D&D General Overview of Ennoism (Homebrew Gnostic Religion)


5e Freelancer
This is a homebrew religion I've been working on for over a month. It's definitely the most in-depth fantasy religion I've ever made and I took inspiration from a lot of real world religions to make it. The main influences were Mandaeism and other Gnostic religions, but there is a large amount of other religions splashed here and there (Jainism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Jewish Mysticism, etc). Plus the normal D&D elements, like the good and evil god and planes of existence, celestials and fiends, and so on. I'm posting this here for a couple reasons. First, I would like feedback if anyone is interested. This post is very long, so I understand if most people aren't. Second, is just to have a mostly-finished draft finally completed so I can stop worrying about it. I've been adding to/tweaking with this religion for way too long, it is way longer than I thought it was going to be when I started this. I wanted to make a religion that felt like it could exist in the real world, so I did a lot of reading on real world religions to develop Ennoism. There are even a few sections that I cut because this was too long and I just wanted to be done (rituals, holidays, examples of hymns and scriptures). I might add them later. Anyway, here's the religion:


Ennoea is the only god. As am I. As are you.

Ennoism is one of the main religions of Tibil, with many sects, schisms, and interpretations across the world. It originated 2,500 years ago, evolving from the polytheistic religion that is still widely followed. Ennoists claim that the knowledge of the divine and karma-cleansing rituals lead to eternal enlightenment and allow the souls of the faithful to merge with the great god of light and knowledge, Ennoea. Ennoists believe that the natural world is sinful and was created through the infernal scheme of Ahriman; the Father of Lies and spirit of evil that slew Ennoea. God is dead, and Ennoists believe that they can resurrect him through the sacrifice of the souls of all mortals. As a reward for enacting this grand plan, Ennoists believe that the true afterlife is one of eternal bliss and oneness with Ennoea.

Creation Myth

In the beginning, there was nothing except for the wholeness of light and truth, the eternal and infinite true god, Ennoea: The Absolute Mind, the Barbelo, the Monad, the Mother-Father, and the Hundred-Named-Lord. Ennoea contained all of existence, being formed of Aether as the Realm of Light. Ennoea's Pleroma was the totality of all that ever could be, an eternal syzygy beyond time or space. The First Mind began to think, and as it was the entirety of existence, it could only think of itself. It began to organize facets of itself like Wisdom (Sophia), Salvation (Manda), Purity (Bihram), and all other aspects of its identity into Aeons (light beings embodying parts of its personality). As Ennoea pondered its multitudes, it questioned its existence as a whole of conflicting concepts. If it contained Truth, mustn’t it also contain Lies? If it contained Light, what of the Darkness?

Thus the light of truth cast its own shadow, and Ahriman, the First Emanation, was formed. All of the purity of Ennoea was twisted and corrupted in Ahriman. Ennoea was full of light, truth, and knowledge and Ahriman was full of dark, lies, and ignorance. Originally Ahriman was just a small aspect of Ennoea, but began to spread falsehoods of individuality and freedom throughout the Pleroma. Fearing the corruption of the entirety of existence, Ennoea excised Ahriman and the corrupted Aeons, banishing them from the Pleroma into the World of Darkness.

The fall from glory enraged Ahriman and his Archons (the corrupted Aeons). Being separated from the Pleroma, they were lost and filled with anger. Ahriman was a jealous and vengeful god and began to scheme. Misery loves company, and Ahriman could not rest until the Pleroma was vanquished. Ahriman and his Archons were equal in power to Ennoea and the Aeons, as all the cosmos must remain balanced. If Ennoea created something with its power, Ahriman would be forced to create a dark reflection of it, and vice-versa. Ahriman wished to create a world to strip Ennoea of its power, but could not leave the World of Darkness, so he began by creating Yaldabaoth, the Demiurge, God of Creation. Ahriman ordered his firstborn son to create a realm between the Realm of Light and the World of Darkness, in the gray mist where the powers meet and the Pleroma could not reach.

