Gutterfowl, Duke of the Heart and Flesh
Str. 18(85)
Int. 18
Wis. 16
Dex. 19
Con. 21
Cha. 19
Fighter: skill 8 fighter
Wizard: skill 10 magic user
Priest: NA
Thief: Skill 8 thief
Alignment: Lawful evil
Armor Class: 0
HP: 86
THAC0: 13
# Att: 2
Special Att: Tempt; Poison arrows
Special Def: + 2 weapon or better to hit
Movement: 16' on land
Magic Tolerance: 40%
Size: M
Personality: Unfathomable
XP Award: 10,000
In combat, Gutterfowl attacks with the broken chains wrapped about his wrists. His two heads allow him to attack with both chains each round. Treat each chains as a +3 weapon that strikes for 2-12 points of damage.
In addition, Gutterfowl often wields a +4 bow, which he uses to shoot +1 arrows tipped with poison (save at -1 or die).
Gutterfowl is the duke of infidelity, the violation of marital bond. At present, he conducts all activities through intermediaries and only becomes personally involved in a temptation when so ordered by one of his diabolical superiors.
Diabolical Abilities:
Gutterfowl wields the lesser ability to cause blindness (as per the skill level 2 wizard spell0, the standard ability to seduce (as per a charm spell), and the greater ability to shatter bonds (all creatures within 6' save vs. magic; failure indicate the affected creature attacks its friends and allies for 3-18 rounds).
Gutterfowl always tells the truth when queried about matters of loyalty and honor, but lies when queried about other subjects.
Role Playing Notes
Normally, Gutterfowl's two heads are always speaking and constantly contradicting each other. Once he begins tempting or making threats in combat, however, the two heads begin to speak in unison.
Gutterfowl owes allegiance to Anthraxus, but thralls himself to Decarbria. Gutterfowl counts Rustibble as an ally but is wary of Tufforp.
In Vecheron, Gutterfowl maintains a ruined palace guarded by scores of soulhounds.
Gutterfowl is the progenitor of infidelities. His two heads, one male and one female, alternately curse and coo to each other between his utterances; and around his writs he wears torn silver shackles, representing the bonds he endeavours to rend.
Gutterfowl can seduce, blind, and turn friend to foe.
Governors and Thanes from Denizens of Vecheron
Malrinna - Narrin, Arraina, Ranaira, Nairana
Zairrez - Caerz, Thalz, Marnz, Torlz
Guthred - Gund, Algur, Vor, Vilg
Laenn-Allor - Allaen, Allorrn, Lorn, Naellor
Darvesh - Gurrett, Murratt, Quirritt, Burrott