It's been a while...
More of the beasties from the first Demons set!
First of all, a brief treatise of Demonic abilities (I should have posted this long before):
Standard Demonic Abilities (possessed by all demons):
Plane Shift - can travel between planes at will. While operating on the prime material, demons must observe the Compact unless summoned to the Prime against their will.
Alter Self - Demons can alter their appearance at will.
Detect Alignment - 12' range, at will.
Protection from Good, 10' Radius - Continuous.
Immuity to Poison and Disease
Darkness Vision - Demons can see in the dark as well as they see in the light. This ability has nothing to do with infra-red spectrum and is not affected by heat sources.
Temptation - Demons have the power to tempt mortals to sin. Basically, this magical ability allows a demon to magically manifest any circumstances it needs in order to propagate the sin it represents. A demon of glutttony, for instance, can magically locate a monstrous quantity of food or a barrel of wine whenever he needs one in order to assist in tempting some mortal. Limits are up to the GM, though the rule of thumb is that greater demons can accomplish more than the lesser. There are two ways to handle demonic temptation in game play: first, roleplay the situation. If a demon leaves a jeweled necklace around the neck of a sleeping beggar and a player takes it, they have succumbed to the temptation. Once a character has succumbed three or four times, their alignment switches to evil and their soul is forfeit to the gods of chaos. Alternately, give the character a saving throw vs. Magic and an Insight ability check. If both roles fail, teh character succumbs to the temptation (see above). This method is not prefered by the original authors.
Possession - Demons may possess any mortal within a range of 6'. once possesed, the mortal loses physical control of their body to the demon. Demons possessing mortals have access to all their victims's thoughts and memories, and may still use all their own powers (as well as those of the target) while occupying the mortal body. MOrtals targeted for possession can resist with a successful save vs. magic. If a possession attempts fails, the demon who made the attempt cannot try to possess that particular mortal within the next five days. Once a mortal is possessed, the only way to free him or her from diabolical influence is to successfully perform an exorcism or to confince them to leave voluntarily (Exorcism: a priest must successfully turn "special" undead, a priest of Skill 12 or higher must remove curse, or an appropriate character must abjure, banish, dispel evil, or dismiss the demon). In accordance with the Compact, demons can only attempt to possess those mortals who agree to make themselves willing targets, though many demons are adept at tricking mortals into granting such permission. Demons who are unwillingly summoned to the prime material, of course, may possess mortals with no restriction.
Standard Demonic Abilities - possess by Demon Lords
Immortality - It is impossible to slay a lord, duke, or prince anywhere but the Infernus. If "killed" on teh prime, gerater demons simply reform in the Infernus 5-50 days later. If a member of the Demonic Hierarchy is slain in the Infernus, he is truly dead, but his throne and patron sin are claimed by another demon almost instantly.
Teleportation - Demon Lords can teleport unerringly from place to place.
Gate - A demon lord can attempt to gate in 2-12 of its servants at will.
<on a side note: the book never actually explains - from what I can find - how the Demon Lords lesser, standard, and greater powers differ. If anyone knows where that is laid out, it may make the rules conversions easier. Regardless, onto the Court of the Mind!>
Grand Polyphon, Prince of the Mind
Str. 20
Int. 20
Wis. 9
Dex. 9
Con. 25
Cha. -3
Fighter: skill 14 Fighter
Wizard: skill 14 Magic User
Priest: NA
Thief: NA
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Armor Class: -4
HP: 165
THAC0: 7
# Att: 8
Special Att: Tempt; acid
Special Def: + 3 weapon or better to hit
Movement: 6" Land
Magic Tolerance: 60%
Size: L
Personality: Unfathomable
XP Award: 16,000
In combat, Polyphon forms oozing pseudopods that allow him to bite his targets with his hundreds of gibbering mouths. Assume he can make eight such attacks per round, each striking for 1-10 points of damage.
In addition, Polyphon can emit a puddle of stinking, acidic ooze four times per day. Anyone within 2" of him when he emits this ooze must save vs. dragon's breath or suffer 3-30 points of damage. Once it has been emitted, this ooze forms a 2" diameter puddle that damages anyone who touches it. After forty-eight hours, the ooze dissolves.
POlyphone is the prince of deception. He uses his demonic influence to seduce mortals into spreading lies that benefit themselves and harm others.
Diabolical Abilities:
Polyphon wields: the lesser ability to hide (as per a 14th level thief); teh standard ability to confuse (as per the Skill 4 Wizard Spell); and the greater ability to enfeeble (as per the Skill 2 Wizard spell only it affects 10-100 creatures).
