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To Hell and Back (# 753)
Earth Maws
Entombing Worms
Great Flounder
Tormented Spirits
Gold Minah
Black Bishops
Demon Lords
Demon Laborers
Demon Soldiers
Demon Sentinels
Feral Shadows
Faerie Shadow
Faerie Steed
Tree Spirits
Blood Leeches
Damned souls
Fire Lizards
Silver Death
Warder of the Damned
Lesser Vampire

Beneath Two Suns (#742):
Kregen Water Lizard

Pinnacle (#735)


First Post
Pinnacle (#735)

Shaken (Pronounced Shock'-in)
Human, Skill 7 assassins
St: 18 (+1/+2)
IT: 12
IN: 4
SM: 15
DX: 15
AP: 3
HTK: 45
AC: 4
MV: 12"
Att: 2
Dm: Hand 2d6 or by weapon+1d6
Alignment: LE
Weapons: short sword
Armor: None
Magic Items: None
Specials: See Below

Shaken have all the abilities of a regular assassin including: Disguise, Use of assassination table (when attacking with surprise, see standard rule book for percentages), Pick Pockets 55%, Open Locks 42%, Find/Remove Traps 40%, Move Silently 40%, Hide in Shadows 31%, hear noise 20%, Climb Walls 90%, Read Languages 25%, Back Stab at Triple Damage.

GM NOTE: Shaken may not speak alignment languages.
When Shaken die, they reupt in smoking sores and burn to ashes destroying all evidence of their existence (the 1st level clerical Command spell "Die" will trigger this effect, killing a live Shaken immediately.)

Special: Each Shaken can spend one hit point per melee round to run at 20". They can cast the following spells at a cost of twice the spell level in HTK: Detect Magic, levitate, Fireball, Teleport.
For Example, a 5d6 Fireball will cost the Shaken 10HTK.
Shaken blood is a potent poison. If swallowed, it does 4d6 HTK of damage. A successful save vs. Poison halves the damage.
Due to their alchemical tampering, Shaken cannot be healed. their tongues have been removed so they cannot speak. Their minds cannot be magically read in any way.
The Shaken are fanatic single-minded killers, bred and trained from infants and magically altered to be perfect killers. they do exactly as told by their masters.

Howlers (Anti-Magic Snow and Wind Storms)
HTK: n/a
AC: n/a
MV: 36"
Att: n/a
DM: n/a
Alignment: True Neutral
Weapons: None
Armor: None
Magic Itmes: None
Specials: Dispel Magic at 105%, initiates a Plummet on successful attack during a climb.

Howlers are intelligent snow and windstorms. There are 200 Howlers constantly swirlign around Pinnacle mountain but none around the Shaken Factory.
A Howler's precognative powers are attuned to powerful magic spells. The more powerful the magic about to be cast, the higher percentage chance Howlers will appear before the magic is cast and consume the spell energy instantly. For each spell level, there is a 10% chance a Howler will sense it before it is cast.
Even if it fails such a roll, a Howler can sense nearby spells and 1d4 Howlers will arrive at the site of a spell-casting on Pinnacle in 1d3 segments after a spell is cast.
Each Howler has a 105% chance (minus the caster's level x5) per round to obliterate the spell. Spells with a quick casting time and either very brief or permanent durations (like Cure, Neutralize Poison, Command, Mending, etc.) will usually work because the magic is over before the Howlers can arrive.
The Howler functions as a Level 2 Telekinesis spell and can pick up and sweep away objects of up to 50 pounds in weight. If attacked it will try to blow its attacker(s) off Pinnacle mountain for a Fall or Plummet (see Special Events Tables). Howlers must rest every 4d10 rounds. When they do so, they coalesce into a hazy man-shaped form.


First Post
Beneath Two Suns (#742)

HTK: 80
AC: 3
MV: 4"//10"
AT: 1
DM: 2d12 (bite)
IN: Low
Alignment: Neutral Good
Specials: None

Blutz resemble six-legged hippopotami with carapaces; these peaceful animals want to be left alone.

