Follower of the Way
Because the dead do nothing. I had thought that was obvious.Random character death is part of low level play. It's been since forever. Unlike older editions, 5e nerfed it with abundance of healing, pcs with more hp, cantrips like Spare the dying and death saves. On top of that, there aren't things like 3.x edition greataxe with x3 crit modifier where cr 1/2 orc with that weapon can on crit (3d12+12 dmg) one shot perma kill lv 1 barbarian, even lv 2-3 barbarians go into negatives with one decent crit from that thing.
To completly avoid it, it's better to just skip first few levels and start at lv 4-5.
You said that you are more ok with your character loosing limbs than getting killed. In hypotetical situation, instead of getting killed by random orc #23, your character looses a leg. You get makeshift cool pirate peg leg. And mechanicaly, you get disadvantage on all dex rolls (both save and skills), half speed, cant run/jump or use dash action. Why is it less demoralising to play that kind of character than just rolling new charater?
Also, I'd be pretty pissed at a DM for imposing such harsh penalties. That's not demoralizing, but it might be a reason for me to depart the table anyway. Such harsh adjudication implies things about that DM's judgment I find deeply questionable and likely to create conflict between us, which I would very much rather avoid.