloween, courtesy of Spike Y. Jones. Just as with dragons, these guys pile up, year upon year. The horror, the horror, I embrace it.

Cariad ysbryd are one of the vanishingly rare varieties of good undead, who keep their wrath focussed on other violators of the natural cycle. What a heartwarming tale. Not everyone gets trapped in cycles of brooding negativity. Course, being undead, they do still have personal initiative issues, but we can work on that.

Memento mori finally give us an insubstantial low level undead variant for clerics to create as a guardian. Woo. With no long-term memory, and a very limited amount of power, they're not that hard to beat if you know their quirks. Better hope you have a supergeek player or some equivalent of 3e's knowledge rolls, since they're from such an obscure source.

Tymher-haid are our only truly malevolent delivery this time. Created when lots of people die together, they're vulnerable to normal water, so they don't tend to last long. Another decidedly quirky little thing that'll be as much a puzzle as a combat challenge. And doesn't that fit the mood of most ghost & vampire stories better than big ugly battles.

Welcome to the neighbourhood: A curious little bit of worldbuilding here, providing us with a few more city districts and locations for your players to enjoy. Consciously trying to avoid rehash, much of this advice is specific to D&D style fantasy, especially the stuff involving demihumans. Much of this is stuff you'd figure out yourself, so it's mainly useful in that it gets you to ask the right questions and serving as a mental checklist. It also has plenty of ecological and logistical thoughts, some of which are quite clever. Overall, I think I quite like this one, even if it's not as groundbreaking as it wants to be. Roger's still trying hard to pick out articles based on innovativeness as well as quality. It's hard to succeed completely these days, but you can come close.

Role-playing reviews I: Looks like reviews are on the up again, as they indicate multiple sets of them are to come. This is a slightly worrying development. However, a closer look reveals that the number of reviews in each one are fairly small, so it's just that the number of reviews is being spread around more people. That's not so bad.

Lost souls is a game of playing ghosts trying to resolve their problems. It seems to be both less angsty and more focussed upon living/dead interactions than Wraith, with everyday human blundering a big, somewhat humorous issue. With quick character generation and reincarnation, it doesn't look like long campaigns with the same characters would be easy, and it probably needs a few supplements to flesh out all the off-hand ideas, but it should be fun for a halloween one-shot. Which makes it the perfect kind of game to review this month.

Aquelarre gets one of those interestingly mixed reviews that reveals quite a bit about company attitudes. Lester wants to like it, but finds it both alien in attitude and far too heavy on the satanicness and nudity. We're trying to move away from that round these parts. As is often the case where they try and play up the noncommercialness of the product, this actually makes me more interested. What will the public really think?

Pentacle is a card game of dueling wizards. Summon nasty stuff to kill or drive insane your rivals. Hmm. Why am I getting deja vu? Oh, I'm sure it'll come to nothing. It's only some small press game. :p


Dragon Magazine Issue 186: October 1992

part 3/6

The voyage of the princess ark: From the bayou to australia. Once again we see how real world cultures are stolen and jammed into Mystara in ways that don't entirely make sense. And guess what. Haldemar gets embarrassingly separated from the rest of the crew again, this time by being turned into a frilled lizard, and knocked out by a boomerang. Fortunately the Wallara shaman realizes the problem before turning him into dinner, and he gets taken to /ayers rock/ to get the curse lifted. During this process, he gets more psychodrama dreams warning about the impending doooooom of alphatia. Guess he'd better get back to warn the empress. The endgame of this series approaches rapidly. Will it be decently climactic?

For the 4th time in a row, we get stats for a new race, our chameleonic friends. Once again we have a new variant way in which they become spellcasters, and a decidedly interesting set of special powers. With their concealment and short range teleportation, they'd make a great scout for a party, even more so than rogues and halflings. We also get the usual geographic and historical overview. Forced into a state of artificial primitivism by an Aranea spell, they're a wise but fairly inoffensive bunch, at peace with the land, and their neighbours. As is often the case, events won't make complete sense unless you know about the immortal politics influencing the nations. While it's obvious where big chunks of the source material for this entry come from, it's still a quite interesting one, that manages to combine those elements in interesting ways.

Sage advice: Does the initial cost of a power sustain it for the first time increment. (probably)

Can you scry a place not known to you psychically (if you have a defined spacial relationship with it. You can't pick a named place if you don't know where it is. )

Do light weapons used telekinetically suffer THAC0 penalties (no)

How is animate object modified ( simply)

Are control body and life draining sciences or devotions. (use the place in the list, not the description text )

How high can flames go.( Not nearly high enough. )

How hard is creating sound (pretty tricky)

Does inertial barrier protect against magic attacks other than disintegration (only if it has a physical component to block.)

