[LPF] Crypt of the Everflame (01)

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
DM: Mowgli
Judge: GlassEye

Start Date: 01/14/2011

[sblock=Part 01 (01/14/2011 to 07/14/2011 - Exit Ravenath)]

DMC: 12.67

Starting XP: 0000
Total XP: 3556; Payout: 3018.25

Iosef Tellus
Starting XP: 1191
Total XP: 5215; Payout: 3670.25

Starting XP: 0000
Total XP: 3556; Payout: 3018.25

Starting XP: 0000
Total XP: 3556; Payout: 3018.25

Experience Rewards (per Character):
01  01/28/2011  First Fight              100
                [COLOR="Yellow"](Iosef Level - 1389 XP,   84 TGP) ( 14 Days)[/COLOR]
02  02/06/2011  Eyes in the Dark         300
03  02/28/2011  Entry Hall               203
04  03/06/2011  Maze of Pits             100
05  03/12/2011  Hungry Beetle            150 
    03/19/2011  [COLOR="Yellow"](A,K,R Level - 1301 XP,  384 TGP) ( 64 Days)[/COLOR]
06  04/05/2011  Shadowy Shapes           200 
07  04/21/2011  Key Pool                 100
                [COLOR="Yellow"](Iosef Level - 3355 XP,  913 TGP) ( 83 Days)[/COLOR]
08  04/29/2011  The Gauntlet             150
09  05/13/2011  Shield Guardian          200
10  05/30/2011  Pillar of 10000 Arrows   150
11  06/26/2011  Wailing Survivor         100
    06/27/2011  [COLOR="Yellow"](A,K,R Level - 3301 XP, 1100 TGP) (100 Days)[/COLOR]

    07/14/2011  (Ravenath Exits) (17 Days A,K,R; 84 Days Iosef)

Treasure Rewards:

Expected Treasure: 2325 GP/Character

01  First Fight              None
02  Eyes in the Dark         None
03  Entry Hall               None
04  Maze of Pits             None
05  Hungry Beetle            None
06  Shadowy Shapes           +1 Dagger         (2302 gp)
07  Key Pool                 Key
08  The Gauntlet             None
09  Shield Guardian          None
10  Pillar of 10000 Arrows   None
11  Wailing Survivor         CLW Potion (x2)   (100 gp)
                             MW Light Crossbow (335 gp)

Non-Encounter Treasure Awards:
 87 GP
 MW Shortsword               310 gp
 MW Rapier                   320 gp
 MW Dagger                   302 gp
 Wand (Mage Armor, 10 ch)    150 gp
 Potion (Bear's Endurance)   300 gp
 Oil (Magic Weapon)           50 gp
 Scroll (Web)                150 gp

[sblock=Part 02 (07/14/2011 to 02/02/2012 - Enter Tyrien)]
14.21 DMC

Starting XP: 3419
11/08/2011: Level 04 with 6246 Total XP
01/14/2012: Level 05 with 10270 Total XP

Iosef Tellus
Starting XP: 5146
08/16/2011: Level 04 with 6010 Total XP
01/09/2012: Level 05 with 10000 Total XP

Starting XP: 3419
11/08/2011: Level 04 with 6246 Total XP
01/14/2012: Level 05 with 10270 Total XP

Tyrien e'Adrianne
Starting XP: 0630
08/10/2011: Level 02 with 1539 Total XP
09/18/2011: Level 03 with 3570 Total XP
01/14/2012: Level 04 with 8290 Total XP

Experience Rewards (per Character):
01  08/10/2011  Chamber of the Bloody Dead    300
02  09/01/2011  First Catacomb                250
03  09/19/2011  Reflections of Terror         100
04  11/08/2011  Second Catacomb               300
05  11/23/2011  Guardian Statues              150
06  01/14/2012  Haatse's Tomb                2400

