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Generics from Denizens of Vecheron

Alright, here goes with the Generics in Denizens of Vecher! The artwork for these creatures was particularly strong - my particular favorite has long been the mist dancers.

Lieutenants (Lesser)

Rarity: Extremely Rare
# Appearing: 1
Wander Chance: 20%
Intelligence: Average of 16
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
HD: 13+3
THAC0: 7
Armor Class: -2
# Attacks: 1 (bite)
Damage: 2-8
Special Att: Poison; Inspire Disloyalty
Special Def: +2 or better weapon to hit
Movement: 15 land / 25 air
Magic Tolerance: 15%
Size: M
XP Award: 11,000

{drawing shows a demon with large fangs, wearing a toga, with large clawed feet and bat-like wings bearing a standard. I see no reason why they couldn't use weapons... anyway}

The Lesser Lieutenants of Grand Anthraxus usually fight unarmed, biting their opponents with razor sharp fangs that deliver a potent venom that causes an additional 2-16 damage unless the victim makes a successful szve vs. poison.

The lieutenants of the lord of treachery do not have the benefit of experience available to other demons, as the traitorous in-fighting among the lesser offices is so intense that it is difficult to retain the post for long.

Each of these demons carries a banner that inspires disloyalty among mortal troops who view it. The exact effects of these banners depends on the mass combat rules you are using. The banners are only effective in military engagements.

Role Playing:
Lesser Lieutenants pretend obedience but are all dangerously ambitious and willing to do almost anything to reach a position that offers some degree of safety from the constant struggles that dominate their existence. Ruthless brutality comes easily to them, making them difficult to deal with on a civilized level. They are the shock troops of the Infernus and well suited to the role.
{this particular being does beggar the question how lesser lieutenants in the courts outside Vecheron differ from Anthraxus' minions}

Lieutenant (Greater)

Rarity: Extremely Rare
# Appearing: 1
Wander Chance: 30%
Intelligence: Average of 17
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
HD: 14+5
THAC0: 7
Armor Class: -3
# Attacks: 2 (talons)
Damage: 3-12
Special Att: Suggestion
Special Def: +2 or better weapon to hit
Movement: 18 land / 36 air
Magic Tolerance: 20%
Size: M
XP Award: 12,000

{Drawing looks pretty similar to the lesser lieutenant. Only ONE hand holds the standard this time.}

these demons can attack with their talons twice per round or use weapons instead, attacking three times every two rounds {specialization?}. The magic weapons preferred by warriors of this rank tend to have special abilities such as "sharpness" or "life drain."

Those demons who survive long enough to gain seniority in the Infernal Hierarchy are exceptional individuals. It is from these elite warriors that the generals are chosen, so all are very conscious of how they are perceived by their Marshal. Whatever treacheries they still pursue are dealt with more discretely, leaving them more time to fulfill the duties of their post.

Greater lieutenants of Grand Anthraxus can all cast a mass suggestion once per turn that only effects an opponent's forces.

Role Playing:
The greater lieutenants are more disciplined than their lesser counterparts. They tend to be unusually cunning for warriors and can surprise the unwary with their cleverness.

Thane (Lesser)

Rarity: Extremely Rare
# Appearing: 1
Wander Chance: 50%
Intelligence: Average of 17
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
HD: 12
THAC0: 9
Armor Class: -1
# Attacks: 3/2 (weapon)
Damage: 2-8
Special Att: See Below
Special Def: +2 or better weapon to hit
Movement: 12 land / 20 air
Magic Tolerance: 20%
Size: M
XP Award: 10,000

{Demon in a robe, bearing a rod in one hand, with a short sword at the waist.}

In combat, lesser thanes wield short swords stolen from traitorous mortal lords. Most of these demons are loathe to enter melee combat personally, preferring to send minions to do their dirty work.

The Thanes of anthraxus spend most of their time tending to the day-to-day task of governing a realm overrun with treachery. What little time remains is spent fomenting treacheries of their own.

Lesser thanes can assume mortal form at will, which is useful when they are compelled to incite rebellion on the plane prime. They can also charm person once per turn and cause confusion once per day.

Role Playing:
These thanes are relatively inexperienced and generally taken with their newfound power and status, making them pompous and quite rude. They are poor leaders and nearly useless to mortal wizards foolish enough to call upon them. What they have yet to realize is that they are only pawns and that their only hope of advancement is to accept the reality of their station.

Thane (Greater)

Rarity: Extremely Rare
# Appearing: 1
Wander Chance: 40%
Intelligence: Average of 18
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
HD: 13
THAC0: 7
Armor Class: -2
# Attacks: 3/2 (weapon)
Damage: 2-12
Special Att: Shapechange, spellcasting
Special Def: +2 or better weapon to hit
Movement: 14 Land / 24 Air
Magic Tolerance: 25%
Size: M
XP Award: 11,000

{again, robed demon wielding a scepter. Presumably they should have wings, since they apparently can fly}

Greater Thanes wield +2 scepters that are effective melee weapons but can also be used to attack at a range of up to 5', inflicting 2-8 damage on a successful to-hit roll. The ranged attack looks like phantom blades appearing out of nowhere and striking the victim from behind.

Greater Thanes are more capable leaders than their less experienced brethren. The intoxication of power has faded and they have started to learn the rules of the game. It is from these thanes that the governors are chosen, so they are constantly maneuvering for the favor of their duke.

These demons can change shape once per hour, assuming any demonic or humanoid form with ease. They often impersonate underlings to misdirect assassination attempts and can readily infiltrate the forces of the enemy. Most Greater Thanes have learned a little magic over the years and can cast spells as a Skill 5 Level Wizard.

Role Playing:
Greater Thanes are considerably more personable than lesser thanes, but they still expect the respect of their underlings and mortal wizards who seek their favor. These demons rule much of Vecheron more directly than any governor and have a great deal of personal power.


First Canto Second Canto Third Canto
Rarity: Common Common Uncommon
# Appearing: 1-20 1-10 1-6
Wander Chance: 20%
Intelligence: 9 11 13
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
HD: 4 6 8
THAC0: 17 15 13
Armor Class: 6 5 2
# Attacks: 2 (claws)
Damage: 1-3 1-4 1-6
Special Att: None None None
Special Def: Hit only by +1 Weapons
Movement: 12 land / 30 Air
Magic Tolerance: 5% 10% 15%
Size: M
XP Award: 200 400 800

Fourth Canto Fifth Canto
Rarity: Very Uncommon Extremely Rare
# Appearing: 1-3 1
Wander Chance:
Intelligence: 16 19
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
HD: 10 12
THAC0: 11 9
Armor Class: 0 -2
# Attacks: 2 (Claws)
Damage: 1-8 2-16
Special Att: None
Special Def: +1 or Better Weapon to Hit
Movement: 12 land / 30 air
Magic Tolerance: 20% 25%
Size: M
XP Award: 1,600 3,200

Seducers are demons who have been assigned the task of travelling the plane prime in search of mortal prey. For more information, see Demons page 8.

{These seem much more like a template or even a prestige class than an individual monster.}


Rarity: Common through extremely rare
# Appearing: 1-10
Wander Chance: 20%
Intelligence: Average of 8-18
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
HD: 3+3 ranging to 11+11
THAC0: Ranges from 9 - 17
Armor Class: Ranges from 2-12
# Attacks: 2 (by weapon)
Damage: Ranges from 1-6 to 3-18
Special Att: None
Special Def: +2 or better weapon to hit
Movement: 15 land / 24 air
Magic Tolerance: None
Size: M
XP Award: Ranges from 250-4000

Warriors are the individual demons that make up the infernal armies. They are organized into five categories, known as circles, and their capabilities vary wildly. Generally, the more powerful warriors are found in the higher numbered circles. See Demons page 8.
{Again, this seems much more like just slapping a fighter class onto the generics from the first box set}


Rarity: Very Uncommon
# Appearing: 1-8
Wander Chance: N/A
Intelligence: 13
Alignment: Neutral Evil
HD: 5+3
THAC0: 15
Armor Class: 6
# Attacks: 1
Damage: 1-8
Special Att: Possession
Special Def: +2 or better weapon to hit
Movement: 18 sea
Magic Tolerance: 30%
Size: M
XP Award: 2,000

{Drawing shows a series of coagulated rope like appendages bursting forth from the waters.}

Bloodwyrms attack magically, causing wounds to appear on their victims that appear to have been made by claws or talons. In all other respects this is a normal melee attack.

