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[LPF] Rodents of Unusual Size, pt 3

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With the group in seeming agreement on the issue of shopping and perhaps a bit of rest, the group turns on heel and heads for the pinnacle of Venzan adventurer shopping, the Mystic Pearl. Approaching on Meraviglia Street, the group finds itself in a rather loud and chaotic plaza, filled with people shouting out all manner of offers. However, not just anyone will redeem your 2100gp writ, and when the Mystic Pearl storefront, although not large or opulent, comes into view, the group filters inside.

Once inside, there is plenty of space for the group to conduct business without feeling cramped. The shopkeeper, Almar Ben Shawari, is a little surprised to see you bearing the IOU originally written for Jaycus, but still honors it as promised. Sensing many members of the group would like to spend some (if not all) of the gold immediately, the portly shopkeeper offers, "Well, tell you what then… you all just start shopping and I'll keep tab, and return to you the difference in gold crowns. And I can even make it individualized, since it seems to split evenly. Good, yes?" He pauses less than a second before concluding, "Good."

[sblock=ooc]Hokay, I'm speeding this part along a bit, so please excuse the summary nature of the role-play. Cutting to the chase, individualized gold awards are 300gp each, so you can each add that to your character sheets right now. If you have any purchases, post them to the Mystic Pearl thread as per normal. If you just want to keep it all, you don't need to post on the other thread. This may be most interesting to Dunkel and Joren, who both just tripled their net worth. :p

Assuming the majority favors a night's of rest, we can do that as well. Just let me know. You can even have a night on the town and still get 1 CON pt back so long as you get your solid 8 hours.[/sblock]


First Post
Joren spends a good deal of time in the shop, looking through the available scrolls and other items. In the end, after spending some time browsing some wands he doesn't have time for, he just slips his share of the gold into his pouch.

After the shopping is complete, he doesn't venture out on the town, but agrees to meet the others in the morning and gets a good night's rest.


[sblock=Shopping]Remember, if you don't see what you like, you can roll for it. Most minor magic items are going to work out to 75%, see page one of the Mystic Pearl thread for details.[/sblock]

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

Jonas meets the rest of the group back at the DWI for a night's rest, and wakes in the morning very much ready to set out. He's silent for the most part through breakfast, but can occasionally be heard muttering something about worthless magic shops that don't even keep simple scrolls in stock.​

[sblock=Mini Stats]
Jonas Psalter

Initiative: +02
AC: 17 (12 Touch, 15 Flat-Footed)
HP: 31/31
Senses: DarkVision (60’) Perception: +10
CMB: +05 CMD: 17 (+7/19 vs. Trip)
Fort: +06 Reflex: +02 Will: +04


First Post
Cruendithas finishes his shopping with some scrolls and a new darkwood buckler. After the encounter with the stirges he is feeling a bit drained, literally. All he can think about is rest before starting out again.

scroll lesser restoration
scroll web
2 scrolls sleep
darkwood buckler

Satin Knights

First Post
Mystie was glad to get to spend a night indoors to sleep. The next morning, she joins the others downstairs at the tavern.

Responding to Jonas' mutterings, "They had a few. I grabbed two with my portion. So, we have some protection from that now. Last time I was there, I also got some bug repellant gel. Not good to slather on immediately in a fight, but if we know we are walking towards a nest, it should work."
Mystie: [/sblock][sblock=Mystie Thissiledew's Mini-stats]Mystie Thissiledew
HP 34/34, AC 14, 10 Touch, 14 FF; Init -1, Darkvision 60', Move 15'
Fort: +4, Reflex +1, Will +5, CMB -3, CMD 6
Perception +4, Sense Motive +4, Spellcraft +5, Linguistics +2, Stealth +4, Handle Animal +9

Dagger -1, d4-3
Lt Crossbow +1, d6, range 80' increment, 9 bolts
Thrown Dagger +1, d4-3, range 10' increment

