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Pathfinder 1E Master list of OGC substitutes for WotC IP monsters


For a while now I've been collecting a list of substitutes for monsters that are considered WotC IP. The following list is what I have so far, including rules for both 3.5, Pathfinder, and Edition Pi. The Book of Forbidden Lore is not listed, obviously. This list is by no means complete, and I'll probably be adding new additions every now and then for a while to come.

Many of the monsters are fairly close reproductions of the classic monster, even coming close to a straight-up rip-off in some cases, while others try to be their own thing and take the inspirational idea in new directions with varying levels of originality, and some are merely rough approximations that can wildly vary in similarity. A few of them are actually supposed to be related to the classic monster, but can't use the name for copyright reasons.

Present in MM/XPH, absent from SRD

Beholder, Gauth, Carrion Crawler, Displacer Beast, Githyanki, Githzerai, Kuo-Toa, Slaad, Thri-Kreen, and Umber Hulk

Mind Flayer and Yuan-ti

Other Sources
Other Monsters
Non-PHB Classes

Honorable Mentions
and Dwarven Slave—These are substitutes for the Mindflayer and Duergar, which appeared in Lands of Molokai, Psionics Companion, Psionics Companion 3.5, Academe Mentus, and Psionics Ascendant by Daemoneye Publishing. They aren't listed above because these books are no longer offered on RPGNow/DriveThruRPG and can only be acquired by contacting Daemoneye directly. The most recent version of the feat-based psionics rules in those books, as well as most of the other new psionic monsters, is inclued in Edition Pi, but the Molokai psionics setting itself is on the backburner.

Fierydragon Counter Collections—In the 4e Fierydragon counter collections, "illujan" is substituted for "yuan-ti", "malicious" for "malison," "serpentongue" for "snaketongue," and "abominated" for "abomination," due to the copyrighted nature of the names, but these are otherwise meant to be stand-ins for the yuan-ti, unrelated to the original conception of the illujans. Other renames include the "displacer panther," "ogdoad" (slaad), "kthonoa," "gheenzai," "gheenki," "gaze tyrant," "underground brute," "ursidowl" (owlbear), and "brain eater."

Forbidden Monsters of Foree—The "wan-ti" is a generic mispelling of yuan-ti first used by Skirmisher Publishing in their Forbidden Monsters of Foree: Wan-Ti Snakemen minatures which are meant to be stand-ins for yuan-ti. As with the illujan counters above, they had to change the names for copyright reasons. The snaketongue are renamed "snake-tongued," malisons to "hybrids," while the word abomination remains the same (though they range in size from large to huge). In the second product, the "brainlasher" is a thinly-veiled reference to the mindflayer. Other monsters inside the product include the "brain golem," "master brain," and "neo warbeast;" the latter two are renamed from the elder brain and neothelid, respectively.

A list of OSR analogues to non-OGC monsters

Adventures Dark & Deep Bestiary—A retro-clone, it substitutes the Beholder, Carrion Crawler, Displacer Beast, Mind Flayer and Umber Hulk with the Sphere of Many Eyes, Corpse Creeper, Couerl, Cthonoid, and Wenge Goliath, respectively.

Basic Fantasy Roleplaying Game—A retro-clone, including supplements Basic Fantasy Field Guide and Sword & Board, it substitutes the Displacer Beast, Mind Flayer, and Yuan-Ti with the Displacer, Thulid and Naga, respectively.

Castles & Crusades—A retro-clone, it substitutes the Beholder and Carrion Crawler with the Prysmal Eye and Fleshcrawler, respectively.

Labyrinth Lord—A retro-clone, including the Advanced Edition Companion, it substitutes the Beholder, Carrion Crawler and Displacer Beast with the Eye of Terror, Carcass Scavenger and Phase Tiger, respectively. The Planet Algol blog substitutes the Grell with the Beaktopus.

OSRIC—A retro-clone, its Monsters of Myth supplement substitutes the Beholder and Bullywug with the Oculethe and Batrachian, respectively.

Sword & Wizardry—A retro-clone, its Monster Compendium supplement substitutes the Bullywug with the Thugtoad and the Mind Flayer with the Mind Eater and Thelidu.

Mutant Future—A Gamma World retro-clone, it substitutes the Mind Flayer with the Brain Lasher.

