Mass effect RPG?

Apparently some suit won't let a TTRPG of mass effect be done for suit reason, and I really don't care what they are. I think mass effect is a great setting for a ttrpg and some people suspect it was influenced by a long running ttrpg it has a lot in common with.

So is anyone out there running a ME rpg and if so what system do you use?

P. S. If you hate mass effect Andromeda I don't want to hear it. I've heard the hate for MEA and afaic it's bogus, a lot of the problems were caused by the company shifting resources to their next opus, 'Anthem' , which bombed. :D!

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B/X Known World
There was a fan-made Mass Effect RPG a few years back. It was even nominated for three ENNIE Awards in 2015. Then different suits started freaking out about it being an unlicensed, fan-made product and the nominations were pulled.


Since ME is basically a sci-fi Dragon AGE, I would consider using Modern AGE by Green Ronin with some Fantasy AGE thrown in, possibly looking at Threefold.


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
We used Star Wars Saga Edition for the Mass Effect campaign we played a few years back. It worked pretty well.
We did look at a fan community ME d20-based RPG but it was extremely fiddly with masses of modifiers and odd-ball sized dice being rolled (think of tons of d5s being rolled). SWSE ended up being a LOT simpler.
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I haven't played MEA so I can't say I hate it, but I do agree that ME is a pretty good setting and it's got everything you need for a decent RPG. I imagine a suit would like to retain control over their IP and feels as though an RPG license isn't the best use of it. Who knows? You might get another Star Wars situation where the creators of the RPG make things that end up becoming part of the canon setting and movies.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
I was working on a 4E adaption. Bloodied becomes shields/armor down and healing surges are meta-gel applications. I found the powers of 4E transferred pretty well over to soldier-tech-biotic mix of ME. Never found anyone interested in giving it a shot and lost interest.

Personally I think battlelords is a oerfrct match to ME and wonder if people who worked on it played BL. The similarities, especially in the later games with armor and weapon mods and customization plus powers.

The races are generic but could fit into BL races with minimal adaptation. Krogan are basically pythons, the turians are a less arrogant version of the eridani. The salarians are a close match for the chatilians. I'd say the asari with their financial empire and willingness to boink aliens would be similar to the orions.

Biotic powers are close to matrix abilities, other abilities are doable with arnor options and technology.

In MEA where you can customize each part of your arnor and mix'n match arnor suits plus customize weapons totally, but weight affects you, again the resemblance to BL becomes hard to ignore.


You Should try MEA. It's not as bad as the haters say. Nice change from the gloom and doom of ME.
I'm one of those people who found the original ending of ME3 to be so insultingly bad that I refused to pick up MEA. It really didn't matter to me how good or bad the reviews were because I wasn't going to pick it up regardless.

Personally I think battlelords is a oerfrct match to ME and wonder if people who worked on it played BL. The similarities, especially in the later games with armor and weapon mods and customization plus powers.
Battlelords of the 23rd Century? The game where you could be a Mutzachan headbutt kind of a guy? I kind of see it, but although my group tried to play the game several times starting around 1990-1991 and ending around 1993-94, we were never really able to get a campaign off the ground.
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