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Lobo's Elven Space Invader's Game

Lobo Lurker

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"Help? Oh, no no no... you misunderstand." He grins hugely. "I'm just here doing my job and as I'm not explicitly forbidden to talk to anyone..." he spreads his hands expansively so as to take you all in.

At Quandrus's question his face takes on a theatrical frown. "Unfortunately its not so simple as that. I can't really talk about a lot of this, but this is just idle talk between friends; we're friends right? Anyway, I'm not specifically bound but the princes I am bound to are."

He looks at you gravely, each in turn. "Understand, no matter how detestible I and my brothers and cousins may find this pogrom, we are bound to obey our princes... its part of our very nature, written on the tones of our souls."

"Still, we have to do as we're told but we only have to do what we're told."

"So," he asks. "Do you need any wine?"

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
"I may wish a bit, but my question stands. Perhaps you can answer this one: How long will you watch before you report? Perhaps a *very* long watching is needed? Or perhaps there is some other group trying to escape that you need to watch."


First Post
Anderson frowns slightly. The addition of wine should prove to be of much detriment to their king-given quest, for a clear head seems necessary. "My friends, maybe this djinn's mission was not to spy, but to delay. And at that he is successful. We should not linger. We must get to safety." He reins his horse around to face the rest. "For the twelve!"
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First Post
Lobo Lurker said:
He looks at you gravely, each in turn. "Understand, no matter how detestible I and my brothers and cousins may find this pogrom, we are bound to obey our princes... its part of our very nature, written on the tones of our souls."
Charles moves his horse forward a bit, his celestial unicorn companion staying right next to him, "Excuse me sir, but can you tell us why we are being attacked?"


Princess Kiera moves forward and nods in greeting to the Djinn. "I doubt that he.. it... he?" (She pauses, uncertain for a moment before continuing on) "Can tell us much of import, as he said this is just idle chatter between friends, right? But come, walk with us for a ways and talk.. as friends are wont to do." She politely declines the wine, as drinking while seated two on a horse is a bit problematic. "However, I would suggest we wait until he has departed to decide our final destination.. he would have to report it if they asked him, but if it was unknown, then he couldn't tell them, could he?" She smiles at her new Friend. "By the way, I don't suppose you understand Dwarvish, do you?" She asks him in dwarvish "Does anybody?"


First Post
Quandrus reaches around putting an arm around Inharra, pulling her close and whispering. "Could you perhaps inquire as to state of affairs on your home plane that would allow this...arrangement my dear?"
Inharra flits up from under his cloak after a slight pause, making lazy circles as she more or less approaches the djinn, stopping a respectful distance away while being within casual talking distance (15ft). She bows in the air before him and addresses him in auran. "What dire news from the landholds good sir? That would allow such a...bargain to be struck? Have the caliphs come under some dark spell to allow this genocide to occur?"


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"I don't," Lily says woodenly to Kiera. "I learned the languages of our most likely foes...the orcs and goblins. This new threat was unexpected."

Lobo Lurker

First Post
"Wine it is for my silver-handed friend!" exclaims the Djinn. He claps his hands together and 7 flasks of wine appear on the ground in front of you.

"I must watch for humans fleeing the city. I wasn't sent looking for you lot explicitly, I just saw the makings of party and decided to say hello; I DO so love a party." A fluted glass of wine appears in his hand and he drains it. "Ahh, not so strong and a bit fruity but I like it."

"Perhaps you will be leaving now, or perhaps later. All that I was sent to find out is if there were survivors and which way they went. I will depart as soon as you do." he winks.

"Perhaps you will be going south, to the despicable greenskins... the califs know that they have no elven troubles though I think that the elves do not like them much. Or perhaps you will go east to the dwarves... those lovers of gold and earth have not opened thier borders or granted asylum in a millenia, but perhaps they will make an exception for you?"

"So many questions!" He exclaims. "I do not know why our elven taskmasters have taken against you. You will need to discover that for yourselves."

To Kiera he says, in Dwarvish, "Of course I know the language of the short ones. We djinni do like treasure and I daresay the dwarves like gold as much as we do."

"As to the state of affairs on my home plane, well let just say that the elves have the ears of some very prominant djinn... and a facility with magic that would make even the strongest of us flinch."


First Post
Lobo Lurker said:
"So many questions!" He exclaims. "I do not know why our elven taskmasters have taken against you. You will need to discover that for yourselves."
Charles nods his head politely, "Good djinn, I am glad that you are willing to converse with us. Is it possible you could tell us your name, since we are close enough to share wine? My name is Charles."

OOC: Is this where Persuasion comes in? Like diplomacy, we've talked to him for a while. Here's my roll if I'm supposed to make it: Persuasion (1d20+12=13) Ouch.

Voidrunner's Codex

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