These creatures are living pools of blood that take on snakelike form in the water. They were inadvertently created when powerful creatures capable of regeneration were killed in the lifegiving seas of Vecheron. The combination of forces gave rise to a new form of demonic life. Bloodwyrms can exist on land, where they have the appearance of a slime or ooze, but only for an hour at a time.

Bloodwyrms can possess unconscious mortals. This is the only way they can take shape and leave the sea. For details, see the introduction.
{Thematically, the possessed being could have a wound that never quite heals, they're constantly daubing at it, that could give them away}

Role Playing:
These strange creatures cannot speak in their liquid form but are actually fairly intelligent. A few have managed to rejoin demonic society in stole bodies and have been granted new life by one of the lords, starting over as Type 1 Demons. Many have risen through the ranks but so far, none have achieved higher office than a warrior or seducer.

Demon Wyrm

Rarity: Uncommon
# Appearing: 1-3
Wander Chance: 20%
Intelligence: 7
Alignment: Neutral Evil
HD: 7+7
THAC0: 13
Armor Class: 2
# Attacks: 1
Damage: 3-18
Special Att: Vorpal Bite
Special Def: +1 or better weapon to hit
Movement: 18 water
Magic Tolerance: None
Size: L
XP Award: 3,000

{Long, skinny, fearsome draconic being, with no limbs and fin along the spine. About what you'd expect}

Demon serpents have steel teeth that can tear through any substance with ease save glass. they can rip a hole in a boat or ship in a matter of rounds and readily do so to get at prey within. Their bit is considered a +2 weapon and does devastating damage, acting as a vorpal blade.

The seas of Vecheron teem with aquatic demons. One of the most common and dangerous forms of sea demon is the demon serpent. There are countless varieties of demon serpents, but all have similar attributes.

The demonic origins of these creatures make them immune to non-magic weapons.

Role Playing:
Demon serpents are infernal beasts who are concerned with little save hunting and survival. They are easily bound to service and make excellent moat guardians.


Rarity: Extremely Rare
# Appearing: 1
Wander Chance: N/A
Intelligence: 5 or more
Alignment: Neutral Evil
HD: 20
THAC0: 10
Armor Class: 5
# Attacks: 1-8
Damage: 1-8
Special Att: Swarm attack; soul drain
Special Def: +2 or better weapon to hit
Movement: 4 water
Magic Tolerance: 50%
Size: L
XP Award: 8,500

{I suppose you could say a living island, appearing like a pile of rocks, from which tentacles burst forth}

In combat, the Garam can send out a swarm of deadly developed life forms developed on the spot from its own body mass. These creatures only exist for a single round - as soon as the creatures make their attack they turn into a thick black paste that drifts slowly back to the island where they are re-absorbed. Attacking the creatures is pointless and the Garam is only affected by magic weapons.

Garam are living islands with a collective demonic intelligence composed of the infernal essence of the land mass that serves as its body.

The Garam can consume the life force of damned souls, sending out tendrils of slime to pull them in. This power does not work on demons or on living mortals.

Role Playing:
Basically mindless, the Garam are directed by demonic hunger that is only sated by devouring the souls of the damned. A few of these creatures have existed so long that they have developed more sophisticated sentience and desire more than mere sustenance.

Lurking Devourer

Rarity: Extremely Rare
# Appearing: 1
Wander Chance: 100%
Intelligence: 3
Alignment: Neutral Evil
HD: 13
THAC0: 7
Armor Class: 3
# Attacks: 6 or 1
Damage: 1-6 or 3-24
Special Att: Entanglement, devouring
Special Def: Invisibility, limited regeneration
Movement: 9 sea
Magic Tolerance: None
Size: L
XP Award: 4,500

{Think the Sarlacc beast that lairs in the pit of Karkoon, except in the water instead of in the sand. Tentacles surrounding a maw full of teeth, all the way to infinity}

In combat, the devourer can attack 6 times per round with its 30 foot tendrils. Any time the creature hits with one of these tendrils, the victim must make a strength attribute check or he is entangled. The devourer can choose to attempt to devour an entangled victim instead of attacking with its tendrils on any given round. If it hits and does more damage than the victims Stamina, the victim must save vs. death or be devoured, causing paralysis and 1-8 points of damage per round until the creature is slain.

Lurking devourers were inflicted on Vecheron as a curse by Grand Phenix as a punishment for an attempt by Grand Anthraxus to unseat him. They hunt demons as willingly as they hunt mortal souls, but the lords have yet to make a concerted effort to drive them from the sea.

Lurking devourers drift just below the surface of the water, where they are invisible. Their first round of attacks is normally conducted by surprise. Devourers are very tough adn can regenerate 1d4 hp per round unless magic weapons were used to inflict the damage.

Role Playing:
There are huge hords of these creatures in Vecheron, but they hardly ever move so they are rarely encountered.

Mist Dancer

Rarity: Uncommon
# Appearing: 3-12
Wander Chance: N/A
Intelligence: 9
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
HD: 3+3
THAC0: 15
Armor Class: 4
# Attacks: 1
Damage: 1-4
Special Att: Blinding, drowning
Special Def: +1 or better weapon to hit
Movement: 24 water
Magic Tolerance: 20%
Size: M
XP Award: 1,400

{One of my favs from this set: a roiling mass of fog extruded into the rough shape of a human, with long, pointed limbs that trail off into nothingness. From the creature's back grow icy spikes which it drags forth to harass the heroes}

Mist dancers fight with icy knives that they conjure forth from the water that always surrounds them.

These creatures are specialized demons that walk the seas of Vecheron, watching the island coasts for stray souls they can herd back to shore. They always hunt in groups, and from a distance, their erratic movement looks like some kind of surreal dance, lending them a strange beauty.

These demonic dancers can spray a single opponent with mist instead of making a melee attack. If the target fails a save vs. breath weapon, he is blinded for 1-6 rounds. Once per turn, the dancers may command the water to swallow an opponent, causing it to rise up to attack {summon water weird?}. If the victim fails a save vs. breath weapon, he takes 3-30 drowning damage. Mist dancers are only affected by magic weapons and are resistant to magic spells. Cold-related spells such as cone of cold act as a slow spell against them, but cause no damage. Fire-related spells inflict double damage.

Role Playing:
Mist dancers are mercurial creatures who lust for mortal blood and anxiously pursue it on the rare occasions when mortals wander into their hunting ground, fighting among themselves for the bodies of the fallen.

Sea Demon

Rarity: Uncommon
# Appearing: 2-20
Wander Chance: 30%
Intelligence: 9
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
HD: 3+6
THAC0: 18
Armor Class: 6
# Attacks: 2
Damage: 1-4
Special Att: None
Special Def: None
Movement: 12 land / 18 sea
Magic Tolerance: None
Size: M
XP Award: 175

{Like a Piranha demon, claws and webbing on all four limbs - about what you'd expect}

Most sea demons fight unarmed, using their claws. Some use two-handed spears of sharpened bone that inflict 1-10 damage, but they may only attack once per round. A few possess magic weapons given to them by demons they have served.

The sea demons are an amphibious race native to Vecheron. They are not true demons - they just happen to live in the Infernus. These creatures have evolved an entire culture based around the worship of demons and are often found in their service.

