Ok, I'll take a stab at a formalized "5e spell description" for what I would see as a 1st level spell version of Animate Dead.
Goals: Give a necromancer a 1st level spell that allows them to do what necromancers are supposed to be known (and generally feared) for, a "minor/beginner's" version of
Animate Dead.
- without having a player have to wait until 5th level to do their, arguably, "signature" power.
- a spell that is useful, including for combat, without being the same or beyond the power levels of the 3rd level version. This includes the reduction in duration. The commands having to be made outloud instead of mental.
- a spell that is in keeping with a flavor and aesthetic of what being a Necromancer mage, even at 1st level, would feel/seem like.
- Additionally, #3 without necessarily a spell only an assumed-evil caster would use.
Command the Dead
Level 1, necromancy
Casting Time: 1 action (pretty standard)
Range: 30' (same as Charm Person, half of Unseen Servant)
Components: V, S, M (a group of bones or corpse)
Duration: 1 hour (same as Unseen Servant)
With this spell, the caster infuses an existing corpse or set of bones with negative energies/necrotic force to enable movement and a rudimentary comprehension, a mockery of "life" magically linked to the caster, to manifest a single skeleton (with bones) or zombie (with corpse). The undead may be of a small or medium humanoid or a tiny to large animal, depending on the material components present/available. The undead creature has all of the the normal/full stats of one of their type.
The undead follows the simple verbal commands of the caster, one task/simple sentence or two, at a time. If not given direction, the creature does nothing until/unless attacked and will fight, independently, in its own defense, once attacked. The caster may give the creature new/different instruction as a bonus action, verbally, once per round on their turn. The creature shares the caster's initiative and acts on their turn. If the creature reaches 0 hp, is disrupted or dispelled (as by
Turn/Destroy Undead, Dispel Magic, etc...), or the duration ends naturally, the animating force of the creature is spent and the corpse/bones collapse back into inactivity.
After being created, the creature can be sent up to 100' away from the caster and the caster can retain control. If separated more than 100' from the caster, the spell's connection is broken. If this happens, the creature will continue to carry out the last command it was given until the spell duration ends. At which time the magic of the spell upholding the creature is spent and the undead ceases to exist, collapsing back to its component parts, as normal.
The caster may, if they so choose, use another spell slot -even if already prepared with another spell- to "feed" the manifesting dark magic and keep the undead active. This must be done before the end of the duration of the prior casting, extending the creature's existence by 1 hour per level of the spell slot used. Once a casting (or chain of castings) has ended, the same bones/corpse can not be animated again for 24 hours.
Alternately, the caster may use this spell to usurp control of other, existing, undead creatures of CR equal to half their caster level. This use functions in all ways as a
Charm Person spell against the undead in question. Failure of their save means the undead will follow the caster's simple commands for the duration, as above. These undead, not created by this spell, are not destroyed when the spell ends. The caster's control of them simply ends and the undead return to acting/doing as they normally would.
Casting at higher slots: If upcast by a 2nd level or higher slot, the spell can manifest or assume command of 1 additional creature and the hours of the duration equal the slot level. If using a 3rd level or higher slot, a humanoid undead can be up to large size and an animal skeleton/corpse can be up to huge.