• We are currently being subjected to a massive wave of spambots. We have temporarily closed registration to new accounts while we clean it up.

Level Up Gateway Level Up Gateway Alpha Testing Is Live!

The official A5E character builder and campaign tool!

Level Up's official character builder and online platform.
If you backed the original 2021 Level Up Kickstarter, you should now have alpha-test access to Level Up Gateway!

Level Up Gateway is the official character builder for Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition. You can use it to build your characters, manage your campaigns, and make and share dice rolls. At present, the alpha build contains content from the Adventurer's Guide, with all the heritages, cultures, backgrounds, and destinies from that book as well as all 13 classes up to level 5.

Alpha-testing access is available now to backers of the original Kickstarter. We'll be rolling out wider access soon.

You'll find more information on this backer-only update on Kickstarter.

Screenshot 2024-12-04 at 11.05.52 AM.png

Screenshot 2024-12-04 at 11.08.39 AM.png

Folks are already building characters! The character count is ticking up in real time! We launched it a few minutes ago, and there's nearly a hundred on there already.

Screenshot 2024-12-04 at 11.09.30 AM.png

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If you were using the Roll Randomly option to determine your character's ability scores and you didn't like what you got, was there supposed to be a button that would allow to you reroll till you got a better result? Or were you stuck with what you rolled? I tried using this option before using some real dice and assigning the results to my character's ability scores.

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