A few demons have learned the mystic arts, granting them the powers of wizards of the 1st, 3rd or 5th skill level. At any given time, there is one Skill 7 Wizard among them who holds a black skull with the powers of a staff of wizardry as a symbol of his office.

Role Playing:
Sea Demons are man-like, but more bestial. their inhuman lusts drive them to acts of violence that few mortals could countenance. Their leaders are particularly vicious and capable of organizing war bands to further the cause of their demonic patrons.

Winged Shadow

Rarity: Extremely Rare
# Appearing: 1
Wander Chance: N/A
Intelligence: 15
Alignment: Lawful Evil
HD: 9
THAC0: 8
Armor Class: 0
# Attacks: 2
Damage: 2-12
Special Att: Spellcasting
Special Def: +2 or better weapon to hit
Movement: 15 land / 30 air
Magic Tolerance: 25%
Size: M
XP Award: 5,000

{The shadows around you darken to reveal the shifting demonic silhouette. A shining blade appears from the depths of darkness}

Winged Shadows wield phantom broadswods that act as +3 weapons with which they can attack twice per round. These weapons inflict double damage against evil characters.

The winged shadows are an enigma. The lords of the Infernus think they are the shadows of fallen demons, providng that their essence is immortal. So far, there is no evidence to support this theory, but if such evidence can be found it will provide invaluable insight into the nature of the diabolical.

Winged Shadows can cast spells as Skill level 5 Wizards, but are restricted to the following spells: chill touch, darkness, sleep, spook, unseen servant, wall of fog, blindness, blur, continual darkness, darkness 15' radius, fog cloud, invisibility, scare, spectral hand, whispering wind, clairvoyance, and vampiric touch.

Role Playing:
Winged Shadows are dispassionate but utterly evil, taking great delight in their fiendish machinations. Some are ancient and have acquired even greater mastery of the arcane arts. A few of the most powerful shadows serve lesser demon lords as advisors or assassins.

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Monsters of Myths & Legends II

Starting out with the African beasts:
Exp: 225+6/HTK
STR: 16 (0, +1). [NT: 14, INS:14
STA: 14, DEX: 18 (+3, -4), APL: 3
HTK: 46,
AC: 4
MV: 12",
AL: C. Evil
AT: 1
DM: 2D4+1 (short sword)
Weapons: +2 short sword.
Special: Stories act as Charm Person spell (see following), Adhesive rosin (see following).

Anansi, the spider trickster, has a large head and protruding eyes. His backside is dull green and brown, making him hard lo distinguish from the
surrounding trees and brush in which he bides. He has a bright red underbelly and a large, wide moulh which, when opened, appears to be smiling.
This creature is extromely clever and loves to outwit his prey before killing it. Anansl can be encountered during any forest or jungle excursion.

When making his presence known, he appears to be wandering clown a path, unaware of a passing party, relating stories of monumental deeds to no one in particular. When seeing the party, he acts embarrassed about talking to himself and apologizes, cxplaimng that he is memorizmg ancestral stories for future generations.

Anansi appears to be quite friendly, even offering Characters food or help. Once the party ls comfortable the spider begins to tell an exciting tale filled with evil, heroism, romance, and intrigue.

The tale is so bewltching that Characters under Skill Level 6 don't realize they are falling under a spell. Characters who are o fSkill 6 or higher must
save vs Spell, to negate tbe "Charm" effect. Once a successful save is made, Characters realize they are being perceived as food raiher than as friends.
Anansi's underbelly secretes an extremely sticky resin, which can be shot up to 10' in any direction. The resin may be aimed al the ground to cause the Character's boots to adhere to the earth, or it could be used to hold a Character's limbs together. (The intent is at GM's discretion.) Once a Character 1s stuck to the resin, he or she can move no affected body part or limb.

Stuck to its bell is a +2 short sword for more "sticky" situations. The sword does 2D4+1 damage witb each hit. Anansi wields the sword with one of its many legs. This action does not prevent the creature from spinning a web at the same time. As soon as the victim is helpless. a web is spun around it in 2 rounds.


Anansi wanted to learn the best stories to enchant people so that they would fall into a listening trance. So, he prayed to the god Nyankopon, who told him that the price for leaming the stories was a python, a hornet, a leopard, and a nature spirit (elementsl). Anansi quickly agreed to the conditions, and even offered his own mother in addition to the other gifts.

In his quest for the python, Anansi first cut a long branch from a tree and
brashly walked up to the python's home, pretending to be arguing with someone. Curious, the python appeared and asked what was happening. Anansi toid the python he was having a disagreement with his wife over whether the stick was longer than the python. To resolve the issue, the
python stretched his body against the branch to measure which was longer.
Quickly, Anansi gpun a web around the snake and branch and offered the captured python to lhe god.

Next, Anansi took a water gourd and went searching tor lhe hornets. As soon as he saw them, he poured sorne of the watcr over himseif and the hornets, pretending that it had begun to rain. Graciously, Anansi offered the hornets shelter in the gourd. As soon as they entered, he plugged the hole and delivered the captured hornets to his god.

To capture lhe leopard, Anansi dug a pit near a frequented water hole. As
planned, the animal fell into the pit and Anansi offered lo help it out by instructing the animal to put ils front paws on two large sticks that Anansi straddled over the pit. As soon as Lhe leopard stretched out into this vulnerable position, Anansi drew his sword and sliced open the leopard's

To capture a nature spirit, Anansi made a large, life-size doll of wood, which
he smeared with slicky resin from his own underbelly. Then, he attached a string to the doll so it operated like a puppet. Setting the doll where the spiritl would find it, he put a bowl of food nearby and hid himself.
As a nature spirit passed, he asked the doll to sampIe the food. Anansi pulled the string, making the doll nod. The elemental ate the food and thanked the doll, but the doll didn't respond. After numerous attempts to elicit an answer from the doll, the spirit, became angry with the doll's lack of response and struck it. Tbe spirit's hand stuck to the resin-covered dol!. The spirit then struck with the other hand, which also stuck.

Then, the spirit swung her body against the doll. Anansi then came out of hiding and spun a web around the struggling elemental. He offered the spirit and his own mother to the god. who gave Anansi all the stories and declared that, in the future, these stories would be known as "The Spider's Stories."

The Court of the Blood

The Court of the Blood from Demons Set 1!

Diannor (an overview)
Grand Phenex was unwilling to lay down his weapons when Amdosias declared and end to the wars of dominion. Unsatisfied with the power accorded him by the new order, the Lord of Rage had to be banished to his dominion along with his legion of thralls.
With a single cry, Phenex released his righteous indignation with a fireball that consumed his domain. Everything that could be burned was consumed by the demon's fury. So long as the Prince's anger abides, the flames of Diannor will burn bright.

Diannor is a shattered continent floating in the mists of the ether. The flames of Phenx burn across the land in one form or another, lending this demi-plane a traditional fire and brimstone look. Obsidian planes, burning seas, lava pits, and jets of flame dominate the landscape, which is populated by fiends, scourges, and diabolical wyrms.
The Lords of Diannor dwell in volcanic fortress palaces, and Phenex himself maintains a citadel in teh living heart of a volcano where the molten rock provides a defense more formidable than a hundred demon warriors could hope to achieve.

Grand Phenex - Prince of the Blood

Str. 25
Int. 11
Wis. 15
Dex. 21
Con. 24
Cha. 13
Fighter: skill 16 Fighter
Wizard: skill 5 Magic User
Priest: NA
Thief: Skill 5 Thief
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Armor Class: -4
HP: 177
THAC0: 5
# Att: 2
Special Att: Tempt; Berserking
Special Def: + 3 weapon or better to hit
Movement: 18" Land
Magic Tolerance: 65%
Size: M
Personality: Bestial
XP Award: 16,000

Phenex fights with an enormous +4 battle axe that strikes for 2-24 points of damage per hit. In addition, he carries a special +3 longbow that allows hiim to shoot arrows of fire he can conjure from the flaming aura that surrounds him. Each of these arrows strikes for 1-10 points of damage.
Like all demons of the blood, Phenex is surrounded by a flaming aura that inflicts 1-6 points of damage per round upon anyone within melee range of him. A successful saving throw vs. dragon's breath will cut this damage in half (round fractions down).

