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Martial Artist Base Class: Is it Balanced? (Now Revised)

Here's my attempt at making a customizable Martial Artist class to effectively replace the Monk class. I'm mainly having it compared to the Fighter, Monk and Psychic Warrior in terms of balance. Some of it runs off special rules (class defense bonuses and reputation) for my campaign. And you should consider the type of equipment a fighter gets, and the fact that they get a wider range of feats, including perhaps some new powerful fighter exclusive feats.

If the class is too powerful I'll probably have it such that increased unarmed damage, flurry of blows or ki strike will be abilities you have to buy.

Martial Artist
Alignment: Any
Hit Dice: d8
Class Skills: Balance (dex), Climb (str), Concentration (con), Craft (int), diplomacy (cha), Escape Artist (dex), Hide (dex), Jump (str), Knowledge (arcana, psionics, religion, spirits & tactics) (int), Listen (wis), Move Silently (dex), Perform (cha), Profession (wis), Sense Motive (wis), Swim (str), Tumble (dex)
Base Skill Points: 4
Base defence bonus: +1 (good progression)
{Fighters, Rogues and Psychic Warriors get +3 base with good progression (1/2), clerics get +3 base with medium progression (2/5), and wizards get +1 base with poor progression (1/3), other classes get varying base defence going between +1 to +3 with the three different progression types}

Weapon & Armour Proficiency: Martial Artist are proficient in all simple weapons, along with the following weapons butterfly sword, jitte, kama, nunchaku, sai, shuriken siangham, and tonfa. A Martial Artist can use a spear as a double weapon (1d6 for the other end). If using weapon groups Martial Artist are skilled with basic weapons & martial arts weapons, plus any one other weapon group.

Level	BAB		Damage	Flurry			Fort	Ref	Will	Def(+1)	Rep	Special Abilities
1st	+0		1d6	-2/-2			+2	+2	+0	+0(+1)	+0	Unarmed Strike, Flurry (-2), Special talent, Bonus Feat
2nd	+1		1d6	-1/-1			+3	+3	+0	+1(+2)	+0	Special technique, Bonus feat
3rd	+2		1d6	+0/+0			+3	+3	+1	+1(+2)	+1	Special talent
4th	+3		1d8	+1/+1			+4	+4	+1	+2(+3)	+1	Ki strike (magic), Special technique
5th	+3		1d8	+2/+2			+4	+4	+1	+2(+3)	+2	Flurry(-1), Special talent
6th	+4		1d8	+3/+3			+5	+5	+2	+3(+4)	+2	Bonus feat, Special technique
7th	+5		1d8	+4/+4			+5	+5	+2	+3(+4)	+2	Special talent
8th	+6/+1		1d10	+5/+5/+0		+6	+6	+2	+4(+5)	+3	Flurry(0), Special technique
9th	+6/+1		1d10	+6/+6/+1		+6	+6	+3	+4(+5)	+3	Special talent
10th	+7/+2		1d10	+7/+7/+2		+7	+7	+3	+5(+6)	+4	Ki strike (aligned), Bonus feat, Special technique
11th	+8/+3		1d10	+8/+8/+8/+3		+7	+7	+3	+5(+6)	+4	Greater Flurry, Special talent
12th	+9/+4		2d6	+9/+9/+9/+4		+8	+8	+4	+6(+7)	+4	Special technique
13th	+9/+4		2d6	+9/+9/+9/+4		+8	+8	+4	+6(+7)	+5	Special talent
14th	+10/+5		2d6	+10/+10/+10/+5		+9	+9	+4	+7(+8)	+5	Bonus Feat, Special technique
15th	+11/+6/+1	2d6	+11/+11/+11/+6/+1	+9	+9	+5	+7(+8)	+6	Special talent
16th	+12/+7/+2	2d8	+12/+12/+12/+7/+2	+10	+10	+5	+8(+9)	+6	Ki strike (adamantine), Special technique
17th	+12/+7/+2	2d8	+12/+12/+12/+7/+2	+10	+10	+5	+8(+9)	+6	Special talent
18th	+13/+8/+3	2d8	+13/+13/+13/+8/+3	+11	+11	+6	+9(+10)	+7	Bonus Feat, Special technique
19th	+14/+9/+4	2d8	+14/+14/+14/+9/+4	+11	+11	+6	+9(+10)	+7	Special talent
20th	+15/+10/+5	2d10	+15/+15/+15/+10/+5	+12	+12	+6	+10(+11)	+8	Special technique/ talent

