Lost Mines AL


If you have a 7 player table KahlessNestor, I can dig around and try and find my gm notes on how many extra critters I had to include.

(Part 3 however is far easier to scale, although be careful with multiple ogres!)

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Also, the hashtag is intended to be used exclusively on FB (and I believe, Google+ and Twitter, but don't quote me on the last two). It is not intended to be used in forum posts.


I crit!

I didn't realize. I think I've seem it used in other forum posts. If not its useful for searching forum posts too so I hope it becomes OK.


If you have a 7 player table KahlessNestor, I can dig around and try and find my gm notes on how many extra critters I had to include.

(Part 3 however is far easier to scale, although be careful with multiple ogres!)
Thanks. Looks like it will be four. And they opted to not go AL. Then the wizard proceeded to roll some awesome stats.


I was just trying to think the last time I roll stats. I.... think.. it was about 2002? Maybe 2003.

Good luck with your lost Mine!
Because we opted not to do AL, I gave them the option of ability generation. 3 took point buy and the wizard opted to roll amd if she didn't like it she could take standard array. She got 18, 14,14, 12, 10, 8.


Do you use feats? Because that 18 there is two feats served right up. You're lucky the player is a spellcaster (the best feats increase weapon damage, not spell damage)


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