.,,,.....,,,,,,..Orisons: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Create Water, Guidance, Stabilize,
.,,,.....,,,,,,..Orisons: Mage Hand, Ghost Sound
.,,,.....,,,,,,.Cantrips: Message, Jolt, Breeze, Umbrella
Racial Spells:
(1/day) Dancing Lights , Flare, Prestidigitation,Produce Flame
.,,.,,...Oracle 1st Lvl: 5/5 remaining; Cure Light Wounds, Bless, Protection from Evil, Ill Omen (pugwampi)
.,,.,,.,,..Bard 1st Lvl:
1/2 remaining; Share Language, Grease (DC 15)
.Bardic Performance:
8/8 remaining;
......,,.......Consumables: 1 Cure Light Wounds potion, Mystie's Wand of Cure Light Wounds (25/25 ch)
......,,.......Consumables: 3 Alchemists' Fires, 2 Antitoxin, 4 Antiplague, 10 Vermin Repellants
Consumables: 2 Scrolls of Lesser Restoration, 12/12 days trail rations, 12/12 days of dog food
....................... Scrolls: Endure Elements, Comp Languages, Diagnose Disease
....................Channels: 5 of 5 left, 1d6, DC 15, Selective excluding 4 opponents
.........Immediate Action: Misfortune, force immediate reroll, once per creature per day
..................................If bad guy rolls 15-20, reroll
..................................If friend rolls 12 or less on a dangerous save, reroll
If friend rolls 10 or less on an attack for the base die roll, reroll
..................................This consumes the swift action
Bubba: Mastiff riding dog, Low light vision + scent; Perception +5,
Understands Common
(from Share Language)
AC 13, Touch 12, FF 11
HP 16/16
.... Fort +5, Reflex +5, Will +1; Move: 40'
..................CMB +3, CMD 15 (19 vs. Trip)
Melee: Bite +3, 1d6+3 plus trip
Tricks: Attack, Attack Unnatural Creatures, Defend, Heel, Flank and Hunt

In hand:

Deuce Traveler

"Hello there, good sir. You wouldn't by chance have a wand of cure light wounds for sale, would ya?"

OOC: Dunkel uses his share to try to purchase an affordable wand to aid in healing. Afterwards, he'll rejoin the others and rest for the day.


[sblock=Deuce Traveler]Apparently wands with less than full charge can be found in the Pearl using the roll system. (I found a few examples of that in previous posts.) You could, for example, roll for a 20 charge Cure Light Wounds wand (300gp) with 75% success chance. Just go ahead and drop the dialogue and roll in the Mystic Pearl thread and see if one is available (no partial CLW wands in stock ATM.)[/sblock]

[sblock=Everyone]Got what you all wanted? Remember you can pick up normal items, alchemical remedies, etc, as well. The purpose of the Pearl is to lighten your pocketbooks, don't fight it! (Blurb aside, LPF has a 100% sell back policy so if you buy an item that turns out to be not very useful, you can just trade it back when the adventure is over with no loss.) Then we'll be good to ride the next morning, with you all refreshed.[/sblock]


The night goes uneventfully, whether staying in one of the Dunn Wright Inn upper rooms, or, for those that are native to Venza, heading home and meeting back up there the next morning. Everyone gets a good, full night's rest to with the soft drumming of a light rain on the city's rooftops. The streets are still damp and a bit muddy in some places, but the clouds are already clearing as day breaks. Looks like a good day for travel.

[sblock=Con points and stuff]Everyone that had lost Con to the stirges gets one point back. Dunkel is the only one with lost vitality remaining, but he is at full HP due to the fact he started with a 15 CON (and now has 14, which will recover next time he rests, if he gets 8 hours).

You can do last minute shopping (or complete the shopping you started).

Other than that, you have horses, a scroll case with a map and written instructions (see post #11 if you need a refresher), and everything is wide open.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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