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[LPF] Don't Let It Go!


First Post

He nods in agreement with Charity. "I think that may be the wise course of action. The only problem is we don't know where the cities are outside of town. If we could just find a map we would be okay. Also, it is going to be hard for us to maintain our merchant/trader disguise without actually having any merchandise to trade. I can pretend to be in search of alchemical recipes and in the market to sell them, but that is not what I would call a thriving market, but I think leaving town may be in our best interest. Then we can see if the guards continue to follow us or not as well."

[sblock=OOC] PRK (Lasik) done and I am ready to go. Although the font size Im having to use to actually see the screen is rather hilarious so if you notice any typos my apologies. [/sblock]

[sblock=ministats]Devlin Eldlya

AC: 16 (13 flat-footed, 14 touch)
HP: 26/26
CMB:+2 CMD: 15
Fort: +5 Reflex: +7 Will: +2

Perception: +8
Initiative: +5

Bombs: 7/7
Mutagen Prepared: Dexterity

Extracts Prepared: 1: Targeted Bomb Admixture 2: Cure Light Wound. 3:___ 4:____
Formulae List: Bomber's Eye, Cure Light Wounds, Disguise Self, Enlarge Person, Targeted Bomb Admixture, Expeditious Retreat, Stone Fist

Current Weapon in Hand: None
Current Conditions in Effect: None
Used Items: None

Read more: http://livingpf.wikia.com/wiki/Devlin_(resrick)

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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Aishe Luminitse (Jaelle Nuri)

"Aye, heading out of town might be our best option. The Queen appears to have a pretty solid hold on the populace here, but I'm not sure why. Have they swallowed her propaganda hook line and sinker?

"If we have to take anyone out, let's try to do it quietly, eh?"


[sblock=OOC]Yeah, I'm stymied as well. I don't want to rouse the populace against us . . . I'd rather not be making a replacement character this soon :D. But we might have to break a few eggs to get this omelet on the stove.[/sblock]

[sblock=Actions/Rolls]Taking 10 on Disguise Checks (for a 27).[/sblock]
[sblock=Mini Stats]
Jaelle Nuri

Initiative: +03
AC: 17 (13 Touch, 14 Flat-Footed)
HP: 38/38
Senses: DarkVision (120’), Low-Light Vision Perception: +07
CMB: +06 CMD: 19
Fort: +05 Reflex: +07 Will: +01


Yosephus kept quiet for a while, listening to the others. He also thought about what Charity said about going out of the town.

"You know what," the cleric finally said. "We should make the guards follow us out of town and then make them tell us where the queen is. It might end up to be a fight, though. What do you think about that?"

He waited for the others to answer and add to his suggestion.

~ Written by LMiller​

[sblock=Yosephus]Yosephus Errol Smithe
AC: 19 (10 flat-footed, 19 touch)
HP: 34/34
CMB: +3 CMD: 13

Fort: +6 Reflex: +2 Will: +8
Perception: +4 Sense Motive: +13
Initiative: +0

Current Weapon in Hand: None
Channel Energy: 6/6
Orisons: Create Water, Guidance, Purify Food and Drink, Resistance
1st Level: Bless, Hide from Undead, Shield of Faith, Cure Light Wounds (Domain)
2nd Level: Lesser Restoration, Silence, Cure Moderate Wounds (Domain)
Domain Powers Remaining Today:
Rebuke Death: 7/7
Resistant Touch: 7/7
Race Features:
Halo Status: OFF
Incorruptible: 1/1[/sblock]
Last edited:


Charity, Human Female
"Well, Yosephus," Charity begins, looking around casually to keep an eye on the developing situation, "I'm not sure how we'd get them to tell us. It would almost certainly be a fight. However, I am thinking it's a distinct possibility they won't follow us directly, but instead head back and report our actions to their superiors. This is something of a guess, but guards generally have understood limits on how far they pursue potential threats, and we haven't warranted direct confrontation, yet, so I doubt they would follow us too far out of town."

[sblock=Charity Mini Stats]Charity
AC: 20/18 (19/17 flat-footed, 11 touch)
(Use second AC value when shieldless)
HP: 42/42
CMB: +7 CMD: 18

Fort: +9 Reflex: +7 Will: +9
Perception: +10 Sense Motive: +9
Initiative: +1

Lay on Hands remaining: 8/8
Channel Energy remaining: 7/7
Spells remaining: Lesser Restoration (x2)
Smite remaining: 1/1
Divine Bond remaining: 1/1

Current Item(s) in Hand: none
Current Conditions in Effect: Cold Weather Clothing
Temporary items in possession: none
Items not currently in possession: none
Items depleted: none[/sblock]


Yosephus looked around once more and replied to Charity.

"Hmm, if we don't think they will follow us into the mountains, why don't we just make them come into an alley and beat them up? Then we can make them tell us where the Queen is."

