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[LPF] Don't Let It Go!


~ Day 20, noon: Snowy foothills of Yarendel ~

Yosephus found the wine bottles top be local vintages and not very expensive either. There were reds and whites, brands that fetched three or four times as much back in Venza.


Oaken smiled and answered Charity's question, "You betcha, ya. Folks do buy dem swimwears, ya."

The trading post owner gestured to the door to the sauna and wiggled his fingers to his family, "Hi family."


Through the little window in the door, there were a handful of people crowded inside waving back. They looked to be enjoying themselves.

"The heat warm you up, ya? Only two silver each."

[sblock=Combat Information]
Party Status:
Charity:   42/42 HP remaining;
Yosephus:  39/39 HP remaining; 
Francis:   26/26 HP remaining;
->Viper:   14/14 HP remaining;
->Bacon:   18/18 HP remaining;
Jaelle:    47/47 HP remaining;

Spells Cast:
Abilities Used:
   Charity:  Smite Evil 0/1, Lay on Hands 0/6, Chan Erg 0/7, Spells 1st 0/1
   Yosephus: Chan Erg 0/5,  Reb Death 0/7, Deflect Aura 0/1, Daylight 0/1, Spells 1st 0/5, 2nd 0/4, 3rd 0/3
   Francis:  Bard Perf 0/16, Spells 1st 0/5, 2nd 0/3
   Jaelle:   None
Conditions in effect: None

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Charity, Human Female
As Aishe spoke, Charity became interested in the fabric of the swimwear, feeling it experimentally. The shopkeepers address on the subject, and an entire family's appearance at the door of the sauna, took her aback slightly. Raising a hand, the ginger waved too, the swimwear sliding off her fingers and falling back into place on the rack. "So people wear these... in there..." she began, trying to think about it. "Are we on a naturally hot spring or something? Anyway, no, thank you, although I'll think about it for later. Things seem considerably more relaxed here than back in town, anyway, so perhaps the opportunity will come up."

[sblock=ooc]I have no idea what to expect on the swimwear, so I am only speaking in the most vague of terms.[/sblock]
[sblock=Charity Mini Stats]Charity
AC: 20/18 (19/17 flat-footed, 11 touch)
(Use second AC value when shieldless)
HP: 42/42
CMB: +7 CMD: 18

Fort: +9 Reflex: +7 Will: +9
Perception: +10 Sense Motive: +9
Initiative: +1

Lay on Hands remaining: 8/8
Channel Energy remaining: 7/7
Spells remaining: Lesser Restoration (x2)
Smite remaining: 1/1
Divine Bond remaining: 1/1

Current Item(s) in Hand: Lucerne Hammer
Current Conditions in Effect: Cold Weather Clothing
Temporary items in possession: none
Items not currently in possession: none
Items depleted: none[/sblock]


[section]Francis John, IV - Self-Proclaimed Crown Prince of All Halflings

Francis marvels at the family behind the glass. He waves to all of them, saving his biggest smile for the children. He turns his attention back to the shopkeep. "Mr. Oaken sir, tell me more about these wines here. I'd like to purchase your best bottle of red and white. Ha! That reminds me of a song I used to know...." Francis sings for all: not too loud in a confident and clear high baritone, complete with perfect intonation and masterful breath control.

"A bottle of red, a bottle of white
It all depends on your appetite
I'll meet you any time you want
In our Venzan Restaurant."

"There we have it! I think I learned it from a fellow named Byllee Djoewal. Oh, and add the wines to my total please. Now, please tell me you can about that delightful looking cloak in the corner. It looks to be the perfect size for me! That and the wines.... how much do I owe you?" Francis begins to shuffle around for his coin pouch.


Character Sheet

HP: 26/26

AC: 17 Flat:15 Touch:13
CMB: +1 CMD: 13
Fort: +1 Reflex: +5 Will: +3
Fear: +2 Bardic/Sonic/Language: +4

Initiative: +2

Shortbow: +5 1d4-1
Shortsword: +3 1d4-1

Acrobatics: +2
Bluff: +21
Handle Animal: +7
K. Local: +8
K. Nobility: +6
Oratory: +13
Perception: +5
Survival: -2

Adaptable Luck: 3/3
Arrows: 20/20
Bardic Performance: 16/16

Level 1: 5/5
Level 2: 3/3

Adventure Notes:
2 days rations and feed (from pig)

[sblock=Bacon, War Pig]
HP: 18/18

Initiative: 0

14 FF: 14 T:10
CMB: +4 CMD: 14
Fort: +6 Ref: +3 Will: +1

: gore +4 (1d8+4)
Defensive Abilities: Ferocity

: 40 ft. (30 medium, 20 heavy)

Skills: Perception +6
Senses: Lowlight Vision, Scent[/sblock][/sblock]
Last edited:

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Aishe Luminitse (Jaelle Nuri)

Aishe listens for the shopkeeper's response, smiling slightly at the Francis' song and content for now to hold her peace and let the others do the talking.


