Homebrew Level Up Roll20 Character Sheet is live!

ok fixed the passives, fixed the specialities issues, the perception initiative issue should also be fixed

looking into :

A "Roll" button for Hit Dice would be very helpful! Thanks!
GM Rolls, plus other whispers
Tool roll button - fix
Static bonuses to initiative/saving throws
NPC Skill roll button - fix
Is there currently a way to allow things such as the Adept's +1 to Maneuver DCs or additional Exertion points actually stick on the character sheets?
Compendium and links to a5e tools - dream feature
Improvements on the features and Traits and Knacks sections allowing more formatted information to be stored.

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Does anyone else have a problem where newly created monsters can't make skill checks or attack rolls?

Also can the NPC sheet have an initiative roll?
*2022-12-05 * v.17 Paul V
Fixed issue with NPC Skill and Attack rolls - converted the rolls to use the new Action button tech
Added Initative roll to NPC Sheet
Fixed issue with Tool rolls

edit: and its live
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ok fixed the passives, fixed the specialities issues, the perception initiative issue should also be fixed

looking into :

A "Roll" button for Hit Dice would be very helpful! Thanks!
GM Rolls, plus other whispers
Tool roll button - fix
Static bonuses to initiative/saving throws
NPC Skill roll button - fix
Is there currently a way to allow things such as the Adept's +1 to Maneuver DCs or additional Exertion points actually stick on the character sheets?
Compendium and links to a5e tools - dream feature
Improvements on the features and Traits and Knacks sections allowing more formatted information to be stored.
*2022-12-12 * v.18 Paul V
Added Hit Dice Roller - maxes out the number of dice to roll as the current hit dice and reduces the HD by the number of dice rolled - also adds the result to current HP with a maximum of the HP max
Added Generic Initiative Bonus
Fixed Hit Point Maximum's attribute label it should have been HP_Max
Added Death Save roll button that Automatically checks the Success or Failure boxes.
Added Str, Dex, Int, Wis, Con, Cha settings windows to store save prof, indivudial save bonus and global save bonus
Recoded the Save buttons to use the new tech and the new global and individual bonuses
Added the Ability to whispher the GM rolls

going live tomorrow, going to try to get a look at the Adepts DC exertion points thing tomorrow morning (UK time) prior to pushing it to Roll20

Managed to add in the following

Added Maneuver settings to add in Maneuver DC Bonus and Exertion point bonus, also added in current exertion points freely edited field

new version of the sheet has been submitted to Roll20 - its live
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Another thing that would be nice in the future would be the ability to let the attacks/spellcasting options show a DC instead of an attack roll for effects that would need it, such as some combat maneuvers or spells. For both PCs and enemies. It's a bit awkward to have to put in stuff for attack rolls in order to do something that doesn't use it.

Ok 'the list' currently stands as
looking into :

Another thing that would be nice in the future would be the ability to let the attacks/spellcasting options show a DC instead of an attack roll for effects that would need it, such as some combat maneuvers or spells. For both PCs and enemies. It's a bit awkward to have to put in stuff for attack rolls in order to do something that doesn't use it.
Compendium and links to a5e tools - dream feature
Improvements on the features and Traits and Knacks sections allowing more formatted information to be stored.

A question, is there currently an option to add an initiative bonus (on all types of initiative)? I thought the field shown here would be just that but it doesn't seem to add it to my initiative, do I misunderstand this field?


Also in Attributes and abilities there is a value called "Initiativebonus" but that also doesn't seem to be added to your initiative rolls.
Is there currently a way? (if not I'd like to request it)

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