Yaldabaoth began to create the world using the powers of Ahriman, forcing Ennoea to emanate an equal and opposite reflection. Yaldabaoth created Karma from the essence of Ahriman, and Ennoea created pure sparks of light and life, Mana. Yaldabaoth created the planets and life to trap Mana on the Material Plane, so Ennoea created death and the stars to allow the souls to return to Pleroma. After the world was created, Yaldabaoth drained most of the power from Ahriman and Ennoea, separating the Aeons and Celestial Realms from the Pleroma, and causing them to forget Ennoea. Ennoea and Ahriman both became dormant, slumbering from the loss of their power. He looked upon his Creation, which he named Tibil, and saw that it was good. Content that his goal was finished, he finally returned to the World of Darkness to rest.

On Tibil, the humanoid races eventually gained sentience and began to worship the Aeons and Archons, not knowing the origin of the world or the nature of their souls. After being separated from the Pleroma, the only Aeon that remembered Ennoea was Sophia, the goddess of Wisdom and Knowledge. Sophia began sending visions and messengers (Uthra/Angels) to her followers, telling them of the glory of Ennoea and the divine plan of eternal reunification. Her priests began to warn her followers of Karma and the importance of purifying your soul in running water to allow you to return to Ennoea after death. She taught that worldly desires are of Ahriman, and to shun the unclean. After spreading the word, Sophia left to merge with Ennoea, never being heard of again. Thus, Sophia was dead and the former priests of Sophia became the first Ennoists.

Schisms and Denominations

The Mysteries of Sophia - This sect is the remnant of the few followers of Sophia who did not follow the teachings of the early Ennoists. The Razians, as others call them, seek to uncover the mystery of Sophia’s disappearance. As a mystery cult, the rites of initiation and worship are secret and Razians are required to keep their membership hidden from even close family and friends. Due to this, the true beliefs of the Razians are mostly unknown, other than the fact that they are polytheistic and believe that Sophia will return one day. The Razians’ secrecy combined with Ennoist persecution and slander has tainted the common perception of this religion, with most people believing that they’re malignant cultists who use intrigue, enchantments, and murder to prevent their unholy secrets from being uncovered. Their scriptures and other secret texts are written in cipher text on scrolls hidden in cryptexes.

The Children of Ahriman - The origins of this religion are mostly unknown. While many claim that it’s an early offshoot of Ennoism founded by Tieflings, the official Ennoist stance is that it originated with evil devil worshippers twisting the teachings of Sophia. Ahrists believe that Ennoea cooperated with Ahriman in the creation of Tibil, and attempted to recreate the Pleroma in an act of envious spite. Ahriman’s Plan of scattering mana and karma is spun as a selfless sacrifice intended to protect his children. God was killed in self-defense, and it is the mission of Ahrists to keep him dead and resurrect their master. While Sophian Ennoists view most of its offshoots as blasphemous, Ahrism is the most dangerous heresy and the fiercest rival of the teachings and goals of Ennoism. Ennoists have tried for centuries to exterminate this heretical creed through propaganda and persecution, to little success.

Yazatan Ennoism - Claiming to be the original version of Ennoism, Yazatan Ennoists venerate Ennoea and the Aeons. While other Ennoists accuse them of paganism, the Yazatans claim that because the Aeons are embodiments of Ennoea’s personality, the worship of an Aeon is, in essence, the same as worshipping Ennoea. Furthermore, Yazatans preach that to complete the trials of the afterlife one must come to appreciate and understand all of these aspects of Ennoea. Another point that sets Yazatans apart from other Ennoists is their extreme iconoclasm. Yazatans claim that because the natural world is impure, attempting to create physical representations of Ennoea and the Aeons is sacrilegious.