Flurry of Blows: Martial Artist’s Flurry improves to a -1 to all attacks at level 5 and loses the penalty level at level 8 and greater flurry (an extra attack) at level 11. Flurry of blows can be used with any light, finesseable or double weapon as well as shurikens, tiger-hook swords and three-piece rods (for weapon groups it’s with any basic, martial arts weapon or light blade). They may only use flurry of blows when unarmoured.
Unarmed Strike: Martial artists get improved unarmed strike for free and their unarmed attacks do the listed damage above.
Bonus Feat: At 1st, 2nd and every 4 levels after martial artist may pick any martial arts feat they qualify for.
Ki Strike (Su): The martial artist’s unarmed strikes count as magic weapons at 4th level. At 10th level a martial artist’s unarmed strike counts as a weapon of one part of their alignment, unless they are true neutral in which case they get nothing new . At 16th level a martial artist’s unarmed strike also counts as adamantine in regards to bypassing hardness as well.
Special Technique: A Martial Artist picks a Special Technique from the list below. At level 20 they can pick either a special technique or special talent. They get a total of nine or ten to choose from over 20 levels.
Special Talent: A Martial Artist picks a Special Talent from the list below. At level 20 they can pick either a special technique or special talent. They get a total of ten or eleven to choose from over 20 levels.

Special Talents: A martial artist’s has a number of special talents to choose from at various levels. Some techniques have minimum levels they can be chosen at, and can usually be only chosen once. Some require other techniques. Special Techniques can be picked from martial artist bonus epic feats at epic levels.
Acrobatics (Su): (Minimum level: 11, requires: speed bonus +20) A martial gains a +10 competence bonus on Balance, Jump and Tumble checks, and can take 10 on those skills even in circumstances that wouldn’t allow otherwise. This can be chosen as many as 3 times with the bonus stacking, but must be picked at least 4 levels apart.
Combat Awareness (Ex): (requires: wisdom 13+) A martial artist may add their wisdom modifier to defence when not wearing armour as long as the bonus doesn’t exceed their class level. This bonus applies even when flat-footed or against touch attacks and doesn’t stack with combat presence.
Combat Presence (Ex): (requires: charisma 13+) A martial artist may add their charisma modifier to defence when not wearing armour as long as the bonus doesn’t exceed their class level. This bonus applies even when flat-footed or against touch attacks and doesn’t stack with combat awareness.
Diamond Body (Su): (Minimum level: 9) Gain immunity to poisons of all kinds.
Diamond Soul (Ex): (Minimum level: 13) Gain spell resistance equal to martial artist level + 10.
Evasion (Ex): When not wearing armour a martial artist suffers no damage or partial effects on a successful reflex save.
Flight (Su): (Minimum level 15; requires: leap of clouds, slow fall, speed bonus +30) You can fly at your base land speed with an average manoeuvrability.
Focussed Mind: A martial artists will save is now a good save.
Immortal State: (Minimum level 20; requires: timeless body, purity of body) You’ve achieved a higher state of enlightenment by joining the exalted ranks of the Xian (Immortals). You no longer can die from old age. After reaching venerable age you gain +1 to wisdom, intelligence and charisma every 500 years.
Improved Evasion (Ex): (Minimum level 9; requires Evasion) As Evasion, except they only suffer half damage or partial effects on a failed reflex save.
Leap of Clouds (Su): (Minimum level 7; requires speed bonus) You don’t have to move any distance to make a running jump.
Perfect Self : (Minimum level 20; requires: timeless body) A martial artist becomes a magical creature. Her type becomes Outsider (native). Additionally, the martial artist gains damage reduction 10/magic.
Purity of Body (Ex): (Minimum level 5) A martial artist gains immunity to all diseases except for supernatural and magical diseases.
Slow Fall (Ex): A martial artist within arms reach of a wall may reduce their fall by (martial artist level) x 5 feet. At 20th level they can fall from any distance near a wall without any harm.
Speed Bonus (Ex): Add +10 to the martial artist’s base speed when not wearing armour or carrying more than a medium load. This ability can be taken multiple times, the bonuses do stack and it can be taken as a special technique as well. The total speed bonus can’t be greater than their (character level/3) x 10 though.
Still Mind (Ex): (Minimum level: 3) Gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against spells and effects from the school of enchantment.
Timeless Body (Ex): (Minimum level: 13) A martial artist no longer takes penalties to her ability scores for aging and cannot be magically aged. Any such penalties that she has already taken, however, remain in place. Bonuses still accrue, and the martial artist still dies of old age when her time is up.
Tongue of the Sun and Moon (Ex): (Minimum level: 11) A martial artist can speak with any living creature.
Wholeness of Body (Su): (Minimum level 7) A martial artist can heal her own wounds. She can heal a number of hit points of damage equal to twice her martial artist level each day, and she can spread this healing out among several uses.

