MCDM RPG Backer kit signup is live.


I crit!
Meant to type this here, not the class YT thread.....but James has stated, and reiterated, there will be NO preview in the KS. Also sound like Patron will still be the playtesters, not KS backers....They just aren't far enough along in development to do a preview.

I find this an odd decision.....but he also said that they NEED to do the KS now (cash flow?). He also acknowledged that December might not be ideal, but he's not worried.

They have plenty of super fans to break a doubt....but I, for one, am very hesitant to back a game w/o seeing the rules.
Thanks for the update. Not great. At least now we know.
I think they're viewing their Patreon members as their core audience for this one, and this is just a way of getting an infusion of cash from them to fund this book.
Yea. It’s been working for them. Getting into a playtest is nigh impossible. They’ll get dozens of responses instantly. Maybe if I lived in those discords. I have alerts turned in and I. The time it takes to pick up my phone and look it’s already got lots of responses.

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Yeah, with that in mind and all the other holiday expenses, there will have to be something very nice for backing to get me to do so. It isn't like it is not going to be widely available after it fulfils.


New Publisher
They have no VTT plan either (it's pricey to do that on one, let alone more than one, platform), um, not likely to be part of the backerkit, I'd guess.


New Publisher
He doesn't even know if there will be a setting book in the backerkit? I'm really baffled at this point. I get not know HOW MUCH setting will be in the rules, but not knowing if there will be a setting book? I must have heard that wrong.


New Publisher
I turned off the feed, as I think that was mostly it. I did take a long shower and cut my nails at one point, so there may have been more. there were A LOT of detailed questions that I wasn't going to write down at this point.

the core mechanic is that you roll damage, and armor and stuff reduces damage. There is no d20 (mostly) and there is no AC. It is NOT DnD 4e, as he said several times (those two things showing that).

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