The Followers of Seleria - Selerists follow the additional teachings of the prophetess Lady Seleria who preached that resurrection and reincarnation are necessary to purify the world to prepare for the reunification with Ennoea. Unlike other Ennoists, Selerists are a highly organized hierarchical religion with a head of faith, following the Grand Bishop (successors to Lady Seleria). Additionally, they preach that good deeds, not rituals and beliefs, are key to ridding the world of karma. While most Ennoists regard them as little more than a hero cult that pays more heed to the heretical teachings of Seleria than the holy scriptures of Sophia and fundamentally misunderstand key aspects of Ennoism, they are largely seen as far less harmful than other denominations. Some non-Selerian Ennoists even honor Seleria as a Gnostisattva; a saint that could choose to reunify with Ennoea after death, but instead chooses reincarnation to spread the teachings of Sophia.

Gymnosophism - One of the rarest and most misunderstood sects of Ennoism, the priests and monks/nuns of Gymnosophist Ennoism practice an extreme level of nonviolence and asceticism. These clergymen own nothing, not even clothing, and rely on the almsgiving of their followers to survive. Gymnosophists believe that following the teachings of Sophia and the Gnostisattvas are a good basis for the path to enlightenment, only priests can unite with Ennoea after death. Additionally, avoiding the accumulation of karma and ensuring a safe journey through the afterlife requires nonviolence and abstinence from indulging in the pleasures of the world, such as sex, drugs, flavorful foods, and personal possessions. Although only the clergy are believed to merge with Ennoea after death, all Gymnosophists practice meditation, periods of fasting, and nonviolence to avoid gathering excessive amounts of karma. Gymnosophists also typically keep shrines to the Gnostisattvas in their households.

Sophian Ennoism - The mainstream denomination of Ennoism and sect most people think of when discussing Ennoism, Sophianism can trace its roots back to priests of Sophia who became the first Ennoists. Sophians claim to be the only true religion on Tibil, the stewards of truth, good, and light. Most other religions contain small parts of the truth, only Sophian Ennoism contains the full truth of existence and path to enlightenment. Sophian Ennoists preach that the worship of Archons is an unholy abomination punishable by death, and the following of Aeons is largely pointless, as true life and knowledge can only come from Ennoea. Sophian rituals focus largely on daily prayers, ritual washing, and weekly baptisms, with holy water being immensely important to the religion. They believe that through intricate funerary rites, the souls of Ennoists can reunite with Ennoea and eventually reform the Pleroma.

Uthraist Ennoism - While Uthraist Ennoism is an ethnoreligious group with unique beliefs, it is not a separate religion or denomination. It is more accurate to describe it as a movement within Ennoism, evolving from the supremacist beliefs of Ildrithian Ennoists in modern Aasimar city-states. There is incredible diversity in the beliefs of Uthraist Ennoism and there is no unified canon or scripture specific to this movement. The only unifying principle of the movement is that Aasimar are seen as a super-human race innately superior to all others. Uthraists believe that due to the Uthra (angel) ichor that flows through Aasimar veins, they are born closer to Ennoea than other peoples, and therefore aren’t required to perform the regular rituals of Ennoists, such as prayers, baptisms, and ritual washings. Though almost all Aasimar Ennoists follow this movement, there are non-Aasimar Uthraists. This line of thinking has led to many Uthraists calling for the genocide of other races, believing that this will force their souls to be reincarnated as Aasimar and cause the reunification of the Pleroma to come about sooner. Due to their racist and often genocidal philosophy (along with Aasimar denial of Ildrithian atrocities), fierce hatred of Uthraists is understandably widespread amongst most religions and ethnicities. Most Uthraists follow Sophianism, but there are some Uthraist Gymnosophists and Selerists.

Ennoist Scriptures

The various denominations of Ennoists believe in a variety of holy writings, differing from sect to sect.

Codex Sophiakushta - This holy book is said to be the transcription of Sophia’s teachings, written by the first Ennoist priests shortly after her reunification with Ennoea. Almost all Ennoists view this book as their core scripture, though different versions and translations exist which can alter the interpretation of Sophia’s teachings.

