OSR Mayfair Games Role Aids Monster Index


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Great Tufforp, Duke of the Heart and Blood

Great Tufforp

Str. 23
Int. 16
Wis. 14
Dex. 19
Con. 22
Cha. 16
Fighter: skill 11 Fighter
Wizard: skill 5 Magic User
Priest: NA
Thief: Skill 11 Thief
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Armor Class: -4
HP: 115
THAC0: 10
# Att: 2
Special Att: Tempt; Paralyze
Special Def: + 2 weapon or better to hit
Movement: 15' Land
Magic Tolerance: 40%
Size: M
Personality: Imperious
XP Award: 10,000

In battle, Tufforp strikes twice per round, once with his serpent sword and once with a +3 axe that hits for 1-8 points of damage. Treat the serpent sword as a +4 bastard sword that inflicts 2-12 points of damage per hit. If a serpent sword attack inflicts 9 or more points, the serpent bit the target during the attack, forcing the target to make a save or fall paralyzed (as per a ghoul's touch).
Because one of his two heads is blind, all of Tufforp's axe attaks are conducted with a -2 penalty.

Tufforp is the duke of vengeance. He and his charges tempt mortals to respond to injustice in kind.

Diabolical Abilities:
Tufforp wields the ability Avenge. At its lesser level, this ability allows him to force anyone or anything who harms him to save vs. magic or take 1-8 points of damage (Those invoking Tufforp can avenge wounds in this fashion for 1 full turn). At its standard level, the ability to avenge allows Tufforp to summon 1-6 soulhouds to track any creature who has harmed him (Once these hounds find their target, they will either dstroy it or die in the effort). And at its greater level, avenge allows Tufforp to automatically inflict any damage he sustains back upon those who damaged him (Again those invoking Tufforp gain this power for 1 full turn).

Tufforp speaks the truth when queried about matters of justice.

Role Playing Notes
Although Tufforp never speaks, he has a strange mystical ability that allows him to send out simple, telepathic communications. He is cold and defiant.
Tufforp is a loyal thrall of Anthraxus and counts Phryxis as his only ally among the other Dukes. Tufforp longs for the day when Runstibble tries to usurp the Prince's throne as he has been promised the upstart's soul.

Tufforp maintains a palace of iron in Vecheron.

Tufforp is the demon of vengeance and retribution. One of his two heads is adorned with a single eye, the other is totally blind. As he speaks, Tufforp's blind head constantly gnaws at its fellow. In battle, he wields a serpent as a sword.

Governors and Thanes from Denizens of Vecheron
Adrath-Zae - Vibrik, Zal, Oellain, Nathgharid
Drutkored - Balliks, Margrain, Rabbalith, Tanath-Moor
Pathgar - Bdrth, Mrdrk, Vrodrk, Gtrk
Medrokk - Adrophillus, Matkir, Vorphollik, Tarael
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It's been a while...

More of the beasties from the first Demons set!

First of all, a brief treatise of Demonic abilities (I should have posted this long before):

Standard Demonic Abilities (possessed by all demons):
Plane Shift - can travel between planes at will. While operating on the prime material, demons must observe the Compact unless summoned to the Prime against their will.
Alter Self - Demons can alter their appearance at will.
Detect Alignment - 12' range, at will.
Protection from Good, 10' Radius - Continuous.
Immuity to Poison and Disease
Darkness Vision - Demons can see in the dark as well as they see in the light. This ability has nothing to do with infra-red spectrum and is not affected by heat sources.
Temptation - Demons have the power to tempt mortals to sin. Basically, this magical ability allows a demon to magically manifest any circumstances it needs in order to propagate the sin it represents. A demon of glutttony, for instance, can magically locate a monstrous quantity of food or a barrel of wine whenever he needs one in order to assist in tempting some mortal. Limits are up to the GM, though the rule of thumb is that greater demons can accomplish more than the lesser. There are two ways to handle demonic temptation in game play: first, roleplay the situation. If a demon leaves a jeweled necklace around the neck of a sleeping beggar and a player takes it, they have succumbed to the temptation. Once a character has succumbed three or four times, their alignment switches to evil and their soul is forfeit to the gods of chaos. Alternately, give the character a saving throw vs. Magic and an Insight ability check. If both roles fail, teh character succumbs to the temptation (see above). This method is not prefered by the original authors.
Possession - Demons may possess any mortal within a range of 6'. once possesed, the mortal loses physical control of their body to the demon. Demons possessing mortals have access to all their victims's thoughts and memories, and may still use all their own powers (as well as those of the target) while occupying the mortal body. MOrtals targeted for possession can resist with a successful save vs. magic. If a possession attempts fails, the demon who made the attempt cannot try to possess that particular mortal within the next five days. Once a mortal is possessed, the only way to free him or her from diabolical influence is to successfully perform an exorcism or to confince them to leave voluntarily (Exorcism: a priest must successfully turn "special" undead, a priest of Skill 12 or higher must remove curse, or an appropriate character must abjure, banish, dispel evil, or dismiss the demon). In accordance with the Compact, demons can only attempt to possess those mortals who agree to make themselves willing targets, though many demons are adept at tricking mortals into granting such permission. Demons who are unwillingly summoned to the prime material, of course, may possess mortals with no restriction.

Standard Demonic Abilities - possess by Demon Lords
Immortality - It is impossible to slay a lord, duke, or prince anywhere but the Infernus. If "killed" on teh prime, gerater demons simply reform in the Infernus 5-50 days later. If a member of the Demonic Hierarchy is slain in the Infernus, he is truly dead, but his throne and patron sin are claimed by another demon almost instantly.
Teleportation - Demon Lords can teleport unerringly from place to place.
Gate - A demon lord can attempt to gate in 2-12 of its servants at will.

<on a side note: the book never actually explains - from what I can find - how the Demon Lords lesser, standard, and greater powers differ. If anyone knows where that is laid out, it may make the rules conversions easier. Regardless, onto the Court of the Mind!>

Grand Polyphon, Prince of the Mind

Str. 20
Int. 20
Wis. 9
Dex. 9
Con. 25
Cha. -3
Fighter: skill 14 Fighter
Wizard: skill 14 Magic User
Priest: NA
Thief: NA
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Armor Class: -4
HP: 165
THAC0: 7
# Att: 8
Special Att: Tempt; acid
Special Def: + 3 weapon or better to hit
Movement: 6" Land
Magic Tolerance: 60%
Size: L
Personality: Unfathomable
XP Award: 16,000

In combat, Polyphon forms oozing pseudopods that allow him to bite his targets with his hundreds of gibbering mouths. Assume he can make eight such attacks per round, each striking for 1-10 points of damage.
In addition, Polyphon can emit a puddle of stinking, acidic ooze four times per day. Anyone within 2" of him when he emits this ooze must save vs. dragon's breath or suffer 3-30 points of damage. Once it has been emitted, this ooze forms a 2" diameter puddle that damages anyone who touches it. After forty-eight hours, the ooze dissolves.

