So ran some encounters with 2 level 12. Equipped with various magic items that mostly boosted damage.
Thin story giant raids in the north flying black tower bombarding homestead.
Two Uthgardt types created. Wife went World Tree Barbarian 12.
I went hunter ranger 8/war cleric 4. Wife wanted to test out the weapon masteries and feats. I wanted to spam attacks. Simple fights 3 encounters vs brutes.
1 frost giant 10 orogs
2 frost giants 6 orogs
3 Frost Giants
We were essentially tanked after these 3 encounters. Only the two of us. Best case scenario in effect for melee. I used +2 greataxe wife used giantslaying axe (player guide giants, netherese, cold, mountains). Girdle of giant strength. Mostly more damage type items.
Main test was interaction between feats, class, items, weapon masteries. It was complicated.
Wife had cleave, push, topple. I had cleave. Both had slow on longbow. Both had GWM feat, I had warcaster and +2 wisdom .
I had Hordebreaker, spells and ranger abilities. Origin guide human, arcane initiate. Wife had 2014 background toughness feat. Dwarf.
Both tired kinda complicated to run. I had to think about positioning along with world tree. Both of us resorted to keeping track of.
Horde breaker
War God's Blessing
Used a battlemat. 2014 don't bother most of the time. Kinda needed for 2024.
Topple is better than BM prone ability. Targets con vs strength saves. Bad example this fight but generally strength is higher than con on a lot of monsters. Spellcasters obvious exception.
Hew great with mooks, vs giants not so good. Hordebreaker is interesting as it's full damage vs hew/cleave. War gods bonus action attack is great when Hew doesn't trigger.
Shield spell on half caster burns through your spell slots. Clutch is great however. In a real game without exact items used I would go shillagh ranger probably use topple.
Very little sleep not sure if cleave+hew works on adjacent target if first hit kills. Had to think about things when using Horde breaker as well. War cleric not really needed. Hunters mark not so great with hew and other bonus action stuff in the mix.
So just my sleep deprived thoughts.
Thin story giant raids in the north flying black tower bombarding homestead.
Two Uthgardt types created. Wife went World Tree Barbarian 12.
I went hunter ranger 8/war cleric 4. Wife wanted to test out the weapon masteries and feats. I wanted to spam attacks. Simple fights 3 encounters vs brutes.
1 frost giant 10 orogs
2 frost giants 6 orogs
3 Frost Giants
We were essentially tanked after these 3 encounters. Only the two of us. Best case scenario in effect for melee. I used +2 greataxe wife used giantslaying axe (player guide giants, netherese, cold, mountains). Girdle of giant strength. Mostly more damage type items.
Main test was interaction between feats, class, items, weapon masteries. It was complicated.
Wife had cleave, push, topple. I had cleave. Both had slow on longbow. Both had GWM feat, I had warcaster and +2 wisdom .
I had Hordebreaker, spells and ranger abilities. Origin guide human, arcane initiate. Wife had 2014 background toughness feat. Dwarf.
Both tired kinda complicated to run. I had to think about positioning along with world tree. Both of us resorted to keeping track of.
Horde breaker
War God's Blessing
Used a battlemat. 2014 don't bother most of the time. Kinda needed for 2024.
Topple is better than BM prone ability. Targets con vs strength saves. Bad example this fight but generally strength is higher than con on a lot of monsters. Spellcasters obvious exception.
Hew great with mooks, vs giants not so good. Hordebreaker is interesting as it's full damage vs hew/cleave. War gods bonus action attack is great when Hew doesn't trigger.
Shield spell on half caster burns through your spell slots. Clutch is great however. In a real game without exact items used I would go shillagh ranger probably use topple.
Very little sleep not sure if cleave+hew works on adjacent target if first hit kills. Had to think about things when using Horde breaker as well. War cleric not really needed. Hunters mark not so great with hew and other bonus action stuff in the mix.
So just my sleep deprived thoughts.