Lone Wolf Prepping to bring D&D 5th Edition to HEROLAB!

Lone Wolf Development, the makers of the popular Hero Lab character generation software which already covers a wide range of games, has just announced that it is already preparing its software for D&D 5th Edition. While no license exists, their statement (below) indicates that they are fully expecting one and that they are confident enough that they have already started work.

Lone Wolf Development, the makers of the popular Hero Lab character generation software which already covers a wide range of games, has just announced that it is already preparing its software for D&D 5th Edition. While no license exists, their statement (below) indicates that they are fully expecting one and that they are confident enough that they have already started work.

[lq]Proceeding under the assumption that a license will allow us to support D&D 5th Edition, we’ve been making significant preparations within our products.[/lq]
Since the release of Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition this past summer, users have been asking if we will be supporting this new edition in our products. To clear up any speculation, we wanted to clarify our official position.

Supporting D&D 5th Edition will require a license of some sort from Wizards of the Coast. While we haven’t signed a license at this time, indications are that Wizards of the Coast will soon release an “open” (OGL or SRD) license for D&D 5th Edition, just like they did a decade ago for D&D 3rd edition. An open license like this would allow other publishers to use selected content from the new edition in their products. If that occurs, we will fully support D&D 5th Edition within both Hero Lab and Realm Works, to the extent that any license allows.

How likely is it that Wizards of the Coast will release an OGL or SRD license for D&D 5th Edition? No formal announcement has been made. However, multiple public statements from members of the D&D design team have indicated plans for portions of D&D 5th Edition to be made available under the OGL in some form.

Proceeding under the assumption that a license will allow us to support D&D 5th Edition, we’ve been making significant preparations within our products. If an OGL license is announced, we’ll be as ready as possible to get the OGL content to our users. Obviously, it will take some time after any formal announcement to finish up our work and make sure everything we have is in compliance with any license, but we’ll be working as quickly as possible to get everything into our users’ hands.

When we have more information about 5th Edition support, we’ll let you know!

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Radiating Gnome

I'll be one of the first in line to buy this -- I've been using Hero Lab for other games for quite some time. But I'm not as optimistic about the license as they seem to be. I hope they're right and I'm wrong!


First Post
This will pretty much obviate any reason for me to financially support Morningstar, even if they had a 5E version. HeroLab is pretty much all I want from a digital offering for D&D that is not fulfilled via simple PDF's.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
This will pretty much obviate any reason for me to financially support Morningstar, even if they had a 5E version. HeroLab is pretty much all I want from a digital offering for D&D that is not fulfilled via simple PDF's.

Hmm? Morningstar is for Pathfinder, not D&D 5E.

Hollow Man

Previously only Morningstar had enough development done to support D&D 5e when WotC releases their new OGL. Now, with Lone Wolf throwing their hat in the ring, it gives 5e players another option to go to for electronic needs. It's one more reason for 5e players to hold onto their money right now, i.e. not donate to Trapdoor's Kickstarter, and instead wait for both to come to market, then pick the one that best suits their needs.



First Post
Shrewd business move, Hero Labs.

Yeah I hope WotC takes note and throws their support behind them. I would even be okay with Lonewolf developing a stand alone application based off of Herolab but just for 5e, that way WotC could move the sale and licensing of the program to their website, I imagine that would be a more appealing set up from WotC's perspective.

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