Treasure Rewards:
01  Chamber of the Bloody Dead   None
02  First Catacomb               None
03  Second Catacomb              None
04  Guardian Statues             None
05  Haatse's Tomb                +1 Greatsword                     2350 GP
                                 +1 Chainmail                      1300 GP
                                 +1 Bashing Shield (Heavy Steel)   4170 GP
                                 Bag of Holding (Type I)           2500 GP
                                 Elemental Gem (Water)             2250 GP
                                 Haatse's Boon                     3600 GP
    The Triumphant Return!       Dimira's Family Heirloom         15337 GP

Total Adventure XP (3500 Encounter XP + TXP 07/14/2011 - 02/02/2012):
Anaerion:      7227 (10783 Total XP)
Iosef Tellus:  7833 (13048 Total XP)
Kalgor:        7227 (10783 Total XP)
Tyrien:        6338 ( 8708 Total XP)

Total GP (3500 Encounter GP + TGP 07/14/2011 - 02/02/2012):
Anaerion:      7736 GP
Iosef Tellus:  8430 GP
Kalgor:        7736 GP
Tyrien:        7605 GP

Setting/LPF Additions:
Haatse, a small village in the wilds of the Landadel Baronies a few days hard riding south of Venza.
Spoekjebosk Forest, a dense woods on the edge of which Haatse is situated.
Ducado de Atiradore, a Duchy of the Landadel Baronies some days SE of Haatse.

[sblock=In-Adventure Leveling]I'm tracking XP (including Time XP) throughout the adventure. Leveling up will happen at the end of the encounter in which you gain enough XP for your next level. HP from level up are gained, but no damage is healed, and new spell slots are gained but not prepared spells - though prepared spell casters can treat the slots as if they had been intentionally left unfilled.[/sblock]


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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
You enter to find the half-elf seated at one end of the table, nursing the ale he scooped up from the bar on his way in. He looks a little anxious, and gestures you to a seat once you're fully in the room.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Vincenzo enters the room, bows with his wine glass in hand, and gives his introduction.

"My name is Vincenzo del Vecchio da via della Rosa D'Avorio II II, named after my uncle, of the merchant guild family del Vecchio da via della Rosa D'Avorio. At your service."

he raises to standing and takes a seat to the righ hand of his host.

ooc: Unapproved, and need to transfer the data to the wiki sight. soon to happen.


First Post
An elf appears at the door and closes it quietly behind him. With a bow towards the half-elf, he states "My name is Anaerion. I heard that you would like assistance in your village, correct?"

He then sits down at the table and waits for more people to come in.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
A camotion in the bar'scommon room causes a flurry of hurried and lud voices. A second later a middle aged man enters the room and says, "AH! vincenzo, i found you at last. There is a family matter that requires your prescene.

To the Elf and middle aged half elf he bows and says, "Vincenzo del Vecchio da via della Rosa D'Avorio I, and sorry to invonviene you, but this is of a life threatening importance."

"Uncle Vinzo, i am sorry, I will depart immediately."

Vincenzo the younger then bows and leaves with the elder one.

ooc: Sorry, can't play this thread for this reason:

second characters are not allowed until your first has been in active adventures for at least 2 months or has gained one level.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
[MENTION=29558]Mowgli[/MENTION]: HM says I may qualify for this game after all, May I play in this sand box?


First Post
Iosef Tellus, Aasimar Paladin enters the room and takes a seat. "I am Iosef Tellus, Paladin of ****. How may I assist you?"

OOC: I'm on the verge of 2nd level, but still technically 1st level.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
The performer sits quietly as the other enter the room; the bustle around Vencenzo's hasty exit appears to distress him somewhat, but he hides it quickly.

"Welcome Anaerion, Iosef. I am Jocyn Elmaran. Please have a seat while we wait for others. I'd rather only go through this once."

[sblock=rb780nm]That'll be fine - if he's selected to be among the party (which is likely, given the lack of response so far) he'll count as the second level character. He should be about 100 XP shy, correct?[/sblock]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
[sblock=mowgli] HM was srong. I have had Heinrich playing for only a month. sorry, can't play this game.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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