Polyphon never answers any lies truthfully.
Role Playing Notes
Polyphon's ninety-nine gibbering mouths yammer lies incessantly. Truly chaotic, it is almost impossible to make sense of his speeches or actions. Intelligent thaumaturgists have learned to deduce the answers they seek from his lies.
Polyphon has no allies among the other Princes, but can count no enemies among them either. The Lord of Lies is known to have pretentions to the court of Amdosias and is suspected to have instigated power struggles between the other Lords to strengthen his position. Of his dukes, his truest ally is Eligos and his surest foe is Volak.
Polyphon's palace is a large, slimy pit located on the demi-plane of Verkna.
Polyphon is said to resemble an enormous amorphous blob with ninety-nine gibbering human mouths, each sporting the long forked tongue of a demon of the mind. As he speaks, each of his mouths spouts separate falsehoods.
Forneus, Duke of the Mind and Heart
Str. 22
Int. 17
Wis. 17
Dex. 22
Con. 22
Cha. 18
Fighter: skill 13 Fighter
Wizard: skill 8 Magic User
Priest: NA
Thief: Skill 9 Thief
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Armor Class: -7
HP: 125
THAC0: 8
# Att: 2
Special Att: Tempt; Poison
Special Def: + 2 weapon or better to hit
Movement: 36' Land
Magic Tolerance: 45%
Size: M
Personality: Bestial
XP Award: 10,000
In battle, Forneus fights with a pair of poison daggers that inflict 2-12 points of damage per hit. Due to his high skill level, he can strike with both weapons each melee round.
Forneus's AC is so low because of his teleport ability (see below). In combat, he tends to flit about from place to place in order to confuse his enemies. During a typical round, he'll teleport up to fifteen times. Should Forneus somehow lose this ability, his AC rises to -1.
Forneus is the duke of treachery. He uses his diabolical energies to prompt mortals to betray bonds of confidence or loyalty.
Diabolical Abilities:
Forneus wields: the lesser ability to break morale (forces any enemies of low intelligence or less to make a morale check); the standard ability to cause fear (as per the Skill 4 Wizard spell); and the greater ability to call down Storms of Fire (as per the Skill 7 Priest Spell).
In addition, Forneus can teleport over a distance of 6' as many as fifteen times per melee round.
Forneus truthfully answers all queries concerning evil and its nature.
Role Playing Notes
Duke Forneus is brash and brutal. He shows a great deal of contempt for mortals and believes that none of them are capable of resisting his powers. When proved wrong, he carries an awful grudge.
While Forneus has made several attempts at the throne of his master, he has no intention of siding with Volak against Polyphon, though he may pretend allegiance at first so he can withdraw his aid at a crucial moment to ensure Volak's failure.
Forneus maintains a five level stone castle on the demi-plane of Verekna.
Forneus is the lord of traitors. His mouth is found not on his face, but over his heart, and his head boasts a second pair of eyes, turned backwards so he can watch both friend and foe simultaneously.
Volak, Duke of the Mind and Soul
Str. 21
Int. 8
Wis. 8
Dex. 21
Con. 23
Cha. 11
Fighter: skill 11 Fighter
Wizard: skill 8 Magic User
Priest: NA
Thief: Skill 13 Thief
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Armor Class: -1
HP: 125
THAC0: 10
# Att: 3/2
Special Att: Tempt; Confuse
Special Def: + 2 weapon or better to hit
Movement: 15' Land
Magic Tolerance: 40%
Size: M
Personality: Personable
XP Award: 10,000
In battle, Volak fights with a +4 halberd that strikes for 3-18 points of damage. Any wounds he inflicts with this weapon cannot be cured by clerical magic (though potions of healing cure such wounds normally).
Despite his formidable combat ability, Volak prefers to avoid direct confrontation and relies instead upon his ability to confuse hostile opponents.
Volak is the duke of false prophecy. He endeavours to tempt mortals ot believe that their own insights are shared by the gods themselves.
Diabolical Abilities:
Volak's lesser ability permits him to conjure phantasmal forces (as per the Skill 1 Wizard Spell); his standard ability is to summon monsters (as per the Skill 4 Wizard spell); and his greater ability allows him to create earthquakes (as per the Skill 7 Priest Spell).
In addition, Volak has the ability to make confusing speeches. Anyone within the sound of his voice who fails to save vs. magic once he has begun such a speech must stop all offensive action as though affected by a confusion spell for as long as Volak keeps speaking.
Volak answers truthfully all inquiries into spiritual matters. Rumor has it that he answer inquiries into the future truthfully, though these rumors are untrue.
