Level Up (A5E) Mass People Journey System version 3.0 (Super Simplified)


This system is designed for a DM who wants to model a group of "hunter gatherers" using the journey and supply system. I have now made 3 versions of this mass journey system, each one with a different tier of complexity and realism.

Version 1 is the most complex and closest to the journey math: Level Up (A5E) - Mass People "Journey Survival System" version 1.0
Version 2 is simpler and a bit less accurate: Level Up (A5E) - Mass People Journey System Version 2.0 (Simplified)

Now with Version 3, I am removing all of the tracking of supply numbers entirely, resolving everything with a single die roll. This is for people who like the idea of tracking a group of hunter gathers for a bit of randomness and world building, but want something very quick and easy. Further, this system is a bit "kinder" than the standard journey math, a group of proficient hunter gathers can survive in most terrain without too much issue. They might have a bad winter on occasion that thins their numbers, but ultimately survival is normally assumed.

Feedback as always is very welcome.

Using the System: Each week, make a Group Survival Check, which is a d20 roll (see modifiers below). Adjust the groups fatigue based on the result of the roll. The penalty for fatigue is found in the Adventurer's Guide. If the group gets to 7+ fatigue, the group dies.

Group Survival Check DCs
25+-2 Fatigue, +2 Stored Food*
20-24-2 Fatigue, +1 Stored Food*
15-19-1 Fatigue, +1 Stored Food*
10-14No Fatigue Change
5-9+1 Fatigue
Less than 5+2 Fatigue
*In order to gain stored food, the group must have storage for the food, and stored food was not consumed for the check (see modifiers below).

Per Tier above Tier 0*-3
Group not survival proficient-3
Group is migrating-3
Group is not hunting/gathering**-20
Terrain provides advantage on hunt checks+10
Stored Food***+10/+20
Group has detailed knowledge of terrain+3
Per Snare Used^+1
Per Ranger/Ranger (5+ level)^^+1/+2
Per Druid/Druid (5+ level)^^+Druid Level/+2x Druid Level
*Winter counts as +1 or +2 tier, depending on severity
**Ignore all other modifiers except Stored Food, Ranger, Druid.
***Stored food is spent after the result of the roll. One or two uses may be spent for a +10 or +20 bonus.
^Requires 1 snare for every 50 people. Bonus does not apply during winter or when migrating.
^^Requires one Ranger/Druid per 50 people. Druid is assumed to use spellcasting to aid in survival.

Stored Food: In order to store food, the group must have access to containers and the ability to preserve food for longer periods of time. Examples include salted meat in a storehouse, living food animals, large amounts of beef jerky, or a granary. The DM decides how much food a group can store. Note that migration may reduce the amount of stored food a group has access to, at the DMs discretion.

Migration: A terrain hex has a 24 mile diameter. A normal group moves around its current hex as a part of its normal activities. If a group chooses to move to a new terrain hex, it is migrating. The number of hexes the group can travel across in a week is determined by the travel pace below:

Crawl: 1
Slow: 4
Normal: 7*
Fast: 9**

*Cannot carry stored food at this pace (DM discretion)
**Group suffers 1 fatigue, as this pace for a group of people generally requires forced marching.

Detailed Example
Part 1
A group of 100 commoners are traveling through a Tier 2 frozen waste on a pilgrimage. They are not good hunter/gathers, but they have been given a very detailed map of the region. They also have a wagon filled with salted meats, which counts as two stored food.

Their modifiers are:
-3 (not proficient in survival)
-3 (migrating)
-6 (-3 per tier above 0, so -6 for a Tier 2)
+3 (this map gives them a detailed knowledge of the terrain)
Total: -9

After the first week, the group makes a group Survival Check. They roll a 12 - 9 = 3. They decide to spend 1 stored food for a +10, resulting in a +13. This is enough to get by without any fatigue changes.

In the second week, they roll 5 - 9 = -4. A very bad week! They decide to use their last stored food for another +10, getting a 6. The group now has 1 fatigue.

In the third week, they roll a 15 - 9 = 6, which gives another +1 fatigue.

Part 2
The group finally makes it out of the waste with 2 fatigue and find themselves in a cold Feywood (Tier 1). The group decides to settle down in the feywood for a week to try and recover.

Their modifiers are:
-3 (not proficient in survival)
-3 (-3 per tier above 0, so -3 for a Tier 1)
+10 (feywoods give advantage on hunt checks)
Total: +4

Spending a week in the Feywood, the group rolls a 16 + 4 = 20. They recover the 2 fatigue, and regain one of their stored food. Feeling comfortable to travel, the group begins migrating deeper into the feywood. This drops their modifier from +4 to +1 (-3 for migration).

The next week they roll a 12 + 1 = 13, everyone is adequately fed and does not suffer fatigue. The group finds itself coming out of the feywood and into a small rural village.

Part 3
The group finds itself in a small rural village (Tier 0 Country shire). The group knows that winter is coming in a few weeks, and decides to buy 4 snares from a local hunter to see if they can store up a bit more food. They also buy 2 units of stored food from the locals, for a new total of 3. The locals have no more food to spare unfortunately, so they have what they have.

-3 (not proficient in survival)
+2 (4 snares for 100 people = 2 snares per 50 people = +2)
Total: -1

Two weeks go by, rolling (12-1 = 11, no change; 14 - 1 = 13, no change).

