Blog (A5E) Level Up: All About Prestige

Every adventurer in Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition has a Prestige rating. Prestige is a rating of how famous (or infamous) a character is. Adventurers start play with a Prestige of 0 and gain Prestige when moving to new tiers of play at levels 5, 11, and 17, when acquiring strongholds, and from accomplishing great deeds during play.

Every adventurer in Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition has a Prestige rating. Prestige is a rating of how famous (or infamous) a character is. Adventurers start play with a Prestige of 0 and gain Prestige when moving to new tiers of play at levels 5, 11, and 17, when acquiring strongholds, and from accomplishing great deeds during play.

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Very cool, it's going to be have some kinda mechanic better than falling back onto mere diplomancy for this kind of calling in favors soft power type stuff :D


The concept is interesting and has merit.

I'm curious how much prestige you gain at the various tiers. I assume it scales up a bunch, to me a level 17th character should at absolute minimum have a prestige of 8 in your system, maybe even a 9.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I'm curious how much prestige you gain at the various tiers. I assume it scales up a bunch, to me a level 17th character should at absolute minimum have a prestige of 8 in your system, maybe even a 9.
If they've accomplished a few things and been awarded Prestige by the Narrator, and have a stronghold, sure. What you do in the game will affect your Prestige. If you do nothing at all, the baseline is 1 per tier.

Argyle King

Kinda cool. It's similar to what I already do in my home games.

I keep track of a "reputation score" for the characters. It's not something which I give numbers to the players about, but it's based on things they can perceive.

If you have a positive reputation in a town, village, area, whatever - it's easier to gain access to certain people and things. If you have a negative reputation with a particular town, group, guild, or whatever - it's more difficult to gain access to certain people and things.


Kinda cool. It's similar to what I already do in my home games.

I keep track of a "reputation score" for the characters. It's not something which I give numbers to the players about, but it's based on things they can perceive.

If you have a positive reputation in a town, village, area, whatever - it's easier to gain access to certain people and things. If you have a negative reputation with a particular town, group, guild, or whatever - it's more difficult to gain access to certain people and things.
Great idea. Though do you track this for each faction or is there a universal Prestige instead?

Your individually team reputation with each faction is fun for Players but tons of work for the GM.

I remember in the computer game Pillars of Eternity. in one town there ae two warring factions, and if you take a quest for one then your reputation with the other takes a hit and you lose access to the other quest

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