POlyphone is the prince of deception. He uses his demonic influence to seduce mortals into spreading lies that benefit themselves and harm others.

Diabolical Abilities:
Polyphon wields: the lesser ability to hide (as per a 14th level thief); teh standard ability to confuse (as per the Skill 4 Wizard Spell); and the greater ability to enfeeble (as per the Skill 2 Wizard spell only it affects 10-100 creatures).

Polyphon never answers any lies truthfully.

Role Playing Notes
Polyphon's ninety-nine gibbering mouths yammer lies incessantly. Truly chaotic, it is almost impossible to make sense of his speeches or actions. Intelligent thaumaturgists have learned to deduce the answers they seek from his lies.
Polyphon has no allies among the other Princes, but can count no enemies among them either. The Lord of Lies is known to have pretentions to the court of Amdosias and is suspected to have instigated power struggles between the other Lords to strengthen his position. Of his dukes, his truest ally is Eligos and his surest foe is Volak.

Polyphon's palace is a large, slimy pit located on the demi-plane of Verkna.

Polyphon is said to resemble an enormous amorphous blob with ninety-nine gibbering human mouths, each sporting the long forked tongue of a demon of the mind. As he speaks, each of his mouths spouts separate falsehoods.

Forneus, Duke of the Mind and Heart

Str. 22
Int. 17
Wis. 17
Dex. 22
Con. 22
Cha. 18
Fighter: skill 13 Fighter
Wizard: skill 8 Magic User
Priest: NA
Thief: Skill 9 Thief
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Armor Class: -7
HP: 125
THAC0: 8
# Att: 2
Special Att: Tempt; Poison
Special Def: + 2 weapon or better to hit
Movement: 36' Land
Magic Tolerance: 45%
Size: M
Personality: Bestial
XP Award: 10,000

In battle, Forneus fights with a pair of poison daggers that inflict 2-12 points of damage per hit. Due to his high skill level, he can strike with both weapons each melee round.
Forneus's AC is so low because of his teleport ability (see below). In combat, he tends to flit about from place to place in order to confuse his enemies. During a typical round, he'll teleport up to fifteen times. Should Forneus somehow lose this ability, his AC rises to -1.

Forneus is the duke of treachery. He uses his diabolical energies to prompt mortals to betray bonds of confidence or loyalty.

Diabolical Abilities:
Forneus wields: the lesser ability to break morale (forces any enemies of low intelligence or less to make a morale check); the standard ability to cause fear (as per the Skill 4 Wizard spell); and the greater ability to call down Storms of Fire (as per the Skill 7 Priest Spell).
In addition, Forneus can teleport over a distance of 6' as many as fifteen times per melee round.

Forneus truthfully answers all queries concerning evil and its nature.

Role Playing Notes
Duke Forneus is brash and brutal. He shows a great deal of contempt for mortals and believes that none of them are capable of resisting his powers. When proved wrong, he carries an awful grudge.
While Forneus has made several attempts at the throne of his master, he has no intention of siding with Volak against Polyphon, though he may pretend allegiance at first so he can withdraw his aid at a crucial moment to ensure Volak's failure.

Forneus maintains a five level stone castle on the demi-plane of Verekna.

Forneus is the lord of traitors. His mouth is found not on his face, but over his heart, and his head boasts a second pair of eyes, turned backwards so he can watch both friend and foe simultaneously.

Volak, Duke of the Mind and Soul

Str. 21
Int. 8
Wis. 8
Dex. 21
Con. 23
Cha. 11
Fighter: skill 11 Fighter
Wizard: skill 8 Magic User
Priest: NA
Thief: Skill 13 Thief
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Armor Class: -1
HP: 125
THAC0: 10
# Att: 3/2
Special Att: Tempt; Confuse
Special Def: + 2 weapon or better to hit
Movement: 15' Land
Magic Tolerance: 40%
Size: M
Personality: Personable
XP Award: 10,000

In battle, Volak fights with a +4 halberd that strikes for 3-18 points of damage. Any wounds he inflicts with this weapon cannot be cured by clerical magic (though potions of healing cure such wounds normally).
Despite his formidable combat ability, Volak prefers to avoid direct confrontation and relies instead upon his ability to confuse hostile opponents.

Volak is the duke of false prophecy. He endeavours to tempt mortals ot believe that their own insights are shared by the gods themselves.

Diabolical Abilities:
Volak's lesser ability permits him to conjure phantasmal forces (as per the Skill 1 Wizard Spell); his standard ability is to summon monsters (as per the Skill 4 Wizard spell); and his greater ability allows him to create earthquakes (as per the Skill 7 Priest Spell).
In addition, Volak has the ability to make confusing speeches. Anyone within the sound of his voice who fails to save vs. magic once he has begun such a speech must stop all offensive action as though affected by a confusion spell for as long as Volak keeps speaking.

Volak answers truthfully all inquiries into spiritual matters. Rumor has it that he answer inquiries into the future truthfully, though these rumors are untrue.

Role Playing Notes
Volak is very quiet and unassuming. When dealing with mortals, he and his followers generally attempt to mask their true natures and gain the trust of their victims. They like to appear in guises that make them appear vulnerable and innocent.
Volak feels that Polyphon's obsession with the court has weakened his effectiveness as a Prince and intends to replace him. When the time is right the Duke believes he can count on Forneus.

Volak and his followers maintain no fixed palaces.

Volak is the tempter of false prophets and bane of the spiritually infirm. Atop his head sit the ears of an ass, and he never appears without a rag tied ove rhis eyes. Among all his possessions, he particularly prizes a gold wine goblet, decorated with cryptic scriptures and encrusted with rare jewels.

Andrealphus, Duke of the Mind and the Flesh

Str. 19
Int. 19
Wis. 17
Dex. 25
Con. 22
Cha. 16
Fighter: skill 8 Fighter
Wizard: skill 7 Magic User
Priest: NA
Thief: Skill 17 Thief
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Armor Class: -3
HP: 115
THAC0: 12
# Att: 10
Special Att: Tempt
Special Def: + 2 weapon or better to hit
Movement: 15' Land
Magic Tolerance: 35%
Size: M
Personality: Craven
XP Award: 10,000

In combat, Andrealphus wields a +1 short sword in each of his multiple hands. During any given round, he can strike with up to ten separate swords.

Andrealphus is the duke of thieves and bandits. He endeavours to tempt mortals to steal the wealth and possessions of others.

Diabolical Abilities:
Andrealphus wields the lesser ability to expedite travel (allows the recipient to move at five times his or her normal ground speed for 1-6 turns); the standard ability to project invisibility in a ten foot radius; and the greater ability to drain energy (as per the Skill 9 Wizard spell).
In addition, Andrealphus can detect magic and valuable items without error at a range of 12'.