Phenex is the Prince of Blood: he endeavours to spread the sin of rage, the failing that leads the mortal spirit to lash out without reflection.

Diabolical Abilities:
Phenex wields: the lesser ability to enrage enemies (this ability affects up to 10 levels/HD creatures within a range of 6"; those who fail to save vs. magic cannot retreat and suffer -2 penalties to all attack rolls for 2d12 rounds); teh standard ability to send allies into battle frenzy (up to 20 levels/HD of allies receive +3 bonuses to all attack rolls for 2-12 rounds, but cannot retreat during this period); and the greater ability to reincarnate teh dead (as per the Skill 6 Wizard Spell).
In addition, Phenex can enter into berserk frenzy at will, giving him a +2 bonus to all his attack rolls and saving throws.

Phenex lies when answering queries about magic and truthfully answers queries about fear.

Role Playing Notes
Phenex is savage and unpredictable. He lives for battle.
Presiding over the Order of the Blood is Grand Phenex, Prince of Demons and Father of Humors. Among the Princes, Decarabria, Lord of Lust, is his truest ally, and Rubbibat, Lord of Blasphemy, his surest foe. Amongst his dukes, his truest ally is Gsion and his surest foe Furfur. It is said that Phenex and Furfur were allies once, but when Furfur became the Duke of Pride, the office corrupted his loyalty.

Phenex lives in a palace in Diannor.

Phenex appears as a berserk, bestial warrior covered with barbs and scales. Like all demons of the blood, he continuously burns amidst raging flaming.

Gusion - duke of the Blood and the Heart

Str. 20
Int. 19
Wis. 20
Dex. 23
Con. 23
Cha. 18
Fighter: skill 10 Fighter
Wizard: skill 8 Magic User
Priest: NA
Thief: skill 13 thief
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Armor Class: -3
HP: 135
THAC0: 11
# Att: 1
Special Att: Tempt; assassinate
Special Def: + 2 weapon or better to hit
Movement: 15" Land/18" air
Magic Tolerance: 45%
Size: M
Personality: Imperious
XP Award: 10,000

Gusion fights with a long sword in each hand: one is a frost brand, the other a flame tongue. His dark cloak has all the powers of a cloak of displacement.
Like all demons of the blood, Gusion is surrounded by a flaming aura that inflicts 1-6 points of damage per round upon anyone within melee range. A successful saving throw vs. dragon's breath will cut this damage in half (round fractions down).

Gusion is the duke of murderers and assassins. His mission is to tempt mortals into committing unjust murders.

Diabolical Abilities:
Gusion's lesser ability allows him to fly (as the Skill 3 Wizard spell); his standard ability allows him to bestow or remove a curse (as per teh Skill 3 Priest spell); and his greater ability allows him to conjure a prismatic sphere (as per the Skill 8 Wizard Spell).
In addition, Gusion has the ability to assassinate targets he catches unaware. His chance to perform an assassination is equal to 100% minus 10 times the target's Skill Level.

If summoned on the first day of any month, Gusion will truthfully answer any queries concerning warfare or diplomacy.

Role Playing Notes
Great Gusion is the progenitor of homicides and the tempter of murderers. He is high general of the armies of Phenex, a responsibility he pursues with vigor. Many attempts have been made to convince him to turn upon his lord, but the military-minded demon is unwiling to instigate revolution against a prince who has offered him so many opportunities to indulge his murderous passions.
Gusion almost never speaks. Instead, he relies upon his icy gaze to communicate his messages to his mortal targets.

Gusion maintains a palace of bones on the demi-plane of Diannor.

Gusion appears in a flowing dark cloak that barely conceals his taloned hands with which he wields his twin swords. Gusion's head burns with the fire fire of Infernus.

Botis - Duke of the Blood and Soul

Str. 18(81)
Int. 24
Wis. 13
Dex. 21
Con. 19
Cha. 24
Fighter: skill 12 Fighter
Wizard: skill 8 Magic User
Priest: NA
Thief: Skill 4 Thief
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Armor Class: -2
HP: 130
THAC0: 9
# Att: 1
Special Att: Tempt; Symbol of Hopelessness
Special Def: + 2 weapon or better to hit
Movement: 15" Land
Magic Tolerance: 55%
Size: M
Personality: Seductive
XP Award: 10,000

Botis fights with the weapons of a knight - teh lance, longsword, shield, and mace. Each of Botis' weapons is +3 and inflicts double normal damage.
Like all demons of the blood, Botis is surrounded by a flaming aura that inflicts 1-6 points of damage per round upon anyone within melee range. A successful saving throw vs. dragon's breath will cut this damage in half (round fractions down).

Botis is the duke of suicide. He tries to persuade mortals that the solution to their problems lay in their afterlife.

Diabolical Abilities:
Botis wields: the lesser ability to cause disease (per the Skill 3 Priest spell); the standard ability to create hallucinatory terrain (Skill 4 Wizard spell); and the greater ability to build a stronghold of iron (this ability creates a permanent six-level stronghold with approximately 5,000 square feet per level; those who invoke Botis to perform this ability automatically age 15 years and forfeit a point of stamina; part of the stronghold's magic has the odd side effect of discouraging visitors - only close friends of the stronghold's resident, those engaged in very urgent business, or those who save vs. magic can enter the stronghold proper.
In additional, Botis can call upon a symbol of helplessness (Skill 8 Wizard spell) twice per day.

Botis answers inquiries after sickness and health truthfully.

Role Playing Notes
Great Botis is the patron of suicides and brother to Dantalion, the Duke of Despair. Botis has nearly convinced Dantalion to end his own life, a feat unheard of in infernal history.
In manner, Botis is sullen, reflective and subdued.

Botis' ivory palace is located in Diannor.

Botis appears in the form of a beautiful and lonely warrior engulfed in the flames of the Infernus. HIs appearance is said to have a soothing effect upon thaumaturgists who summon him.

Furfur - duke of the Blood and Mind

Str. 24
Int. 7
Wis. 4
Dex. 19
Con. 20
Cha. 21
Fighter: skill 11 Fighter
Wizard: skill 4 Magic User
Priest: NA
Thief: Skill 7 Thief
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Armor Class: -4
HP: 145
THAC0: 10
# Att: 2
Special Att: Tempt; blind
Special Def: + 2 weapon or better to hit
Movement: 15" Land
Magic Tolerance: 45%
Size: M
Personality: Bestial
XP Award: 10,000

Due to his own foolish pride, Furfur does not believe he needs weapons. Instead, he fights, grapples, overbears, and fights with taloned hands. He can attack with both hands each round, and each inflicts 1-8 points of damage per hit.
Like all demons of the blood, Furfur is surrounded by a flaming aura that inflicts 1-6 points of damage per round upon anyone within melee range. A successful saving throw vs. dragon's breath will cut this damage in half (round fractions down).

Furfur is duke of foolish pride. He endeavours to convince mortals to overestimate their gifts and skills.

Diabolical Abilities:
Furfur wields: the lesser ability to create light (Skill 1 Priest); the standard ability to speak with the earth (Skill 6 priest stone tell, only Furfur or the invoker is allowed only a single inquiry); and the greater ability to summon monsters (Skill 9 Wizard).
In addition, Furfur can use his golden robes to cast forth a blinding light six times per day (as the per the Skill 3 priest spell blindness)

Furfur answers all inquiries with streams of incomprehensible, meaningless gibberish.

