D&D 5E Max AC/defense by level 10?


So I got a level 2 warforged artificer, with telekinesis, who really doesn't want to get hurt, and doesn't mind protecting his allies either. Playing to level 10.

Currently at 20 AC, with scale, shield, and +1 Warforged, +1 infusion. With absorb elements and cure wounds on the side.

So current plan is.
Armorer 3, for plate (22AC as soon as I can afford it), and booming blade for a strong "taunt".
War mage 2 for shield spell (27 AC) and +4 to saves. Also initiative.
Fighter -> psi warrior, for +1 defensive style (23/28 AC) and 1d6+4 damage reduction on allies. Action surge is only level not boosting defense boost, but I'm sure I'll make use of it.
Then artificer 4 resilience (dex).
Fighter 4 for +2 int (Too many reactions for shield master? )

Anyone got any better suggestions for tanking? Better ways of adding to defense?

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What about Warmage 3 to get Blur or Mirror image spells, that is great upgrade of your defence (and then level 4 for feat instead of fighter 4)...
feat - resilience wis - wisdom is much more used to not hurt, but much more dangerous - hold person, charm, command,... and resilience dex is comarable with shield master, hard choice. If resilience give you +1 in bonus I'll choose dex.

What about Warmage 3 to get Blur or Mirror image spells, that is great upgrade of your defence (and then level 4 for feat instead of fighter 4)...
True. Blur would probably be better since I only get hit on crits anyways, and that would stop them.

Artificer 5 also gives Blur and Mirror image, plus multi-attack, and 3 more THP.
6 for repulsion shield and +1 AC
7 for flash of genius, and another spell slot.

Do you think flash for genius would be better than protective field?
feat - resilience wis - wisdom is much more used to not hurt, but much more dangerous - hold person, charm, command,... and resilience dex is comarable with shield master, hard choice. If resilience give you +1 in bonus I'll choose dex.
I don't do much damage, so is getting charmed that big deal?

Also, resilience (dex) and shield master stack, so you can avoid damage more often with a higher bonus.

Still, I don't take much damage either, but that's kind of the point. So maybe guess +2 Int and Resilience (Wis) are better.
War caster is also tempting, but so far the DM has never triggered an OA. And lucky is good too...

You can have only two ASi/Feat choosees - Resilient Dex/Shield master fullfill it. And yes It will be great combo, but you can't choose anything else...
Be stuned, charmed, frightened is bad anytime. You are out of combat and can't do your stuff. No healing, no attacks, no reaction to defend your companions.... and you are still half caster, you can do many troubles with spells, when physically not to deal much dmg. (But as an armorer on 5th lvl you can deal 3d8 + 2*Int dmg, that isn't small dmg)
And as I read Armorer and Artificer stuff, I'll go to a straight Artificer or just small dip 1 lvl fighter for Defensive / Interception / Protection fighting style (when you want to protect your friends)
Flash of genius is lesser variation of paladin's aura, but still strong, when you need success on save.
and when I said paladin - you will not be alone, so if you have a paladin in a party, you can leave resilient feats, because of his aura and your flash of genius and choose shield master and Int ASi

You can have only two ASi/Feat choosees - Resilient Dex/Shield master fullfill it. And yes It will be great combo, but you can't choose anything else...
Be stuned, charmed, frightened is bad anytime. You are out of combat and can't do your stuff. No healing, no attacks, no reaction to defend your companions....
True. Also, I have absorb elements. So that kind of covers dex saves.
So +2 Int, and resilience (wis) sounds like the way to go.
(But as an armorer on 5th lvl you can deal 3d8 + 2*Int dmg, that isn't small dmg)
It's just 2d8+2Int.
And as I read Armorer and Artificer stuff, I'll go to a straight Artificer or just small dip 1 lvl fighter for Defensive / Interception / Protection fighting style (when you want to protect your friends)
Do you mean to skip war mage?

Artificer 10 does give me +2 AC and +1 to all saves, and flight... and picking up blurr and web a little earlier might be better than shield...

Magical plate armor may not come along, but a ring of protection should be something the party gets. I placed one in a campaign thinking the mage or rogue would take it, but the fighter took it and it made him that much more harder to hit. Good move on the players.

So after a bunch of thought..

I'm going Armorer 3/war mage 2/artificer 8.

Wizard 1 gives both defensive and a huge amount of utility. Too much to pass up for another +1AC.
Cantrip: mage hand, prestidigitation, mind sliver
Defense: shield, silvery barbs
Rituals: unseen servant, find familiar, tensor floating disk, detect magic.

And then war mage sures up saves by a lot.

If the game keeps going, artificer 11 (homunculus with web, and more +AC), and maybe then psi-ghter 3.