Andrealphus truthfully answers all inquiries regarding wealth and power.

Role Playing Notes
Andrealphus uses his craven demeanor as a front to throw his targets off guard. IN actuality, he is both ruthless and clever. Most of his victims believe they got the better of him even long after he has departed.
Unlike most demonic dukes, Andrealphus has no followers or servants. He personally conducts all his own temptations.
Andrealphus is the occasional confederate of Grand Vapula of the Order of the Flesh.

Andrealphus maintains no palace. He can be encountered on the demi-plane of Verekna in the guise of a lost traveler.

Andrealphus's squat, rubbery form boasts multiple hands and arms with which he conducts his larcenies.

Eligos, Duke of the Mind and Blood

Str. NA
Int. 3
Wis. 3
Dex. NA
Con. NA
Cha. -6
Fighter: NA
Wizard: skill 16 Magic User
Priest: NA
Thief: NA
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Armor Class: NA
HP: 250
# Att: 0
Special Att: Tempt; insanity
Special Def: Invulnerable to all physical attacks
Movement: 3' Land
Magic Tolerance: 65%
Size: L
Personality: Unfathomable
XP Award: 10,000

In combat, Eligos is incapable of launching any sort of physical attacks. But at the same time, he is completely immune to the physical attacks of others. Only magic and psionics can affect him.

Eligos is the diabolical duke of madness. He is charged wtih the task of tempting mortals to succumb to the delights of insanity.

Diabolical Abilities:
Eligos' lesser ability allows him to cause blur (as per the Skill 2 Wizard Spell); the standard ability allows him to Transmute Rock to Mud (as per the Skill 5 Wizard Spell); and the greater ability to Cause Insanity (all targets within 6' must save vs. magic or fall insane for 2-24 days) twice per day.
In addition, Eligos can conjure hypnotic patterns (Skill 2 Wizard Spell) and charm his opponents at will. In combat, he prefers to use these abilities to set friend against foe.

Eligos is perhaps the most eager demon to answer queries. Eligos answers all inquiries with a long stream of nonsense, though there is always at least a single grain of truth in his statements.

Role Playing Notes
Eligos appearance is always accompanied by a low hissing sound, like the wind blowing over the desert. Beneath the hiss, thousands of babblign whispers, many of them speaking in different languages, are audible.
A faithful ally of the Prince, Eligos has been promised the throne of deceit if and when his master joins the Infernal Court. Naturally, it would take a madman to believe the promises of the lord of lies, but Eligos has never let reason interfere with his plans.

Eligos maintains a sort of domicile near the center of the plane of Verkna, where his five hundred servants dance in a circle about him and play five hundred separate tunes on shrill flutes.

Eligos resembles a huge gaping chasm from which thousands of tongues lash outward.


First Post
Court of the Soul

Grand Rubbibat, Prince of the Soul

Str. 21
Int. 19
Wis. 3
Dex. 23
Con. 23
Cha. -3
Fighter: skill 12 Fighter
Wizard: skill 12 Magic User
Priest: NA
Thief: Skill 9 Thief
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Armor Class: -4
HP: 164
THAC0: 9
# Att: 2
Special Att: Tempt; disease
Special Def: + 3 weapon or better to hit
Movement: 12" Land
Magic Tolerance: 65%
Size: M
Personality: Craven
XP Award: 16,000

In combat, Rubbibat fights with his razor sharp claws. Treat each claw as a +2 weapon that inflicts 1-12 points of damage. Whenever Rubbibat hits with a claw, his target must pass a Stamina Ability Check to avoid contracting a disease.

Rubbibat is the prince of blasphemies. He is charged with the task of seducing mortals into turning their backs on the gods.

Diabolical Abilities:
Rubbibat wields: the lesser ability to detect alignment (as per the Skill 2 Priest Spell); the standard ability to speak with the dead (as per the Skill 3 Priest spell); and the greater ability to walk on the winds (as per the Skill 8 Wizard Spell).

Rubbibat answers only queries regarding the ultimate fate of a human soul. Although he usually answers such queries truthfully, he tries to occasionally mix in falsehoods into his predictions in order to confuse those who consult with him.

Role Playing Notes
Rubbibat is a whining sniveler who always performs his temptations through his servants and intermediaries, most of whom hate him.
Among the princes, Anthraxus, Lord of Betrayal is his truest ally and Phenex, Lord of Rage, the surest foe. Amongst his dukes, his truest ally is Marchosias and his surest foe is Malphas.

Rubbibat's palace is located in the demi-plane of Og.

Rubbibat always appears clad in tattered black robes, the multiple eyes of asoul demon glacing out from behind their folds. Once summoned, he seems tormented by a desire to look away with all hundred eyes simultaneously.

Oroas, Duke of the Soul and the Flesh

Str. 19
Int. 22
Wis. 21
Dex. 19
Con. 18
Cha. 22
Fighter: skill 8 Fighter
Wizard: skill 8 Magic User
Priest: NA
Thief: Skill 11 Thief
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Armor Class: -2
HP: 125
THAC0: 13
# Att: 1
Special Att: Tempt; charm
Special Def: + 2 weapon or better to hit
Movement: 15" Land
Magic Tolerance: 35%
Size: M
Personality: Seductive
XP Award: 10,000

In his left hand, Orobas wields a +5 bastard sword that strikes for 3-18 points per successful hit. In his right hand, he carries a magical pouch of glittering gems and coins. Anyone to whom he offers the pouch must save vs. magic or succumb to greed. Such characters must use all the effort they can muster to gain possessionf of the bag for 1-6 turns.

Orobas is hte duke of corruption and bribery. His task is to tempt leaders and nobles to violate their own laws for personal benefit.

Diabolical Abilities:
Orobas wields: the lesser ability to detect treasure (detects all valuable items with 6"; those invoking Orobas may call upon this ability for a single turn); the standard ability to animate the earth (allows him to summon up an 8 HTK dice earth elemental); and the greater ability to summon a creeping doom (as per the Skill 7 Priest Spell).
In addition, Oroboas can charm person his opponents three times per day.

Orobas truthfully answers all inquiries regarding past history.

Role Playing Notes
Although he tries to mask his intellect, Orobas is dangerously clever. He likes to trick his targets and corrupt them slowly over the course of several years.
It is said that the canny Orobas is behind the strife between Rubbibat and Malphas and that he is waiting for them to destroy each other so he can make his own play for throne.

Orobas' place is a large, hollowed-out emerald located toward the center of the plane of Og.

Orobas' face is split into two halves - one beautiful, the other hideous. When summoned, he always appears with a bag of gold in one hand and a sword in the other.

