Level Up (A5E) Level Up A5e in More Purple More Better?


Hi friends!

My eternal quest to find a downloadable, self-hostable, open-source, and modifiable option for building characters led me back to More Purple More Better, an Adobe Acrobat-based PDF with a pile of JavaScript which lets players build character sheets with info from various imported sources. It's not the easiest or most streamlined tool in the world but it has a lot of flexibility.

I haven't come across any import files for Level Up Advanced 5e and wanted to see if anyone has gone through the work to make some.

Does anyone know of any work going into attempting to create A5e resources for More Purple More Better?

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I haven't heard anything about MPMB in the A5E places I frequent but regarding sources maybe the people from the A5E foundry discord could help. They included the SRD and lots of 3PP content in the A5E module already.

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