@mellored, I'm sure you've already made your character, but I would have recommended going straight artificer.

Armorer 3/Wizard 1 > Armorer 4
Armorer 3/Wizard 2 << Armorer 5 (+asi, extra attack and level 2 spells)
Armorer 4/Wizard 2 << Armorer 6 (+extra attack, level 2 spells, extra infusion, level 6 infusions)
Armorer 5/Wizard 2 > Armorer 7
Armorer 6/Wizard 2 > Armorer 8
Armorer 7/Wizard 2 < Armorer 9 (asi+ level 3 slots, armorer suit separates into different slots)
Armorer8/Wizard 2 < Armorer 10 (level 3 spells, extra infusion, level 10 infusions, bonus to basic magic armor and weapon infusions +1 to +10, and cloak of protection)

At level 10 the armorer artificer could look something like:
2 attacks at 1d8+7 Damage (+2 magic weapon), 24 AC Base (Plate Armor +2, Shield +1, Cloak of Protection).
Buff = haste. 26 AC, 3 attacks at 1d8+7 damage.

Sanctuary on yourself after you've attacked that turn is another great option for your level 1 spells.

Armorer 3/Wizard 2 << Armorer 5 (+asi, extra attack and level 2 spells)
See... I'm not sure straight Armorer is that much better at 5.
Booming blade increases too so extra attack isn't quite that big of a deal.
And your comparing 2 casts of web to 4 casts of silvery barbs (don't forget arcane recovery).
As for the ASI, I would happily take +4 to saves as a feat. Not even included the +int to initiative, of the rituals.

i mean, it depends on the party. if your the only caster in the party web would be very useful. But mostly I feel this is a wash.

Edit: also, Wizard is down a few max HP.
Armorer 4/Wizard 2 << Armorer 6 (+extra attack, level 2 spells, extra infusion, level 6 infusions)
The level 6 infusions would just be +1 AC. Hardly a bad thing, but I think it's one of the weaker artifice levels.
Armorer8/Wizard 2 < Armorer 10 (level 3 spells, extra infusion, level 10 infusions, bonus to basic magic armor and weapon infusions +1 to +10, and cloak of protection)
This i agree with. Artificer 10 gives +1 to hit, +2 to AC, and +1 to all saves. With the third level spells being very good too.

But I would rather have the +4 to saves for most or the game
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See... I'm not sure straight Armorer is that much better at 5.
Booming blade increases too so extra attack isn't quite that big of a deal.
Thunder Gauntlets forcing your target to have disadvantage only applies on a hit. 2 attacks greatly increases your chances of causing that effect.

And your comparing 2 casts of web to 4 casts of silvery barbs (don't forget arcane recovery).
It's also not like the Armorer 5 can't use his level 1 slots for something else. So it's actually quite a bit more complex of a comparison than you propose.

As for the ASI, I would happily take +4 to saves as a feat. Not even included the +int to initiative, of the rituals.
I love +4 saves from war mage, but at the end of the day I'm seeing a very reaction dependent PC. Shield, Absorb Elements, Silvery Barbs, OA's, Flash of Genius. These are all mutually exclusive options.

Any elemental damage saves you likely already have a better option in absorb elements. Flash of Genius can have the same effect once you are sufficiently leveled in artificer (just 2 levels later than the warmage).

i mean, it depends on the party. if your the only caster in the party web would be very useful. But mostly I feel this is a wash.
I find having 2-3 casters that can use effective control spells in conjunction with each other is really strong.

Edit: also, Wizard is down a few max HP.

The level 6 infusions would just be +1 AC. Hardly a bad thing, but I think it's one of the weaker artifice levels.
I've always felt going from 2 to 3 infusions was a big deal, even if it just meant giving an ally a magic weapon with it.

This i agree with. Artificer 10 gives +1 to hit, +2 to AC, and +1 to all saves. With the third level spells being very good too.

But I would rather have the +4 to saves for most or the game
Perhaps a suggestion then. What if you just dipped 1 level of wizard at character level 4. That sets you up for booming blade, shield, familiar and silvery barbs (along with a few more rituals). You only delay extra attack and level 2 artificer spells by 1 level - which isn't that bad because booming blade. This puts you to level 6. I'd suggest staying artificer because while war wizard would be a bit better for level 7, flash of genius is clearly better by character level 8 (ability to target anyone for a save bonus vs just yourself). After this point I think that's when you should make your war mage decision. If you feel you are running out of reaction abilities then perhaps warmage helps by giving you an at will one, if not then stay artificer and your 'level 10 capstone' will be level 3 spells and the armorer's ability to treat his suit as separate magic items for infusions.


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