Dantalion, Duke of the Soul and the Heart

Str. 18
Int. 25
Wis. 25
Dex. 16
Con. 16
Cha. 11
Fighter: skill 8 Fighter
Wizard: skill 12 Magic User
Priest: NA
Thief: Skill 5 Thief
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Armor Class: -3
HP: 115
THAC0: 13
# Att: 1
Special Att: Tempt; fear
Special Def: + 3 weapon or better to hit
Movement: 15" Land
Magic Tolerance: 65%
Size: M
Personality: Unfathomable
XP Award: 10,000

Dantalion never wields physical weapons. Instead, he can focus his gaze to inflict 3-18 points of damage on a single target per round (automatically hits, no saving throws). Only the blind and creatures with Low Intelligence or lower are immune to this weapon.

Dantalion is the Duke of Despair, the bane of bards and sages. He endeavours to convince mortals that their lives are without purpose.

Diabolical Abilities:
Dantalion's lesser ability allows hiim to cause sleep (as per the Skill 1 Wizard Spell); the standard ability allows him to control the emotions of a target (as per the Skill 4 Wizard spell); and the greater ability to Trap the Soul (as per the Skill 8 Wizard Spell).
In addition, Dantalion can cause fear at doulbe the range of most demons, and his gaze can force a target to save vs. magic or permanently lose a point of Insight (this ability only works once on each living being).

A true rarity among the diabolical ranks, Dantalion answers all queries truthfully, but he always demands a special payment in return for his answers. Typically, this payment ranges from a valuable magic item to the forfeiture of an experience skill lever or a few Insight or Intelligence Points.

Role Playing Notes
In manner, Dantalion is cold and distant. He speaks only to those who make direct eye contact with him, and even then, his utterances are confusing and barely audible. He speaks clearly when answering an inquiry.
Dantalion has watched the infighting that surrounds him for centuries with grim resigntation and is determined to remain neutral.

Dantalion maintains an empty palace carved from obsidian at the center of the demiplane of Og.

Dantalion appears in the form of a shrouded human void with hundreds of searching eyes staring out from within.

Malphas, Duke of the Soul and the Mind

Str. 15
Int. 6
Wis. 6
Dex. 16
Con. 24
Cha. 9
Fighter: skill 11 Fighter
Wizard: skill 5 Magic User
Priest: NA
Thief: Skill 5 Thief
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Armor Class: -1
HP: 99
THAC0: 10
# Att: 1/2
Special Att: Tempt; blind
Special Def: + 2 weapon or better to hit
Movement: 15" Land
Magic Tolerance: 35%
Size: M
Personality: Imperious
XP Award: 10,000

In combat, Malphas wields a +5 short sword that strikes for 1-10 points of damage per successful hit. Although he is incapable of lifting the +5 club he carries with him (the club requires a Strength of 24 to wield and strikes for 2-24 points of damage), he still makes constant attempts to use the club as a weapon. Every other round, Malphas must forfeit his regular attack and try in vain to wield the club.

Malphas is the master of hubris, the sin of those mortals who elevate themselves to the ranks of the divine.

Diabolical Abilities:
Malphas wields: the lesser ability to identify magic items (as per the Skill 1 Wizard Spell); the standard ability to create food and water (as per the Skill 3 Priest spell); and the greater ability to summon weather (as per the Skill 6 Priest Spell).
In addition, Malphas can cause blindness four times per day and throw a 10-die lightning bolt twice per day.

Malphas never answers queries and always refuses to appear when summoned for that purpose.

Role Playing Notes
Although clumsy and oafish, Malphas tries to maintain a strictly regal demeanor. Something of an oddity amongst the infernal legions, his appearance sometimes borders on the comical.
Malphas believes himself not only worthy of the throne of his Prince, but of a seat on the Inferanl Court as well. His conviction and powers are such that he actually has a chance of unseating Rubbibat, which has forced the prince to extreme measures to keep Malphas power in check.

Malphas maintains a sprawling iron palace on the outskirts of the demi-plane of Og. Although he has no actual servants, he spends much of his time barking out instructions to imaginary valets, stewards, and wards.

Malphas wears an impossibly large crown atop his head, and he drags behind him a jeweled sceptar he cannot lift from the ground. Frozen forever upon his visage is the grin of an idiot.

Marchosias, Duke of the Soul and the Blood

Str. 16
Int. 21
Wis. 7
Dex. 21
Con. 16
Cha. 17
Fighter: skill 8 Fighter
Wizard: skill 11 Magic User
Priest: NA
Thief: Skill 5 Thief
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Armor Class: -3
HP: 105
THAC0: 13
# Att: 1
Special Att: Tempt; power
Special Def: + 2 weapon or better to hit, paralyze
Movement: 12" Land
Magic Tolerance: 45%
Size: M
Personality: Bestial
XP Award: 10,000

Marchosias almost never fights in physical combat. Instead he prefers to rely upon his spellcasting and diabolical abilities. When cornered, he fights with a +3 two-handed sword.

Marchosias is the tempter of crusaders, those who vehemently assume a cause without reflection. Although he most frequently tempts the pious, his influence extends into a nearly infinite variety of venues.

Diabolical Abilities:
Marchosias wields: the lesser ability to hypnotize (as per the Skill 1 Wizard Spell); the standard ability to project chaos (as per the Skill 5 Wizard spell); and the greater ability to energy drain (as per the Skill 9 Wizard Spell).
In addition, Marchosias can surround himself with a powerful field of force that acts as an anti-magic shell and forces anyone entering its perimeter to save vs. petrification or become paralyzed for one full turn.
Marchosias' greatest weapon is the Tome of Urging he carries with him. Within the tome is a list of magic words, one for each being in the universe, capable fo strking responsive chords in the targeted soul. Any being who hears his or her special word is effected as though he or she heard a power word stun. Locating a being's magic word takes Marchosias 1-8 rounds. The tome will affect a creature only once per day.

Marchosias answers inquiries into hatred truthfully.

Role Playing Notes
Marchosias is gruff, savage, and unyielding. He enjoys sizing up the wits and intellect of his victims.
Marchosias spends most of his time harrassing Malphas on his master's behalf and is a loyal servant of his Prince.

Marchosias maintains a palace on the demi-plane of Og.

When summoned, Malphas appears holding a scale in one hand and a large tome, boudn with locks and chains in the other. <the drawing is more evocative, giving him the appearance of being clad in black full-plate armor, with his body dwindling into either a)nothingness, or b) a serpent's tail; this could be worked into his description.>


First Post
Standard monsters from Demons

Taking a break from the lords and their courts.

Type I Demon - Malniatu

Rarity: Common
# Appearing: 2-24
Wander Chance: 80%
Intelligence: Average of 8
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
HD: 4
THAC0: 17
Armor Class: 3
# Attacks: 3 (claw/claw/bit)
Damage: 1-6 (claw), 1-8 (bite)
Special Att: Darkness
Special Def: +1 or better to hit
Movement: 12" land/20" air
Magic Tolerance: None
Size: S
XP Award: 420

Malniatu are fierce fighters. Their favored tactic is to swarm around a foe and shred him to pieces with their razor sharp claws.