The Prajna Sutras - A compilation of teachings attributed to the Gnostisattvas, the Prajna Sutras are typically only viewed as canon by the Gymnosophists.

The Yazgathas - Compiled by the bard Zoreondus the Old, who Yazatans claim was a reincarnated Gnostisattva, the Yazgathas are a compilation of poems and hymns that praise the Aeons alongside Ennoea.

Important Doctrine and Metaphysical Principles

Resurrection - Due to the belief that death is necessary for the reunification of the Pleroma, resurrection is rare amongst Ennoists (except for Selerists). Typically only performed in desperate circumstances (such as on a monarch that has no heir or great hero during times of need), there is no explicit ban on resurrection. However, those that needlessly perform resurrections or are resurrected are often shunned by their fellow Ennoists.

Necromancy and Undead - While the prospect of reanimating the bodies of friends and family members is unsettling to Ennoists, there is nothing inherently taboo about creating non-sentient undead (such as Zombies, Skeletons, or Ghouls). There have been several cases of Ennoist necromancers using their powers to help win a conflict, so necromancy is often seen as merely a tool. Although non-sentient undead aren’t prohibited, the creation of sentient undead very much is. According to Ennoist beliefs, all souls must merge with Ennoea to restore the pleroma, so the existence of sentient undead (Liches, Ghosts, etc) is viewed as a problem that must be remedied before the end of the world. Ennoist adventurers who come across sentient undead must lay them to rest to allow their souls to pass on.

Murder and Genocide - Among the most extreme beliefs of Ennoism is the idea that the murder or even genocide of non-Ennoists could help speed up the restoration of pleroma. According to Ennoist beliefs, this would eventually force all souls to be reincarnated as Ennoists, and allow them to merge with Ennoea sooner than they would have otherwise. This concept, called the Hayyitaher (or “Great Cleansing”) is currently a fringe belief, but has been attempted by the Sophian Church in the past. This belief is presently relegated to extreme Uthraists who believe this could be applied to all non-Aasimar (zahr), even fellow Sophian Ennoists, to have a similar effect.

Priests - Every sect of Ennoism has a different system for its clergy, some being hierarchical (Selerists and Sophians), with others being less so (Gymnosophists and Yazatans). Most Ennoist priests wear pure white robes that symbolize the purity of Ennoea. Gymnosophists are the sole exceptions, for obvious reasons.

In Sophianism, there are 4 levels of priests (starting with the lowest rank):

