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Looking for a Game in the Somerset, Richmond, Lexington area


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Hi all,

I'm a long time gamer who has moved about a fair bit acquiring my education. THis summer, I will be making what will (hopefully) be my last move. I'm going back to my hometown, a small, but happy (for me) place called Somerset, KY. I have a group of friends in Louisville, who I will probably be able to start gaming with again, though only about once per month. What I am looking for is a group in Somerset, Richmond, or (at the farthest) Lexington that I can game with on a more regular basis, say 2-3 times per month, maybe weekly.

I am most interested in playing in or running a D&D 3.5 game as the groups primary campaign, but taking frequent breaks, or maybe designating one session per month or two to experiment with other systems. I am leaving a great group in Toledo with whom I have played Mutants and Masterminds, Legend of the Five Rings, Star Wars (D20), Top Secret SI, Boot Hill, D20 Modern (with a zombie survival horror setting), Call of Cthulhu, Serenity, and probably something I have forgotten.

Oh yeah, a little about myself... I'm in my early 30s, professionally employed, a homeowner (and will continue to be after the move), decent guy with no kids. I'm married to a woman who doesn't game, but enjoys a lot of stuff from the fantasy/sci-fi genres and actually attends Gen Con with me. I added that last bit in so you won't be afraid to game with her around.


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I live just west of Danville, and I grew up in Somerset. Graduated as a Briar Jumper in 1988.
I'm trying to find a 3.5 group myself. I know a few players in Richmond and Lexington, but scheduling with them has been almost impossible. Right now I work third shift with Fri. and Sat. off.

My dream is to find enough people interested in gaming in this large area south of Lexington that there could be a few different gaming groups going at the same time.
There is a comic shop in Danville (Comic Cosmos) that has some RPG stuff, but I haven't seen much in the way of gamers there. I signed up with them to be notified if anyone tried to get a game together, but I haven't heard anything at all.

Feel free to e-mail me at aegis409 at adelphia dot net and maybe we can find a group, or get one going.


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So, I've been in touch with Llhorgrim via e-mail since this original post, and we have some leads. That said, I'd love to find a few more gamers in the vicinity of Somerset, Berea, Richmond, and Lexington. I'm open to playing most anything. Ideally, I'd like to be involved in a long term D&D 3.5 game and rotate through a lot of other games. Give me a yell.



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I know how hard it is to get a group going again. I was running a great group here in Louisville and then two players let things get personal. I was curious about the people you know who play in Louisville as I am trying to rebuild a group.


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I know several people who play or played in Louisville. World of Warcraft has become foremost for them at present, though I suspect we'll all do some tabletop gaming when I am back in-state. Three of them are a husband wife duo and a friend who lives in their basement. Another is a pretty normal guy in his mid to late twenties by now (gods, how I've aged). If you e-mail me I could probably help you to get in touch with them.

copatt (at) ameritech (dot) net

Guy #1- is in his mid to late 30s. He's a pretty normal guy who works with computers and is into WoW. He was typically our DM, and is probably a better DM than player. His style is kind of old school and Gygaxian encounters linked with second edition storytelling. He has updated to 3.0 (if not 3.5 by now) rules.

Guy #1's wife- is a relatively casual player. She enjoys playing spellcasters infused with essentially her own personality.

Guy #2 (who lives in their basement)- is similar in age to guy #1. He's a consumate gamer who often sees things in numbers (as such he is really taken by WoW right now). That said, he also infuses his tabletop characters with awesome personality that often lends itself to helping a DM right subplots, side adventures, etc. He and guy #1 play off each other really well.

Guy #3- Guy #3 is all about characterization and story telling. He's a good DM, but better player. Other commitments often keep him away from the game.


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