"Do you think that's better idea?"
he asked and glanced at the guards.

~ Written by LMiller​

[sblock=Yosephus]Yosephus Errol Smithe
AC: 19 (10 flat-footed, 19 touch)
HP: 34/34
CMB: +3 CMD: 13

Fort: +6 Reflex: +2 Will: +8
Perception: +4 Sense Motive: +13
Initiative: +0

Current Weapon in Hand: None
Channel Energy: 6/6
Orisons: Create Water, Guidance, Purify Food and Drink, Resistance
1st Level: Bless, Hide from Undead, Shield of Faith, Cure Light Wounds (Domain)
2nd Level: Lesser Restoration, Silence, Cure Moderate Wounds (Domain)
Domain Powers Remaining Today:
Rebuke Death: 7/7
Resistant Touch: 7/7
Race Features:
Halo Status: OFF
Incorruptible: 1/1[/sblock]


Charity, Human Female
The smile washes away from Charity's face and she turned to consider Yosephus a moment. With considered words, she laid out her opinion, "I'm not sure the guards would even know where the Queen is, assuming it's some kind of secret, which we're not even sure of at this time. Moreover, I'm concerned about how an encounter with the guards would go. Outside of the possible escalation of fisticuffs to weapons, which may leave any number of people dead, I'm not sure what to do if they simply decide not to talk. What if they dare us to do our worst? In my case, I'd be right out--I have no desire to inflict injury or death upon a captive."

Finally, the flame-haired Venzan turns and looks back towards the harbor. "I'm working with the idea that the people in town are most effectively under the Queen's thumb, and they are, at least somwhat, afraid of her. Out of town we might meet someone not cowed into supporting her rule. Perhaps such a person might know something."

[sblock=Charity Mini Stats]Charity
AC: 20/18 (19/17 flat-footed, 11 touch)
(Use second AC value when shieldless)
HP: 42/42
CMB: +7 CMD: 18

Fort: +9 Reflex: +7 Will: +9
Perception: +10 Sense Motive: +9
Initiative: +1

Lay on Hands remaining: 8/8
Channel Energy remaining: 7/7
Spells remaining: Lesser Restoration (x2)
Smite remaining: 1/1
Divine Bond remaining: 1/1

Current Item(s) in Hand: none
Current Conditions in Effect: Cold Weather Clothing
Temporary items in possession: none
Items not currently in possession: none
Items depleted: none[/sblock]


"But, Charity, we can't just wander off into the mountains."

"Plus, the guards could talk to us. We should at least try,"
Yosephus replied.

"Also," he added "someone has to know where the Queen is right now."

~ Written by LMiller​

[sblock=Yosephus]Yosephus Errol Smithe
AC: 19 (10 flat-footed, 19 touch)
HP: 34/34
CMB: +3 CMD: 13

Fort: +6 Reflex: +2 Will: +8
Perception: +4 Sense Motive: +13
Initiative: +0

Current Weapon in Hand: None
Channel Energy: 6/6
Orisons: Create Water, Guidance, Purify Food and Drink, Resistance
1st Level: Bless, Hide from Undead, Shield of Faith, Cure Light Wounds (Domain)
2nd Level: Lesser Restoration, Silence, Cure Moderate Wounds (Domain)
Domain Powers Remaining Today:
Rebuke Death: 7/7
Resistant Touch: 7/7
Race Features:
Halo Status: OFF
Incorruptible: 1/1[/sblock]


Charity, Human Female
"Yosephus," Charity begins, directing her attention on the tall man but keeping her voice low the whole time, "I don't disagree with you on the idea somebody knows where the Queen is. In fact, I'm sure a number of people know, and it's a matter of figuring out who knows, and under what conditions they might pass down that information. This said, I'm against trying to beat up the guards, as you suggested, for a number of reasons. First, and most obviously, that could very easily lead to loss of life on either side. Second, when you do so, you're firmly initiating a conflict between us and the law, and while we may yet have to do that, doing so early will end about any investigation. And finally, I'm not ready for the interrogation of a beaten guard. This is an ugly affair I'd like to avoid, if at all possible."

The redheaded Venzan takes a moment to clear the hair from her eyes. She surveys the skyline to look for the mountains rising above, then back to the group. "The point is to find someone that knows information we need, and is willing to tell us. The queen has shaken things up to to the point where a noble has funded a group for her overthrow. I find it likely there are others who are, albeit to a lesser degree, unhappy with her sudden changes. Even the innkeeper was not entirely comfortable with the situation, that much was obvious. We may have to go underground, so to speak." At this point, Charity quits absentmindedly twirling her hair around her finger. "Which brings us to the mountain endeavor. The assumption I am working with is there are people who live outside the city that heading towards the mountains will allow us to talk to. Obviously we need to check this assumption, but it bears a look-see. Anyway, very often, these people are of a different nature than their urban counterparts. They might have a different view worth hearing."