  1. Ashganda: Children selected from pious families to be apprentices to priests. They are taught to read Celescreole, observe priestly rituals, and understand the teachings of the Codex Sophiakushta.
  2. Tarmida: After an ashganda reaches adulthood, if they haven’t committed any grave sins, they can be initiated as a tarmida. This allows them to choose a priestly name and perform simple rituals.
  3. Ganzibra: As high priests, the ganzibra administer the most important rituals.
  4. Risemma: The title for the 7 priests in charge of the Sophian faith.
Gnostisattva (also known as mandavar) - In Sophian Ennoism, the Gnostisattva are mortals that can merge with Ennoea, but choose to reincarnate to continue to preach the words of Sophia to the unconverted. There are believed to be at least 7 Gnostisattva, the first disciples of Sophia to convert to Ennoism. These Gnostisattvas were:
  1. Yuhana the Immerser - Yuhana was the first baptized by Sophia’s avatar, and codified the Sophian baptism ritual. He founded the first House of Knowledge (Mandi) on the banks of the Yarden River and continued to baptize Ennoists until he died of old age. The capital of Ildrith was built around this Mandi, and its ruins were renovated into the Gabbatha, the court of the Angelic Council of Avelos.
  2. Zadia the Scribe - Zadia was the main author of the Codex Sophiakushta, transcribing the teachings of Sophia and other Gnostisattvas. She is also the purported writer of the Prajna Sutras and some Yazgathan poems.
  3. Shishlam the Prophet - Shishlam founded the priesthood of Sophian Ennoism and appointed the successors to his fellow Gnostisattvas after they departed from Tibil. He outlived all of his fellow Gnostisattvas, except for Shetil.
  4. Ezlat the Pure - Wife of Shishlam and brother of Yuhana, Ezlat was the mother of 7 children, all of whom went on to become the rulers of a realm or kingdom. Due to this, she is often called the Mother of 7 Nations and many Ennoist nobles and monarchs claim to be the descendants of Ezlat.
  5. Shetil the Eternal - According to the Codex Sophiakushta, Shetil never died. He is still alive somewhere in the Realms of Light, helping dead souls on their journey through the afterlife.
  6. Daia the Songstress - Daia composed many Ennoist hymns and is said to have travelled the land converting many to Ennoism with her beautiful music.
  7. Zazai the Crusader - Zazai was a great warrior and zealous paladin. After the foundation of the Sophian Church, Zazai launched the first Great Cleansing and massacred thousands of innocent people in an attempt to eradicate other religions.
In the past couple of millennia, many people have claimed to be reincarnations of the Gnostisattvas. For example, Zoreondus claimed to be the reincarnation of Daia, and some claim that Seleria was the reincarnated Shetil (although this is supposed to be impossible). All male Avelosian monarchs have claimed to be reincarnations of Yuhana and all female monarchs claim to be reincarnations of Ezlat. Both Queen-Mother Arsino IX and her daughter Queen Qlopetra VI claim to be reincarnations of Ezlat, even though both of them are still alive.

Pleroma - The goal of Ennoism, and the state of being in the beginning of the universe, pleroma means “fullness,” representing the state of harmony and fullness of existence before the creation of Tibil. Ennoists believe that this was a sort of “aura” that enveloped Ennoea and its Aeons, filling them with bliss and totality of knowledge. Ennoists believe that Yaldabaoth destroyed both Ennoea and Ahriman. Sophia taught that all children of Ennoea must reach enlightenment and sacrifice their souls, eventually restoring the pleroma.

Kenoma - The supposed goal of Ahriman and his children. This is the emptiness of all existence, the heat death of the soul. If achieved all souls will be permanently trapped in an eternally dead universe, and all energy will be too scattered to reunite. The goal of reuniting Ennoea or Ahriman will be impossible and reality will be forever doomed.

Shekhinah - Translated literally, shekhinah means “dwelling place,” but is typically used to describe the holiest part of temples that is closest to Ennoea. In Uthraist Ennoism, the shroud of holy radiation that envelops Ildrithian ruins is called a shekhinah.

Mana (also called aether or quintessence) - The 5th element, the essence of light and magic, and the animating spark that souls are made of. All mana comes from Ennoea, and Ennoists believe that these sparks must be returned to Ennoea to restore the Pleroma. Ennoea’s physical form was made of matter, and the other elements were created through the division of mana. The Realms of Light are made of mana, the Worlds of Darkness are made of karma, and Tibil is made of both. Many Ennoists believe that all mortal souls are made of mana, while the souls of Tieflings are made of Karma. This has led to a long history of Ennoists persecuting Tieflings.

Karma - Dark matter that attaches to souls, preventing them from reuniting with Ennoea after death and causing reincarnation. Most Ennoists believe that karma is naturally attracted to souls, and must be cleansed through rituals (ritual washing, baptism, etc). Gymnosophists believe that karma is generated through harmful and selfish acts and that the more karma a soul has gathered, the more likely the soul is to be reincarnated in the next life as a lower life form (animal or plant). Thus, Gymnosophists don’t do the typical purification rituals other Ennoists do (ritual washing, baptism, prayer), instead focusing on avoiding karma as much as possible.