Ancient Vaults & Eldritch Secrets-An oldschool gaming blog….—Substitutes the Githyanki and Slaad with the Astral Raiders and Senufio, respectively.

Reference List
pMMEdition Pi MM
ACSGAlluria Campaign Setting Guide
AEArcana Evolved
ARGAdvanced Race Guide
A&FStTAether & Flux: Sailing the Traverse
AR3Advanced Races 3: Gearforged
BDDBlackdirge’s Dungeon Denizens
BMWBite Me! Wereblooded
BNCotEBestiary Nefarious: Creatures of the East
BoBWM1Book of Beasts: Wandering Monsters 1
BoFBook of Fiends
BoMTBook of Monster Templates
CC2Creature Collection II: Dark Menagerie
CC3Creature Collection III: Savage Bestiary
CCGICounter Collection: Gold - Illujan
CCGOCounter Collection: Gold - Ogdoad
CCRCreature Collection Revised
CMConstruct Mechanus
CPBOPClassic Play: The Book of the Planes
CW#Creature Weekly (issue number indicated w/ #)
DDC29Dungeon Crawl Classics #29: The Adventure Begins
EKAABWEEye King: An Advanced Bestiary Web Enhancement
Penumbra: Fantasy Bestiary
FFForgotten Foes
GTGrim Tales
GTDNRPGGlaring Tyrant - DivNull RPG
HoMPHall of Many Panes
HPPSHigh Psionics: Phrenic Scourges
ItCoMIn the Company of Monsters
ItBInto the Black: A Guide to Below
ItGInto the Green: A Guide for Forests, Jungles, Woods, and Plains
LVLiber Vampyr
LL1Lethal Lexicon Volume 1
LL2Lethal Lexicon Volume 2
LotDBLegacy of the Dragons Bestiary
LAThe Living Airship
MGFMonster Geographica: Forest
MGM&AMonster Geographica: Marsh & Aquatic
MGP&SMonster Geographica: Plain & Desert
MGUMonster Geographica: Underground
MGSMindcraft: A Game Supplement
Min3.5Minions v3.5
MoPMonsters of Porphyra
MotEDMonsters of the Endless Dark
MRCRCMythic Races: Character Race Compendium
MRWEMythic Races Web Enhancement (attached)
NAANyambe: African Adventures
NMTONew Monster: The Ogler (attached)
NMTRNew Monster: Thought Ripper (attached)
OTOcular Tyrant
PBPHPsionic Bestiary: Phrenic Hegemony
PCotOGPossessors: Children of the Outer Gods
PFB#Pathfinder Bestiary (volume number indicated w/ #)
PsBPsionic Bestiary
PsUbPsionics Unbound
PsUlPsionics Unleashed
REGtRRacial Ecologies: Guide to Ratfolk
RRPtARemarkable Races: Compendium of Unusual PC Races
SGtESlayer's Guide to Elementals
SGtSfSlayer's Guide to Scorpionfolk
SGtYtSlayer's Guide to Serpentfolk
SItCotSESsethregore: In the Coils of the Serpent Empire
SLLtotSLStrange Lands: Lost Tribes of the Scarred Lands
SoCSlavelords of Cydonia
TIBCoFThe Iconic Bestiary: Classics of Fantasy
TMUThe Mind Unveiled
ToH2Tome of Horrors II
ToH4Tome of Horrors 4
ToHCTome of Horrors Complete
ToHRTome of Horrors Revised
VWSotAVigil Watch: Secrets of the Asaatthi
VWWotRVigil Watch: Warrens of the Ratmen
EDIT: Okay, since the links keep going dead I'm attaching the PDFs for the ogler and thought ripper. The text is open game content, the included artwork is not.
Section 15 Copyright Notice:
New Monster: The Ogler
is copyright 2009 Ryan Costello, Jr.
New Monster: Thought Ripper is copyright 2009 Ryan Costello, Jr.

EDIT: I've attached the Mythic Races Web Enhancement for posterity.


  • Thought Ripper.pdf
    90 KB · Views: 215
  • OGLER.pdf
    67.4 KB · Views: 249
  • Mythic Races Web Enhancement.pdf
    830.8 KB · Views: 236
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Interesting list. A table listing what the abbreviations mean would be nice. Even nicer would be a short presentation of each version - my bet is that they differ quite alot, both in appearance, behavior, and looks. A line or two on each would be absolutely lovely.