Role Playing Notes
Volak is very quiet and unassuming. When dealing with mortals, he and his followers generally attempt to mask their true natures and gain the trust of their victims. They like to appear in guises that make them appear vulnerable and innocent.
Volak feels that Polyphon's obsession with the court has weakened his effectiveness as a Prince and intends to replace him. When the time is right the Duke believes he can count on Forneus.
Volak and his followers maintain no fixed palaces.
Volak is the tempter of false prophets and bane of the spiritually infirm. Atop his head sit the ears of an ass, and he never appears without a rag tied ove rhis eyes. Among all his possessions, he particularly prizes a gold wine goblet, decorated with cryptic scriptures and encrusted with rare jewels.
Andrealphus, Duke of the Mind and the Flesh
Str. 19
Int. 19
Wis. 17
Dex. 25
Con. 22
Cha. 16
Fighter: skill 8 Fighter
Wizard: skill 7 Magic User
Priest: NA
Thief: Skill 17 Thief
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Armor Class: -3
HP: 115
THAC0: 12
# Att: 10
Special Att: Tempt
Special Def: + 2 weapon or better to hit
Movement: 15' Land
Magic Tolerance: 35%
Size: M
Personality: Craven
XP Award: 10,000
In combat, Andrealphus wields a +1 short sword in each of his multiple hands. During any given round, he can strike with up to ten separate swords.
Andrealphus is the duke of thieves and bandits. He endeavours to tempt mortals to steal the wealth and possessions of others.
Diabolical Abilities:
Andrealphus wields the lesser ability to expedite travel (allows the recipient to move at five times his or her normal ground speed for 1-6 turns); the standard ability to project invisibility in a ten foot radius; and the greater ability to drain energy (as per the Skill 9 Wizard spell).
In addition, Andrealphus can detect magic and valuable items without error at a range of 12'.
Andrealphus truthfully answers all inquiries regarding wealth and power.
Role Playing Notes
Andrealphus uses his craven demeanor as a front to throw his targets off guard. IN actuality, he is both ruthless and clever. Most of his victims believe they got the better of him even long after he has departed.
Unlike most demonic dukes, Andrealphus has no followers or servants. He personally conducts all his own temptations.
Andrealphus is the occasional confederate of Grand Vapula of the Order of the Flesh.
Andrealphus maintains no palace. He can be encountered on the demi-plane of Verekna in the guise of a lost traveler.
Andrealphus's squat, rubbery form boasts multiple hands and arms with which he conducts his larcenies.
Eligos, Duke of the Mind and Blood
Str. NA
Int. 3
Wis. 3
Dex. NA
Con. NA
Cha. -6
Fighter: NA
Wizard: skill 16 Magic User
Priest: NA
Thief: NA
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Armor Class: NA
HP: 250
# Att: 0
Special Att: Tempt; insanity
Special Def: Invulnerable to all physical attacks
Movement: 3' Land
Magic Tolerance: 65%
Size: L
Personality: Unfathomable
XP Award: 10,000
In combat, Eligos is incapable of launching any sort of physical attacks. But at the same time, he is completely immune to the physical attacks of others. Only magic and psionics can affect him.
Eligos is the diabolical duke of madness. He is charged wtih the task of tempting mortals to succumb to the delights of insanity.
Diabolical Abilities:
Eligos' lesser ability allows him to cause blur (as per the Skill 2 Wizard Spell); the standard ability allows him to Transmute Rock to Mud (as per the Skill 5 Wizard Spell); and the greater ability to Cause Insanity (all targets within 6' must save vs. magic or fall insane for 2-24 days) twice per day.
In addition, Eligos can conjure hypnotic patterns (Skill 2 Wizard Spell) and charm his opponents at will. In combat, he prefers to use these abilities to set friend against foe.
Eligos is perhaps the most eager demon to answer queries. Eligos answers all inquiries with a long stream of nonsense, though there is always at least a single grain of truth in his statements.
Role Playing Notes
Eligos appearance is always accompanied by a low hissing sound, like the wind blowing over the desert. Beneath the hiss, thousands of babblign whispers, many of them speaking in different languages, are audible.
A faithful ally of the Prince, Eligos has been promised the throne of deceit if and when his master joins the Infernal Court. Naturally, it would take a madman to believe the promises of the lord of lies, but Eligos has never let reason interfere with his plans.
Eligos maintains a sort of domicile near the center of the plane of Verkna, where his five hundred servants dance in a circle about him and play five hundred separate tunes on shrill flutes.
Eligos resembles a huge gaping chasm from which thousands of tongues lash outward.