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(LHHS) OOC Thread I


Everyone but Novyet (No post, no reward) gets 150 experience points. Congratulations on beating the crap out of my half-troll.

Now I assume you guys need to dispose of the corpse, rest, and find a lead or 10 that you want to follow.

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ya - how much do our characters know about trolls?
About half-trolls?
How common are they, and is it uncommon to see them in a city?

What about the townsperson that's eaten? Are they truly dead?

Cool Template.
How does the mating for that thing go? ;)


reapersaurus said:
ya - how much do our characters know about trolls?
About half-trolls?
How common are they, and is it uncommon to see them in a city?

What about the townsperson that's eaten? Are they truly dead?

Cool Template.
How does the mating for that thing go? ;)

Your characters know that there are hundreds of troll tribes, and multiple types of trolls. You all know that there are civilized half-trolls, but I doubt any of you actually know one. They are exceptionally rare to see civilized.

The townsperson is a woman, who you guys have yet to identify or even check if she's alive.

Not a template, it's a sub-race of troll.

Half Trolls are the runts of two normal trolls mating. If two half trolls mated they would almost definitely have a half troll child. If a half troll mated with a normal troll, there would still be a large chance a half-troll would be born.


*SNAP * (sound of patience snapping)

Is anyone else playing this game?
You get one fight under your belt, and just take off?
I say reap anyone that doesn't post within 4 days, myself.
God, I'm sick of people joining a PbP adventure and then just ignoring it. :mad:

Ok. got that off my chest.
Why aren't characters talking to the guy offering the job?
I can't really add much more in character in this discussion, based on his reaction.
It would be nice if we had some participation so we can decide as a group which skulls to go crack.

I'm leaning towards the more straight-forward kobold-bounty, myself.

I don't trust this elf as far as I could throw him.
Oh. Well I guess Brawn could throw him quite a ways actually. (*Hmmmmm... that's an idea.) ;)


First Post
I am here. As a lizardman though, I cannot see good clothing as something that he would be willing to work for. He would go along with the party if they are looking to head that way. So, I am waiting for the party to decide if they really want to accept the payment.


reapersaurus said:
OOC: I'm not sure what exactly holding it up, but i think it's this side-scene you've got with 'interrogating' the seer that's thrown the resat of us for a loop.

Are we supposed to wait for it to finish, and he returns with the info he obtained?

Are we supposed to set out to drop off the no-arm girl (I guess to call the NPC "Bob" would be in tragically bad taste? ;) )? If so, who's leading this parade?

And in-character, what are the rewards if our characters do this? What prospect for cash OR adventure?

Well you missed the post then where Darkwolf came up for breath, and hasn't gone back down. He wants to delay the rest of his questions for later, so his character is ready to move on.

He told you the answers to the first two questions he asked, so you can look at what I told him, but only for the first two...

I wouldn't use the word "supposed" since I'm not a DM that forces the players to do anything. Kal's characters personal motivation was to keep her alive, and now travel to Allimon to have her treated.

In Character, the reward? Well right now, the reward would be that you made a much closer friend out of Kalanyr's character by helping him do somethign that is a little against your own will. As far as any other rewards I don't think you have looked into those venues yet, but getting the woman treated seems to be preventing you guys from going frelancing.

I actually need just one or two posts that say "we buy a wagon, we buy a few horses, and we set off towards allimon with the rest of the group, the strange man, the wounded woman, and our treasure from the defeated troll." That would probably push the story along to it's next road, but then again you guys could do a million other things.

I think if I presented you with more options of things to do, it would possibly overwhelm your group. Too many motivations can divide players, but if you all accomodate each other, that tends to work.

In my RL games, I basically run it this way. I give the players a world that is litterally overflowing with adventure to have, and they all pick one line and ride it till it's end. They tend to let one character lead them on a path at a time, and when that character's story arc is wrapped up, another player will have built up enough things he needs to do to open up a totally new story arc...

Just an example using your current leads,

Let's say you all travel to Allimon, and get the priest to help you by whatever means... this would satisfy Kal's characters current desires, and he could take a back seat to the next adventure, which is hunting down kobolds in the northern sea-caves, which satisfies brawn. By that point, I will have probably given enough ammunition for the group to find a more permanent adventure career following a guild, but if not, there will probably be a number of leads that involve Mak's family -just for instance.\\

But don't feel limited... if all else fails, post a couple times that your just "waiting" and I'll probably find some excuse to provide some more motivations...

I know my style is strange: so this is just an education into my style. As I told you once, it's my attempt to do the opposite of railroading: providing the characters unlimited freedom. You of course remember the line where I told you that the "white rocks" could easily be a seed for an epic adventure if only your character chooses to make that true, by attempting to fulfill his own ideas and concepts...

Maybe I'm a little too long-winded though, since this isn't a face-to-face game... afterall the logic is VERY different...

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