Almost exclusively, Type 1 demons function as servitors and soldiers.

Malniatu have the ability to create a field of magical darkness at will. These fields extend over a ten foot radius.

Role Playing:
Malniatu are near-mindless creatures that speak in shrieks and howls. Generally, when one malniatu begins chattering, all others within earshot will join him, producing a deafening cacophany of whines and shrieks.
Malniatu are usually interested only in earning the respect of their superiors in teh diabolical hierarchy. Most will do anything to achieve this goal.

Type 2 Demon - Mobrodo

Rarity: Common
# Appearing: 1-12
Wander Chance: 75%
Intelligence: Average of 9
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
HD: 6
THAC0: 15
Armor Class: 3
# Attacks: 3 (claw/claw/bite)
Damage: 1-8 claw, 1-12 (bite)
Special Att: Roar
Special Def: +1 or better to hit
Movement: 15"
Magic Tolerance: None
Size: M
XP Award: 975

Although most Mobrodo are too savage and unpredictable to fight with weapons, a few have been trained to fight with +1 tridents that strike for 2-12 points of damage per attack.

Mobrodo serve higher ranking demons as servitors and soldiers.

Four or more Mobrodo can combine their voices into a single ear-splitting roar that forces all targets within earshot to save vs. magic each round the roar lasts. Characters who fairl their save can take no action during the round except clutch their heads in agony.
Roaring Mobrodo can take no offensive actions of their own, but a favorite Mobrodo attack is to leave a few members of a party behind to roar, while the rest of the party advances.

Role Playing:
Mobrodo are mindless and gluttonous creatures. Beyond food, their only other desire is to advance in the diabolical hierarchy. In fact, when their superiors are not around, the Mobrodo habitually imitate their actions as a form of play.

Type 3 Demon - Falshan

Rarity: Uncommon
# Appearing: 1-8
Wander Chance: 60%
Intelligence: Average of 12
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
HD: 8
THAC0: 13
Armor Class: 0
# Attacks: 3 (claw/claw/fork)
Damage: 1-8 (claw), 3-18 (fork)
Special Att: Breath
Special Def: +2 or better weapon to hit
Movement: 12" land/20" air
Magic Tolerance: None
Size: M
XP Award: 1,400

Most Falshans are highly trained fighters. They prefer batting in open spaces, where they can use their wings to their greatest advantage. Their favorite tactic is to soar high in the sky and conduct a series of diving "attack runs" upon a target, raking with their talons, and stabbing with their +1 forks.

Typically, Falshan are warriors or low level seducers. Most are in charge of some minor sin they endeavor to spread upon the mortal plane.

Twice per day, Falshan can breathe fire, inflicting 2-20 points of damage across a 2' long cone. In addition, Falshan have a highly developed sense of smell that allows them to track a target as a Skill 12 Ranger.

Role Playing:
Despite their standing, most Falshan are proud and boatsful. Unlike most low level demons, these creatures are not really interested in moving up the diabolical hierarchy due to the strange pride that has spread across their ranks.

Type 4 Demon - Lamazu

Rarity: Very Uncommon
# Appearing: 1-4
Wander Chance: 40%
Intelligence: Average of 15
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
HD: 11
THAC0: 9
Armor Class: -1
# Attacks: 4 (weapon)
Damage: 1-8(+1)
Special Att: Energy Drain
Special Def: +2 or better to hit
Movement: 12 land/20 air
Magic Tolerance: 15%
Size: S
XP Award: 9,000

Almost all Lamazu are extremely well-trained weapons masters. Most prefer to fight with four +1 scimitars or two +1 tridents.
A Lamazu's greatest failing is its pride, so they seldom adopt battle strategies any more intricate then simply confronting their foes head on.

Lamazu most frequently serve as thanes or lieutenants. Most are in charge of their own sins that they endeavor to spread amongst mortals.

Lamazu have the power to polymorph themselves at will, an ability they often use to assume a form that might enable them to perate upon the mortal plane without attracting undue attention. In addition, Lamazue use their sharp fangs to drain energy Skill levels as though they are vampires.

Role Playing:
Due to their many impressive accomplishments, most Lamazu are extremely proud and boatsful creatures. Most began as Malniatu and slowly worked their way up the infernal hierarchy.

Type 5 Demons - Mephorum

Rarity: Very Uncommon
# Appearing: 1
Wander Chance: 20%
Intelligence: Average of 18
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
HD: 14
THAC0: 7
Armor Class: -3
# Attacks: 2 (talons)
Damage: 2-16/2-16
Special Att: Memory Mist
Special Def: +2 or better weapon to hit; mist form
Movement: 15 Land/24 air/ 6 mist form
Magic Tolerance: 25%
Size: L
XP Award: 3,000

IN combat, most Mephora rely upon their razor-sharp talons, though many own special weapons or artifacts. Mephora frequently enjoy using their great strength (23 equivalent) to squeeze targets to death (treat as a standard grappling attack).

Roughly 75% of Mephora are diabolical governors or marshals. The other 25% hold positions ranging from servitor to thane. The latter demons found themselves on the losing side in one of the Infernus' many political struggles and were stripped of their ranks to remove the threat they posed the victors.

Mephora have the ability to assume a mist form, rendering themselves invulnerable to all physical weapons of less than +4 quality. Any character wounded by a Mephora in mist form relives his or her worst memories and must pass an insight Ability Check or suffer 2-20 points of damage and fall paralyzed for the remainder of the current combat round.

Role Playing:
Mephora are so close to the infernal dukes and princes, most Mephora crave power, a trait that frequently leads them to plot elaborate schemes aimed at securing themselves positions within the infernal court.


First Post
Even more demons!

More of the Big Bads from set 1 of Demons.

Thanis - Realm of the Flesh
When Grand Decarabia was granted dominion by Amdosias, he sought to complete the work the gods began when the Infernus was first forged. The prince of lust and the lesser powers in his service took up the mantle of creation and remade the shattered fragment of land.
To mortals, Thanis seems a paradise found, but only because the demonic taint is far more subtle than that evidenced in other realms. Behind every wonder lurks temptation enough to attempt a journey beyond the veil.
Decarabia's domain is, in many ways, far more pleasant than the afterlife offered by many of the gods of light and law, thus its allure. Lulled into a false sense of security, many mortals fall prey to the corrupting influence of Thanis and the seducers who dwell there, finding themselves trapped by their actions, doomed to eternal damnation.
In addition to Decarabia, all the Dukes of the Flesh inhabit Thanis as well.

