roguerouge said:"Can you explain how this works?" he said, hijacking the thread for his own nefarious purposes. "When I pasted that formula into a cell, I got a random number, true, but when I did it in the next cell I got a random number that changed the prior random number."
Nail said:Who's this "everyone" of which you speak?![]()
Sometimes (especially for disabiling traps or opponent's hide checks) the DM should roll the check in secret. But really the vast majority of the time it's preferable to roll out in the open so that everyone can see the result.
Could you give us an example that you're having trouble with?
Me, I worry as much about DMs fudging the dice in our favor as I do having the DM stiff us on a roll. "Let the dice fall where they may."
Great idea, but if you do this, make sure it is something worth knowing, else it will just pique the player's attention to the possibility that something is amiss...backbeat said:DM: [Knowing DC was 15 to see the Giant Spider] You see a desk in the corner of the room, you think it's made of oak.
EP said:Sounds good... now I just need to find a way to do the same for a Sense Motive opposed roll.
roguerouge said:"Can you explain how this works?" he said, hijacking the thread for his own nefarious purposes. "When I pasted that formula into a cell, I got a random number, true, but when I did it in the next cell I got a random number that changed the prior random number."
A NPC is suspicious of their intentions but wants the PCs to feel like she trusts them and doesn't questions their intentions at all. She will try to use Sense Motive a lot against them, but if I tell them to make an opposed roll during the scene, they'll get suspicious - which kind of goes against the idea of avoiding suspicion.