Role Playing Notes
Furfur is the god of foolish pride, the sin that leads mortals to overestimate their gifts. Furfur is convinced that the Prince's day is done and that he would be the ideal successor.
Furfur is proud and surly. He holds contempt for nearly every other creature he encounters, including many of his fellow diabolical dukes and lords.

Furfur maintains a palace of jewel-encrusted platinum on the demi-plane of Diannor.

Furfur is always clad in robes of gold, with licking blue flames obscuring his facial features.

Sabnock - Duke of the Blood and the Flesh

Str. 14
Int. 14
Wis. 11
Dex. 12
Con. 12
Cha. 8
Fighter: skill 6 Fighter
Wizard: skill 5 Magic User
Priest: NA
Thief: Skill 9 Thief
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Armor Class: 2
HP: 77
THAC0: 15
# Att: 1
Special Att: Tempt; symbol of pain
Special Def: + 2 weapon or better to hit
Movement: 15" Land
Magic Tolerance: 45%
Size: M
Personality: Craven
XP Award: 10,000

Sabnock has spent a great deal of his time inventing horrific bladed weapons of all descriptions. His exact arsenal is ever changing, but you can assume that any weapon he uses is the equivalent of a +3 blade that strikes for 2-20 damage per hit.
Like all demons of the blood, Sabnock is surrounded by a flaming aura that inflicts 1-6 points of damage per round upon anyone within melee range. A successful saving throw vs. dragon's breath will cut this damage in half (round fractions down).

Sabnock is the duke of depravity. He tries to seduce mortals into committing cruel acts and accepting pain as pleasure.

Diabolical Abilities:
Sabnock wields: the lesser ability to cause pain (Skill 1 priest spell cause light wounds); the standard ability to create a magic weapon (this ability allows Sabnock to create the weapon of his choice, enchanted to the equivalent of +2, from thin air; weapons created in this fashion last for 1-6 turns); and the greater ability to heal (Skill 6 Priest).
In addition, Sabnock can call upon a Symbol of pain once per day.

Sabnock answers truthfully queries concerning pain, whether it's physical or emotional.

Role Playing Notes
Sabnock is the progenitor of depravity and father of cruelty. Like Agares, Sabnock is too busy amusing himself to bother with infernal politics, though he would support Phenex against Furfur if the upstart dared oppose his prince.
Something of an outcast among diabolical princes, Sabnock is cowardly, unassuming, and depraved.

Sabnock and his followers maintain no palaces.

Sabnock appears in the form of a flaming human, his flesh pierced by various hooks and blades.

Good lord, finally done with the courts of the Orders from Demons! Now, to move on to the Court of Amdosias himself. Then the general monsters. Someday I shall be complete with this boxed set!

Demons 1 - the Court of THE PIT!

Grand Lord Amdosias - King of Demons

Str. 24
Int. 25
Wis. 25
Dex. 23
Con. 25
Cha. 25
Fighter: skill 18 Fighter
Wizard: skill 22 Magic User
Priest: NA
Thief: Skill 14 Thief
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Armor Class: -5
HP: 225
THAC0: 3
# Att: 3
Special Att: Tempt; lash
Special Def: + 4 weapon or better to hit
Movement: 15" Land/24" air
Magic Tolerance: 75%
Size: M
Personality: Imperious
XP Award: 25,000

Amdosias fights with his fiery lash, a +5 weapon that inflicts 3d10 points of damage per hit. Any target struck by the lash must save vs. magic or immediately lose 1-20 HTK for each level drained.
In addition to his lash, Amdosias has access to a huge storehouse of magical items and weapons. At any given time, assume he is carrying 1-8 pieces from his collection. You can determine the exact items he is carrying using hte treasure tables found in the standard rulebook.

Amdosias is the king of all demons. Theoretically, he has the power to command the diabolical dukes, though the political situation i the Infernus is so volatile that revolts among the dukes are not uncommon.

Diabolical Abilities:
Amdosias wields: the lesser ability to under take free action (Skill 4 Priest); the standard ability to compel a mortal to undertake a quest (Skill 5 Priest); and the greater ability to speak unholy words (Skill 7 Priest) at will.

Amdosias only answer queries truthfully when it amuses him, or when he is repaying an important service.

Role Playing Notes
Amdosias is cold, calculating, and savvy. His formidable wits have kept him atop the infernal hierarchy for eons.

Amdosias maintains a giant palace of bone at the center of the Pit.

[This hulking being has the head of a burning gargoyle, it's blazing eyes nearly hypnotic, a forked tongue flicking the air in front of him. His bearing screams overwhelming pride, from his ramrod straight back and massive chest and shoulders to the massive clawed feet atop pillar-like legs. A cloak of serpents writhes upon his shoulders, and clutched in one of his vicously barbed palms is a burning flail, it's ever-changing number of tines writhing in the air of their own accord.]

Lord Raastible - Archduke of Death

Str. 23
Int. 20
Wis. 20
Dex. 7
Con. 25
Cha. -3
Fighter: skill 16 Fighter
Wizard: skill 7 Magic User
Priest: NA
Thief: Skill 14 Thief
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Armor Class: -4
HP: 175
THAC0: 5
# Att: 6
Special Att: Tempt; paralyze; rot; energy drain
Special Def: + 2 weapon or better to hit; regenerate
Movement: 15" Land/18" air
Magic Tolerance: 65%
Size: M
Personality: Unfathomable
XP Award: 18,000

Stitched on Lord Raastible's body are arms and legs belonging to various forms of undead. One of his arms is ghoulish and allows him to paralyze; another is from a mummy and causes rot flesh; a third is from a wight and allows him to drain a Skill Level. Raastible can attack with up to six of his limbs per round. Beyond their special capabilities, each limb that hits inflicts 1-12 points of damage upon its target. Due to these special capabilities, Raastible never fights with weapons [though he is depicted witha scyth, cleaver, knives, etc.]

Raastible is a diabolical arch-duke and a personal advisor to King Amdosias and his infernal princes and dukes. Raastible's expertise extends to sins involving death.

Diabolical Abilities:
Raastible's lesser ability allows him to animate dead (Skill 3 Priest): his standard ability allows him to slay living (Skill 5 Priest); and his greater ability allows him to cause destruction (Skill 7 Priest).

Although he answers inquiries about death truthfully, Raastible is incapable of communicating in any mortal language.

Role Playing Notes
Essentially, Raastible is a grand zombie. When dealing with mortals, he appears brutish, single-minded and mute, though he can magically communicate with his fellow demons.

Raastible's palace is located on the wastelands of the Pit.


Lord Bienthe - Arch-duke of the Legions

Str. 25
Int. 21
Wis. 23
Dex. 22
Con. 25
Cha. 20
Fighter: skill 22 Fighter
Wizard: skill 13 Magic User
Priest: NA
Thief: Skill 7 Thief
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Armor Class: -6
HP: 205
THAC0: 1
# Att: 4
Special Att: Tempt; acid
Special Def: + 3 weapon or better to hit
Movement: 15" Land/8" tunneling
Magic Tolerance: 55%
Size: M
Personality: Bestial
XP Award: 18,000

Bienthe wields an enormous +5 mace that deals 3-30 points of damage per attack. In addition, any target struck by teh mace must save vs. magic or suffer the effects of a slow spell. By slamming the mace's butt upon the ground, Bienthe can cause a thunderclap that inflicts 1-8 points of damage on everyone within a 3" radius.
Bienthe is a formidable opponent even without his mace. He can drip highly caustic acid from his mandibles that causes 2-12 oints of damage per hit, and each of his taloned hands can inflict 1-10 points per blow.

Bienthe is an infernal arch-duke and a personal advisor to King Amdosias. He is the official commander-in-chief of Amdosias' infernal armies.

Diabolical Abilities:
Bienthe wields: the lesser ability to create a fire shield (Skill 4 Wizard); the standard ability to throw a cloudkill (Skill 5 Wizard); and the greater ability to call down a meteor storm (Skill 9 Wizard).