What's the point of absorb disease. Cell adjustment is quicker and cheaper ( Hmm. Skip'll fudge something up to hold them till we can retcon it. Skip suspects this may be like the gauntlets and girdles dilemma. )

Can you start regenerating with cell adjustment straight away (no)

Can you use body equilibrium while partially submerged in quicksand (sure)

Novel ideas: No surprise that with the first new D&D book released, this column promotes it this month. So say hello to D J Heinrich. He didn't have a particularly easy time writing the book, but it was worth it in the end. The fact that it's the start of a new line automatically gives it an extra degree of publicity it wouldn't otherwise have, and despite the battles amongst the executive, the D&D coreboxes at least are still good sellers. He's in a good position to make a profit, assuming they pay royalties on novels rather than commission fees these days. So lets hope he can keep the plot on track and finish off the other 2/3rds of this trilogy in decent time. A fairly typical bit of interviewing/promotion that maintains the optimistic tone while saying little of real substance. Neh.


First Post
Just wanted to chime in on how entertaining these reviews are... love, love, love 'em! As a matter of fact, I stopped lurking and registered just so I can post in this EPIC thread. :)

Keep up the great work, and thanks a million for doing these.


Dragon Magazine Issue 186: October 1992

part 4/6

TSR Previews: The Forgotten Realms buzzes onwards. FRQ2: Hordes of dragonspear gives you a new high level adventure, and sneaks in some more setting detail. Get ready to fight some scary yet familiar monsters. The harpers also get their fifth novel. The ring of winter by James Lowder. Seeking a device that brings a new ice age in the jungles of chult? Makes a certain amount of warped sense. Someone who misses winters is going to want to bring one to a miserable steamy disease infested jungle.

Spelljammer is also busy still. CGR1: The complete spacefarers handbook brings kits to outer space, along with new PC races, and all manner of other crunch. Om nom nom nom. Can't say I have much of an opinion on this one. The cloakmaster cycle reaches book 4 as well, The Radiant Dragon by Elaine Cunningham. The big aspects of the setting are namechecked again. Is space not big enough to find some new stuff?

Ravenloft also has a load of bits and pieces delivered, in their case in a boxed set. Forbidden Lore has 5 little books, filling in setting and rules details plus a set of Tarroka cards. If your players are rules lawyering to ruin the horror atmosphere, this'll help keep them in their place.

Greyhawk also gets a new boxed set, in their case the new core updating things in light of their recent wars. From the Ashes changes a good deal, once again contentiously. Doing change right is hard.

Dark sun gets DSQ3: Astilican Gambit. Off to Gulg to be envious of the people who still have decent vegetation, and become pawns in some nasty intrigues. Sounds like it could get railroady. Just apply a few fireballs to mess up their plans.

Lankhmar gets LNQ1: Slayers of Lankhmar. A slayers guild? Man, that's so cute. What's this adventure like, and what do they get up too?

Dragonlance finishes it's current selections of short stories, with The War of the Lance. Yet more small perspectives on the epic battle of good vs evil. Every one matters in their own way. For we must all choose to be a heeeeeeroo, every heart must reach for the sun!! :epic guitar solo:

Our generic AD&D product this month is HR3: The celts. Another historical era gets lots of setting info and some crunch to help you play it. Seems reasonable, when you consider the number of classes that have strong celtic influence.

And finally, D&D gets AC1010: the Poor Wizard's Almanac. Like Oerth, they've been shaken up and moved forward in time. This means they can sell a whole load of books detailing the changes. Metaplot is now well and truly at full power, completely dominating all their settings. How long before it starts strangling them, rather than fueling them?

D&D, warriors of the eternal sun! I remember playing that. It wasn't bad, even if missile weapons were completely broken in the underground sections.

Give your villains a fighting chance: Hmm. This is an interesting and new observation. One interesting facet of lots of supplements coming out for a game is that they tend to advantage the players more than the DM, as they only have one character that they can carefully lavish attention upon, picking and matching the best bits from all over for greater badassery. This is doubled if the DM uses modules a lot, as they rarely give their characters stuff from supplements. This is an excellent reason for you to start drawing upon supplements yourself, and redress the balance. Yes, this is indeed a tricky one. If the designers do go the other way, then it seriously pisses off people who don't want to collect 'em all. And we know that'll become a very real problem in a few years. I suppose it's a good reason not to rely on prefab stuff too slavishly. Very interesting. This is a thread of thought I came up with independently back in the day, and it's nice to see it in the magazine. As games develop, new problems turn up, and you have to develop new solutions to them. And as a DM, this is primarily your job. Hopefully this is one that got people to step up their game in the past. A very good one to be reminded of for me in particular.


