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Looking for Players in Chicago suburbs


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Games are on alternating Saturday evenings in Mount Prospect. We start some time around 5:30 or 6:00 pm and go to about 10:30 or 11:00. Next game is on November 26th. Some of our players are in Batavia and Aurora, so car-pooling or an alternate site in Batavia are both possible if everyone agrees to it.

I'm currently running a campaign that started in Eberron and is now in my own world, called Vallaya. The game is 7th to 8th level.

If you are interested send me an e-mail at mark.adair.stevens@gmail.com

Here's my introduction to the general setting and the particular world that I'm running the game in.

Long ago, before the last ice age, aliens called the Kalki or Ancient Ones created a network of gateways between planets. There was a gate on Earth. Since humans could breath the same air as the Ancients, the Kalki used humans as cheap slave labor, and took them to other planets on their galaxy-spanning network. Magitech takes place in the past, present, or future on any of the planets conquered by the Kalki.

Magitech settings combine ultra-realistic historical, modern, or science fiction technology with high-powered magic. These are worlds where magic is both subtle and spectacular and where the chemistry, physics, and biology of our own world still applies.

Vallaya, the world that I'm running the game in, is a world with hundreds of cultures, millions of species, and thousands of biochemically different beings. Until 250 years ago when Brohnian explorers discovered the edge of the world, none of the current political or cultural powers had developed anything resembling a world view. Most countries were aware of their immediate neighbors, but the rest of the world was shrouded in a fog of legend. Now there are 4 colonial powers vying for world domination. In addition to new magical learning from the East, people have invented new non-magical technologies, including the printing press and firearms.

Vallaya has a physical and planar cosmology that is completely different than standard d20.

Vallaya is a moon of a gas giant orbiting a yellow-white (F class) dwarf star somewhere in the same Milky Way galaxy that contains the Earth (or a galaxy very much like it).

Vallaya is more magical than most of the surrounding universe, in part because of mysterious things the dragons did thousands of years ago.

Coterminous and coexistent with the Material Plane there is a plane of existence called the Dreamland that resembles a dream-like, ever-changing vision of the Material Plane.
The deep Dreamland, far away from the Material Plane gives way to the Spirit Realms. This is where SuperNatural creatures like Undead, Elementals, and Nature Spirits come from.

Beyond the Spirit Realms are the 18 Faerie Realms (Affan, Avalon, Bryn Yr Ellyllon, Caer Wydyr, Dis, Emhain, The Flaming Hills, Gehenna, Hy Breasail, Knockma, Mag Mor, Mag Mell, Tre Nam Beo, Tir Nan Og, Tir Sorcha, Tir Rairngire, Tirfo Thuinn, and Tirn Aill), the Dragon Realms, the Infinite Celestial Spheres of Heaven, and The Fathomless Infernal Abysses of Hell.
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First Post
Location is in the suburbs. Two of us live in Mount Prospect, two are in Batavia, and one is in Aurora. The game location is likely to be Mount Prospect, but we can play in Batavia if that is more convienient for new players.

Games typically go from a little after 5:30 pm to some time around 10:30 pm.

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