Bienthe will answer any inquiry truthfully, but only to those who agree to surrender to temptation on the spot.

Role Playing Notes
Although Bienthe is fiercely loyal to Amdosias, he is generally vicious, chaotic and untrustworthy. He is one of the most feared demons in the Infernus.

Bienthe and his prized legion maintain a military encampment just outside Amdosias' palace in the Pit.

[From the assembled ranks of demons steps forth what appears to be a man--sized insect clothed in the armor of a general. Four pincered arms adorn the torso, with one clutch an enormous, black mace. The numerous eyes face several different directions, as if sizing up threats from all angles, and his mandibles his and spatter. His arms weave about, directing the army in many different direction. Time seems to warp around this strange being as the skies fill with red, demonic stormclouds of war.]

Lord Rundigard - Archduke of Pestilence

Str. NA
Int. 24
Wis. 21
Dex. 25
Con. 25
Cha. -3
Fighter: skill 17 Fighter
Wizard: skill 12 Magic User
Priest: NA
Thief: Skill 11 Thief
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Armor Class: -4
HP: 175
THAC0: 4
# Att: 6
Special Att: Tempt; disease; paralyze; poison
Special Def: + 3 weapon or better to hit
Movement: 15" Land/24" air
Magic Tolerance: 65%
Size: M
Personality: Unfathomable
XP Award: 18,000

As a sentient cloud of insects, Rundigaard can either fight like a humanoid or release insects from his body to swarm over his enemies. When fighting normally, Rundigaard wields an intelligent +5 two-handed sword that allows him to project cone of cold three times per day.
When he releases his insects, Rundigaard makes an attack roll. If it hits, the target takes 1-4 points of damage and must save vs. paralyzation, potion and death (Several of the insects making up Rundigard's physical body are poisonous).

Rundigaard was once King of the Infernus. After he was overthrown by Amdosias, he became a trusted advisor to so many of the Diabolical Dukes that it was impossible to completely dispose of him without creating a serious political incident.
To this day, Rundigaard and Amdosias dislike each other profusely, though Rundigaard wouldn't dare violate any of Amdosias' orders.

Diabolical Abilities:
Rundigaard wields the lesser ability to slow his enemies (Skil 3 Wizard); the standard ability to summon an insect plague (Skill 5 Priest); and the greater ability to summon a creeping doom (Skill 7 Priest with double duration).

Rundigaard refuses to answer inquiries.

Role Playing Notes
A creature of chaos, Rundigaard's actions are completely unpredictable. he speaks in a buzzing drone.

Rundigaard wanders the depths of the Pit alone.

Lord Lustikaar - Wellspring of Chaos

Str. NA
Int. 6
Wis. 15
Dex. 6
Con. 25
Cha. -6
Fighter: skill 16 Fighter
Wizard: skill 9 Magic User
Priest: NA
Thief: NA
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Armor Class: -8
HP: 275
THAC0: 5
# Att: 6
Special Att: Tempt; prismatic ooze; electricity
Special Def: + 4 weapon or better to hit
Movement: 3" Land
Magic Tolerance: 65%
Size: L
Personality: Unfathomable
XP Award: 18,000

Lustikaar's primary weapon are his many tentacles. Any tentacle that strikes a target inflicts 3-30 points of electricity damage (save vs. breath weapon for half) and Lustikaar can attack with as many as six tentacles in any given round.
In addition, Lustikaar is able to secrete any one of seven rainbow colored ozes anywhere within 2" of his person. Anyone who comes in contact with the ooze is affected as though he stepped into the appropriate color of a prismatic wall.

Lustikaar's position within the Infernal hierarchy is unclear. Apparently, he is simply a raging, unpredictable, and unstoppable force. Most of the diabolical princes and dukes donot interfere with him because they fear his power.

Diabolical Abilities:
Lustikaar's lesser ability allows him to control temperature in a 10' radius (Skill 4 Priest); his standard ability allows him to conjure a wall of thorns (Skill 6 Priest); and his greater ability allows him to cast a sunray (Skill 7 Priest).

Lustikaar cannot speak and does not answer queries.

Role Playing Notes
No one understands Lustikaar's true motives. To most outsiders, he seems to wander the Infernus at random, spreading havoc and disaster. Although it is rumored that a few diabolical princes have struck alliances with Lustikaar, many believe that it is impossible to communicate with him.

Lustikaar wanders across the entire Infernus.


Demons 1 - the remainder of the court of The PIT!

Lord Dorndigaffe - Arch-Duke of Torments

Str. 22
Int. 24
Wis. 23
Dex. 25
Con. 25
Cha. -3
Fighter: skill 17 Fighter
Wizard: skill 12 Magic User
Priest: NA
Thief: Skill 11 Thief
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Armor Class: -4
HP: 175
THAC0: 4
# Att: 3
Special Att: Tempt
Special Def: + 3 weapon or better to hit
Movement: 15" Land/24" air
Magic Tolerance: 65%
Size: M
Personality: Seductive [good luck, what with that -3 Charisma]
XP Award: 18,000

Although Dorndigaffe sometimes wields a +5 bastard sword that inflicts 2-16 points of damage per hit, he prefers to rely upon his razor-sharp talons and piercing bite. Each talon inflicts 1-12 points of damage and forces thte target to save vs. paralyzation or contract a random disease. Dorndigaffe's bit inflicts 3-18 points of damage per attack.

Dorndigaffe specializes in torments and the art of temptation. For eaons, he did not occupy a set position in the diabolical hierarchy, and instead drifted from order to order, plying his trade all across the infernal spectrum. Recently, he caught the eye of Amdosias, to whom he is now a trusted advisor and companion.

Diabolical Abilities:
Dorndigaffe wields: the lesser ability to conjure a wizard eye (Skill 4 Wizard spell); the standard ability to trap the soul of a target within a magic jar (Skill 5 Wizard); and the greater ability to conjure a time stop (Skill 9 Wizard).
In addition, Dorndigaffe can Disintegrate (Skill 6 Wizard) 3 times per day.

Dorndigaffe truthfully answers inquiries regarding law.

Role Playing Notes
An oddity among demons, Dorndigaffe is something of a romantic. He is fond of mockingly delivering heartfelt monologues that punctuate with his booming, hissing laugh.

Dorndigaffe has no palace of his own. At present he lives in Amdosias' palace.

[A wave of fetid, reeking warm air blows ahead of the being that stands before you. His crimson draconic face sports dozens of horns and teeth, and a powerful set of wings sprout from his back. Around him swarm flies that are drawn to his awful scent. His bent posture portrays a servile attitude, though the wickedly long talons on his hands, covered in gore, belie his stance.]

Lord Thruxus - Master Tempter

Str. 18(64)
Int. 23
Wis. 22
Dex. 24
Con. 19
Cha. 19
Fighter: skill 14 Fighter
Wizard: skill 14 Magic User
Priest: NA
Thief: Skill 11 Thief
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Armor Class: -5
HP: 99
THAC0: 7
# Att: 1
Special Att: Tempt; charm
Special Def: + 3 weapon or better to hit
Movement: 12" Land/24" air
Magic Tolerance: 65%
Size: S
Personality: Seductive
XP Award: 18,000

In battle, Thruxus wields a +3 trident that inflicts 5-14 points of damage per attack. Thruxus can throw the trident as though it is a javelin of lightning with infinite charges. Once thrown, the trident magically disappears and reappears in his hand.
When forced to battle without his trident, Thruxus can call upon all the powers of a standard vampire.

Thruxus origins are mysterious. One day, he simply appeared at Amdosias' court and impressed the assembled demonic dukes and princes with his wit. The next day, Amdosias adopted him as a courtier.
Quite a few demons mistrust Thruxus. Many believe he is secretly aligned with the rogue demons and that he provides Amdosias with dishonest advice that prevents him from handling the rogues.

