List of potential post-OGL 5E replacement RPGs

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I understand these systems are "not D&D". Are forumers doublechecking that these systems have solid "open licenses" to use them as a foundation for independent development?


Bugbears and Borderlands by @Sacrosanct is a simplified 5e that is being reworked to remove the need for the OGL (available now under OGL). It takes the opposite approach from LevelUp in providing a simpler vesion of 5e. This is more my groups speed, though I do love LevelUp myself.

PS it is incredibly cheap at $1.00 USD for the PDF (print versions are reasonable too).
Bugbears and Borderlands is my current favorite 5e-lite. I have been looking for a 5e-lite ruleset for years, I have found systems that I loved (Machiato Monsters, Index Card RPG...) but none was exactly the shade of 5e-lite that I was looking for, and I was too busy (lazy?) to write mine. And then I read Bugbears and Borderlands, and I was like "it's just what I was looking for!"


I understand these systems are "not D&D". Are forumers doublechecking that these systems have solid "open licenses" to use them as a foundation for independent development?
Fateforge uses the OGL (and continues to do so in their current Kickstarter), Black Flag will use ORC.


I understand these systems are "not D&D". Are forumers doublechecking that these systems have solid "open licenses" to use them as a foundation for independent development?
Fateforge is essentially D&D and I am pretty sure uses the OGL because of that (haven’t checked). Whether they added any OGC, no idea

There won’t be any games under ORC yet and what Kobold Press and Cubicle 7 use for their new one, who knows. With the SRD now being under CC they certainly now have options they did not originally envision


I haven't really checked them, I'm currently rather occupied with digesting PF2. I got the monster book from KS and it's pretty.
But the books are PWYW, so you can check it yourself. It's close to the SRD, with subclasses, etc added. It also already referred to races as species.
I checked a preview an ancient dragon from the bestiary, always my go to, and I wasn't impressed. I am less interested at the moment, but I might check out the core book. Thank you for the suggestion!

I also have an issue with PF2 dragons, but that is not my big issue with that system.


Fateforge is essentially D&D and I am pretty sure uses the OGL because of that (haven’t checked). Whether they added any OGC, no idea

There won’t be any games under ORC yet and what Kobold Press and Cubicle 7 use for their new one, who knows. With the SRD now being under CC they certainly now have options they did not originally envision
Fateforge is OGL


I checked a preview an ancient dragon from the bestiary, always my go to, and I wasn't impressed. I am less interested at the moment, but I might check out the core book. Thank you for the suggestion!

I also have an issue with PF2 dragons, but that is not my big issue with that system.
In my opinion 3rd edition perfected the dragon designs, so I agree. D&D 5 did well in bringing those designs back.

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