[LFP][Normally Paid, Free until further notice] Players wanted for RPG's (GM's too!) Sat/Sun 5pm-9pm eastern


I'm just throwing a message out again for anybody interested in playing with our group. I currently don't have much focus as our boat is still rocking as it tries to correct course from the whole what-have-you. The plan going forward though is to try some different RPG's. We will be conducting tryouts of different RPG's for the foreseeable future. On the table right now: Pathfinder 2e (actually should be ready to run The Abomination Vaults this weekend), Savage Worlds, Palladium (Rifts/TMNT/Heros Unlimited), Call of Cthulu, FATE, Lord of the Rings, maybe some of those one-page-rules-deals... not sure really, just want to be open to new things for a while. Well Palladium is not new to me, and I did play Call of Cthulu once, but you take my meaning.

If you want to join us please DM and/or Friend me on discord so I can invite you to our channel: Thorin Teague#1469

If the time slots don't work for you but you but you still want to get into it, just join us anyway, more time slots should be opening up in the future.

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I was using Roll20 but since my investment there has largely been rendered useless [to me personally], I don't have to feel bound to it anymore and have decided to give FoundryVTT a go. So far so good.

Voidrunner's Codex

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