Laufa (connection) - When the soul is cleansed of karma, the soul’s mana becomes almost magnetically pulled towards Ennoea. This force is called laufa, or connection. This supposedly allows one to achieve Manda and for priests to call divine magic from Ennoea. Laufa is a guiding current for the soul in the afterlife, guiding them to the Matarta and helping souls succeed in their posthumous trials. Uthraists believe that Aasimar are born naturally with Laufa, and this purportedly allows them to forego the typical Ennoist cleansing rituals.

Manda (also called gnosis, moksha, or nirvana) - The pure knowledge of the divine that allows one to merge with Ennoea after death. It is gained after completing all of the tests at the Matarta, causing the soul to dissolve and merge with Ennoea.

Yardenah - The Ennoist name for holy water, being named after the Yarden River (on which Avelos is built, and where Sophia baptized the Gnostisattvas). The shekhinah temporarily transforms water that flows through it into holy water. This transformation can be made permanent through priestly blessings. Due to the ease of access and importance for Sophian rituals, holy water is one of the main exports of Aasimar cities. Additionally, if an Aasimar drinks holy water, they glow until the water leaves their system.

Syzygy - The universe existing in a state of dualities. Everything has an equal, opposite reflection. When an entity of light (Aeon or Uthra) and its dark reflection (Archon or Shedim) merge, they form a syzygy. A syzygy is a paradoxical entity that is simultaneously light and dark, celestial and fiendish, good and evil. Most syzygies tear themselves apart due to their inherent contradictions, as Ennoea did. Ennoists consider Tibil to be a syzygy that must be destroyed.

Dmuta - Dmutas, one of the great mysteries of Ennoism, are the hypothetical dark reflection of a mortal’s soul. The duality of everything is a key principle of Ennoism, and all energy must have an equal, opposite reflection. Thus, the concept of a dmuta emerged, a dark reflection of one’s soul. A dmuta has never been observed, but there are theories. Perhaps the dmuta is your body’s shadow? Or maybe you meet your dmuta in the afterlife and have to overcome it in one of the matartan challenges. Some have even suggested that tiefling souls are dmutas, and everyone has a spiritual evil twin in the form of a tiefling.

Cosmology and Afterlife

Ennoist doctrine believes that the cosmos is divided into the Realms of Light, created by Ennoea and inhabited by the Aeons and Uthra, and Worlds of Darkness, created by Ahriman and inhabited by Archons and Shedim. Most Ennoists believe that the soul must travel through the planes after death and overcome trials of the soul to merge with Ennoea. This is the last pilgrimage, with the final destination being the dormant Ennoea. This journey takes a soul through all of the planes of existence in both the Realms of Light and Worlds of Darkness.

Realms of Light (also called Shamayim) - Created by the Aeons after their emanation, the Realms of Light are the divine residences of celestial creatures and gods.

Worlds of Darkness (also called Sheol) - Created by Ennoea as a prison for Ahriman, the Worlds of Darkness are the homes of the fiendish Archons and Shedim.

Aeons (also called yazata) - The gods of light, emanated from Ennoea after Yaldabaoth destroyed the pleroma. Aeons are embodiments of the good aspects of Ennoea’s personality, such as Wisdom (Sophia) and Light (Intivictus). Legend says that after the dissolution of the pleroma, all of the Aeons except for Sophia forgot Ennoea and began to seek out their own followers. Most Ennoists believe that worshipping the Aeons is futile, as true enlightenment can only happen through Manda.

Uthra (also called angels or malakh) - Divine messengers emanated from the Aeons. There are 3 main types of angels: cherubim, seraphim, and ophanim.

Archons (also called daevas) - The gods of darkness, created when Ahriman and his fallen Aeons were banished from the pleroma by Ennoea. The Archons embody the darker parts of Ennoea that were rooted out shortly after They self-generated. Examples of Archons are Yaldabaoth (creation and imprisonment) and Ruha (darkness, impurity, and corruption).

Shedim (also called fiends) - The servants of the Archons and inhabitants of the World of Darkness. They’re sometimes further divided into the Demon and Devil categories, but Ennoists believe that these categories are arbitrary and unimportant.

