R rb780nm First Post Feb 6, 2012 #1,053 Indeed, a great adventure, well DMed! On a technical note, did we decide on treasure allocation (or does LPF just go with cash equivalents so we can purchase what we like later)?
Indeed, a great adventure, well DMed! On a technical note, did we decide on treasure allocation (or does LPF just go with cash equivalents so we can purchase what we like later)?
Maidhc O Casain Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá! Feb 6, 2012 #1,054 Best way I've seen is to sell everything to the Pearl then buy back anything you wanted from the list - makes it easier to divide it all up.
Best way I've seen is to sell everything to the Pearl then buy back anything you wanted from the list - makes it easier to divide it all up.