Special Techniques: A martial artist’s has a number of special techniques to choose from. Some techniques have minimum levels they can be chosen at, and can usually be only chosen once. Some require other techniques. Special Techniques can be picked from martial artist bonus epic feats at epic levels.
Abundant Step (Su): (Minimum level: 11) A martial artist can slip magically between spaces, as if using the spell dimension door, once per day. Her caster level for this effect is one-half her martial artist level (rounded down).
Bonus Feat: (Minimum level 4) A Martial Artist can pick a bonus martial arts feat, they may pick this technique twice.
Crippling Blow (Ex): (Minimum level 11) On a successful critical hit you can also inflict 2 points of strength damage.
Deflect Incoming (Ex): (Minimum level 13; requires deflect arrows, combat reflexes) By taking a full action you can deflect as many incoming range attacks (but not rays, spells or artillery) equal to 1+your dex modifier+you wis modifier with a +4 circumstance bonus to the saving throws. You must be armed with a melee weapon to do this.
{Deflecting arrows requires you to give up an attack of oppurtunity to make a reflex save equal to 10+1/2 opponent's HD+dex mod+opponent's feat bonuses}
Empty Body (Su): (Minimum level 17) A martial artist may assume an ethereal state for 1 round per martial artist level per day, as though using the spell Etherealness. She may go ethereal on a number of different occasions during any single day, as long as the total number of rounds spent in an ethereal state does not exceed her monk level.
Fist of Balance (Su): (Minimum level 11; true neutral alignment) The martial artist’s unarmed attacks can bypass any alignment based damage reduction.
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): (Minimum level 7; uncanny dodge) You can no longer be flanked, and only someone with 4 or more rogue levels than your martial artist levels can sneak attack you.
Improved Weapon Technique (Ex): (BAB 4+) A martial artist can apply flurry of blow to a one-handed melee weapon they are proficient with. If using weapon groups it’s to any one-handed weapon of that group.
Improvised Fighting: A martial artist is proficient in all improvised weapons.
Iron Skin (Ex): (Minimum level 11; Con 13+) You gain damage reduction 1/-, you can take this multiple times (as long as it’s 2 levels apart) increasing the damage reduction by +1/- each time. You can’t exceed damage reduction 5/- though.
Ki Push (Su): (Minimum level 13; requires: improved bull rush) With a full action you can initiate a bull rush with an unarmed attack. You remain in your own square regardless of the result, and can use your wisdom instead of your strength in the bull rush attempt. If you’re successful you can push an opponent 10 feet back and knock them prone at the same time.
Ki Strike (Additional Alignment) (Su): (Ki Strike (Aligned), Non-neutral alignment) The martial artist can pick another alignment type their attacks can bypass if they are of that alignment.
Ki Strike (Cold Iron) (Su): (Minimum level 7) The martial artist’s unarmed strikes count as a cold iron weapon for the purpose of damage reduction.
Ki Strike (Silver) (Su): (Minimum level 7) The martial artist’s unarmed strikes count as a silver weapon for the purpose of damage reduction.
Quivering Palm (Su): (Minimum level: 15) A martial artist can set up vibrations within the body of another creature that can thereafter be fatal if the monk so desires. She can use this quivering palm attack once per day and she must announce her intent before making her attack roll. Incorporeal creatures and creatures immune to critical hits cannot be affected. Otherwise, if the strike is successful and the target damaged from the blow, the quivering palm attack succeeds. Thereafter she can try to slay the victim at any later time, as long as the attempt is made within a number of days equal to her martial artist level. To make such an attempt, the martial artist merely wills the target to die (a free action), and unless the target makes a Fort save (DC 10 + 1/2 the martial artist’s level + Wis modifier), it dies. If the saving throw is successful, the target is no longer in danger from that particular quivering palm attack, but it may still be affected by another one at a later time.
Speed Bonus (Ex): Add +10 to the martial artist’s base speed when not wearing armour or carrying more than a medium load. This ability can be taken multiple times, the bonuses do stack and it can be taken as a special talent as well. The total speed bonus can’t be greater than their (character level/3) x 10 though.
Speed Climb (Ex): (requires: climb 10 ranks) A martial artist can make climb checks at their full speed only needing one hand free, as long as they end their round on a horizontal surface.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): (Minimum level 3) You retain your dex bonus if flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. If you already have Uncanny Dodge you gain Improved Uncanny Dodge instead.
Weapon Forms: A martial artist gains proficiency in 5 martial or exotic weapons melee weapons of their choice. This can be chosen multiple times. If using weapon groups they become proficient in another melee weapon group.

Multi-classing: A martial artist can freely multi-class. Should they multi-class in a psionic class they are considered to have the psionic feat Speed of Thought for the purpose of qualifying for psionic feats, if they have a speed bonus.
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Martial Arts Feats: This is a category of feats that are a part of various martial arts styles. The list is based off the one from OA.
Agile Riposte, Blind Fight, Choke Hold, Combat Reflexes, Combat Throw, Defensive Throw, Diehard, Dodge, Eagle Claw Attack, Deflect Arrows, Earth’s Embrace, Evasive Target, Expertise, Falling Star Strike, Fists of Iron, Flying Kick, Freezing the Lifeblood, Grappling Block, Great Ki Shout, Great Throw, Improved Bullrush, Improved Disarm, Improved Feint, Improved Grapple, Improved Trip, Iron Will, Karmic Strike, Ki Shout, Mobility, Pain Touch, Power Attack, Prone Attack, Roundabout Kick, Snatch Arrows, Superior Expertise, Stunning Fist, Unbalance Opponent, Unbalancing Strike, Weapon Finesse, Wild Talent