Dragon Magazine Issue 186: October 1992

part 5/6

The marvel-phile: Sorta in theme, this month's marvel-phile tackles some of the more obscure giant monsters that have plagued our heroes over the years. Gomdulla, a giant alien mummy with an off switch on his foot who tries to assemble a cult around him where possible. Groot, a space travelling giant plant creature that can animate other plants to do his bidding. And Zzutak, a creature that stepped off the page due to magic paints being used in it's creation. All have a rather awkward tendency to cause mass devastation that somehow results in very little loss of life before being stopped. They may also laugh maniacally and explain their plan to the tiny pathetic fleshlings, but that's entirely optional. An above average entry, as it has both a decent amount of creatures and some campaign advice about creating and incorporating similar things into your game. They may not be traditional horror, but giant monsters are definitely a topic which can make for fun games. We probably have room for a few more of these in D&D as well.

The game wizards: Hmm. A second article on the playing of villains. What's brought this on? Still, where the last one was largely examining new mechanical considerations, this is a more typical roleplaying one, with a particular emphasis on horror gaming. Well, that genre does tend to have more enduring and compelling villains. Not sure why this is under this column, as it doesn't seem to be anything to do with official TSR stance or upcoming products, but it's certainly not a bad article, even if it is a bit short. Maybe they couldn't find one that was the right size in the slush pile, so they got a staff writer to fill the gap again. Another minor mystery for the ages, I suppose. Have fun creating suitably nuanced enemies in both the mechanical and personality arenas.

Forum is having another round of the sexism debate. As usual, this ironically brings a far larger proportion of female participants than is standard for this magazine. After all, if we've learned anything from sexist jokes, it's that women love to bitch about stuff. Still, I can't see violent protest working very well on this topic. Can we not just get back to playing? That'll work far better, really.

Caroline Bussey thinks that it's the shame that's putting girls off. You shouldn't hide your hobbies. The censure becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Learn from the example of Oasis. You get less derision if you act like an :):):):):):):) openly and then laugh about it than if you try and hide your depravities behind a saccharine screen.

Donna Beales thinks that it's bad marketing that's primarily to blame. That and the silly little things like pronouns and cheesecake minis that make women feel subtly unwelcome. You will never attract the female demographic as long as they feel patronised. Strange that this should be such a problem with a female CEO. But I supposed Lorraine :rumble of thunder, howl of wolves: makes everyone feel patronised. :p

Elysa Moulding gives us her own patronising story. Women don't take pleasure in bickering and violence for violences sake. Damn right, they have more important things to snipe at each other about, like boyfriends, shoes, weight loss and fashion. :p It's so easy to be cynical after a sex and the city DVD marathon.

Halina Adamski thinks all the women getting worked up over pronouns should lighten up. There may be real reasons for complaint, but this isn't really one and the fixes just look clunky. Just enjoy your playing.

Mathew W Hurd brings the male perspective to this. He doesn't see why girls think it's boys stuff that isn't worth their attention. Join in the games!

Helaina Martin attacks the ghastly cheesecake art. Alias ought to have died of exposure long before finishing her first adventure. The contents of the novels are generally better than the covers. She also attacks agism too. Kids should be allowed to play as soon as they can read the rules. Treating them like they're dumb will not help them develop skills and confidence.

Colleen Fireely praises Dragon for their persistence in tackling the sexism problem. I may grow bored, but you do need persistence if you want to make an impact.

Frederic Bush also brings up the agism problem. As a 15 year old who's been playing for 7 years, he feels quite capable of mature and nuanced roleplaying, and was rather annoyed to be told he couldn't DM at a convention until he was 18. Age ain't nothin but a number.

Steve Giblin goes back to the wizards sucking at high levels issue. They really really don't, unless you have no tactical sense at all. Learn your spells and what they're good and bad against. Your party will thank you.

Michael Thomas heaps disdain upon TSR's current family friendly stance. Evil is quite depressingly capable of working together and prospering, as the real world demonstrates. They're far more interested in money than artistic integrity! Well, duh.

Chris Roberts also thinks Skip's ideas of good and evil are stupid and unworkable. Remember how real world tribablism works, allowing people to be kind and compassionate to those in the in, while also classifying others as nonpeople who can be killed without a twinge of conscience. How does that fit into your alignment system, huh?

David Howery, on the other hand, supports TSR's family friendly policy. There should be plenty of evil in the world, but that's just to give the PC's a better challenge and make their victory more heroic. Choosing heroism as the default is a perfectly valid choice, as most books and movies do it.


David Howery, on the other hand, supports TSR's family friendly policy. There should be plenty of evil in the world, but that's just to give the PC's a better challenge and make their victory more heroic. Choosing heroism as the default is a perfectly valid choice, as most books and movies do it.

It seems kind of weird reading this given that he made the previous post. ;)

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