[LPF] Crypt of the Everflame (01)

Satin Knights

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A burly man enters the room. "The barmaid said that you might need someone. Someone muscle that would know how to use one of these." as he raises the greatsword from the sheath on his back about six inches before dropping it back in. "If so, I got dinner coming out front, but I could have her bring it back here."

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Satin Knights

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Kalgor and Gragnor

Without waiting for a reply, he steps out of the back room, and then returns in a few minutes. This time carrying a backpack, and leading a panther at his side. "There are a couple more worthy looking folk out front. One is finishing his dinner." He relays their replies.

Nodding to the host, he sits at the table, with the cat hopping up on the seat next to him and away from the others in the room. He sits quietly, skritching the kitty, trying to calm the hungry beast down.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
The potential employer's anxiety eases visibly as the big man and his cat enter and seat themselves. Other than a perfunctory introduction - "Be welcome . . . I'm Jocyn Elmaran" - he seems content to wait until he's sure no one else will be coming.

Satin Knights

First Post
Marla enters the room carrying a couple bowls and a mug. "I am so sorry it took so long. We don't normally get babes here, so we had to send out for the milk." Skirting around the cat, she sets the bowl of milk on the table and nervously slides it in front of the cat. Then, going around, she serves the man more deftly from the other side.

The cat grins, but waits for his master to motion, then starts lapping up his milk.

The burly guy pulls a fork out of his pocket, a short dagger out of its sheath, and starts cutting up his meat and potatoes. When done, he shovels about a third of it into the milk bowl, and starts enjoying the rest along with his ale.


First Post
Ravenath, human fighter 1

-Good day, everyone. -the tall and blonde guy had to duck a few to not spoil his hat with the door frame- I have been told that someone need help around here. Well, -the duelist gives a few touches on the hilt of his rapier- I could help.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
With each new person who enters the room, Jocyn's anxiety eases somewhat. As the fourth comes in he breathes an audible sigh of relief.

"Welcome, welcome! Please sit down. I'm sorry I don't have refreshments to offer you . . . " He rises slowly and limps over to the door, and puts out (the LPF equivalent of) a 'Do Not Disturb' sign, then returns to his seat and looks to the latest arrival.

"May I have the honor of your name, sir? I am Jocyn Elmaran." Once introductions are complete, he continues.

"I'm from a small town called Haatse. It's a few days travel south of here, in the Landadel Baronies. We have a problem, and need some help. Mmmm, where to start? I suppose some history would be helpful. I'll be as brief as possible . . ." He looks around at each of you to judge your attentiveness before continuing.

"Ekat Haatse was a mercenary and fortune seeker who came to the Landadel Baronies some 170 years ago. His travels took him all over the region around Lake Grutwetter, and he decided to settle down after several years of very profitable adventure. Using a sizable portion of his fortune, he set out to tame a small area of the Spoekjebosk Forest on the banks of the Grutwetter River, making it a natural stopover for those traveling up and down the river to Venza. For the next 10 years, the town grew and prospered.

"All that changed when Asar Vergas came to Haatse with a host of mercenaries under his command. Asar was an old companion of Ekat, and the two had traveled together for some time before splitting up just after Ekat’s last adventure. Over the years, it seems that Asar decided that Ekat had cheated him after that last adventure. Promising great wealth to his mercenaries, Asar raided the town relentlessly for 2 months. Finally, the townsfolk managed to locate Asar’s camp in an ancient crypt deep in the forest, and Ekat himself went out to deal with his old companion. The battle was terribly bloody, with only a few townsfolk coming back to tell the tale. In the end, Asar was slain and his mercenaries scattered, but Ekat suffered a mortal wound. He died 2 days later.

"In honor of our beloved founder, the townsfolk buried Haatse in the ancient crypt, interring his bones in a place of honor, above the simple sarcophagi used to inter Asar, his mercenaries, and the townsfolk that lost their lives in the bitter struggle. They placed an eternal flame above Haatse’s final resting place, so that all who visited might find warmth in the wilderness.

"Over the years, the Crypt of the Everflame has become an important part of the history of Haatse. We view the crypt as a memorial to those difficult first years of the town’s history. Every autumn, a few of us make a pilgrimage to the crypt to light a lantern from the flame and bring it back to town, where it is preserved all winter, a symbol of our resilience. Most years, the town mayor and a group of dignitaries perform this quest. Every 10 years, however, four of our younger townsfolk are given the honor of lighting the lantern. Many see this as a passage into adulthood, a taste of adventure before settling down to work and marriage. The quest starts out as a solemn ceremony in town, where the townsfolk gather to wish the adventurers luck, just as it was when Haatse himself led to fight the mercenaries. When the younglings return a few days later, the town holds a great celebration in their honor. This also marks the final harvest celebration before the long winter.