I've been tempted to make an alternate writeup for the beholder. Even since 1e times, I've thought of beholders and gas spores as related - that is beholders are fungoids. This would make them asexual and with a subconscious drive to litter their environment with rotting flesh to feed their mycelium.

I am also a lover of the classic displacer beast, one of my current players have actually raised one from pup to the terror it is today. :eek:



(LL1)—A trick beholder. It's really a beehive.

Behkshae (pMM)—A 4 ft. ball of brain tissue, rib cages and spinal columns that flies around and fires off psionic powers. Was originally a psion that was violently killed and came back as a undead creature bent on revenge.

Evil Eye (TIBCoF, FF)—A giant flying human eyeball with the optic nerve serving as a bunch of tentacles. Has magical powers and mysterious plans. Rumored to be the eyes of a dead god.

Eye King (EKAABWE)—A template that can turn any garden-variety monster into a beholder-like creature.

Eye of the Deep (ToHR, ToHC)—This is an aquatic version of the actual beholder. This creature is from AD&D when "x monster changed for y environment" was popular.

Dread Eyebeast (CC3, MoP)—A hydra whose necks end in giant eyes. Originally appeared in Creature Collection III as the "eyedra," but since this name was closed content, it was renamed in Monsters of Porphyra.

Gibbering Orb (SRD, ToH4)—A giant flying disgusting fleshy orb covered in eyes and gibbering mouths. Has magical powers and a "lesser" variant.

Glaring Tyrant (GTDNRPG)—A reinvention of the beholder archetype to deal with flaws in the original design.

Ioun Remnant (CC2, MoP)—A flying crystalline sphere that collects ioun stones. Originally appeared in Creature Collection II as the "ioun beholder," but since this name was closed content, it was renamed in Monsters of Porphyra.

Ocular Tyrant (OT)—A bulbous floating eye with five smaller eyestalks and a trailing of tendrils. Fires spells from its eyes.

Ogler (NMTO)—A hideous fleshy orb covered in eyes that fires magical lasers.

Reaper (MoP)—An armored, tentacled floating spherical abberation with a gigantic eye inside its mouth. Can devour foes and disgorge their spell-like abilities, and has a maddening aura. They're petty tyrants with cults around them and enjoy devouring magical creatures.

Spherical Devourer (LL2)—Floating round eyeless aberrations with giant maws that consume all they come across. The pac-men visually could stand in a bit for beholders or, better yet, langoliers if you're a fan of Stephen King.

Carrion Crawler

(ToHR, ToHC)—Bone-eating tentacled underground monster.

(pMM)—A giant cockroach with a ring of 5-ft. tentacles around its mouth.

Grick (SRD, PFB2)—A worm-like creature with an octopus-like head.

Rot Grub, Giant (PFB3)—A giant flesh-eating maggot. Related to the rot grub swarm, which is a swarm of normal-sized flesh-eating maggots.

Scavenger Worm (TIBCoF, FF)—A giant blind centipede with a circular maw that sprays a sleep-inducing liquid in a 20-ft. cone.

Slime Crawler (ToHR, ToHC)—The slime crawler is pretty much a duplicate of the original carrion crawler (it's based on the larval version from AD&D). Has a larval and mature stage, then becomes a "carrion moth."The carrion moth was originally the adult stage of the carrion crawler in AD&D, and is now the adult stage of the slime crawler.

Displacer Beast

Distortion Stalker
(pMM)—A wolf-headed wolf-centaur with a pair of scythes for arms. Has psionic powers it uses to distort its appearance and the environment to make it harder to hit.

Greymalkin (TIBCoF, FF)—A gray leopard that can lunge up to 15 ft. by shifting out of phase with the material plane and constantly produces a mirror image of itself.

Kamadan (ToHR, ToHC, FF, PFB3)—A spotted leopard with a mane of snakes. Comes in a venomous variety, too.

Shadow Stalker (ItG)—Black panthers with powers of displacement and invisibility.

Space Beagle (LL2)—Dogs with tentacles coming out of their shoulders, innate mirror image abilities, and an irrational hatred of griffons. The name is a reference to the Voyage of the Space Beagle novel which "inspired" the displacer beast.

Tangtal (ToH2, ToHC)—A black panther that creates illusory duplicates of itself. Also known as the "dupli-cat."

