Looting for Fun and Profit Now Available


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Treasure is simple in fantasy games. Players go forth, kill bad guys, and then take their stuff. It’s clean and easy. But things get more complicated for modern heroes. The bad guys aren’t carrying bags of gold, but credit cards. And those pesky law enforcement agencies often frown upon taking the Rolex off the wrist of the villain, even if you did legally bring him to justice.

Looting for Fun and Profit in the Modern World is the newest addition to Bards and Sages $1 Deals. This handy little reference provides an assortment of random treasure tables to use for modern games. Table one features 90 luxury items, from silver cufflinks to gem-encrusted designer umbrella’s to Tiffany diamond necklaces. Table two features an assortment of luxury watches. Table offers dozens of mundane items like mp3 players, camcorders, laptop computers, cell phones and more.

This PDF also provides a brief overview of the options available to players for offloading their newfound wealth, and how much they can expect for it: from the shady street corner fence to the international private broker. Plus, four sample outlets to sell look. All written in system-nuetral language for use in almost any modern era game.

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