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M4: Under the Volcano [Nimisgod judging] -CONCLUDED

Rae ArdGaoth

Rasereit Vundinn, Dwarven Barbarian (HP: 5/51)

[sblock=Important for DM: ]There is clearly some discrepancy about Razh's HP total, thanks in small part to Manzanita but in large part to me. So I did some post digging to catalogue it all, and this is what I found.

51 HP since Level 4, immediately following the battle with Frump.
Thrown into the dungeon, still at full HP.
#507 p13 croc bite, 7 dmg (44/51)
#523 p14 croc bite, 12 dmg (32/51)
#535 p14 Hogarth heals for 7 (39/51)
#688 p18 Surface battle w/ goblins, 11 pts and 5 pts (23/51)
#768 p20 Dock fight, ogre hits for 18 dmg (5/51)

So although you had my HP max wrong on the spreadsheet, my current HP was not that far off. For some reason, I thought we had been totally healed after the caves, so I stated at the beginning of the first surface battle with the goblinoid gang that Razh's HP was 51. I chalk the mistake up to playing too much Mario 64, where you heal completely after a dip in the water. =P

So it's my mistake, and Razh has 5 HP.[/sblock]

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Round 2:

Rinaldo leaps onto the boat and stabs at a goblin, missing. The boat is drifting away from the pier. The prevailing wind is blowing from the sea towards the island, so the boat is not heading out to see at this point, but more towards the other dock.

Causticus takes a 5 foot step, bringing him within striking range of Nurlan. He feints with his sword before thrusting it at Nurlan's chest. It is a perfect feint, and a good thrust. (rolls). Nurlan has seen the Viscount up close before, and he is an intimidating sight. He is tall and broad, dressed in clothes as black as his skin, except for the blood red underside of his billowing cloak. His face is hairless and his teeth longer than normal, and pointed.

Nurlan is hit for 8 pts dmg. Unless he can beat a 28 on a sense motive (adding his level), he also takes 9 pts of sneak attack dmg.

The goblins attack as they can, but seem to be no more talented than the average goblin, and can't lay scimitar into this party.

The Northern Hobgoblin hesitates, staring at the drifting ship. The southern hobgoblin takes a swipe at Razh, missing.

Ashnar casts his last scorching ray. this one has less success, missing the Viscount entirely. Tenebrynn continues to run down the pier, closing his distance towards the Viscount. He also blasts out with a scorching ray. He also misses.

Ogrin neatly dispatches the goblin in front of him, as well as the one in front of Rinaldo, clearing the rear of the ship from hostiles.

Nurlan begins singing. (Orsal - you can modify or expand on that if you wish. You stated that action before the viscount dropped Nurlan to 5 hps.)

Hogarth leaps at the ship, about 5 feet away from him over the water. It's not a good jump, though, and the short priest lands in the water. He retains a grip on the gunwail of the ship with one hand.

Eanos charges the ogre. He manages to evade a wild swing of the club and close. His fist strikes the mountain of muscle, doing little damage. (7 pts recorded - what does Blow of Steel do again?)

Raseriet can still act in round 2 (before the ogre) Rinaldo's up for round 3


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Rae ArdGaoth

Rasereit Vundinn, Dwarven Barbarian (HP: 5/51)

Razh is upset. He is half-naked and wet from a underwater excursion to escape a dungeon. He is wearing tight, smelly armor and using crappy goblin longswords, weapons he does not prefer, all of which he obtained rather painful by prying them from the dead fingers of goblins. He and his friends are trapped on an island with an erupting volcano, and the only way off is a boat on which a gaggle of goblins and an evil mastermind are staging a last stand. He's been bit by crocodiles, suffocated underwater, cut by goblins, and now to top it all off he's being clobbered by an ogre. This is the second island vacation Razh has been on this season, so he really hates islands. He's angry. Really angry.

His face turns red, his muscles clench, and his hair almost seems to become more vibrant as the blood of the barbarian courses through his veins, filling his body with adrenaline and his eyes with the crimson flush of blood lust. He lashes out at one the most ancient enemies of his people with both of his longswords. One sword swipes harmlessly by, but Razh uses it to distract the giant and slide his other sword deep into the belly of the beast. (1d20+5=11, 1d8+5=10, 1d20+5=21, 1d8+5=8)

[sblock=OOC: ]Rage round 1 of 8 begins, full-attack on the ogre, one hits and deals 8 damage.

And maybe you already figured this into your calculations, Manz, but dwarves get a +4 AC bonus against giants. And ogres are giants. So maybe Razh has... 18 more HP? I'm praying so.