Grand Decarabia - Duke of the Flesh

Str. 18(88)
Int. 21
Wis. 21
Dex. 24
Con. 20
Cha. 25
Fighter: skill 13 Fighter
Wizard: skill 13 Magic User
Priest: NA
Thief: Skill 12 Thief
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Armor Class: -5
HP: 188
THAC0: 8
# Att: 2
Special Att: Tempt; berserk
Special Def: + 3 weapon or better to hit
Movement: 15" Land
Magic Tolerance: 70%
Size: M
Personality: Bestial
XP Award: 10,000

Decarabia holds and ever changing assortment of items in each of his hands. In combat, he can change these items into weapons. Each round, the weapons he wields metamorphose into new weapons. To determine his exact armament in any given round, you can make two rolls on the following table:
Roll D6 Weapon
1 +4 Axe
2 +3 Long Sword
3 short sword, flame tongue
4 long sword, frost brand
5 +4 mace
6 +4 club

The weapons listed on this table are not exemplary. Many other combinations are possible.
If Decarabia is separated from one of his weapons, he can easily create a new one. Separated weapons dissolve into nothingness after 1-8 turns unless a permanency spell is cast on them.

Decarabia is the Prince of the Flesh and Lord of Emptiness, charged with the spread of lust.

Diabolical Abilities:
Decarabia wields: the lesser ability to shatter (Level 2 Wizard Spell); the standard ability to transmute iron to gold (affects 5 pounds per level of teh invoker, or 75 pounds for Decarabia); and the greater ability to raise the dead.

Decarabia truthfully answers queries about the environment.

Role Playing Notes
Decarabia is savage and unforgiving. Among the other princes, Phenex, Lord of Rage, is his truest ally and Anthraxus, Lord of Betrayal, his surest foe. Of Prince Decarabia's four dukes (Vapula, Gremory, Rofocale, and Agares), his truest ally is Rofocale, and his truest foe is Vapula.

Decarabia's vast palace is located in Thanis.

Though Decarabia appears human, it manifests no facial features or signs of gender. On each hand it holds ever-changing objects - one moment the objects might be a gem or a crown, the next moment they mystically transform into a dagger and looking glass.

Vapula, Duke of the Flesh and the Heart

Str. 9
Int. 14
Wis. 13
Dex. 21
Con. 18
Cha. 11
Fighter: skill 5 Fighter
Wizard: skill 13 Magic User
Priest: NA
Thief: Skill 5 Thief
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Armor Class: -1
HP: 99
THAC0: 16
# Att: 1
Special Att: Tempt
Special Def: +2 weapon or better to hit
Movement: 15" Land
Magic Tolerance: 45%
Size: M
Personality: Craven
XP Award: 10,000

Vapula only becomes involved in physical combat when forced. If threatened with physical harm and his spell-casting abilities do not allow him to extricate himself, he flees.
When forced to defend himself, Vapula fights wth a normal, rusted dagger (1d4 points of damage per hit).

Vapula is the Duke of Greed. He and his followers endeavour to sway mortals into the unnatural pursuit of wealther over all else.

Diabolical Abilities:
Vapula's lesser ability allows him to knock (Wizard 2 spell); his standard ability allows him to throw an 8-die fireball; and his greater ability allows him to call down a creeping doom (Priest 7 spell).
In addition, Vapula can create small treasures (up to 100 gp value) at will at a rate of one per round. Under normal circumstances, he will only give these treasures to mortals who agree to perform services for him.

Vapula truthfully answers all inquiries regarding mortal emotion.

Role Playing Notes
Although Vapula comes across as an idiotic whining sniveler, he possesses a strange sort of cunning that sometimes expresses itself in his actions. He himself is often guilty of underestimating his own intellect.
Because of his shortcomings, Vapula is something of an outcast amongst his peers. If presented with an opportunity to impress his diabolic fellows, he will almost certainly seize it.
Vapula has been at war with Decarabia for eons, but never openly. He simply eats away his master's power and influence slowly, hoping that one day he will have consumed enough to defeat whatever remains.

Vapula maintains a small wooden palace on the demi-plane of Thanis.
More of the Big Bads from set 1 of Demons.

Human in appearance, like all demons of the flesh, Vapula resembles a starved and sniveling pauper with wild eyes. When he appears, he is never without his tin begging cup.

Gremory, Duke of the Flesh and the Mind

Str. 13
Int. 13
Wis. 12
Dex. 21
Con. 22
Cha. 16
Fighter: skill 9 Fighter
Wizard: skill 7 Magic User
Priest: NA
Thief: Skill 5 Thief
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Armor Class: -2
HP: 111
THAC0: 12
# Att: 1
Special Att: Tempt; paralyze
Special Def: + 2 weapon or better to hit
Movement: 15" Land
Magic Tolerance: 40%
Size: M
Personality: Bestial
XP Award: 10,000

Gremory fights with a fiery lash that inflicts 1d12 points of damage per hit (treat the lash as a +2 weapon) and forces any target it strikes to save verus paralyzation. His favorite tactic is to appear as an elderly beggar to his enemies, hoping to catch them off guard.

Gremory is the Duke of Envy. He tempts mortals into coveting the property of others.

Diabolical Abilities:
Gremory wields: the lesser ability to entangle his enemies (Priest 1); the standard ability to animate the dead (Priest 3); and the greater ability to erect a wall of impenetrable force - this barrier acts as a standard wall of force save for the fact that disintegrate spells and rods of cancellation have no effect upon it.
In addition, Gremory can speak with plants and animals at will.

Gremory answers truthfully any query regarding the true nature of magic.

Role Playing Notes
Among Demons, Gremory is known for his lack of subtlety. When he and his followers interact with mortals, they tend to carry out their temptations from behind a volly of threats and intimidation. Althogh he is no rogue, Gremory frequently pushes the Compact to its very limit.
On a whim, Gremory has taken a fancy to plants and the lower orders of animal life.
Gremory watches the struggle between Vapula and Decarabia with jealous fascination. Unable to formulate a plan of his own, he hopes the Duke of Greed will ask for assistance, though Vapula remains uninterested.

Gremory maintains a large emerald palace on the Demi-plane of Thanis. Within this palace, he maintains a large menagerie/arboretum.

Gremory appears as a stocky man wearing a long green robe. The robe's pockets bulge with riches and he carries an ornate, empty chest in each hand.

Great Rofocale, Duke of the Flesh and the Soul

Str. 24
Int. 11
Wis. 17
Dex. 9
Con. 25
Cha. 8
Fighter: skill 12 Fighter
Wizard: skill 9 Magic User
Priest: NA
Thief: Skill 7 Thief
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Armor Class: -3
HP: 144
THAC0: 9
# Att: 2
Special Att: Tempt; acid
Special Def: + 2 weapon or better to hit
Movement: 6" Land
Magic Tolerance: 40%
Size: M
Personality: Bestial
XP Award: 10,000

When he becomes embroiled in battle, Rofocale pauses to draw a magic weapon from one of the hundreds contained in the chest of holding he carries on his ack. Each time Rofocale does so, use the treasures charts in the standard rulebook to determine the weapon he has drawn.
In addition to his scores of magic weapons, Rofocale's chest also holds dozens of miscellaneous magic items, piles of food, thousands of gold and platinum pieces, and hundreds of gems.