Nothing to say right now. XP to FJ for working a Billy Joel song into E'n!
[sblock=Mini Stats]
Jaelle Nuri

Initiative: +03
AC: 17 (13 Touch, 14 Flat-Footed)
HP: 47/47
Senses: DarkVision (120’), Low-Light Vision Perception: +10
CMB: +07 CMD: 20
Fort: +05 Reflex: +07 Will: +01


Yosephus looked back at the shopkeeper and then turned to a different direction to wave to the people in the sauna. HE decided not to go in the sauna, so he turned back to the bottles he was interested in.

After a few minutes, the cleric got a small white wine bottle from the shelf and said to Oaken, "How much for this bottle?"

Yosephus started digging into his pocket to get out some coins.

~ Written by LMiller​

[sblock=OOC]Nothing [/sblock][sblock=Yosephus]Yosephus Errol Smithe
AC: 22 (20 flat-footed, 12 touch)
HP: 39/39
CMB: +5 CMD: 17

Fort: +6 Reflex: +5 Will: +10
Perception: +5 Sense Motive: +10
Initiative: +2

Channel Energy: 5/5
Orisons: Create Water, Guidance, Purify Food and Drink, Detect Magic
1st Level: Bless, Doom, Divine Favor, Shield of Faith, Cure Light Wounds (Domain)
2nd Level: Lesser Restoration, Sound Burst, Hold Person, Barkskin (Domain)
3rd Level: Scorching Ray, Silence, Cure Serious Wounds (Domain)
Rebuke Death: 7/7
Deflection Aura: 1/1
Daylight SLA: 1/1

Weapon in Hand: Shield (LH)[/sblock]


~ Day 20, noon: Snowy foothills of Yarendel ~


Oaken shook his head at Charities curiosity about the sauna, “Naw, not a hot spring. Just make steam with wood burning stove, ya. The room be made to keep in the steam and heat.”

Getting down to business, the trader provided the pricing. The cloak would provide a decent enough outfit for off-setting the cold. But seeing it was his last one in stock, he was asking 15 gold coins for it.

The most expensive bottles were exquisitely labeled and of an aged vintage 10 years old. They would run 100gp each. The cheap stuff Yosephus was looking at was only bottled the previous year and was 2 silver coins.

[sblock=Combat Information]
Party Status:
Charity:   42/42 HP remaining;
Yosephus:  39/39 HP remaining; 
Francis:   26/26 HP remaining;
->Viper:   14/14 HP remaining;
->Bacon:   18/18 HP remaining;
Jaelle:    47/47 HP remaining;

Spells Cast:
Abilities Used:
   Charity:  Smite Evil 0/1, Lay on Hands 0/6, Chan Erg 0/7, Spells 1st 0/1
   Yosephus: Chan Erg 0/5,  Reb Death 0/7, Deflect Aura 0/1, Daylight 0/1, Spells 1st 0/5, 2nd 0/4, 3rd 0/3
   Francis:  Bard Perf 0/16, Spells 1st 0/5, 2nd 0/3
   Jaelle:   None
Conditions in effect: None


[section]Francis John, IV - Self-Proclaimed Crown Prince of All Halflings

Francis looks absolutely dejected when he sees the contents of his coin pouch. "It appears my finances are much weaker than I would them to be at this current moment. I'll have to unfortunately take a rain cheque on the wine. Thirteen gold is all I have on me at the moment for that wonderful cloak. Perhaps one my friends can lone me a pittance, or even better you would offer to sell if for what I have to offer. If you do gift me the balance, I can promise you that I will always speak highly of your name and establishment throughout all of my worldly travels. "What say you to that, eh?" There is a twinkle in the halfling's eyes, one mixed of nine parts glee, and one part sadness.


