[LPF] Pirate Treasure


While poking at the darkmantle, the party sees a surprisingly fresh mostly eaten humanoid body stuffed into a small nook. The darkmantles have eaten well and only just recently if the state of the body is any indication. There is definitely a decent sized group at the bottom of the cave around the corner, and the party is experienced enough to suspect that they aren't going into hugs and light conversation for greetings, but with the darkmantles already having claimed one of their own, they also aren't likely to come exploring up this way, either.

OOC: I'll get a post up starting the next scene sometime Saturday or Sunday. That will give you some time to make any preparations you wish before the fun begins.

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Qalabash Baram

Qalabash sighed and shook his head at the eaten body. It was a grim job and he didn't expect anyone else to do it so he pulled the body from the crevice and searched it for salvage.

"Poor fellow probably didn't know what hit him."

When the job was done Qalabash wiped his hands and readied himself to move down the passageway.

[sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Qalabash Baram[/size] Human Staff Magus 4
Initiative: +1 Perception: -1

AC: 15 (11 touch; 14 flat-footed) Current: 15
HP: 38 Current: 30
CMB: +6; +8 Trip CMD: 17; 19 vs. Trip Fort: +6 Ref: +4 Will: +3

In Hand: quarterstaff
Spells Prepared:
  • 2nd level (DC 15): Frigid Touch, Mirror Image
  • 1st level (DC 14): Blade Lash, Grease, Long Arm, Shocking Grasp
  • Cantrips: Detect Magic, Light, Prestidigitation, Root
Concentration +7
Arcane Pool: 4/5 (+1 enhancement for 1 min.)

[size=+1]The Spotted Beast[/size], cat familiar
Initiative: +2 Perception: +5

AC: 16 (14 touch; 14 flat-footed) Current: 16
HP: 19 Current: 19
CMB: +? CMD: ? Fort: +3 Ref: +4 Will: +5

In Hand: n/a
Conditions: none

Used: Shield: 2 charges


The party finds nothing of particular interest on the decomposed body; you eventually spot a pretty standard rapier close to the body, but that's pretty much it. Proceeding down the tunnel, you reach the turn and find a very hastily, and poorly, constructed wall of old ship planks blocking entrance to a small natural cave. Tearing down enough of these planks to get through is fairly easy, but a couple of the planks are actually well placed and will require additional effort and more noise to remove. At the far end, you see another opening to what is probably a much larger space guessing from the noise coming from there. In this cave a small fire pit and a couple of nasty looking bedrolls with seaweed underneath them to keep them off the cold ground can be seen. You also see one bald, completely hairless humanoid roughly the size and build of a human with webbed feet and hands. He isn't wearing much aside from a loincloth and has a rapier and a dagger hanging from the loincloth rope. He looks up with a startle as the first of you appear, clearly not expecting anybody from that direction.

[sblock=map] Darkmantle1.jpg.png
The space where the tunnel ends and the room begins (roughly B-C 22-23) is squeezing because of a fair bit of loose wood still hanging from the sides.[/sblock]

[sblock= combat status]Cruendithas 50/50 (17,12,10)
Dunkel 42/42 (21,11,20)
Qalabash 30/38 (15,11,14)
Tamarie 22/22 (13,11,13)
Wahyu 44/44 (19,17,13)

S1 (-A14)
S2 (B19) Hidden (DC 33 Perception)[/sblock]

OOC: The party won initiative and is up.


Qalabash Baram

Qalabash maintained his position at the tail of the group's line. He kept his eyes trained back along their path to make sure that they weren't snuck up on by harpies or more cave-squids or restless, dead pirates. His cat moved forward near Tamarie and Cruendithas and growled low in his throat.

"Peace, Beast," muttered Qalabash. "We'll be back at the Dunn Wright with our feet propped up in front of the fire before you know it! Ah, what do you see up there, lads and lasses?"

[sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Qalabash Baram[/size] Human Staff Magus 4
Initiative: +1 Perception: -1

AC: 15 (11 touch; 14 flat-footed) Current: 15
HP: 38 Current: 30
CMB: +6; +8 Trip CMD: 17; 19 vs. Trip Fort: +6 Ref: +4 Will: +3

In Hand: quarterstaff
Spells Prepared:
  • 2nd level (DC 15): Frigid Touch, Mirror Image
  • 1st level (DC 14): Blade Lash, Grease, Long Arm, Shocking Grasp
  • Cantrips: Detect Magic, Light, Prestidigitation, Root
Concentration +7
Arcane Pool: 4/5 (+1 enhancement for 1 min.)

[size=+1]The Spotted Beast[/size], cat familiar
Initiative: +2 Perception: +5

AC: 16 (14 touch; 14 flat-footed) Current: 16
HP: 19 Current: 19
CMB: +? CMD: ? Fort: +3 Ref: +4 Will: +5

In Hand: n/a
Conditions: none

Used: Shield: 2 charges


Tamarie the Songweaver
Crossbow still in hand from the last battle, Tamarie cast a glance down at the odd cat that had become Qalabash's companion. Taking a breath, the songweaver moves up along the wall, alert for danger. The ioun torch flits about her head, providing light she goes. "Let's see what we have," she mutters under her breath.