First Post
way too strong
my advice would be to take off everything under the special column except the bonus feats, jack up the will save, and create feat/ability/skill/armor/weapon groups based off different fighting styles

for instance since I'm a boxer i'l use pugilist

no armor or shield prof
prof with punching dagger, gauntlets (all simple and martial plus one exotic)
bluff, sense motive, intimidate, spot, perform(weapon drill), balance, concentration, knowledge(psionics, spirits, tactics) for skills

for bonus feats a pugilist could take
combat expertise
power attack
improved sunder
improved disarm
improved trip
falling star strike
eagle claw attack
fists of iron
stunning fist
extra stunning fist
flying kick (lunge punch)
Circle kick (roundhouse combo)
improved feint
great fortitude
iron will
pain touch
deflect arrows
superior expertise
weapon finesse
wild talent

insted of a bonus feat a pugilist could also select from the following list of abilities

deadly punch (magic)- as ki strike
deadly punch (aligned {one component})
deadly punch (material {one})
deadly punch (balanced)
mettle (fort)
mettle (will)
crippling blow
iron skin
combat presence
combat analyst - int to ac
that way they are somewhat more balanced but still not over powered
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I had the idea to use something like talent chains, but couldn't consistently think ones up. Though there is sort of a chain with a few of the abilities. Thinking more about damage I'd make increased unarmed damage something you'd have to buy with each increase.

More musings about what I'm working on....

Dividing up special abilities and talents is sort of blurry as I originally intended talents to be passive abilities and techniques to be active abilities.

Anyways I've counted what the Monk would get under this system, even going with a change of dividing the speed bonus to...

Improved Speed (+10)
Greater Speed (+20)
Superior Speed (+30)

And making Ki Strike something that has to be bought we get:
{3 bonus feats, ki strike (3), speed (3), evasion, still mind, slow fall, purity of body, wholeness of body, improved evasion, diamond body, abundant step, diamond soul, quivering palm, timeless body, tongue of sun and moon, empty body, prefect self, focussed mind, combat awareness} = 25 abilities and feats
not to mention 5 damage increases, if that becomes something to be bought...

Looking on other ways to change the martial artist...
I could have a good will save again
Make speed bonuses or certain special abilities free again
Take away many special abilities to perhaps at 1st level and every even numbered level (11 over 20 levels)...
Giving them the same bonus feat progression as Psyhic Warriors (1st, 2nd, and every 3 levels after thatm which would be 8 feats over 20 levels)
Have some abilities bought all at once as part of a chain when certain levels are met.

I'm thinking that ability chains could put tighter control on the spread of abilities to be bought. Though I can think of a few, what I've got seems to work around the categories of Offense, Defense, Mobility and Spiritual abilities. Or perhaps I can divide the abilities among Body, Mind and Soul...

Examples would be
Purity of Body -> Wholeness of Body -> Diamond Body -> Timeless Body -> Perfect Self or Immortal State as one chain...
Still Mind -> Diamond Soul as another chain...
Leap of Clouds + Slow Fall + Improved Speed -> Greater Speed -> Flight

Anyways, I hope to have it so you can create a variety of concepts of types of martial artists with this, such as the good example of Evolved's Pugilist idea...

So we could have concepts like Pugilist, Kickboxer, Wushu Expert, Flying or Mystical Martial Artist, Capoerista, Wrestler, Exotic Weapon Expert, and so on...

So I did a big overhaul of the martial artist which I hope is more balanced and actually implements a newer idea for abilities known as paths. I haven't done anything good with flavour yet though, and could do something about the names but here's the revision so far...

Weapon & Armour Proficiency: Martial Artist are proficient in all simple weapons, along with the following weapons butterfly sword/cutlass, jitte, kama, machete, nunchaku, sai, shuriken siangham, and tonfa. A Martial Artist can use a spear as a double weapon (1d6 for the other end). If using weapon groups Martial Artist are skilled with basic weapons & martial arts weapons, plus any one other weapon group.