Angry-but-still-might-as-well-be-naked Stats:
AC: 14 (+3 DEX, +3 Studded leather, -2 Rage)
AC w/ shield: 15 (+3 DEX, +3 Studded Leather, +1 Light Shield, -2 Rage)
Grapple: +9
- Longsword x2 Atk +5/+5 (BAB +4, STR +5, TWF -4), dmg 1d8+5/1d8+5
- Longsword x1 Atk +9 (BAB +4, STR +5), dmg 1d8+5
- Longsword and Shield bash Atk +7/+7 (BAB +4, STR +5, TWF -2), dmg 1d8+5, 1d3+5
- Javelin (thrown) Atk +7 (BAB +4, DEX +3), dmg 1d6+5[/sblock]
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First Post
OK. I'll admit I didn't take the +4 dodge bonus into account, though I don't remember what the roll was. The ogre hit while shaken so he must have rolled between an 11 & 19, since there was no critical threat. For, what the heck, I'll reroll it. First set inconclusive. Second set indicates the Ogre rolled a 14, modified to 19, which would have missed, so OK. Razh is back to 23 HPs. I don't normally use Invisible castle unless I think someone may die, since it's so much easier for me to do the rolls as random number generators on my combat tracking spreadsheet. But there is something to be said for having a record of all the rolls to be able to go back & modify them if necessary...

Round 1 (revised)
The ogre's club swishes inches above the dwarf's head. He is saved only by his special dwarven training & the ogre's intimidation.

Round 2 (con't)
Razh rages and strikes the ogre once. ( 8 pts dmg)

The ogre swings back. He smacks the dwarf, hard.

Round 3...Rinaldo


[SBLOCK=Note]I described Ogrin as slowly walking forward over the corpses of fallen enemies since I wanted to be able to take advantage of the fact that he has two weapons, ie be able to take 5ft steps and a full round attack. His position at the aft is a bit incorrect with that in regard...

IC doesn't respond right now - feel free to make rolls for me Manzanita, if I haven't updated this post before you update round 3. Both swords attack at 1d20+5 with damage 1D4+3 (WITH Nurlans song this time) Rolls here, looks like one hit for 5 damage, which shuold take care of one goblin, and another hit for 4 damage.[/SBLOCK]Ogrin glances back and sees Razh and Eanos fight the goblin horde. He shouts at the two spellcasters on the pier, "Do something about that Ogre!" and then continues his assault at the goblins, clearing a path towards Causticus.
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First Post
Eanos, human monk

Eanos soldiers on, hoping quantity might win out over quality. Though he feels his flurry of blows is too weak, he makes the attempt anyway, then shifts over, hoping to make room for any additional aid Ogrin's call may bring.

[sblock=OOC]Blow of Steel can be found in this post. Basically, Eanos can burn a stunning fist attempt to add 1d6 damage if a blow hits. The 7 points you recorded already included the additional damage.

This round, Eanos flurries (applying BoS to the first attack), then takes a 5' step to the left.

I'm pretty sure none of these attacks hit this round:
Attack 1: 14, damage 6
Attack 2: 6, damage 4

In the unlikely event the first hit landed, I rolled the BoS damage: additional 6pts for a total of 12.[/sblock]


First Post
[SBLOCK=OOC]As we are a bit tight on the boat, what the situation look like? How much goblin alive, how much to kill before reaching Cauticus?[/SBLOCK]


LEW Judge
Manzanita said:
Nurlan is hit for 8 pts dmg. Unless he can beat a 28 on a sense motive (adding his level), he also takes 9 pts of sneak attack dmg.

Zero ranks, zero modifier -- guaranteed to fail.

Manzanita said:
Nurlan begins singing. (Orsal - you can modify or expand on that if you wish. You stated that action before the viscount dropped Nurlan to 5 hps.)

Yes. Since Nurlan is now right next to the caustic antagonist himself, he figures his attack is the most important one right now, and it is therefore more valuable to take a swipe himself. He places a well-aimed blow (21 -- I'm guessing a hit) in the villain's shoulder, doing 9 HP damage. (Note: my first damage roll was a d6 by mistake, so I ignored it and rerolled. That OK?)

Knight Otu

First Post
[sblock]Spells prepared (Save DC 13 + spell level, or 14+ spell level for Evocation spells; 4+1/3+1/2+1): 0 - acid splash, detect magic*, flare*|x3; 1st - Ashnar's sparkstrikex23*|, mage armor, cause fear; 2nd - protection from arrows, scorching ray x3*|
Ashnar mentally recounts which spells he can use without his component pouch. Flare, my sparkstrike, cause fear, scorching ray. Technically also acid splash and detect magic, but those'll be rather of low use.[/sblock]
Ashnar, silently cursing his aim again, reacts to Ogrin's shout and rushes back to the fight with the ogre, where he casts cause fear on the hulking brute.

Voidrunner's Codex

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