Denizen of Leng
(PFB2)—Alien slavers that travel the planes in black ships. In their homeland of Leng they are at war with a civilization of monstrous spiders.

Fetchling (PFB2)—The descendants of generations of humans living on the Plane of Shadow. Often serve as middlemen in planar politics.

Girded Slayer (pMM)—Pirates and raiders of the astral plane. Are at war with the mindolon (see below).

Girded Wanderer (pMM)—Introspective ascetics related to the girded slayers (see above).

Krish-dharjat (FB)—Psionic humanoids that live in monastic communities.

Navigator (FB)—Monkey-like humanoids that can naturally travel the Astral and Ethereal planes.


(ToH4)—Fishmen that live in the river Styx.

Idos (CW4)—A proud race of humanoid desert-dwelling lungfish. The name is closed content; suggested open content name: Eytos (plural Eytosi).

Iku-Turso (PFB3)—Disease-ridden denizens of the deep sea.

Kytillion (pMM)—A cultish race of fish-people who live in the darkest depths of the ocean. They can summon lightning and use special "dark adamantine" weaponry.

Skum (SRD, PFB1)—The descendants of humans enslaved by the aboleth who've become aquatic.

Slime Reaver (CC2)—Evil swamp-dwelling frogmen.

Tsathar (ToHR, ToHC)—Frog people that lay eggs inside victims that later hatch and eat their way out. Worship Tsathoggua.

Similarly to celestial and fiend, the generic term for a chaotic neutral-aligned outsider is Anarch. The outsiders presented below are races within that category.

(TIBCoF, FF)—Outsiders from the plane of "Corrupting Chaos" with bodies consisting of various random animal parts. Each one looks different and they become more powerful and intelligent with age. Reproduce by infecting others with a disease that turns them into one. The name "ei'risai" is derived from Eris, Greek goddess of discord and chaos; were renamed to "Chaosiic" in Forgotten Foes.

Ogdoad (CCGO)—Frogmen from chaotic outer planes with a connection to the element of water. The Ogdoad are originally a fixture of the Karathis campaign setting.

Protean (PFB2)—Serpentine outsiders from Limbo that seek to enforce chaos on the universe.

Slythh (CW3)—Chaos frog men who developed the mutation of law, which technically makes them axioms and not anarchs. (These are supposed to be corrupted Slaadi, but of course CW3 couldn't use that name; it's easy enough to re-flavor them as mutated Ogdoad) The name is closed content; suggested open content name: Sslyth or Ennead (if ex-Ogdoad).

Solumian (pMM)—Chaotic creatures that look like pure light poured into a monster-shaped mold. Reproduce by infecting others with a disease that turns them into one. Become more powerful as their color shifts from red to blue.


(SRD, PsUl)—Halfling-sized psionic insect-men.

Entobian (RRPtA)—A small race of insect people.

Girtablilu/Scorpionfolk (MM2, CCR, SGtSf, PFB3, ToH4)—Desert nomad scorpion centaurs.

il'Huan (PsUb)—9-foot tall insect men who attack with claws, spear stalks, or psychic warrior psionics. Possess a hive mind. The name is closed content; suggested open content name: L'Hurax.

Ittakken (MRWE)—Giant, intelligent insects.

Kasatha (ARG, PFB4)—Four-armed desert-dwelling white-skinned humanoids.

Mantisfolk (Prophetii) (BNCotE)—Mantis-like monstrous humanoids.

Umber Hulk

Azure Hulk
(LL1)—A giant upright hulking insect with four eyes and a nauseating gaze.

Crabman (ToHR, ToHC)—Large four-armed crab people.

Rognak Burrower (ItG, MGP&S, MoP)—Giant bipedal burrowing beetles with bulbous appendages instead of eyes. These appendanges can open to cause "brain lock" on other creatures.

Trox (ARG, PFB4)—Large beetle-like humanoids that escaped from enslavement.

Tunnel Brute (TIBCoF, FF)—A giant with insect characteristics and a scorpion tail.

Underground Dweller (pMM)—Large psionic humanoid cockroaches that live to dig.


Interesting list. A table listing what the abbreviations mean would be nice.
There already is one.