Rofocale is the duke of gluttony. He temps mortals to commit the sin of craving.

Diabolical Abilities:
Rofocale wields: the lesser ability to resist fire (per a ring of fire resistance); the standard ability to speak with plants (Priest 4); and the greater ability to assume astral form (Priest 7 spell astral spell)

Rofocale answers truthfully all inquiries concerning nobility.

Role Playing Notes
Rofocale is a brutish lout. He is rarely seen without a leg of mutton or a cask of ale close at hand. Rofocale's unearthly passions can only be fulfilled by Decarabia, ensuring his unflagging loyalty.

Rofocale maintains a huge palace of bone on the outskirts of the Demi-Plane of Thanis.

Rofocale is the demon of Gluttony. He appears as an enormously fat man who carries an unimaginably burdensome chest on his back.

Great Agares, Duke of the Flesh and the Blood

Str. 14
Int. 22
Wis. 21
Dex. 24
Con. 20
Cha. 22
Fighter: skill 8 Fighter
Wizard: skill 11 Magic User
Priest: NA
Thief: Skill 11 Thief
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Armor Class: -4
HP: 99
THAC0: 13
# Att: 1
Special Att: Tempt
Special Def: + 2 weapon or better to hit
Movement: 15" Land
Magic Tolerance: 45%
Size: M
Personality: Imperious
XP Award: 10,000

In battle, Agares fights with an intelligent +5 two-handed sword. While holding his sword, Agares' Magic Resistance is boosted to 65% and he is able to dispel magic at will.
Agares' favorite tactic is to lure his opponents close so he can attack them with a +2 barbed and venomous dagger he keeps concealed beneath his cloak. The dagger strikes for 1d12 ponts of damage per hit and forces its target to save vs. poison at -3 or die.

Agares is the Duke of villainy. He tries to tempt mortal spirits into preying upon the shortcomings of their fellows.

Diabolical Abilities:
Agares' lesser ability allows him to increase morale (adds +1 to morale levels of any creature with Skill Levels or HD less than or equal to 20 at a range of 12'); his standard ability allows him to throw a 7-die lightning bolt; and his greater ability allows him to teleport without error (Wizard 7).

Agares always lies when answering inquiries regarding the dead.

Role Playing Notes
Agares is boastful and envious. His temptations frequently revolve around elaborate and complex schemes aimed at tricking his targets.
Agares is usually too busy amusing himself with practicing his vile arts on mortal thralls to concern himself with infernal politics.

Agares lives in an ivory palace on the plane of Thanis.

Agares is the lord of villains and blackhearts. He appeas clad in black mail augmented with sack and pouches full of riches. On his hand is a barbed and enormous dagger.


First Post
More of the Generic Monsters from Demons

Okay, here's some more generics from Demons Set 1.


Rarity: Uncommon
# Appearing: 2-20
Wander Chance: 40%
Intelligence: Average of 6
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
HD: 4
THAC0: 17
Armor Class: 3
# Attacks: 2 (claw, bite) or 1 (weapon)
Damage: 1-3 (claw)/1-6 (bite), or 1-8 (weapon)
Special Att: None
Special Def: +1 or better to hit; invisibility
Movement: 12" land/20" air
Magic Tolerance: None
Size: S
XP Award: 420

In combat, most fiends fight with barbed tridents, though they are also capable of using their claws and fangs in a pinch. If possible, a lone fiend will never enter into combat. Instead, the creatures like to gang up on their enemies and swarm all over them. As many as twelve fiends can attach a single man-sized target each round.

Fiends are newborn demons awaiting an opportunity to be reincarnated as Malniatu. Because they are relatively powerless, they are ignored by most of the inhabitants of the infernus. Consequently, the fiends tend to gather together in large hunting packs.

Fiends have all the abilities of a Skill 11 Theif and the ability to render themselves invisible once per day. Generally, they use these abilities to unbalance a party of adventurers trespassing in the Infernus. Typically, a pack of fiends will follow such a party for miles, occasionally sneaking into its midst to steal or destroy useful weapons or items.

Role Playing:
Fiends are all trying to attract the attention of their betters so they can elevate themselves to the rank of full-fledged demons. Confounding adventurers in their method of achieving this goal.

These fanged and barbed demonlings wee created to torment the lesser demons and the occasional mortal soul that finds ultimate rest in the Infernus.
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First Post
Denizens of Og - Aballigor, Marshal of Rubbibat

Here's the court of the Soul!

Aballigar (Marshall of Grand Rubibbat)

Strength: 16
Dexterity: 18
Constitution: 20
Intelligence: 13
Wisdom: 15
Charisma: 18
Fighter: 12
Wizard: 7
Priest: 5
Thief: 12
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Armor Class: 0
HP: 100
THAC0: 8
# Attacks: 3
Special Att: See Below
Special Def: #3 or Better to Hit
Movement: 12"
Magic Tolerance: 60%
Size: M
Personality: Personable
XP Award: 13,000

When Aballigar enters melee combat, he reverts to his true form, that of a fearsome demon warrior who attacks with claws and fangsfor 2-12/2-12/1-10 pointsof damage. His bite is venomous and will stop the heart of any mortal who fails a save vs. death. Once per turn this Marshal can vomit a plague of vermin which will attack all living creatures in a 15" radius, doing 1-8 points of damage per round for 3 rounds. Apowerful burst of flame such as that caused by the fireball spell will force the creatures to disperse.

Diabolical Abilities:
This Marshal delights in the evils that fester in mortal cities. He knows much of what goes on in the largest human settlements and will use this knowledge to sew the seeds of dissent and despair which he carries in a small pouch at his hip. Many criminal organizations were inspired by this demon or one of his mortal allies.

Aballigar can only be summoned in a large town or city at the stroke of midnight. Vermin gather where he is called and he often leaves the gift of famine when he returns to the Infernus. Mortal sorcerers call upon this Marshal to gain political poweror to curse a settlement with visitations from each of his Generals.

Role Playing:
Inhuman form Aballigar is outgoing and pleasant, a charming everyman whose accommodating personality make him everyone'sfriend. He is well known in many cities by many names and is trusted by heroes and kings. In his true form the Marshal becomes abusive and cruel, a wicked bastard who is the shadowy reflection of the man he pretends to be.

Galliowmoor is a twisted parody of a human city, populated by bureaucrats and fools (It isoften difficult to tell one from the next.) The Marshal serves as both Mayor and Justice, dispensing law with an iron gauntlet. He will sometimes loan this gauntlet to a trusted minion. It is a +3 weapon which does 5-11 (2D4+3) points of damage and gives the wearer the power to cast charm person and cause serious wounds at will.

