D&D 5E Martial Ranger with Talents



Though there are some who feel that changes made by WoTC are enough, there are others who do not believe so. And I am not referring to damage but the concept of what a Ranger should be.
Additionally, I understand many do not like a Ranger without spells, but there are many who do. Secondly, you can still use this for a spell casting ranger. You would just have to exclude Talents for 9th, 13th, and 17th levels.
There are many homebrew versions of Rangers available with many similar abilities offered at various levels. Most agree what basic abilities or combinations, but level placement has been an issue. So why not create a class resembling the Warlock in which at certain levels you select the ability of your choice, as long as you meet the level requirement. Also, if you wish to select a 6th level ability for 10th level, you can and that is your choice.
Additionally, if there is a feature you wish your character to have, you can create it and, with approval from the GM, add it as aa talent option at the appropriate level. This also allows for future ideas about the class to be easily incorporated as oppose to needing to rewrite the entire class as well as potentially have diverse Rangers at the same table.
Ranger Paths:
  • Beast Master - revised
  • Bloodrite - a half-vampire
  • Dragon Blood - Paladin-like with a pact with Dragons
  • Gloom Stalker - revised
  • Hell's Warrior - Loosely based on Dragon Age in which you consume part of a demon to gain powers
  • Horizon Walker - revised
  • Hunter - revised
  • Planes Walker - differs from Horizon as they are a traveler of worlds
  • Primal Mystic - spell casting
  • Ravager - Barbarian like ranger
  • Seafarer - nautical
  • Wayfinder - Guide and protector for your party like Pocahontas.

Does anyone have any other suggestions for Talents?

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Does anyone have any other suggestions for Talents?
Number gained should be higher.

I would say that every spell level(5 in total) is worth at least 2 talents, if not more. but lets keep it at two.
that is 10.

every instance of favored terrain and enemy is 1 talent. that is 6

awful primeval awareness is one.

hide in plain sight is one

vanish is one

that adds up to 19.
2 at 1st level,
1 at every level except 18 and 20

level requirements for talents spread at 1,5,9,13 and 17.


Number gained should be higher.

I would say that every spell level(5 in total) is worth at least 2 talents, if not more. but lets keep it at two.
that is 10.

every instance of favored terrain and enemy is 1 talent. that is 6

awful primeval awareness is one.

hide in plain sight is one

vanish is one

that adds up to 19.
2 at 1st level,
1 at every level except 18 and 20

level requirements for talents spread at 1,5,9,13 and 17.
I agree with the concept with what each feature is worth, but I wanted to avoid minor and major talents. Then trying to break down the features, which would make the class more cumbersome. Therefore, we made each talent possible to stand alone.

For 10th level, placed a fixed feature with a talent because we felt at that level the available Talents that could be selected could use a minor boost.

Lol I agree Primeval Awareness is terrible.

Voidrunner's Codex

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