Even nicer would be a short presentation of each version - my bet is that they differ quite alot, both in appearance, behavior, and looks. A line or two on each would be absolutely lovely.
I'll see what I can do.
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For Mindflayers there are also the Mindeaters from Alea Publishing Group's Mindcraft.

A mind eater is an alien creature that lives on
the minds and intellect of other sentient beings. In
its natural form, a mind eater is a spindly humanoid
with all-but-useless arms and two thin legs. Its brain
is exposed and covered in transparent slime, and it
has two large multifaceted eyes just above its three-jawed
mouth–from which can sprout four long but
surprisingly strong tentacles.
Mind eaters neither speak nor comprehend any
spoken language, communicating through telepathy
or their own alien writings.

It has a mental blast, a devour mind ability, and mindcraft powers.


Psionics Unbound by Paradigm Concepts has a few.

The Il'Huan are 9 foot tall insect men who attack with claws, spear stalks, or psychic warrior psionics. They are a decent stand in for thri-keen.

Ssanu are tall serpentine humanoids with two humanoid arms and the lower body of a giant serpent, their heads are triangular like a viper's. Yuan-ti replacements.

Voiceless Ones are powerfully psionic underground manipulators who consume brains. Their mouths are filled with sharp teeth and barbed tentacles. Mind Flayer Stand ins.


Nyambe has the Samat, large sorcerous serpent men precursors to the Yuan Ti. This was back in 3.0 under the draft srd before the official srd came out without the Yuan Ti. They appear as yuan ti abominations.


The Lethal Lexicon I from Octaviarate Games has the following:

Azure Hulk, an umber hulk stand in. It is a giant upright hulking insect with four eyes and a nauseating gaze.

The Bee-Holder, a trick beholder.

The bleak mamba is a set follower serpent man with a blind serpent right hand and gaze attack devoted to misery. Yuan ti ish.

In Volume 2 there are:

The Space Beagle, dogs with tentacles coming out of their shoulders, innate mirror image abilities, and an irrational hatred of griffons. Displacer beast stand ins.

Spherical devourers, floating round eyeless aberrations with giant maws that consume all they come across. The pac-men visually could stand in a bit with beholders.


Creature Weekly 3 by Octaviarate Games has the Slythh, Chaos frog men who developed the mutation of law. Decent Slaad variant.

Creature Weekly 4 has the Idos, amphibious Lungfish men who look like good Kuo Toa stand ins.


Mind Flayer

Aboleth (SRD, PFB1)—Intelligent three-eyed jawless fish that use psionic powers to enslave others.
Abollar (BDD, DCC29)—Magical hybrids of aboleth and human.

Lethid (GT, SoC)—Creatures related to the Aboleth that can attach to and possess the bodies of other creatures. At war with the Sli'ess (see below).

Brain Eater (HoMP)—A vaguely humanoid octopus-like creature that has learned to walk and eat brains. Uses psionic powers.

Brilkoun (MotED, MGU)—The brilkoun is an insectoid centaur-like creature that enslaves others by implanting a parasite in their heads that will eat their brain if they don't follow orders. It can also cast spells as a sorcerer. Originally called the "ilkroun," but this name was closed content and they were given their current OGC name by the MGU book that reprinted them. According to the errata for MotED (not included in MGU), the Brilkoun's Dexterity should be 14, not 12.
Norughk (MotED, MGU)—The norughk are a species of halfling-sized lizard-like igors that willingly serve the Brilkoun (see above) as favored pets. They have minor spell-like abilities. Originally called the "mawog," but this name was closed content and they were given their current OGC name by the MGU book that reprinted them.

Eldritch Spawn (BoMT)—A template that turns normal creatures into cthulhu-esque monsters. The equivalent of the half-illithid template.

Encephalon Gorger (ToH2, MGM&A, ToHC)—Psionic/magical vampire-like creatures that feed on cranial fluid. Reproduce by cloning.

Intellect Devourer (SRD, PFB1, PsUl, PsB)—A brain with legs that kills people and wears their bodies like suits.

Mindeater (MGS)—Alien creatures that live on the minds of sentient beings. Spindly humanoids with brain exposed and two multifaceted eyes above its three-jawed mouth which can sprout tentacles. Neither speak nor comprehend any spoken language, communicating through telepathy or alien writings.

