Maure Castle - The Adventure Begins!


"As usual? Tanus in front to check for traps with me to handle assault by beasties followed by Silence and Martan." Vandon clenches his fist and the purple mindblade erupts sheathed in psychic energy. His brow furrows and the blade extends to the length of a longsword. Vandon then scans for golems and evil.

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Tanus smiles. "Allow me..." he says, slinking down to the entrance to examine it. "Let's all be on our best behavior."

The tiefling looks around the entrance, especially looking for anything that would resemble a key hole.

OOC: Search is +10. If there is a trap, Tanus would try to disable it. Disable Device +12.

In terms of marching order, Tanus is perfectly happy to scout ahead of the rest of the group. He has darkvision 60 and has a much better chance of sneaking the farther he is from the rest of the noisy group.

Krauss von Espy

First Post
Insight said:
Tanus smiles. "Allow me..." he says, slinking down to the entrance to examine it. "Let's all be on our best behavior."

The tiefling looks around the entrance, especially looking for anything that would resemble a key hole.

OOC: Search is +10. If there is a trap, Tanus would try to disable it. Disable Device +12.

In terms of marching order, Tanus is perfectly happy to scout ahead of the rest of the group. He has darkvision 60 and has a much better chance of sneaking the farther he is from the rest of the noisy group.

There is no key hole...nor even a door for that matter. The entrance is just an aperture in the earth itself, a 10' wide tunnel leading steeply downwards at about a 45 degree angle.

[Search Check 17+10=27] There is no sign of a trap, or anything else out of the ordinary.
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Krauss von Espy said:
If there are no objections, I will assume roughly this formation, unless stated otherwise.


OOC: Tanus will try to stay at least 30ft ahead of the other three at all times unless physically impossible, making sure to stay within shadowy illumination of the others, and will be careful to listen for any unusual noises. As soon as he hears anything, Tanus will use a hand signal to the others to be quiet and will then sneak toward the noise.

Relevant Skills: Hide +18, Listen +12, Move Silently +16.


Krauss von Espy said:
There is no key hole...nor even a door for that matter. The entrance is just an aperture in the earth itself, a 10' wide tunnel leading steeply downwards at about a 45 degree angle.

[Search Check 17+10=27] There is no sign of a trap, or anything else out of the ordinary.

Tanus glances towards the others upon examining the entrance. "Looks pretty safe," he whispers. "Danger could be right inside, however. How about I go down and take a look?" Reaching into his adbomen, the rogue-turned-monk draws a spool of strong rope from the magical pouch there. What would have looked quite unnatural to the uninitiated does not even phase Tanus' companions.

"Someone want to hold this while I climb down?" he asks, looking directly at Vandon as he does.


Vandon's blade disappears and he takes the rope. With a kick he activates the magic of his boots to provide levitation magic to aid him in acting as an anchor.

Krauss von Espy

First Post
Insight said:
OOC: Tanus will try to stay at least 30ft ahead of the other three at all times unless physically impossible, making sure to stay within shadowy illumination of the others, and will be careful to listen for any unusual noises. As soon as he hears anything, Tanus will use a hand signal to the others to be quiet and will then sneak toward the noise.

Relevant Skills: Hide +18, Listen +12, Move Silently +16.

OOC: I feel I should point out that Silence's mace, with the Daylight spell activated, will illuminate a 60' radius brightly, and a further 60' dimly. So, if Tanus is within 30' of the others, he will still be bathed in a bright light, akin to the light of a sunny day. This may change your SOP.


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