Diabolical Abilities:
Thruxus wields: the lesser ability to call lightning (Skill 3 Priest); the standard ability to air walk (Skill 5 Priest); and the greater ability to animate objects (Skill 6 Priest) at will.

Thruxus answers queries without any consistency at all.

Role Playing Notes
Thruxus manner is akin to that of a mischievous child. He enjoys capturing the attention of his fellow demons, exhibiting his irreverence, and engaging in petty torments. Despite these shortcomings, he possesses a certain charm that makes him one of the most popular members of Amdosias' Court.

Thruxus lives in Amdosias' palace in The Pit.

[What at first appears to be a small child gives you a beatific grin, only to reveal jagged rows of teeth. Upon further inspection, he also has a short tail that whips back and forth. With a snap of his fingers, a trident appears in his hand, from which sparks dance along the tines.]

All done! Now to finish the generics from this set...

Demons 1 - Generics


Rarity: Uncommon
# Appearing: 2-20
Wander Chance: 40%
Intelligence: Average of 6
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
HD: 4
THAC0: 17
Armor Class: 3
# Attacks: 2 (claw/bite) or 1 (weapon)
Damage: 1-3 (claw)/1-6 (bite)/1-8 (weapon)
Special Att: None
Special Def: +1 or better to hit; invisibility
Movement: 12" land/20" air
Magic Tolerance: None
Size: S
XP Award: 420

In combat, Fiends fight with tiny barbed tridents, though they are also capable of using tehir claws and fangs in a pinch. If possible, a lone field will never enter into combat. Instead, the creatures like to gang up on their enemies and swarm all over them. As many as twelves fiends can attack a single man-sized target each round.

Fiends are newborn demons awaiting an opportunity to be reincarnated as Malniatu. Because they are relatively powerless, they are ignored by most of the inhabitants of the Infernus. Consequently, fiends tend to gather together in large hunting packs.

Fiends have all the abilities of a Skill 1 Thief, and the ability to render themselves invisible once per day. Generally, they use these abilities to unbalance a party of adventurers trespassing in the infernus. Typicall, a pack of fiends will follow such a party for mlles, occasionally sneaking into its midst to steal or destroy useful weapons and items.

Role Playing:
Fiends are all trying to attract the attention of their betters to elevate themselves to the rank of full-fledged demon. Confounding adventurers is their favorite method of achieving this goal.


Rarity: Very uncommon
# Appearing: 1
Wander Chance: 0%
Intelligence: Average of 12
Alignment: Lawful Evil
HD: 16
THAC0: 7
Armor Class: -2
# Attacks: 2 (fists)
Damage: 1-12 (fists)
Special Att: eyebeams
Special Def: +3 or better to hit
Movement: 6" land
Magic Tolerance: 20%
Size: M
XP Award: 15,000

Gatekeepers never wield weapons. When challenged, they must rely upon their stony fists, each of which inflicts 1-12 points of damage per hit.

Gatekeepers are magical beings called into existence by upper level demons to protect important portals. Once in place, they will never leave the portals they were assigned to protect, and will use all their abilities to prevent most creatures from entering those portals. Due to a strange flaw inherent in teh spell that creates them, however, gatekeepers will allow any being that can answer a special riddle access to teh portals they guard. Each gatekeeper devises its own special riddle shortly after it is created.

Twice per day, Gatekeepers can shoot powerful beams of force from their eyes. The beams inflict 3-30 points of damage in a 6" long cone that is 3" wide at its widest point.
Gatekeepers regenerate HP per round and automatically takeonly half damage from any attack aimed at them.

Role Playing:
Gatekeepers are incredibly single-minded; they are interested only in their duties. Other than stating their special riddles upon request, they never speak.


Rarity: Common
# Appearing: 1
Wander Chance: 40%
Intelligence: Average of 15
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
HD: 3
THAC0: 17
Armor Class: 4
# Attacks: 1 (bite)
Damage: 1-6
Special Att: Venom, spell casting
Special Def: +1 or better to hit
Movement: 9" land/18" air
Magic Tolerance: None
Size: S
XP Award: 650

Imps are rather cowardly and fear combat, but when forced to defend themselves they attack with their fangs. anyone bitten by an imp must save vs. poison or die.

Imps or homonculi (as they are sometimes known), were created by the diabolical dukes long ago to run special errands, and to function as pets and entertainers. After the creature somehow acquired teh ability to breed, their ranks swelled immeasurably. They are among teh most populous residents of the infernus.

Imps have the spell casting ability of Skill 4 Wizards, though they never know particularly useful offensive spells.

Role Playing:
Imps love to cause mischief and plot out elaborate practical jokes. Most try to gain favor of a Demon Lord or Mephorum who can protect them against the butts of their jokes.

Infernal Wyrm (Demonic Dragon)

Rarity: Extremely rare
# Appearing: 1
Wander Chance: 5%
Intelligence: Average of 18
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
HD: 20-23
THAC0: 2
Armor Class: -4
# Attacks: 3 (claw/claw/bite)
Damage: 1-12 (claw), 1-20 (bite)
Special Att: Breath weapon, spell use
Special Def: +1 or better to hit; resistance to damage
Movement: 15" land/24" air
Magic Tolerance: 20%
Size: L
XP Award: 15,000

Like most dragons, the infernal wyrm relies upon its claws and formidable fangs in combat. Due to its reservoir of powerful venom, any creature it bites must save vs. poison or die.

No one knows where these creatures came from, though their connection with demonkind is undeniable. Some believe the diabolical wyrms were once servants of an infernal arch-duke, though others believe they were arch-dukes themselves once.

Three times per day, the wyrm can breathe out a cone-shaped void (6" long, 4" wide at its widest point) that forces any creature it touches to save vs. death at -2. Even those craetures who make their saves take 5-14 points of damage from the void's icy chill.
All diabolical wyrms also have spellcasting abilities equal to a Wizard with a skill level equal to the wyrms HD minus ten.

Role Playing:
Diabolical wyrms are a twisted, otherworldy reflection of the dragons inhabiting the prime material plane. They have the same basic interests as mortal dragons, but they are markedly more malevolent and cruel.

Demons I - Generics part III


Rarity: Extremely Rare
# Appearing: 1
Wander Chance: 80%
Intelligence: Average of 4
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
HD: 21
THAC0: 2
Armor Class: -1
# Attacks: 2 (bite/thrashing)
Damage: 3-30
Special Att: Swallow Whole
Special Def: +1 or better to hit
Movement: 6" sea
Magic Tolerance: None
Size: L
XP Award: 13,000

Leviathans possess enormous jaws capable of smashing a frigate in half with a single bite. They are among the largest and most terrifying creatures ever encountered upon the mortal plane.

A gift from the diabolical dukes, the leviathans are teh personal pets of King Amdosias himself. Sometimes, when he is feeling particularly malevolent, Amdosias releases one or more of these creatures into the mortal plane to rampage and destory. Such attacks come perhaps once every ten to twenty years.

Whenever Leviathan rolls a natural 20 while attacking a target, it has swallowed the target whole. Because it is possible to survive inside such a beast for extended periods of time, clever adventurers sometimes allow themselves to be swallowed as a means for travelling to the Infernus - once teh Leviathan returns to its native waters in the Pit, the adventurers simply escape.
If a leviathan is attacking an entire ship, a "hit" treat (most vessels as though they are AC 5) instantly sinks any vessel smaller than a frigate, while two hits automatically sinks any larger vessel.

Role Playing:
Leviathans are relentless and unstoppable predators. They are guaranteed to attack any creature or object that attracts their attention.

"More like sharks, deadly beasts swollen with hatred, that are difficult to bansih - many that are summoned remain."


