D&D 5E Magic chainsaw stats?


My 5e group is going through a conversion of the ancient tech crashed spaceship in a fantasy world adventure path of Iron Gods. While in the Mad Max wastelands section the party has just defeated an orc warlord with an unholy magic chainsaw. The party hexblade is willing to give up his greataxe and a hand to attune to it just so he can say groovy a lot. I see the DMG does not have chainsaw stats in the modern sci-fi section, just a reference to an intelligence check to figuring out how to use them. Any good stats for an unholy chainsaw appropriate for a 6th level party?


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My first thought is 2d6 +1 magic necrotic. Which would be easy to input into Fantasy Grounds.

The losing a hand thing is just flavor the PC wants. The intention is it will not have significant consequences so I am not considering it in power balance considerations.


My 5e group is going through a conversion of the ancient tech crashed spaceship in a fantasy world adventure path of Iron Gods. While in the Mad Max wastelands section the party has just defeated an orc warlord with an unholy magic chainsaw. The party hexblade is willing to give up his greataxe and a hand to attune to it just so he can say groovy a lot. I see the DMG does not have chainsaw stats in the modern sci-fi section, just a reference to an intelligence check to figuring out how to use them. Any good stats for an unholy chainsaw appropriate for a 6th level party?

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Not sure if it would help ya but: Lazer & Liches: Player Mix and Iron Kingdom: Requiem (Along with The Nightmare Kingdom supplement) has rules for Chainsaw weapons pretty much.

(I have both of these (Nightmare Kingdom isn't out yet but I backed the Kickstarter so backers got a playtest preview/early draft of the book), so I'd be more than happy to answer any questions about how they work in that regard if you are unable to check them out personally).

There's also Steampunk Weapons D&D 5E by Trabality and there is a Chainsaw in that Weapons table as well.

(Their Chainsaw rule for hitting a Nat 1 is interesting).

Those have been pretty much my go-to rules/picks for Chainsaw weapons in 5E.

Also: if you want a Grenade Launcher with a Chainsaw bayonet attachment, this is your best option right here!

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Follower of the Way
Since the chainsaw is magic, I assume it runs without fuel.

2d6 seems a little...I dunno, kind of bland, that's basically just a +1 greatsword. I would want it to have either a special feature of some kind or some other means to stand out from the crowd.

Perhaps make it a 3d4 weapon? Still using nice simple dice, but this reflects how consistent a chainsaw is. It hurts real good, but it's more a consistent kind of hurt, rather than the swingy "sometimes tons, sometimes none" of a 1d12 weapon?

You might also pair it with a unique physical damage type, like "rending" or the like, since chainsaws are...not really any of the three standard physical damage types. That would be a good way for it to do consistently high damage and be scary even to opponents that are otherwise resilient against such harm.


Off the top.of my head, I would do something like:

2d6+Str magic evil slashing damage, +1d6 per round of continuous damage (treat as a grapple check). Max damag 6d6. If the creature being sawed succeeds at their check, the effect ends and the extra damage dice reset. If they succeed by 5 or more, the wielder takes 2d6 plus the targets strength modifier and the target can start the "grapple".


I was thinking of something that allows for explosive damage. 2d6 for starter and every 6 you roll, you get to add another d6. This way when you crit and roll 4d6 you get a good chance of rolling more d6s to make even bigger damage.

Voidrunner's Codex

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