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Mark of the Wyrm


"Come on, Grog, scaring away folks trying to help aint gonna get rid of the Zhents." Said a new voice from behind them, as a hand clapped the large man on the shoulder. Before he could start informing the newcomer of how many pieces he was going to rip him into, however, Grogan turned to look, recognizing an old face - the towering (Well, not compared to Grogan) Kevin Kull, a man with just as much hate for the Zhentarim - and for similar reasons. They'd fought together before, to great effect. "I think the little guy's right, though. Lets go somewhere more private."

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
New voice (Logan Glanderho)

I'd invite the lot of you Zhent-haters at my place in dwarven tavern, but there is lots of orc-blood running around. I'd suggest some more open place such as public bath said another voice about Grogan's belly height.

Owner of this voice was a dwarf, not very strong as dwarves go, definitely smaller then average with strangely empty (monotonous) very deep voice. His helm tucked neatly under the arm, dark brown hair trimmed neatly, still having pressed down appearance from helm, shield on his back tinkling in shiny chainmail under gray and brown robe, his rich beard elaborately braided in three pronged diamond pattern and with dark brown eyes, dwarf radiated calm confidence in face of a hulking half-orc. There was a leather sachel on his shoulder and warhammer on his hip.

We might have more privacy there. Other suggestions?

OOC: imagine human male of 5'2'' and reduce it to dwarf equivalent


First Post
Garren, Human Ranger

Congratulations. You've made enough noise to draw together a group of people who dislike the Zhents in a city full of them. What do you think are the odds that you haven't also attracted the attention of several who will have our descriptions out with a small price attached to them. Garren looks around the room, trying to identify anyone who is looking at the group too intently. He even spares Polonus a glance, guessing that the man might be willing to sell them out if the price was right.
I'm much more comfortable out of doors, myself. Surely we can find a quiet corner of a square for our discussion? Or simply leave town for while? That might be our best bet for avoiding further attention.

ooc: I don't really expect to leave town; I'm just trying to stay in character with the wild woodsman. :)
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American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Grogan (Half-Orc Barbarian and Zhent Hate'a)

A really small smile slips on to Grogan's visage at the sight of Kevin, and then as quickly as it shows it is gone. He mumbles "Spear-chucker." as he looks away in amazement and confusion as to how all of these people converged on to one point and for this singular cause.

With one hand Grogan points his index finger to his chest, and then his index and middle fingers point to his eyes, and then finally he points his index finger to Ghelt. "Lets go." and he starts walking out of the tavern.


First Post
There was a sliding sound, as the drink Polonus poured came to a stop in front
of the barbarian. The barkeep scowled at the half-orc. "You gonna pay for that?"
he asked. If he had overheard the conversation, he gave no sign. Neither did
the other few patrons around the taproom, most of whom had conveniently
found places to put their backs against the wall when they chose places to sit.

Outside, a distant commotion could be heard, the sound of a crowd of people,
drawing nearer.


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Grogan (Half-Orc Barbarian and Zhent Hate'a)

Grogan picked up both glasses at the same time, one per hand and pours them in his mouth, both at the same time, and several chugs later the half-orc finishes with an Ahhhhh! He haphazardly drops both glasses onto the bar and then turns around with a small stream of ale still running down the side of his mouth Grogan says "Ghelt's buying. Don't ya remember - Polony." He smiles again and then looks at Ghelt, then returns to leaving the establishment.

He pauses for a moment in mid-stride and his ears perk up, he smiles again. "It looks like They're come'n to me." as he begins to strap on his massive shield on his way out. "Come Kevin, victory calls."


First Post
Garren hurried to catch up to the half-orc. Again, oh large one, it is probably best to truly identify the cause of the noise before drawing attention to ourselves. I would reccomend you not draw your weapon yet. After all, everyone is expecting a bit of a parade, no?
He motioned quickly to the others, knowing he was unlikely to convince the brute of much on his own.


Carfal rolled his eyes skyward with a look of desperation before joining in Garren's entreaty. "Yes, let's try to remain inconspicuous until we confirm that danger is afoot. I sincerely doubt that a squadron of Zhent soldiers is marching through the center of town."

There's not nearly enough screaming...
Carfal swallowed the knot in his throat and moved to follow the group.


Ghelt the Shin, Human Rogue

Ghelt dropped a few coppers on the bar for the drinks. "Thanks, Pol. Grand, as always." He sidled up to one of the front windows and peered outside.

"Unless there's another bread riot, I have a feeling we're about to catch a glimpse of the Lord Nephew, Ashchenon Dermmen."

Ghelt tried to decipher what the general tenor of the crowd noise was.

[sblock=OOC]Listen +5, if necessary.[/sblock]


"Ya, lets just nice & easy along the side of the road and watch'em pass. If anybody tries to cause us any trouble, well that's too bad for them." Kev grins as they exit the tavern.

Voidrunner's Codex

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