Matarta - Ennoists believe that on the soul’s journey through the planes, they must stop by a celestial waystation in each plane of existence and overcome some challenge overseen by an Aeon/Archon or powerful Uthra/Shedim.

Artifacts and Symbols

Skandola - A talismanic seal used for holy rituals, such as warding off evil and karma.

Prayer Bowls - These ceramic bowls are engraved with drawings and scriptures meant to cleanse water, and are used in ceremonies to create holy water.

Intaglio - Carved gemstones inset in jewelry, depicting holy or noble symbols. Often used in magical relics and signet rings.

Angelfeather Quills - Created during the angelic experimentation project in ancient Ildrith, these magical quills were made of angel feathers. These are used by aasimar scribed and priests to record laws and scriptures.

Shkinta - A reed hut used in priestly initiation rituals. Etymologically linked to Shekhinah, it is believed that shkinta act as gateways to the divine, allowing for priests to become the avatars of angels.

Circumpunct - The symbol of Ennoea and the Pleroma. The dot represents the spark of life and the ring represents the aura of the Pleroma. The Yazatans use an altered version of this, with the symbols of the 7 Aeons encased in the Pleroma, as their symbol.


As Common is the most widespread language on Tibil, it is the primary language of most Ennoists. However, most Ennoist scriptures and prayers are written in Celescreole.

Celescreole - Used for prayers and scriptures, Ennoism’s liturgical language is a creole of Celestial and Common. Priests are required to learn this creole to be able to read the Codex Sophiakushta and cast spells.


Ennoists have a first name depending on their gender (examples provided below), and use a prefix (bar- for sons, beth- for daughters) before their parent’s forename to indicate parentage and gender.

Priests get a priestly name upon initiation, chosen from an angel they identify with.

Female Forenames - Anhar, Bana, Bibia, Daia, Dihgan, Handa, Khaizari’el, Marganita, Mihri, Murwaria, Paiwia, Rhima, Ruhmaita-Hiia, Qinta, Sahmia, Sarat, Xaria, Yasmin, Zadia

Male Forenames - Adam, Bayan, Bulfaraz, Daimur, Enosh, Gadana, Hibil, Hurmiz-dukt, Mhatam, Natar, Nsab, Ram-Ziwa, Sadan, Shetil, Sukhiya, Yuhana, Zazai

Female Priestly Names - Anana, Barat, Cahra, Gamia, Gufnia, Kasia, Kimsat, Marai, Maya, Mhalkia, Nhuri, Nitufta, Ptula, Tagatmuir, Yasana, Yura, Zahria

Male Priestly Names - Abatur, Azazi’il, Bar-bag, Bihram, Din, Gubran, Hail’il, Hash, Kapan, Nbaz, Nur’il, Piriawis, Rhazi’il, Sam, Saur’iel, Shinlun, Yawar, Yufin, Yukabar, Zarziel

Example 1: Rhima beth-Qinta
Meaning: Rhima, daughter of Qinta

Example 2: Sadan Hash bar-Bayan
Meaning: Sadan, son of Bayan, with the priestly name Hash.

Okay, that was a lot. As I said, this is the most in-depth religion I've made for a D&D setting. Anyone with a passing knowledge of lots of religions will probably recognize my inspirations. As I said, it's mostly Mandaeism with other parts of Gnostic religions I thought were cool. But the concept of reincarnation, karma, and "Gnostisattvas" obviously came from Dharmic faiths (mostly Buddhism and Jainism). The inspirations from other religions are more clear in the different denominations. The Yazatans are more Zoroastrian (mainly drawing inspiration from the early iconoclast, polytheistic version of Zoroastrianism), the Gymnosophists are more Jain/Buddhist, the Razians are inspired by Greco-Roman Mystery Cults, etc. If anyone has questions or suggestions, I'd be glad to hear them. Also, please let me know if you find any errors (unfinished sentences and grammatical errors). It would help a ton.
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