Level	BAB		Fort	Ref	Will	Def(+1)	Rep	Special Abilities	Flurry
1st	+0		+2	+2	+2	+0(+1)	+0	Unarmed Strike, Flurry (-2), 4 Paths, Bonus Feat	-2/-2
2nd	+1		+3	+3	+3	+1(+2)	+0	Bonus feat			-1/-1
3rd	+2		+3	+3	+3	+1(+2)	+1				+0/+0
4th	+3		+4	+4	+4	+2(+3)	+1				+1/+1
5th	+3		+4	+4	+4	+2(+3)	+2	Bonus feat, Flurry(-1)			+2/+2
6th	+4		+5	+5	+5	+3(+4)	+2				+3/+3
7th	+5		+5	+5	+5	+3(+4)	+2				+4/+4
8th	+6/+1		+6	+6	+6	+4(+5)	+3	Bonus feat, Flurry(0)			+5/+5/+0
9th	+6/+1		+6	+6	+6	+4(+5)	+3				+6/+6/+1
10th	+7/+2		+7	+7	+7	+5(+6)	+4				+7/+7/+2
11th	+8/+3		+7	+7	+7	+5(+6)	+4	Bonus feat			+8/+8/+3
12th	+9/+4		+8	+8	+8	+6(+7)	+4				+9/+9/+4
13th	+9/+4		+8	+8	+8	+6(+7)	+5				+9/+9/+4
14th	+10/+5		+9	+9	+9	+7(+8)	+5	Bonus Feat			+10/+10/+5
15th	+11/+6/+1	+9	+9	+9	+7(+8)	+6				+11/+11/+6/+1
16th	+12/+7/+2	+10	+10	+10	+8(+9)	+6				+12/+12/+7/+2
17th	+12/+7/+2	+10	+10	+10	+8(+9)	+6	Bonus feat			+12/+12/+7/+2
18th	+13/+8/+3	+11	+11	+11	+9(+10)	+7				+13/+13/+8/+3
19th	+14/+9/+4	+11	+11	+11	+9(+10)	+7				+14/+14/+9/+4
20th	+15/+10/+5	+12	+12	+12	+10(+11)	+8	Bonus feat			+15/+15/+10/+5

Flurry of Blows: Martial Artist’s Flurry improves to a -1 to all attacks at level 5 and loses the penalty level at level 8. Flurry of blows can be used with any light, finesseable or double weapon as well as shurikens, tiger-hook swords and three-piece rods (for weapon groups it’s with any basic, martial arts weapon or light blade). They may only use flurry of blows when unarmoured.
Unarmed Strike: Martial artists get improved unarmed strike for free and their unarmed attacks do 1d6 damage for medium characters (1d4 small and 1d8 large respectively) which can be lethal or non-lethal as they desire.
Bonus Feat: At 1st, 2nd and every 3 levels after martial artist may pick any martial arts feat they qualify for. Instead of selecting a bonus feat a martial artist can select a special ability of a path that they don’t possess (including paths they don’t have the requirements for) if they have the appropriate requirements for the ability. A martial artist who takes Stunning Fist can use as many stunning attacks per day as their martial artist level.
Paths: A martial artist learns different paths related to their disciplines and training. They can pick a total of 4 paths where they automatically get different abilities at specified levels providing the meet the requirements. Some paths also have a requirement before they’re taken.