Now winter comes. Their snares are no longer useful, and so they just have to bunk down and hope their stored food lasts the next two months of cold snows.

-3 (not proficient in survival)
-3 (Tier 0, +1 tier for winter)
Total: -6

Rolls (8 weeks)
13 - 6 = 7 (1 fatigue)
17 - 6 = 11, 1 stored food use +10. 11 + 10 = 21 (-1 fatigue, 0 fatigue total, 2 stored food left)
9 - 6 = 3, 1 stored food use +10. 3 + 10 = 13 (no change, 0 fatigue total, 1 stored food left)
17 - 6 = 11 (no change, 0 fatigue total, 1 stored food)
3 - 6 = -3, 1 stored food use +10. -3 +10 = 7 (1 fatigue, 1 fatigue total, 0 stored food left)
19 - 6 = 13 (no change, 1 fatigue, 0 stored food)
13 - 6 = 7 (1 fatigue, 2 fatigue total, 0 stored food)
19 - 6 = 13 (no change, 2 fatigue total, 0 stored food).

The group comes out of the winter with 2 fatigue and 0 stored food. A little lean and tired, but all in all not too worse for wear.

Part 4
The pilgrims decide to stay in the village for a while to regain their strength, and they purchase 4 more snares from the hunter, who had some time to make them during the winter.

-3 (not proficient in survival)
+4 (8 snares per 100 people = 4 snares per 50 people = +4)
Total: +1

1st week: 18 + 1 = 19. The group recovers 1 fatigue and gains a stored food.
2nd week: 2 + 1 = 3. Spends the stored food to make it a 13, no change.
3rd week: 4 + 1 = 5. Group is 2 fatigue, 0 stored food.
4th week: 3 + 1 = 4. Group gains 2 fatigue, now at 4 fatigue, 0 stored food.
5th week: 16 + 1 = 17. Group loses 1 fatigue, now at 3 fatigue, 1 stored food.
6th week: 4 +1 =5. Spends the stored food to make it 15. Group loses 1 fatigue, now at 2 fatigue, 0 stored food.
7th week: 3 + 1 = 4. Group gains 2 fatigue, now at 4 fatigue, 0 stored food.
8th week: 20 + 1 = 21. Group loses 2 fatigue, now at 2 fatigue, 1 stored food.
9th week: 16 +1 = 17. Group loses 1 fatigue, now at 1 fatigue, 2 stored food.
10th week: 11 + 1 = 12. Spends 1 stored food, now at +22. Group loses 1 fatigue, now at 0 fatigue, 1 stored food.

The pilgrims have spent most of the spring in the village, and made many friends. It was a lean spring, and there were weeks that many an aching belly was heard. But finally food began to return in earnest, and the pilgrims have now regained their strength. With some supplies in their wagons and their bodies strong again, the pilgrims set out once more on their journey.

Part 5
The pilgrims migrate through the country shire. Though the terrain is calm, they cannot use their snares while migrating.

-3 (not proficient in survival)
-3 (migrating)
Total: -6

Roll: 1 - 6 = -5. Spend Stored food, now +5. Group gains 1 fatigue.

The pilgrims begin to worry, the spring has not been kind, and already their food has run out. The great mountain lies before them (Tier 2), the final test of their pilgrimage, but without food supplies they fear the journey may be hopeless. They have heard tales of a friendly druid at the base of the mountain and hope to seek their aide.

After some negotiation and swapping of stories, the druid (5th level) offers their services. The group is ecstatic, and begins the two week journey across the mountain range.

-3 (not proficient in survival)
-3 (migrating)
-6 (Tier 2)
+5 (5th level druid = +2 x druid level = 10. Normally would need 2 druids to operate on 100 people, DM decides to half bonus to +5)
Total: -7

1st week: 20 - 7 = 13 (no change, group at 1 fatigue)

With just a week left, the group decides to pray and purify themselves, devoting all of their attention to the task instead of hunting and gathering. They know that it will cause them great hunger (other than what the druid can provide), but for the last part of their spiritual journey, it is a necessity.

-20 (not hunting)
+5 (5th level druid)
Total: -15

2nd week: 6 - 15 = -9. Group takes 2 fatigue (now at 3 fatigue).

And so the pilgrims make it across the mountain. They are tired, starving... but they have made it to the holy land, pure and proper. They are welcomed with open arms, provided food and drink, and spend the next many months in comfort and safety.
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Crunching a few numbers, for people that like that sort of thing. Here is the expected fatigue for 1 month (aka 4 rolls), assuming the same modifier for each roll.

Note that these are the pure roll results, NOT taking into account stored food. Ultimately the point of stored food is a relief value, compensating for the really bad rolls, so a group with stored food will fare much better than the pure roll result would indicate.

Total Modifier

Generally, having any positive modifier really gives you a good amount of survivability, and so most groups that live in one area with good knowledge of the terrain (and maybe a few snares) are going to be just fine.

Likewise, at -3 (common for migration) you are expected to take some fatigue (a true migration of a group of people is taxing). A group not good at survival and trying to migrate (-6) is in for some very tough times.... and its assumed that such groups without stored food are going on a very risky venture indeed.
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