"The quest itself is a relatively simple one. The 'adventurers' must travel to the tomb (about 2 days’ travel outside of town), venture inside, light the lantern, and return home. Over the years, this ritual has grown more elaborate - now, some of the townsfolk head there in advance to set up simple traps, puzzles, and illusionary monsters for the adventurers to overcome.

"This year, however, something has gone terribly wrong. The traditional group of pranksters left the town to prepare the crypt, only to be set upon by . . . well, by something. The thing is, only one of the townsfolk made it back to Haatse, and she was more than a little crazed from fever and exposure, so her rantings were all but indecipherable. She died of her wounds that night. We don't even know how much of the tomb was 'prepared' for our ritual before they were attacked.

"Our town elders - of which I am one - are desperate to find out what happened and to eliminate whatever it is that has invaded the area. However, it is also important to us that our yearly ritual be completed according to our time honored formula. Sadly, we have no young people in our town capable of dealing with the danger that is likely to be awaiting them. Hence, I have come to Venza, to the famed Dunn Wright Inn, to recruit a group of young adventurers eager to prove their mettle and start building their reputations."

He looks around to judge your reactions to his story, then continues. "We cannot offer much for your services, but what we can afford will be yours should you accept this job. You should also know that there is a curse laid on the Crypt - anything that actually belongs there must not be removed, or there will be dire consequences. However, anything that these invaders have brought in is yours to keep, should you be able to wrest it from them."

[sblock=OOC]There's actually more than the expected treasure/encounter already planted in the adventure, but this one will likely take long enough that your "Time GP" will put you back over what you'll earn for the encounters. My plan is for the townsfolk to pay you the difference so everything works out right. Of course, it's possible you'll wrap this up more quickly than I anticipate and I'll have to adjust the encounter treasure down somewhat.[/sblock]
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First Post
Anaerion listened carefully, eager to assist in anyway he can.

"This year, however, something has gone terribly wrong. The traditional group of pranksters left the town to prepare the crypt, only to be set upon by . . . well, by something. The thing is, only one of the townsfolk made it back to Haatse, and she was more than a little crazed from fever and exposure, so her rantings were all but indecipherable. She died of her wounds that night. We don't even know how much of the tomb was 'prepared' for our ritual before they were attacked.
I wonder what could be down there? Anaerion thought to himself. I'll ask what sort of thing she talked about once he is finished.

He looks around to judge your reactions to his story, then continues. "We cannot offer much for your services, but what we can afford will be yours should you accept this job. You should also know that there is a curse laid on the Crypt - anything that actually belongs there must not be removed, or there will be dire consequences. However, anything that these invaders have brought in is yours to keep, should you be able to wrest it from them."

Anaerion smiles kindly and states "I would be happy to assist you in finding out what happened. "

Satin Knights

First Post
Kalgor and Gragnor

The cat looks around intently at each of the occupants of the room, sniffing a bit. "Good, no fear, no deception other than us..." he thinks to himself. Then turning and looking at the door, making sure it is closed, he turns his attention back to the host. "Well, we'rre not kittens, but we should be able to solve yourr puzzling prredicament." Waving a paw at his `master', "He answers to Kalgorr. Don't expect him to win the day with his majiks, but he's prretty good with that sworrd. I do my job as the flanking distrractor so he gets a good hit in. Any of you good at flank fighting?"

"And he answers to Gragnor, or `pretty kitty'." "Grrrr, only prretty maidens get to call me that." "We maintain simpler personas so as to not spook simple town folk, unlike the little girl and mister tree trunk that walked through the inn earlier. Some communities just don't like outsiders."

Looking towards Iosef, "I see we have a holy man with us, good." And turning back to the host, "Just how gentle do you expect us to be with any ancestors that won't lie still? We will also need a list of what was supposed to be in the crypt so we can make sure it is left behind, or find it in the area for returning to the crypt. I want to avoid curses. They are tricky little disasters."



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Ravenath, human fighter 1

-You can count on me, Sir. I, Ravenath, the duelist, will help you for sure. -the big man gets up from his seat and makes a reverence- A man of honor like the founder of you town deserves his memory to be preserved. And no creature will prevent this to be done.

Voidrunner's Codex

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