Ability Chains:
Perfection of the Body: This path is about making the body perfect against any ills it may take, including poison, disease and age.
Abilities - 5th: Purity of Body, 7th: Wholeness of Body, 11th: Diamond Body, 17th: Timeless Body, 20th: Perfect Self or Immortal State
Diamond Body (Su): (Minimum level: 9) Gain immunity to poisons of all kinds.
Immortal State: (Minimum level 20; requires: timeless body, purity of body) You’ve achieved a higher state of enlightenment by joining the exalted ranks of the Xian (Immortals). You no longer can die from old age. After reaching venerable age you gain +1 to wisdom, intelligence and charisma every 500 years.
Perfect Self : (Minimum level 20; requires: timeless body) A martial artist becomes a magical creature. Her type becomes Outsider (native). Additionally, the martial artist gains damage reduction 10/magic.
Purity of Body (Ex): (Minimum level 5) A martial artist gains immunity to all diseases except for supernatural and magical diseases.
Timeless Body (Ex): (Minimum level: 13) A martial artist no longer takes penalties to her ability scores for aging and cannot be magically aged. Any such penalties that she has already taken, however, remain in place. Bonuses still accrue, and the martial artist still dies of old age when her time is up.
Wholeness of Body (Su): (Minimum level 7) A martial artist can heal her own wounds. She can heal a number of hit points of damage equal to twice her martial artist level each day, and she can spread this healing out among several uses.
Path of Spiritual Power: There are many illusions and challenges in the path to spiritual enlightenment. Those who follow this path can master the spiritual forces of the world around them and strengthen the spirit themselves.
Abilities – 3rd: Still Mind, 12th: Abundant Step or Fists of Balance, 13th: Diamond Soul, 15th: Quivering Palm, 17th: Tongue of the Sun and Moon, 19th: Empty Body
Abundant Step (Su): (Minimum level: 11) A martial artist can slip magically between spaces, as if using the spell dimension door, once per day. Her caster level for this effect is one-half her martial artist level (rounded down).
Diamond Soul (Ex): (Minimum level: 13) Gain spell resistance equal to martial artist level + 10.
Empty Body (Su): (Minimum level 17) A martial artist may assume an ethereal state for 1 round per martial artist level per day, as though using the spell Etherealness. She may go ethereal on a number of different occasions during any single day, as long as the total number of rounds spent in an ethereal state does not exceed her monk level.
Fist of Balance (Su): (Minimum level 12; Ki Strike (magic), true neutral alignment) The martial artist’s unarmed attacks can bypass any alignment based damage reduction.
Quivering Palm (Su): (Minimum level: 15) A martial artist can set up vibrations within the body of another creature that can thereafter be fatal if the monk so desires. She can use this quivering palm attack once per day and she must announce her intent before making her attack roll. Incorporeal creatures and creatures immune to critical hits cannot be affected. Otherwise, if the strike is successful and the target damaged from the blow, the quivering palm attack succeeds. Thereafter she can try to slay the victim at any later time, as long as the attempt is made within a number of days equal to her martial artist level. To make such an attempt, the martial artist merely wills the target to die (a free action), and unless the target makes a Fort save (DC 10 + 1/2 the martial artist’s level + Wis modifier), it dies. If the saving throw is successful, the target is no longer in danger from that particular quivering palm attack, but it may still be affected by another one at a later time.
Still Mind (Ex): (Minimum level: 3) Gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against spells and effects from the school of enchantment.
Tongue of the Sun and Moon (Ex): (Minimum level: 11) A martial artist can speak with any living creature.
Path of the Fist: Those who specialize in the path of the fist know how to make their bodies into the most powerful weapons.
Abilities: Increased Damage, 4th: Ki Strike (Magic), 10th: Ki Strike (Aligned), 16th: Ki Strike (Adamantine)
Level Small Damage Medium Damage Large Damage
4th – 7th 1d6 1d8 2d6
8th – 11th 1d8 1d10 2d8
12th – 15th 1d10 2d6 3d6
16th – 19th 2d6 2d8 3d8
20th + 2d8 2d10 4d8
Ki Strike (Adamantine) (Su): (Minimum level 16; Ki Strike (magic)) The martial artist unarmed strikes count as adamantine for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction and hardness.
Ki Strike (Aligned) (Su): (Minimum level 10; Ki Strike (magic)) The martial artist can pick one alignment type that’s part of their alignment which they can bypass for damage reduction. If a martial artist is true neutral, they must either pick Ki Strike (Silver) or Ki Strike (Cold Iron) instead.
Ki Strike (Magic) (Su): (Minimum level 4) The martial artist’s unarmed strikes count as a magic weapon for the purpose of damage reduction.
Path of Movement: Adherents of this path learn how to move at supernaturally high speeds, often making long, floating strides at later levels.
Level Speed
3rd – 5th +10
6th – 8th +20
9th – 11th +30
12th – 14th +40
15th – 17th +50
18th – 20th +60
Path of Defence: Those who take this path know how to best defend themselves with their uncanny awareness and reflexes.
(Requirements: Path of Movement; Dexterity 13+) Abilities: 1st: Combat Awareness, Combat Analyst or Combat Presence; 2nd: Evasion, 4th: Uncanny Dodge, 8th: Improved Uncanny Dodge, 9th: Improved Evasion, 12th: Defensive Roll, 13th Deflect Incoming, 17th: Blinding Movement
Blinding Movement (Su): (Minimum level 17; requires: dexterity 17+) You move so quickly in combat that you are hard to see at times, that you gain concealment when fighting defensively, using full defence or combat expertise. All opponents have a 20% miss chance against you.
Combat Analyst (Ex): (requires: intelligence 13+) A martial artist may add their intelligence modifier to defence when not wearing armour as long as the bonus doesn’t exceed their class level. This bonus applies even when flat-footed or against touch attacks and doesn’t stack with combat presence or combat awareness.
Combat Awareness (Ex): (requires: wisdom 13+) A martial artist may add their wisdom modifier to defence when not wearing armour as long as the bonus doesn’t exceed their class level. This bonus applies even when flat-footed or against touch attacks and doesn’t stack with combat presence or combat analyst.
Combat Presence (Ex): (requires: charisma 13+) A martial artist may add their charisma modifier to defence when not wearing armour as long as the bonus doesn’t exceed their class level. This bonus applies even when flat-footed or against touch attacks and doesn’t stack with combat awareness or combat analyst.
Defensive Roll (Ex): (minimum level 12) The martial artist can roll with a potentially lethal blow to take less damage from it than she otherwise would. Once per day, when she would be reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by damage in combat (from a weapon or other blow, not a spell or special ability), she can attempt to roll with the damage. To use this ability, the martial artist must attempt a Reflex saving throw (DC = damage dealt). If the save succeeds, she takes only half damage from the blow; if it fails, she takes full damage. She must be aware of the attack and able to react to it in order to execute her defensive roll—if she is denied her Dexterity bonus to AC, she can’t use this ability. Since this effect would not normally allow a character to make a Reflex save for half damage, the evasion ability does not apply to the defensive roll.
