Marvel Animation's X-Men '97 | Official Clip 'Fighting The Sentinels'

An age gap of a 50 year old guy hitting on a 20 year old woman is kind of yucky.

Yet, for some reason comic book writers at Marvel think it's okay for someone over 200 years to hit on an 18 year old
I think at some point you have to decide there is an age at which people are "old enough" and generally, most fictional human-y beings living past about 60 don't really seem to get any smarter or slicker past that (in part because they're all being written by humans), or all fiction involving non-humans with different lifespans or immortals will devolve into the lamest and least interesting possible "age gap discourse", where half the people are super-serious and a bit strange, and the other half are desperately trying to score internet points and any normal or sane opinions are rapidly drowned out. As supporting evidence I present 15+ years of age gap discourse on Twitter and especially on Tumblr, in fact if anything I'm being generous by saying only half the people involved are arguing in bad faith (not suggesting your position is at all, to be clear).

However, that age clearly isn't 18-20, I would concur with that! It's probably, depending on exactly what bends your nose out of joint, somewhere between about 28 and 40.

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And yes, dramatic age gap's are one of those 'yeah that doesnt really work now does it' anymore.
I mean I think anyone who is getting mad that like, a 30-year-old dude is dating an immortal vampire is, with all respect, a total dweeb at absolute best.

(We will note that, for example, the new Interview with the vampire TV show aged up Louis to a dead minimum of 28, and likely a little older, rather than having him be the slightly more questionable 25 of the book and previous film - though when the book was written, in 1976, 25 was much more seen as an adult.)

But equally, the idea that someone who is 18 (let alone younger) should be dating really anyone over about 22 (and even that's pushing it) is kind of FROWNY FACE to me and I think most people.


I think at some point you have to decide there is an age at which people are "old enough" and generally, most fictional human-y beings living past about 60 don't really seem to get any smarter or slicker past that (in part because they're all being written by humans), or all fiction involving non-humans with different lifespans or immortals will devolve into the lamest and least interesting possible "age gap discourse", where half the people are super-serious and a bit strange, and the other half are desperately trying to score internet points and any normal or sane opinions are rapidly drowned out. As supporting evidence I present 15+ years of age gap discourse on Twitter and especially on Tumblr, in fact if anything I'm being generous by saying only half the people involved are arguing in bad faith (not suggesting your position is at all, to be clear).

However, that age clearly isn't 18-20, I would concur with that! It's probably, depending on exactly what bends your nose out of joint, somewhere between about 28 and 40.

Well, I'm on the older side myself these days and if I were single, I couldn't imagine ever dating anyone below the age of 40 and possibly below the age of 50.

The maturity gap and life experiences are just so vastly different, even at those ages.

A difference of a couple hundred years is simply....when people write immortal elves as really having not much in common with a person with a human lifespan it's really understandable.

Plus, I see those younger more as kids. When you have kids or grand kids the same ages as those the same ages as your kids and grandkids would seem...well...weird to me.

In the comicbooks it can be another level of ick with Jean Grey at one point being a 14 year old girl, and later being 18-20...yeah...not so much something I think is appropriate.

In the cartoon it's a lot harder to tell how old she actually is, but even if she is in her mid to late 20s...for someone who is a lot older...I just don't see it really being all that...right...I guess is the right way to say it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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