Marked By Destiny, Marked by Tragedy Part 2 (No Judge Yet)


The man doesn't seem to understand the nuances of Alys's speach, but does latch onto the word 'food.' He looks the adventurer over intently, and waves his iron pole in a vaguelly threatening manner. You suspect that if his brain was as damaged as his face, he would not be alive at all... but he seems to be operating far below the level of a normal humanoid.

"Food!" He demands.

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Rystil Arden

First Post
"He seems incapable of fathoming abstruse diction. But for now, are any of you in possession of surplus comestibles?" Alys asks softly to the others, as she continues to smile calmingly at the man.

(OOC: Alys doesn't have rations because she lives in a city and eats restaurant and market fare ;))


ooc: Hopefully, some of the PCs understand 'abstruce diction,' or this might take a while! :lol: Alysin sure doesn't go out of her way to make things easy for her companions!


First Post
Brelach produces his torn shirt, that had been damaged seemingly months earlier (henh henh).

"Great. First my shirt, and now you're taking my food!?"

Brelach digs through his pouch and throws a pack of dried jerkies, crackers, and cheeses at Alys. "There. If that helps, fine. Enjoy these 'dessicated nourishments' If it doesn't help, though..."

Brelach makes his "I'm ready to crack skulls" face.

Rystil Arden

First Post
"Here, would you like some?" Alys offers the man some of the food, by means of tossing it lightly, since she's still in the middle of the group, she continues in simple words, very slowly so he can understand "Now, please tell us--is there bad down there? What should we stay far from?" Alys coaxes in a soothing voice.


The man with the probe
OOC: Ok, maybe I'm not following (Stupid missed time, I can rarely post on Mondays and Tuesdays now). Are we all there? Arvan would have liked to have gone with Alys, but it's too late for that.


Bront said:
OOC: Ok, maybe I'm not following (Stupid missed time, I can rarely post on Mondays and Tuesdays now). Are we all there? Arvan would have liked to have gone with Alys, but it's too late for that.

ooc: Everyone is now together.

Rystil Arden said:
"Here, would you like some?" Alys offers the man some of the food, by means of tossing it lightly, since she's still in the middle of the group, she continues in simple words, very slowly so he can understand "Now, please tell us--is there bad down there? What should we stay far from?" Alys coaxes in a soothing voice.

The crazy man drops his weapon in order to take the food and backs away as he eats some.

"Dark dark dark. Slimy slitherers. Bad things. Eyes everywhere, watching, judging. No food. Bad place."

That's about the most coherent you can get out of him.


First Post
Brelach sneers. "Great. Darky, inky, darkness. See if he can turn that little description into a haiku, please. I'm sure we can turn this sap into a poet, yet."

Brelach takes a few steps away, grumbling about how 'these people' are slowly taking everything he owns.

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