Rarity: Very uncommon
# Appearing: 1
Wander Chance: 50%
Intelligence: Average of 9
Alignment: Lawful Evil
HD: 7
THAC0: 13
Armor Class: 3
# Attacks: 3 (hoof/hoof/bite)
Damage: 1-6 (hoof), 1-8 (bite)
Special Att: breath weapon, trample
Special Def: +1 or better to hit
Movement: 18" land [what're the wings for then?]
Magic Tolerance: None
Size: L
XP Award: 2,000

IN battle, nighmares fight like well-trained war horses. On any given round, a nightmare can lash out with its two front hooves and then move in for a bite attack, all while its rider fights normally.
Any creature bitten by a nighmare has a 5% chance of contracting a disease.

Nightmares are special steeds created by the Diabolical dukes and princes to serve as mounts. Among the infernal legions are several cavalry troopers, all of them mounted on nightmares.
Somtimes, particularly favored mortals are given nightmares of their own.

Nightmares that hit a single target with both their front hooves are allowed to conduct a trampling attack that ifnlicts 1-10 points of damage if it hits.
Additionally, once per day, a nightmare can breath fire as though it were a dragon. The flame produced by a nighmare occupies a 4" long cone that is 3" wide at its end and inflicts an amount of damage equal to the nightmare's HTK total on all creatures it strikes (save vs. breath weapon for half).

Role Playing:
Though evil and somewhat unpredictable, nightmares are unshakeably loyal to their masters.

Coal black steeds with glowing red eyes.


Rarity: Uncommon
# Appearing: 1-10
Wander Chance: 30%
Intelligence: Average of 8
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
HD: 8
THAC0: 13
Armor Class: 0
# Attacks: 2 (fists) or 1 (weapon)
Damage: 1-6 (fist), 1-20 (weapon)
Special Att: Paralyze
Special Def: +2 or better to hit; resistance to fire, cold, acid, electricity and disease.
Movement: 12" land
Magic Tolerance: None
Size: M
XP Award: 2,000

Scourges are incredibly strong (STR 23) and agile. In battle, they usually fight with fiery lashes, but can call upon their fists if they must. A scourge's lash strikes for 2-20 points of damage per hit and forces the target struck to make a saving throw or fall paralyzed as though touched by a ghoul.

Scourges were created by the more powerful demons to oversee the activities of lesser demons and torment the mortal souls that find their way into the infernus.

Because of certain charms cast upon them at the time they were created, the Scourges take half damage from fire, cold, electricity, and acid-based attacks. They are completely immune to disease.

Role Playing:
Scourges are single-minded creatures, interested only in inflicting pain upon their designated victims. They never speak and never shirk their responsibilities. If attacked while carrying out their duties, they always fight to the death.

Well-muscled hooded demonlings bearing fiery lashes and barbed blades. They were created to oversee fiends and torment hte enemies of the diabolical dukes.

Shapeless Horror

Rarity: Very Uncommon
# Appearing: 1
Wander Chance: 80%
Intelligence: Average of 2
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
HD: 13
THAC0: 7
Armor Class: 1
# Attacks: 3 (pseudo-pods)
Damage: 1-12 (pods) + 1-4 (heat)
Special Att: Heat, confusion
Special Def: +1 or better to hit
Movement: 3" land
Magic Tolerance: None
Size: L
XP Award: 8,000

Shapeless horrors are huge, teaming blobs of protoplasm. In battle, they form pseudopods from their malleable flesh and use them to lash out at opponents. Each pod that hits inflicts 1-12 points of damage plus an additional 1-4 points of damage due to heat (characters protected by a resist fire spell or ring of fire resistance do not suffer heat damage).

Shapeless horrors were created by the diabolical dukes long ago to wander the plains of the Infernus in search of trespassers. They are often mistakenly summoned onto the mortal plane by inexperienced wizards hoping to summon a demon lord.

Upon seeing a shapeless horror, all characters must save vs. magic or fall stricken with confusion (skill 4 wizard).
Any mage attempting to summon a demon who is rushed or somehow lacking the necessary components for his or her conjuration has a 10% chance of summoning a shapeless horror instead of his intended target.

Role Playing:
Shapeless horrors are mindless creatures that know only destruction. When accidentally released on the mortal plane, they begin a destructive rampage that only once the creature is killed or returned to the Infernus.


Rarity: Uncommon
# Appearing: 2-12
Wander Chance: 40%
Intelligence: Average of 5
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
HD: 5
THAC0: 15
Armor Class: 3
# Attacks: 1 (bite)
Damage: 3-18 (bite)
Special Att: None
Special Def: Fiery shield, +1 or better to hit
Movement: 18" land/24" air
Magic Tolerance: None
Size: M
XP Award: 650

Soulhounds are vicious and relentless predators. Their powerful jaws are capable of rending an iron gate asunder or shearing a sword in half.

Soulhounds were magically created by powerful diabolical dukes several eons ago. They serve their demonic masters as pets, watchdogs, and companions. Contrary to rumor, they are not capable of breathing fire.

When enraged, soulhounds are surrounded by flickering shield of fire that automatically inflicts 1-4 points of damge per round against any character in melee range who fails to save vs. breath weapon.
In addition, Soulhounds possess unusually acute senses that allow them to track a target as a Skill 18 Ranger. Because of their senses, soulhounds are surprised only on a roll of 1.

Role Playing:
Although they are of animal intelligence, soulhounds are recognizably malevolent, a fact that leads many observors to falsely overestimate their intellice.


Rarity: Very uncommon
# Appearing: 1
Wander Chance: 10%
Intelligence: Average of 16
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
HD: 8
THAC0: 13
Armor Class: 2
# Attacks: 3 (talon/talon/bit)
Damage: 1-6 (talon), 1-8 (bite)
Special Att: Magic drain
Special Def: +1 or better to hit
Movement: 12" land/20" air
Magic Tolerance: None
Size: M
XP Award: 3,000

Although succubi try to avoid combat wherever possible, they can use their razor sharp talons and fangs to defend themselves.

Succubi were created by Decarabria, Lord of Emptiness, to tempt mortal magic-users susceptible to the sin of Lust. Male succubi are known as incubi.

Succubi appear to their victims each night in the form of an alluring woman (or man, if incubi). If the victim fails to save vs. magic, he or she can succumb to the creatures charms and loses the ability to cast 1-10 total spell Skill levels during the next day (the exact spell levels lost are at teh magic-user's discretion). Once the succubus has drained a total of 50 spell levels in this fashion, the victim has succumbed to the sin of lust adn submitted to Decarabria. If a victim either submits or successfully resists the succubus on three successive nights, the beast moves on to a new victim.
Particularly potent succubi can appear to a victim in the victims dreams and don't need to physically appear at all.

Role Playing:
Succubi are sly and vicious. They will use any means at their disposal to force a target to submit.

["succubi are capable of wielding diabolical magics permitting them to fly, render themselves invisible, and drain life force from their victims."]

All done with Demons Vol. 1!

You might want to stick to one monster per post; the amount of text is slowing down the page download speed.

Also, I don't think we need to conver the succubus/incubus, unless we feel like a variant (under a new name, of course). I don't think these are so differen from normal ones, though.

You might want to stick to one monster per post; the amount of text is slowing down the page download speed.

Also, I don't think we need to conver the succubus/incubus, unless we feel like a variant (under a new name, of course). I don't think these are so differen from normal ones, though.

I did the one per post thing for a while, but it started to be a hassle in terms of process (I did up a template that I could copy and modify pretty quickly). Sorry it takes a bit to load.

For what it's worth, I only included the nightmare and succubus for completeness. Otherwise: completely superfluous.

I did the one per post thing for a while, but it started to be a hassle in terms of process (I did up a template that I could copy and modify pretty quickly). Sorry it takes a bit to load.

For what it's worth, I only included the nightmare and succubus for completeness. Otherwise: completely superfluous.

I prefer the multiple entries per post.

Giving each its own post would spread them over too many pages to easily compare.

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