Culdra - General of Aballigor

Rarity: Unique
Strength: 13
Dexterity: 14
Constitution: 13
Intelligence: 16
Wisdom: 13
Charisma: 8
Fighter: Na
Wizard: 9
Priest: 9
Thief: 9
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Armor Class: 1
HP: 83
THAC0: 12
# Attacks: 2 (3)
Special Att: See Below
Special Def: +2 or Better weapon to Hit
Movement: 12" land / 18" air
Magic Tolerance: 55%
Size: M
Personality: Tolerant
XP Award: 9,000

Culdra will only attack physically if her flock is threatened somehow. As she strikes, her hands twist into talons. She may attack twice per round for 2-8 points of damage. If she hits with both talons, she will manifest a beak and try to peck out her victim's eyes, which requires a successful to-hit roll.

Diabolical Abilities:
This General commands the avian pests which infest the cities of man. Her pouch contains the seeds of wicked thoughts that attract the unclean beasts. She may call as many or as few as she pleases. As an attack, her feathered friends will tear at any mortal targets she designates, doing 1-3 points of damage to her chosen victims every round. Once a week, she may call up a flock so large that it forms a cloud which blocks out the sun for a full day.

Culdra's chosen look like blind children with fetid wings. Dathmirax can cast spells like a skill 5 wizard and has a poison bite lethal to characters of skill 5 or less. Balamarid wields a snakestaff that does 3-18 points of damage to mortals wearing magic armor. Duredarin has truesight and a smile which causes fear in children and animals. Avardurian has giant strength and can beat his wings so mightily that he can create a gustof wind at will. Vorteregon can cast spells with the ability of a skill 6 priest and wields a +3 knife that does double damage to paladins.

Arzex - General of Aballigor

Strength: 15
Dexterity: 13
Constitution: 14
Intelligence: 17
Wisdom: 15
Charisma: 11
Fighter: 8
Wizard: NA
Priest: NA
Thief: 11
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Armor Class: 1
HP: 91
THAC0: 13
# Attacks: 2
Special Att: See Below
Special Def: +2 or Better Weapon to Hit
Movement: 14
Magic Tolerance: 55%
Size: M
Personality: Personable
XP Award: 9,000

Though he tries to avoid becoming personally involved in melee combat, Arzex is sometimes forced to resort to the retractable razorsharp spurs hiddenon the leading edge of his forearms. He may attack twice per round with these weapons, which do 2-8 points of damage.

Diabolical Abilities:
The demon-dogs of Arzex are flawless trackers that can outrun any mortal creature. Their howling will paralyze any mortal of skill 3 or less who hears it. If the pack descend on an opponent whom they have paralyzed, the victim is reduced to 0 hit points in the first round, killed the second, and torn to shreds in the third. The General's power over feral creatures is not limited to his pack. He may charm any number of hound or wolves at will and may polymorph a charmed creature into a demon dog by touch.

Arzex has five special dogs who serve as his lieutenants. Garell has a steel hide which repels all but the stoutest mortal weapons (AC 0, +2 or better weapons to hit). Marikk's bite sucks the vital essence of his victims, draining a life level on every successful attack. Dulenn has the fortitude of darkness and may regenerate 0-7 (1d8-1) HTK points per round. Vasatt's gaze withers living things and causes 2-16 points of damage when used as an attack. Furnarr must be killed twice to drive him from the plane prime.

Belmeera - General of Aballigor

Strength: (not given)
Dexterity: 16
Constitution: 16
Intelligence: 15
Wisdom: 15
Charisma: 8
Fighter: NA
Wizard: 7
Priest: 9
Thief: 11
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Armor Class: 1
HP: 89
THAC0: 15
# Attacks: 2(3)
Special Att: See Below
Special Def: +2 or Better to Hit
Movement: 10
Magic Tolerance: 65%
Size: M
Personality: Bestial
XP Award: 9,000

This demoness seldom enters melee combat, but can attack twice per round with her clawlike hands for 1-4 points of damage, and if both hit the same opponent in the same round, she may try to bite for 1-6 damage.

Diabolical Abilities:
Belmeera's basket contains a plague of demonic rodents that ache to obey her wicked will. There are enough to infest an entire town, bringing filth and disease in their wake. At her command, entire kingdoms have fallen. As an attack, the swarm will cause 1 point of damage per round to any mortal within 100' of their mistress. She may direct the creatures to limit their aggression to a single target, in which case they do 6-24 points of damage per round. If the victim survives, he must save vs. poison or contract a disease which will kill himin 3 days. The swarm is endlessand cannot be stopped.

Belmeera's minions are fairly straightforward demon warriors, but all may assume rodent form at will. Raskret can unhinge his jaw to devour anything regardless of shape or size. Buflegor's breath is poisonous and can kill any mortal of skill 3 or lower who fails a save. Jalkrek can only fly at night and can see the invisible. Asheer is an infallible tracker but leaves a trail of blood which anyone could follow. Eeshkree's squeal can transform men into animals unless they save vs. death.

Duxarid - General of Aballigor

Strength: 11
Dexterity: 13
Constitution: 15
Intelligence: 9
Wisdom: 14
Charisma: 8
Fighter: 7
Wizard: 7
Priest: 7
Thief: 7
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Armor Class: 1
HP: 93
THAC0: 14
# Attacks: 1
Special Att: See Below
Special Def: +2 or Better to Hit
Movement: 9
Magic Tolerance: 60%
Size: M
Personality: Craven
XP Award: 9,000

When he attacks in melee combat, Duxarid uses his crutch, which is a +3 weapon in his hands and does 2-12 points of damage. He sometimes assumes human form to beg on the planeprime. If he is denied alms, his crutch does double damage to the offending penny pincher.

Diabolical Abilities:
Duxarid commands the insects that infest mortal settlements. His tiny minions see and hear many things that transpire in the shadows. When the demon wills it, his spies watch the plane prime for him, making him privy to many secrets. The demon may cast Insect Swarm at will and summon insects of immense size to him by reciting ancient blasphemies which leave his lips crusted with blood.

Xiraxirao has four extra arms and is covered with black bristling hair, giving him a spider-like appearance. His multi-faceted eyes can see six places at once, at any distance. Veroxx the Foul wears a greasy carapace and can spit an acidic secretion up to 20" that does 1-20 points of damage. Aliaxisis has the wings of a fly and breath so fetid it can be used as a Creeping Doom spell once per day. Zojalex is tiny for a noble demon of the Infernus, but his ant-like body has the strength of a titan. Balbrjalixax is part maggot, part man. Its leech-like mouth does 1-12 points of damage, and if it rolls a natural 20 in melee combat, it swallows its victim whole unless they save vs.death.

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