HTK: 12
AC: 6
MV: 9"
AT: 1
DM: 1-6 (clubs)
IN: Average
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Specials: None

Chuliks resemble large men with tusks rising from their lower jaws. Chuliks have yellow skin and a single braid of coarse black hair. Chuliks are often employed as guards.

HTK: 20
AC: 7
MV: 9:
AT: 1
DM: 1d8 (x2 if charging; horns)
IN: Low
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Specials: None

These beasts resemble six-legged bison with long horns. They are good to eat.

HTK: 65
AC: 3
MV: 8"/12"/18"
AT: 5
DM: 1d6/1d6/1d6/1d6 + grapple on a roll of 20 (legs)/1d4 + paralysis (bite)
IN: Low
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Specials: Any bite victim must save vs. Paralyzation or remain motionless for 10d10 turns.

These beasts resemble 6' spiders with ten prehensile legs. They prefer humanoid prey.

HTK: 45
AC: -2
MV: 6"//18"
AT: 9
DM: 1d6/1d6/1d6(eyes); 1d4/1d4/1d4/1d4/1d4/1d4 (arms)
IN: Average
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Specials: Can Cause Darkness at will and do one of the following at will: Cause Fear, Levitate, or Detect Invisible

This minor demon has the face of a lizard. It has three eyes, six arms, and four legs. Its eyes shoot a powerful heat beam which causes 1d10 HTK damage. it strikes with each of its sixk arms separately, each successful attack causing 1d4 HTK damage.

HTK: 2
AC: 6
MV: 3"//12"
AT: 1
DM: 1
IN: Low
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Specials: On a roll of 20 on a "to hit" roll, the korn steals some shiny object and flees back to the ceiling, where it attaches its newly gained trophy.

Korns resemble spider monkeys with scaly hides and leathery bat-like wings. Natural pack rats, they use their tiny hands to steal shiny objects.

Kregen Water Lizard:
HTK: 60
AC: 3
MV: //12"
AT: 2
DM: 2d8/1d8 (bite, tail)
IN: Low
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Specials: None

The Kregen water lizard resembles a 30' long crocodile, except for its reddish hide and 8 legs. Druids claim it is red because its habit is always bloody.

HTK: 32
AC: 3
MV: 15"
AT: 3
DM: 1d10/1d10/1d12
IN: Low
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Specials: None

The Leem is an eight-legged, sinuous like a ferret, but leopard sized with a wedge-shaped head and fangs that can strike through oak. Leems are always hungry.

Ochs: [stats never actually given, at least not in my copy]

These 4' tall, hairy little beasts have six limbs and lemon-shaped heads. They eat anything Ochs are often employed as guards and slave-handlers.

HTK: 15
AC: 8
MV: 9
AT: 1
DM: 1d8+1 (long swords & Strength 17) or by weapon
IN: Average
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Specials: None

These ugly humanoid beasts have vulture-like heads. They thrive on carrion. Rapas are often employed as guards and slave-handlers.

HTK: 1 each
AC: 10
MV: 6"
AT: 1
DM: 1
IN: Low
Alignment: Neutral
Specials: Rasts attack in packs. If a Character is hit, roll 1d20. This is the number of rasts that bite the Character, and therefore the number of HTK he suffers.

Usually found in packs of 1,000 or more, this six-legged rodent is particularly fond of dunghills.

HTK: 10
AC: 8
MV: 2" or drop 20"
AT: 1
DM: 1d8
IN: Low
Alignment: Neutral
THACO: Automatic if dropping on victims, other NA
Specials: Sleep gas (save vs. Breat Weapon or fall asleep); Second Round: secretes acid, inflicting 1d8 HTK of damage per round. After taking half their HTK in damage, sleeping Characters may make a save vs. Death Magic to recover consciousness.

This giant, unthinking cell clings to the top of caverns. When it senses the heat of a nearby livign body, it releases a powerful sleep gas. One round later, it drops on its prey and begins to digest it.