After that conversation is complete, Francis casually begins to bring up the weather. "So, how's this snow been for the sauna business? How long has this weather been going on for? I mean to say, from what I've heard its been quite unusual that its even here in the first place? What do you make of it?"


[sblock=Rolls (don't know if they apply, but if they do, here you go!)]
Diplomacy (take less for the cloak): [roll0]
Diplomacy (ask about the snow): [roll1]
Sense Motive (analyze his response): [roll2]

Character Sheet

HP: 26/26

AC: 17 Flat:15 Touch:13
CMB: +1 CMD: 13
Fort: +1 Reflex: +5 Will: +3
Fear: +2 Bardic/Sonic/Language: +4

Initiative: +2

Shortbow: +5 1d4-1
Shortsword: +3 1d4-1

Acrobatics: +2
Bluff: +21
Handle Animal: +7
K. Local: +8
K. Nobility: +6
Oratory: +13
Perception: +5
Survival: -2

Adaptable Luck: 3/3
Arrows: 20/20
Bardic Performance: 16/16

Level 1: 5/5
Level 2: 3/3

Adventure Notes:
2 days rations and feed (from pig)
cloak and wine

[sblock=Bacon, War Pig]
HP: 18/18

Initiative: 0

14 FF: 14 T:10
CMB: +4 CMD: 14
Fort: +6 Ref: +3 Will: +1

: gore +4 (1d8+4)
Defensive Abilities: Ferocity
Speed: 40 ft. (30 medium, 20 heavy)

Skills: Perception +6
Senses: Lowlight Vision, Scent[/sblock][/sblock]


Charity, Human Female
Nodding as the shopkeeper describes how the steam for the sauna is to produced, Charity observes, "Sounds like a lot of work, but then again, it gives a nice result." Listening to the conversation between Francis and the shopkeeper continue, she cannot help but agree, "Yes, I could see people be more interested in escaping the cold for a while..." Twirling her finger through one of her red locks, Charity casts a glance back to the sauna room, then goes back to looking at the various goods for sale.

[sblock=Charity Mini Stats]Charity
AC: 20/18 (19/17 flat-footed, 11 touch)
(Use second AC value when shieldless)
HP: 42/42
CMB: +7 CMD: 18

Fort: +9 Reflex: +7 Will: +9
Perception: +10 Sense Motive: +9
Initiative: +1

Lay on Hands remaining: 8/8
Channel Energy remaining: 7/7
Spells remaining: Lesser Restoration (x2)
Smite remaining: 1/1
Divine Bond remaining: 1/1

Current Item(s) in Hand: Lucerne Hammer
Current Conditions in Effect: Cold Weather Clothing
Temporary items in possession: none
Items not currently in possession: none
Items depleted: none[/sblock]

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Aishe Luminitse (Jaelle Nuri)

Aishe shivers theatrically. "I know I'd be spending most all of my time in there, if I lived in this frigid weather. Surely it can't be this cold all the time!?"


Diplomacy Aid Another (Ask About the Snow): 08
[sblock=Mini Stats]
Jaelle Nuri

Initiative: +03
AC: 17 (13 Touch, 14 Flat-Footed)
HP: 47/47
Senses: DarkVision (120’), Low-Light Vision Perception: +10
CMB: +07 CMD: 20
Fort: +05 Reflex: +07 Will: +01


Yosephus took out 4 silver coins and bought two bottles off wine.

After buying the wine he waited for Oaken to respond to Francis's questions. It was something important and he was curious.

~ Written by LMiller​

[sblock=OOC]Nothing [/sblock][sblock=Yosephus]Yosephus Errol Smithe
AC: 22 (20 flat-footed, 12 touch)
HP: 39/39
CMB: +5 CMD: 17

Fort: +6 Reflex: +5 Will: +10
Perception: +5 Sense Motive: +10
Initiative: +2

Channel Energy: 5/5
Orisons: Create Water, Guidance, Purify Food and Drink, Detect Magic
1st Level: Bless, Doom, Divine Favor, Shield of Faith, Cure Light Wounds (Domain)
2nd Level: Lesser Restoration, Sound Burst, Hold Person, Barkskin (Domain)
3rd Level: Scorching Ray, Silence, Cure Serious Wounds (Domain)
Rebuke Death: 7/7
Deflection Aura: 1/1
Daylight SLA: 1/1

Weapon in Hand: Shield (LH)[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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