[sblock=Actions]Move Action: Move to C23
Standard Action: Reserve action to crossbow attack if anything attacks her or the group[/sblock]
[sblock=Tamarie Mini Stats]Tamarie
AC: 13 (11 flat-footed, 13 touch)
HP: 22/22
Shawl of Life Keeping: 0 stored HP
CMB: +2 CMD: 14

Fort: +2 Reflex: +3 Will: +4
Perception: +2 Sense Motive: +0
Initiat ive: +2

First Level spells remaining: 7/7
Second Level spells remaining: 3/4
Heavenly Fire remaining: 6/7 (Tamarie)
Bolts remaining: 19/20

Current Weapon in Hand: crossbow(loaded)
Current Conditions in Effect: ioun torch
Temporary items in possession: none
Items not currently in possession: none
Items depleted: none
Money: +0gp[/sblock]


First Post
Crue watches as the body is searched. While not a pleasant job it is one that any treasure hunter, even the most inexperienced, has done to find the secrets hidden away before death. In some cases even after death. It is a good sign that the dead stayed dead and did not reach for Qalabash as he searched the body.

As the group clears the obstruction to reveal the cave Crue helps as he can and maintains his position behind Dunkel.

Maintain position behind Dunkel
wand of MM ready.

[sblock=mini stats]

Initiative +1
AC: 17 (with shield/ Flat:16, Touch: 12)
HP: 50 current: 40
CMB: +3 / CMD: 14 Fort: +3 / Ref: +6 / Will: +6
Resistence: 0
Current Weapon in Hand: Buckler in off hand, wand of shield in off hand, wand of mm in main hand

effects :

Spell Like Abilities: Dancing Lights3/4, Ghost Sound1/1, Prestidigitation1/1, Speak with Animals1/1
Magic Missile 2/2
Arcane Strike +2
0 Lvl Spells:
Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Message, Know Direction

1st Lvl Spells: 5/5 per day
Cure Light Wounds, Grease, Expeditious Retreat, Identify, Vanish
2nd Lvl Spells: 3/4 per day
Tongues, Pilfering Hand, Summon monster II, Glitterdust, Burning Hands

Archaeologist's Luck (+2) rounds/day: 7/7

Wand CLW 8/10
Wand MM 18/25
Wand Shield 41/42


Deuce Traveler

Dunkel whispers back, "Some strange, dangerous-looking creature sitting by a fire. Shall we attempt to speak with it?"


HP: 42, AC: 21, AC Touch: 11, AC Flatfooted: 20, INIT: +3, BAB: +3, CMB: +5, CMD: 16
Fortitude: +8, Reflex: +4, Will: +9, Speed 20'
Masterwork Battleaxe: Attack: +7 = [BAB (3) + STR (2) + Masterwork (1) + Magic (0) + Feat (1)]
Damage: 1d8+2, Crit: 20/x3, Special: S
Sling: Attack: +4 = [BAB (3) + DEX (1) + Misc (0) + Magic (0)]
Damage: 1d4+2, Crit: 20/x2, Range: 50 ft

Channel Energy: (5/5, 3d6)

Spells Prepared
Level 0 (4)
Detect Magic
Purify Food and Drink

Level 1 (4+1)
Enlarge Person
Protection from Evil
Magic Weapon

Level 2 (3+1)
Bull's Strength

Level 3 (1+1)
Summon Monster III
Protection from Energy

Used: Remove Paralysis


First Post
Wahyu waved a ward around him, and stepped into the room, "Greetings! My friends and I have found ourselves far farther north than we anticipated, and thought we might stay the night in this cave, how long have you been trapped here, might I ask?"

[sblock=OOC]Wahyu casts Sanctuary on himself and moves to A22
Perception: 1D20+10 = [18]+10 = 28
Diplomacy: 1D20+15 = [15]+15 = 30[/sblock]
[sblock= Wahyu's Mini Stats]Wahyu
AC: 19 (17 flat-footed, 13 touch)
HP: 44/44
CMB: 3 CMD: 15
Fort: +6* Reflex: +7* Will: +9*
Perception: +10*, Darkvision 60 ft
Initiative: +6
Current Weapon in Hand: Dagger (+8*, 1d3+1, 19-20/x2)
Current Conditions in Effect: Heroism (+2)*
Spells Remaining (1st): 6/8
Spells Remaining (2nd): 3/6
Spells Remaining (3rd): 4/4

Used Items:
Abilities Used:


The creature blinks quickly, looking like he's ready to bolt, but something about Wahyu makes him stay and motion very vigorously to keep quiet. Slowly inching close enough to just barely be heard with a whisper, he replies, "We are not trapped; our great and noble dread lords have setup their den in the cave yonder (pointing to the opening to the larger cave). They will not take kindly to your presence, so for your own good, you should turn around and go back the way you came, forgetting about this cave completely."

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