[sblock=Charity Mini Stats]Charity
AC: 20/18 (19/17 flat-footed, 11 touch)
(Use second AC value when shieldless)
HP: 42/42
CMB: +7 CMD: 18

Fort: +9 Reflex: +7 Will: +9
Perception: +10 Sense Motive: +9
Initiative: +1

Lay on Hands remaining: 8/8
Channel Energy remaining: 7/7
Spells remaining: Lesser Restoration (x2)
Smite remaining: 1/1
Divine Bond remaining: 1/1

Current Item(s) in Hand: none
Current Conditions in Effect: Cold Weather Clothing
Temporary items in possession: none
Items not currently in possession: none
Items depleted: none[/sblock]

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Aishe Luminitse (Jaelle Nuri)

Aishe looks around at the others, her eyes taking in first Yosephus and then Charity. She thinks for a long moment, then nods. "Agreed, Charity. Taking on the law directly in this place should be our action of last resort, put off as long as possible. Once we take that step, we're committed to physical conflict; that's going to happen eventually, but the longer we manage to avoid it the more we can contain it and the better our chances of success."


[sblock=Actions/Rolls]Taking 10 on Disguise Checks (for a 27).[/sblock]
[sblock=Mini Stats]
Jaelle Nuri

Initiative: +03
AC: 17 (13 Touch, 14 Flat-Footed)
HP: 38/38
Senses: DarkVision (120’), Low-Light Vision Perception: +07
CMB: +06 CMD: 19
Fort: +05 Reflex: +07 Will: +01


~ Day 19, mid-afternoon: Ashore Yarendel ~

While you were talking, Devlin had wandered off. He had murmured something about returning to the ship. But the debate on what to do next had distracted the rest of you from stopping him.


Then as you were about to do something about it, the guard patrol had approached. They had managed to form a crescent partially around you with the sergeant in the center. He was the one with a buckler and a longsword while his six men carried guisarmes.

The Sergeant spoke, "Just what are you foreigners doing in our kingdom? We don't get many visitors as of late and there is no call for tourism. I think you all should come with us. No doubt the Captain would like a word with you."

Meanwhile from a only a few building over in an alley, Francis John had been watching the newcomers to Yarendel for several minutes now. He had noticed they came on a ship, something that was no longer so common and he was hoping to gain passage away from the frozen island. But before he could approach them, the guard patrol had finally decided to accost them. Unlike those he had arrived with, the three were made of much sterner stuff and not some common folk to be pushed around. However, from what he was observing, they were about to wind up in the same situation as those he arrived in the kingdom with, but they probably did not even know it. If he did not intervene, he might lose his chance to leave this frozen place.

[sblock=Combat Information]
Party Status:
Charity:   42/42 HP remaining;
Yosephus:  34/34 HP remaining;
Francis:    21/21 HP remaining;
->Bacon:   18/18 HP remaining;
Jaelle:    38/38 HP remaining;

Spells Cast:
Abilities Used:
   Charity:  Smite Evil 0/1, Lay on Hands 0/6, Chan Erg 0/7, Spells 1st 0/1
   Yosephus: Chan Erg 0/6,  Reb Death 0/7, Resist Tch 0/7, Incorrupt 0/1, Spells 1st 0/5, 2nd 0/4
   Devlin:   Spells 1st 0/2
   Jaelle:   None
Conditions in effect: None
[sblock=For Francis John]@FrancisJohn

Francis John has been in Yarendel for a few weeks. He booked passage on a merchant ship that stopped at the Island Kingdom because of their famous wines. However, he was surprised to find the Island was snow covered in the summer time. Minding his own business, he and Bacon went ashore to do a little exploring and wine tasting.

The merchant and his crew had not been vary happy with the trade situation and attracted too much attention. After brief conversation with a guard patrol, the merchant and his assistants were taken away to the castle and had not returned. The ship Captain and his officers were soon taken there as well. The next day, the dock master had a formal writ and the ship had been seized by the crown and the rest of the sailors were sent ashore. Most scattered to the inns and taverns, but many found themselves getting into trouble with too much drink and ended up in the dungeons too. He had yet to see anyone from the ship he arrived on ever come back.

Francis had managed to talk his way out of getting into trouble initially and had kept a low profile in the last few weeks since. With Bacon accompanying him, that had been a challenge. Most of the people were entirely too trusting of the Queen and her sister to be looking out for their well-being. But the place was obviously being run by a tyrant to anyone from the outside. Anyone found to ask too many questions in hearing of the wrong person would soon find the guard asking them to go to the castle for interrogation.

He had learned that the Queen had retreated from the public to the mountains due north of the port. She was said to have made a castle of ice to reside in. In the meantime her sister has been ruling the capital in her name.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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