HTK: 3
AC: 4
MV: //8"
AT: 1
DM: 1+ Blood Drain 1d8 per round
IN: low
Alignment: Neutral
Specials: If a zook attaches, its victim suffers an additional 1d8 HTK of damage per round. It requires strength of 16 or greater to remove an attached zook, inflicting an additional 2d8 HTK of damage. If a zook is killed while attached, victims must save vs. Poison or suffer 1d8 HTK/round for one turn.

The Zook is a particularly foul cross between a jellyfish and an octopus. Because it is transparent, it is nearly impossible to to see, especially in the filthy waters it prefers to inhabit. When it detects motion in the water, it propels itself to its prey and attaches its eight legs to its victim, sinking hooked, 1" fangs into its victim's flesh. It then drains the blood from its prey. If the zook is removed while still alize, its hooked fangs wound the victim horribly. The only safe way to remove a zook is to put it to sleep first, then slowly remove it tentacle by tentacle.


World of Kulan DM
A lot of great conversion possiblities in that last list. These are my favorites: Chuliks, Ghootz, Hrunchuk, Korns, Rapas, and Zook.


First Post
Grand Anthraxus, Prince of Demons and Father of Treacheries

Grand Anthraxus (Prince of the Heart)

Str. 18(85)
Int. 21
Wis. 22
Dex. 18
Con. 22
Cha. 20
Fighter: Skill 11 fighter
Wizard: Skill 15 magic user
Priest: Skill 11 Priest
Thief: Skill 16 Thief
Alignment: CE
Armor Class: -3
HP: 144
THAC0: 10
# Att: 3/2
Special Att: Tempt; Poison
Special Def: +3 weapon or better to hit
Movement: 15 on land
Magic Tolerance: 65%
Personality: Seductive
XP Award: 16000

In combat Anthraxus wields a +5 dagger that is coated with a magical poison (save at -3 or die) and strikes for 2-24 points of damage per round. If possible, he always avoids direct conflict, preferring to resort to ambushes and backstabs instead.
Beside his dagger, Anthraxus owns a huge collection of magical weaponry he can employ when necessary.

Anthraxu is the Infernal Prince of the Heart. He is responsible for formenting rebellions and betrayals. Although he carries out most of his work through intermediaries, he so enjoys turning siblings against each other that he often handles such affairs personally.

Diabolical Abilities:
Anthraxus wields the lesser ability to cast doubt in a single enemy at a range of 5'. Any creature targeted by the ability must pass an Wisdom attribute check or spend the next turn engulfed in doubt (no offensive actions allowed, though defense unaffected). Additionally, Anthraxus wields the standard ability to freeze (as per frost wand) and the greater ability to beguile as per the rod of that name.

Anthraxus always tells the truth when queried about matters of love and war.

Role Playing Notes
Anthraxus is sinister and treacherous. Approximately seventy percent of all his statements are lies. He speaks quickly and uses confusing language as part of an effort to throw his enemies off balance.
Amongst his fellow princes, Rubbibat, Lord of Blasphemy and Decarabria, Lord of Lust, are Anthraxus' truest ally and foe (respectively). Among his dukes, Anthraxus counts Tufforp his truest ally and Runstibble as his surest foe. Phryxis seems loyal but is not th efaithful thrall he pretends to be, and Gutterfowl is known to have been sympathetic to Decarabria.

Anthraxus maintains a huge ruby palace on the demi-place of Vecheron.

Like all Demons of this order, Anthraxus sports two faces in his true form. On his sleeves, he wears the hearts of the mortals he has seduced, and in his hand he carries a large knife, which he sometimes lends to mortals who are willing to plunge it into the backs of their kin.
Anthraxus is said to speak the truth when queried about love and war. His diabolical powers allow him to beguile, freeze, and cast doubts.