Deflect Incoming (Ex): (Minimum level 13; requires deflect arrows, combat reflexes) By taking a full action you can deflect as many incoming range attacks (but not rays, spells or artillery) equal to 1+your dex modifier+you wis modifier with a +4 circumstance bonus to the saving throws. You must be armed with a melee weapon to do this.
Evasion (Ex): (Minimum level 2) When not wearing armour a martial artist suffers no damage or partial effects on a successful reflex save.
Improved Evasion (Ex): (Minimum level 9; requires Evasion) As Evasion, except they only suffer half damage or partial effects on a failed reflex save.
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): (Minimum level 7; uncanny dodge) You can no longer be flanked, and only someone with 4 or more rogue levels than your martial artist levels can sneak attack you.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): (Minimum level 3) You retain your dex bonus if flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. If you already have Uncanny Dodge you gain Improved Uncanny Dodge instead.
Path of Flight: Those who take this path learn how to ignore gravity, and eventually gain the ability to fly.
(Requirements: Path of Movement) Abilities: 4th: Slow Fall, 6th: Water Running, 7th: Leap of Clouds, 8th: Acrobatics, 10th: Speed Climb, 11th: Improved Acrobatics, 14th: Greater Acrobatics, 15th: Light as Air, 17th: Flight
Acrobatics (Su): (Minimum level: 8, requires: speed bonus +20) A martial gains a +5 competence bonus on Balance, Jump and Tumble checks, and can take 10 on those skills even in circumstances that wouldn’t allow otherwise.
Flight (Su): (Minimum level 17; requires: leap of clouds, slow fall, speed bonus +30) You can fly at your base land speed with an average manoeuvrability.
Greater Acrobatics (Su): (Minimum level: 14, requires: Improved Acrobatics) The competence bonus from Acrobatics increases to +15.
Improved Acrobatics (Su): (Minimum level: 11, requires: Acrobatics) The competence bonus from Acrobatics increases to +10.
Leap of Clouds (Su): (Minimum level 7; requires speed bonus) You don’t have to move any distance to make a running jump.
Light as Air (Su): (Minimum level 15; Slow Fall) You can use the spell Air Walk as a Sorcerer of half your Martial Artist level once per day.
Slow Fall (Ex): (Minimum Level 4) A martial artist within arms reach of a wall may reduce their fall by (martial artist level) x 5 feet. At 20th level they can fall from any distance near a wall without any harm.
Speed Climb (Ex): (Minimum Level 10; requires: climb 10 ranks) A martial artist can make climb checks at their full speed only needing one hand free, as long as they end their round on a horizontal surface.
Water Running (Su): (Minimum Level 7; requires: climb 10 ranks) A martial artist can walk on water as long as they move more than 10 feet on the water.
Path of Fortitude: Martial artists who take this path become really tough, able to withstand more than most can take.
(Requirements: Perfection of the Body, Constitution 13+) Abilities: 5th: Bonus Feat, 8th: Iron Skin, 10th: Mettle
Bonus Feat: At 5th Level pick any of the following feats: Die Hard, Great Fortitude, Improved Toughness or Toughness.
Iron Skin (Ex): (Minimum Level 8) A Martial Artist gets the following Damage Reduction based on level. This can’t be taken outside of the Path of Fortitude.
Level Damage
8th-10th 1/-
11th-13th 2/-
14th-16th 3/-
17th-19th 4/-
20th+ 5/-
Mettle (Ex): (Minimum level 10) On a successful fortitude or will save, you ignore the effects of “half” or “partial” for the effect.
Path of Striking: Those on this path learn how to strike hard and fast, and where to hit most effectively.
(Requirements: Path of Spiritual Power, Path of the Fist) Abilities: 4th: Bonus Feat, 6th: Ki Strike (silver or cold iron), 8th: Ki Strike (silver or cold iron), 10th: Bonus Feat, 11th: Greater Flurry, 12th: Crippling blow, 13th: Ki Push, 14th: Ki Strike (Additional Alignment) or Fists of Balance, 16th: Bonus Feat, 17th: Touch of Death, 18th: Ring the Golden Bell
Bonus Feat: At 4th, 10th and 16th levels they may pick stunning fist, eagle claw attack, extra stunning attack, pain touch, freezing the lifeblood, fists of iron, falling star strike or unbalancing strike as bonus feats.
Crippling Blow (Ex): (Minimum level 12) On a successful critical hit or with the expenditure of a stunning attack you can also inflict 2 points of strength damage.
Greater Flurry: (Minimum level 11) A martial artist can make a third attack at their highest bonus when using Flurry of Blows.
Ki Push (Su): (Minimum level 13; requires: improved bull rush) With a full action you can initiate a bull rush with an unarmed attack. You remain in your own square regardless of the result, and can use your wisdom instead of your strength in the bull rush attempt. If you’re successful you can push an opponent 10 feet back and knock them prone at the same time.
Ki Strike (Additional Alignment) (Su): (Ki Strike (Aligned), Non-neutral alignment) The martial artist can pick another alignment type their attacks can bypass if they are of that alignment.
Ki Strike (Cold Iron) (Su): (Minimum level 6) The martial artist’s unarmed strikes count as a cold iron weapon for the purpose of damage reduction.
Ki Strike (Silver) (Su): (Minimum level 6) The martial artist’s unarmed strikes count as a silver weapon for the purpose of damage reduction.
Ring the Golden Bell (Su): (Minimum level 18; requires: stunning fist) By expending a use of stunning fist, a martial artist can make all unarmed attacks for a full round into ranged attacks with an increment of 20 feet.
Touch of Death (Su): (Minimum level 17; requires Quivering Palm) A martial artist can expend two uses of stunning fist to using quivering palm.
Weapon Art Forms: Those on this path are experts in a variety of exotic weapons.
Abilities: 2nd: Weapon Forms, 3rd: Improvised Fighting, 4th: Empower Weapon, 6th: Improved Weapon Technique, 7th: Weapon Precision or Deadly Presence, 10th: Imbuement of Ki, 15th: Greater Imbuement of Ki
Deadly Presence: (Minimum level 7) A martial artist may add their charisma bonus to damage, when using a weapon that can be used with weapon finesse. This doesn’t stack with weapon precision.
Empower Weapon: (Minimum level 5) As a move action a martial artist can empower a melee weapon or shurikens they hold with an enhancement bonus. The enhancement bonus from empower weapon and that of the weapon overlap, using the greater enhancement bonus of the two, should the weapon have one.
Level Enhancement
4th-7th +1
8th-11th +2
12th-15th +3
16th-19th +4
20th+ +5
Greater Imbuement of Ki: (Minimum level 15; require Imbuement of Ki) A martial artist can have a melee weapon imbued with two types of alignments or materials simultaneously including adamantine and any other rare material (jade, byshek, tangat, whatever).
Improvised Fighting: (Minimum level 3) A martial artist is proficient in all improvised weapons.
Improved Weapon Technique (Ex): (Minimum level 6) A martial artist can apply flurry of blow to a one-handed melee weapon they are proficient with. If using weapon groups it’s to any one-handed weapon of that group.
Imbuement of Ki: (Minimum level 10) A martial artist can imbue a melee weapon they hold, with the ability to overcome damage reduction as an alignment, silver or cold iron, decided when they imbue or change the alignment or material as a standard action.
Weapon Forms: (Minimum level 2) A martial artist taking this path gains proficiency in all martial arts weapons (weapons that flurry of blows can be used with). If chosen outside of the path, this grants proficiency in a total of 3 martial arts weapons.
Weapon Precision: (Minimum level 7) A martial artist may add their intelligence bonus to damage, when using a weapon that can be used with weapon finesse. This doesn’t stack with deadly presence.