Mindolon (pMM)—Pretty much the mindflayers, except with the details altered. Squid features replaced with insect features, ceremorphosis is replaced with entering a corpse to preserve and puppeteer it around, brain-sucking tentacles are replaced with a brain-sucking long barbed tongue, and elder brains are replaced with queens that produce all the larvae, etc.

Moon-Beast (PFB3)—Eyeless tentacled creatures from the Dimension of Dreams that drain wisdom and enslave humanoids.

Neh-Thalggu (SRD, PFB2)—A giant crab-like creature that collects brains to power its magical abilities.

Neothelid (SRD, PFB1)—A giant intellligent tentacled-worm with psionic powers.
Seugathi (SRD, PFB2)—The spawn of neothelids.

Pallemon (ItB, MGU)—A race of underground-dwelling human-derived creatures that have developed psychic powers and a penchant for slavery.

Paretiophage (Min3.5, MGF)—A race of forest-dwelling insectile creatures that feed on brains using their long proboscis.
Shock Beetle (Min3.5, MGF)—As the name implies, a giant beetle that shoots electricity. Paretiophages (see above) use these vermin as pets and watchdogs.

Phrenic Scourge (TIBCoF, FF, HPPS, PsUl, PsB)—A mass of psionic tentacles that can hold a vaguely humanoid shape and wears cloaks to hide their appearance. The ends of their tentacles constantly shed like fingernails, but if a tentacle touches someone, the end piece will break off and attempt to burrow toward the brain (which would kill the victim). Once the victim is killed, the tentacle absorbs information from the brain to educate itself about the local areas and society, and after a month the corpses splits open to reveal a new scourge. They eat normal food.
Niggurath (HPPS)—A shed phrenic scourge tentacle tip that somehow survived and found a living host. It takes control of the host and turns them into a slave to the scourges.

Nyarl (HPPS)—Aquatic phrenic scourges. Equivalent to Kopru (MM2).

Nyarl-Chthuruch (HPPS)—An elder aquatic phrenic scourge, serving a similar role to an Ulitharid or Elder Brain.

Phrenic Adept (PBPH, PsB)—Psionic battlefield controllers bred by the phrenic scourges.

Phrenic Dreadnaught (PBPH, PsB)—Psionic shock troops bred by the phrenic scourges.

Phrenic Infiltrator (PBPH, PsB)—Doppelganger-derived spies bred by the phrenic scourges.

Phrenic Larva Swarm (PBPH, PsB)—Swarms of phrenic larvae expelled by phrenic matriarchs and kept alive in briny pools. Similar to Illithocytes.

Phrenic Matriarch (PBPH, PsB)—A phrenic scourge that has grown to gigantic size and now exists to spawn larvae. Similar to an Elder Brain, but doesn't play a leadership role.

Tentacled Horror (HPPS)—Former humanoids that have been transformed into horrific masses of tentacles that the phrenic scourges use as juggernauts.

Yugtoth (HPPS)—A hive of phrenic scourges fused together, serving a similar role to an Elder Brain.

Possessor (PCotOG, FF)—Intelligent psionic octopus creatures that engulf a victim's head, kill them and puppet their body like a headcrab from the Half-Life video games.

Skerrai (SLLTotSL)—Psionic scorpion-centaurs that seek to control the underground. The name is closed content; suggested open content name: Siktari.

Star Spawn of Cthulhu (PFB4)—Octopus-headed winged vaguely humanoid entities from outer space that serve Cthulhu.

Thought Ripper (NMTR)—Skinny, smooth blue moist creatures that seem pathetic, but can take over the minds of enemies and then consume them.

Uggoth (ToH4)—A race of vaguely-humanoid underground-dwelling slavers with lots of tentacles growing from their torsos.

Voiceless Ones (PsUb)—Powerfully psionic underground manipulators who consume brains. Their mouths are filled with sharp teeth and barbed tentacles. The name is closed content; suggested open content name: The Silence.


Asaatth (CCR, VWSotA)Humanoid snakes with inherent wizard spellcasting. Invented a special variety of "serpent mail" and once ruled a lost empire. The name is closed content; suggested open content name: Aspar (plural Aspari).

Bleak Mamba (LL1)—A serpent man with a blind constrictor snake replacing its right arm and a gaze attack that induces depression. The bleak mamba worships despair as a deity itself.

Giant, Ophidic (SLLtotSL)—A giant snake-centaur with wizard spellcasting, uses its colored scales as a spellbook. The name is closed content; suggested open content name: Giant, Ophiduan.