Marshalls and Generals from Denizens of Vecheron
Vazrael - Durmunn, Athrokett, Maeldiron, Vorthim
Gharresh - Narghashet, Orothkar, Vildolmen, Arkadur
Olorgul - Belkadreth, Nordrid, Varquin, Anturid
Tethrallon - Etorul, Cithkir, Paxurer, Daxall
Xesh - Nibbubbar, Thakadred, Ghurrel, Moxon
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First Post
Great Phryxis, Duke of the Heart and Mind

Phryxis, Duke of the Heart and Mind

Str: 9
Int: 14
Wis: 14
Dex: 17
Con: 20
Cha: 6
Fighter: Skill 7 Fighter
Wizard: Skill 9 Magic User
Priest: NA
Thief: Skill 12 Thief
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Armor Class: 1
HP: 70
THAC0: 14
# Att: 2
Special Att: Tempt; venom
Special Def: +2 weapon or better to hit
Movement: 15' land (hop 4' at a time)
Magic Tolerance: 40%
Size: M
Personality: Craven
XP Award: 10,000

Like his master, Prince Anthraxus, Phryxis tries to avoid direct conflicts and prefers to rely upon his back-stabbing abilities.
Each round he can attack with a weapon (he usually wields a +2 dagger that strikes for 1-8 points of damage) and his long tongue, which inflicts 1-4 points of damage per hit and forces the target to save vs. poison or die.

Phryxis is the master of sycophants. He is charged with the responsibility of spreading sins of service flattery and disingenuous adulation.

Diabolical Abilities
Phryxis wields the minor ability to detect lies (as per the clerical spell), the standard ability to command (as per the priest spell, but affects creatures for 1-6 rounds; save at -2), and the greater ability to enslave (as per command only lasts 2-12 rounds and allows complex commands; save at -3).
In addition, Phryxis can use his attuned sense of smell to track a target at range of more than one half mile (roughly 80 yards).


Phryxis never answers any inquiries truthfully.

Role Playing Notes
As per his station, Phryxis is a sniveler and whiner. Unlike most of his infernal dukes, he has no underlings. He pretends allegiance to any who will listen but means very little of what he says.

Phryxis has no palace. He spends most of his time wandering the plane of Vecheron.

Phryxis is the swayer of sycophants and false-praisers. He is said to be long of nose and tongue, and he walks atop a pair of frog's legs.
Phryxis never speaks the truth and wields the ability to penetrate lies, command, and enslave.

Governors and Thanes from Denizens of Vecheron
Thraxus - Alethkur, Dubbuth, Myrkin, Bithrinor
Kalaphon - Malvorith, Kalrion, Sethrinor, Allshira
Gurek - Jaquid, Forth, Bix-Rudix, Ablanek
Shalphar - Xhara, Xhora, Xhira, Xhura
Borek - Yetkirr, Vutquarr, Gandwell, Llarrekk
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First Post
Runstibble, Duke of the Heart and the Soul

Great Runstibble

Str. 20
Int. 12
Wis. 7
Dex. 18
Con. 21
Cha. 18
Fighter: skill 10 fighter
Wizard: skill 7 magic user
Priest: NA
Thief: Skill 7 thief
Alignment: lawful evil
Armor Class: -5
HP: 140
THAC0: 11
# Att: 2
Special Att: Tempt; crush
Special Def: + 2 weapon or better to hit
Movement: 9' land
Magic Tolerance: 45%
Size: M
Personality: Seductive
XP Award: 10,000

Each round, Runstibble can attack with each of his huge, metallic fists for 2-20 points of damage. If both fists hit, he may then execute a crushing attack upon his victims for an additional 2-20 points of damage.
Although he preferes hand-to-hand fighting, Runstibble sometimes uses a huge +2 club that inflicts 3-18 points of damage per hit.

Runstibble is the lord of idolators and false worshippers. His task is to sway mortals to invent and worship false gods. He particularly enjoys influencing mortals to "worship" money and material goods.