My current thoughts of how the class seems to be with the changes now is that it's weaker than before at early levels, which could warrant that a few changes be done, but overall it should work out to being the same as a Monk.

Of course the class progression of defence changes around every class as well, but currently I think it would be too powerful if they got the highest defence progression (3+1/2 level) and the ability to add another ability score (whether it's wis, int or cha) to AC.

Though armour actually uses the "Armor as Damage Reduction" rules from Unearthed Arcana, and the Max Dex bonus is a Max Class Defence bonus, the Martial Artist would get a higher AC than many characters at higher levels in my view (even given the more obvious bias towards light armour).

Changes I could do is make the defensive ability more general and in different paths. Not too mention making Greater Flurry something all Martial Artists automatically get, changing the bonus feats to 1/4 levels, and perhaps combining path together with another one.

Anyone have any thoughts now on how the class should turn out?


First off Kobold, great work. I really like what you did with the paths the MA can pick.

A minor points, Flurry(0) should be at level 9.

When I compare the MA to the Monk, like you said it's weaker. You need 4 Path: Perfection of Body, Spiritual Power, Fist, and Movement + some of Defence + Slow fall + Greater flurry.
To offset this you get more choice in the weapons and the Bonus Feat you can takes and you get more of them at 8th+ level since the one at 5th level replace the one at 6th level.

Maybe you should go to a 5 path pick, but you would have to reduce the number of bonus feat if you do that.

I think you might add another path for judo/wrestling
Improved Grapple, etc...
I don't have OA so I can't comment on those feats but I think some of those feats would fit right in this new path.


First Post
uhm thing about armor as dr from ua it does nothing to max dex so is that a house rule

armor bonuses don't stack even partially a character with class defence chooses either his armor or his class defence bonus if armor as dr is in play there are two options a.) let them wear armor for dr but use their class defence if its higher or ,b.) say they can use one or the other but not both

It's a house rule that it armor bonus stacks with class bonus under my system, however armor limits the class bonus added, and is limited to the same number as the max dex bonus (thus the only thing you really get out of heavy armor is its bonus and its DR).

I originally thought of the idea before UA came out, and based it on the fact that in D20 Modern class and armor bonus stack. However I didn't have a good system on what the DR values should've been until UA came out.

But anyways back to other things...
I was going to have a grappling based path, but couldn't come up with enough ideas for abilities, beyond some bonus feats and improved grab.

I'm thinking of spreading the mental ability mods to AC special abilities among different paths, even different paths share the same ones. If I do that I probably won't bother changing the number of bonus feats, since they're actually spread out through 20 levels rather than 11 levels like the Monk. I'm still leaving the limited to MA level ruling to bonuses from those ability scores to prevent so-called cherry picking 1 level of MA.

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