Gorgon (CCR)—Divided into "high gorgons" and "low gorgons." High gorgons look human, save that they lack any hair. They have a thin line running from their breastbone to their groin, which can open to reveal eight or so venomous snakes growing from their spines. Low gorgons look like reptilian lions with tentacle manes and tails ending in large bludgeons. The high gorgons use the low gorgons as pets and watchdogs. High and low gorgons are different expressions of the same species; a small number of eggs hatch into high gorgons while the others hatch into low gorgons. According to fluff in another book they were created from yuanti to hide their snake nature inside them to appear more human on the outside (whereas the low gorgons took the opposite extreme). The name is closed content; suggested open content name: Gorgonite and Gorgonite Hound.

Illujan (CCGI)—Serpentfolk divided into "lords" and "spawn." Illujan lords are cobra-headed snake-centaurs with inherent spellcasting that like to buy/sell slaves and build cults around themselves and practice human sacrifice. The illujan spawn are crossbreeds with the humanoid races they use for infiltration (presented as a template). Pretty much a simplified version of the yuan-ti. The Illujans are originally a fixture of the Karathis campaign setting.

Inphidian (ToHR, ToH2, ToHC, FF, ToH4)—Evil snake-headed scaled humanoids with snakes for hands that come in a number of different castes. Their females are exotic dancers.

Nagaji (ARG, PFB4)—Scaled humanoids bred as a servitor race by the nagas.

Ophiduan (TIBCoF, PsUl)—Serpentfolk divided into the "anguineum," "hominis," and "semiferum" castes. Anguineum are humanoid cobras (with some freakish human-like facial features) with two elbows in each arm and a tail instead of legs that splits into two; they favor the antipaladin class. Hominis are human-like with finely scaled skin; they favor the cleric and wizard classes. The semiferum are human-like with scaled skin and a snake tail instead of legs; they favor the rogue class. All have psionic spell-like abilities. In a hilarious send-up of the yuan-ti's society, the anguineum are an ancient race that bred with humans to produce the hominis and semiferum but the hominis rebelled and reduced the anguineum to second-class citizens. A version of the hominis caste nerfed for use as a PC race appears in Psionics Unleashed; the Third Dawn campaign setting indicates that they are the same monster (or a variant thereof) and that the other castes exist in the setting.

Samat (NAA)—Large sorcerous serpent men, which ruled a lost empire and now spend their existences in stasis until they can rebuild. According to their fluff they crossbred with humans to produce the yuanti.

Serpentfolk (PFB2)—Humanoid snakes straight from Robert E. Howard and Call of Cthulhu. Come in a degenerate variety as well.

Serpentfolk (SGtYt)—A sanitized version of the Yuan-ti. Divided into "pureborns," "halfborns" and "aberrants." Special abilities include heat sense and tremor sense. Possess a Chinese-inspired culture. Shed their skins like snakes, and can uses these skins in a special ritual to convert humans into "penitents," animalistic false-serpentfolk.

Sli'ess (GT, SoC)—Lizard-like creatures that once world the ruled during the height of their ancient empire. At war with the Lethids (see above).

Ssanu (PsUb, SItCotSE)—Tall serpentine humanoids with two humanoid arms and the lower body of a giant serpent, their heads are triangular like a viper's. Possess spell-like abilities (psionic powers in the Psionics Unbound statistics). The name is closed content; suggested open content name: Sthenno.

Vishkanya (PFB3)—Humanoids with finely scaled skin and an affinity for poisons.

Yviss (pMM)—The yviss are psionic evil humanoids that reproduce parasitically, which come in "servitor," "hatched," and "bred" varieties. Servitor yviss are humanoids that have been injected with a conversion venom by hatched or bred yviss that turns them into slaves to the yviss community. Hatched yviss are scaled humanoids created when another hatched or bred yviss lays an egg in a victim that takes over their body. Bred yviss are the offspring of a coupling between two hatched yviss, which looks like monstrous reptile people. They take the yuan-ti's penchant for "converting" other humanoids into pseudo-yuanti and make it their whole shtick.


Thank you Voadam, I've added your references to the list.

Also, does anyone have a copy of the Thought Ripper by Ryan Costello? It's disappeared from mediafire a while ago and I can't find another copy anywhere.
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