Diabolical Abilities:
Runstibble wields the lesser ability to defile consecrated ground, allowing him to eliminate protective clerical enchantments; the standard ability to resist magic which renders him completely immune to first through third level spells (those invoking Phryxis maintain this invulnerability for 1-2 turns); and the greater ability to shake the soul (forces the target to pass a Wis. Attribute Check or suffer 3-30 points of damage).
Additionally, Runstibble can create gold and precious gems at will (at a rate of approximately 75 gp per round).

Runstibble never answers queries about the gods truthfully. When queried on othe rmatters, there is a 50% chance he will speak the truth.

Role Playing Notes
Runstibble moves very slowly and speaks in a low hiss. He particularly enjoys tempting nobility. Runstibble covets the Throne Treacherous and would like nothing more than to see Anthraxus fall.

Runstibble maintains a vast golden palace in Vecheron.


Runstibble rallies idolators and false-worshippers. In his true form, he is composed of solid gem and encrusted with gems.
Runstibble always lies when queried about the gods and their activities. his infernal magic permits him to resist divine magicks, defile consecrated ground, and shake the soul.

Governors and Thanes from Denizens of Vecheron
Jurilaemon - Madrigoran, Andarialleth, Wexcarrion, Festeriall
Felthekor - Jillek, Drex, Lerrush, Borrus
Daxin - Ambrosus, Serrath, Hoerth, Jarail
Yulurmalkirin - Julir, Drahilik, Fashur, Muric
Ouerrik - Xachath, Mirzax, Kharxir, Xurell
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First Post
Gutterfowl, Duke of the Heart and Flesh


Str. 18(85)
Int. 18
Wis. 16
Dex. 19
Con. 21
Cha. 19
Fighter: skill 8 fighter
Wizard: skill 10 magic user
Priest: NA
Thief: Skill 8 thief
Alignment: Lawful evil
Armor Class: 0
HP: 86
THAC0: 13
# Att: 2
Special Att: Tempt; Poison arrows
Special Def: + 2 weapon or better to hit
Movement: 16' on land
Magic Tolerance: 40%
Size: M
Personality: Unfathomable
XP Award: 10,000

In combat, Gutterfowl attacks with the broken chains wrapped about his wrists. His two heads allow him to attack with both chains each round. Treat each chains as a +3 weapon that strikes for 2-12 points of damage.
In addition, Gutterfowl often wields a +4 bow, which he uses to shoot +1 arrows tipped with poison (save at -1 or die).

Gutterfowl is the duke of infidelity, the violation of marital bond. At present, he conducts all activities through intermediaries and only becomes personally involved in a temptation when so ordered by one of his diabolical superiors.

Diabolical Abilities:
Gutterfowl wields the lesser ability to cause blindness (as per the skill level 2 wizard spell0, the standard ability to seduce (as per a charm spell), and the greater ability to shatter bonds (all creatures within 6' save vs. magic; failure indicate the affected creature attacks its friends and allies for 3-18 rounds).

Gutterfowl always tells the truth when queried about matters of loyalty and honor, but lies when queried about other subjects.

Role Playing Notes
Normally, Gutterfowl's two heads are always speaking and constantly contradicting each other. Once he begins tempting or making threats in combat, however, the two heads begin to speak in unison.
Gutterfowl owes allegiance to Anthraxus, but thralls himself to Decarbria. Gutterfowl counts Rustibble as an ally but is wary of Tufforp.

In Vecheron, Gutterfowl maintains a ruined palace guarded by scores of soulhounds.


Gutterfowl is the progenitor of infidelities. His two heads, one male and one female, alternately curse and coo to each other between his utterances; and around his writs he wears torn silver shackles, representing the bonds he endeavours to rend.
Gutterfowl can seduce, blind, and turn friend to foe.

Governors and Thanes from Denizens of Vecheron
Malrinna - Narrin, Arraina, Ranaira, Nairana
Zairrez - Caerz, Thalz, Marnz, Torlz
Guthred - Gund, Algur, Vor, Vilg
Laenn-Allor - Allaen, Allorrn, Lorn, Naellor
Darvesh - Gurrett, Murratt, Quirritt, Burrott
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