Meaning of [PEACH]?

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Nifft said:
I think it originated on the WotC boards, as a way of requesting honest feedback rather than supportive feedback.
Yep. It seems to be a result of an Internet phenomenon that's pretty familiar from amateur art communities and similar things, where even the most constructive criticism someone's work is taken as a personal attack on the creator. I can only assume the WotC boards experienced enough HOW CAN YOU SAY MEAN THINGS ABOUT MY CAT PEOPLE RACE freakouts that people have to actually specifically ask for critiques.

I can only assume the WotC boards experienced enough HOW CAN YOU SAY MEAN THINGS ABOUT MY CAT PEOPLE RACE freakouts that people have to actually specifically ask for critiques.
Actually, that is pretty close to the truth.

I don't know why so many of you are so vehemently against using PEACH. I was there when it was first suggested and I still support it to a degree, because it means you want someone to go fully over the numbers, go over it with a fine tooth-comb, etc,while some just want a more lax response.

I used it because in forums that don't have homebrew you have to have something to show this is a creation and not merely another discussion.

So there is no reason here, as this entire section is devoted to homebrew. However, on Wizards there is no homebrew section.

I wouldn't think there is any need here though. Not only are folks brutally honest here, but out of all the forums I've frequented, ENWorld has more obnoxiously vicious critics than I've ever seen. Goes way overboard the opposite way.


Penguin Herder
The Vorpal Tribble said:
I don't know why so many of you are so vehemently against using PEACH. I was there when it was first suggested and I still support it to a degree, because it means you want someone to go fully over the numbers, go over it with a fine tooth-comb, etc,while some just want a more lax response.

The problem I have with the tag is that people start to see it as a magic incantation which entitles them to a certain level of feedback.

Also, not all critique is intended at the original recipient. People often go to the boards to steal other people's work for their own campaign -- I do this constantly in the monster forum. Unless it's very clear that the class / monster / race / whatever is unsuited for a normal campaign, I'll try to give feedback not just for the benefit of the original poster, but for anyone reading it whose thinking of stealing the idea for their own game, or whose thinking of similar things.

The Vorpal Tribble said:
Not only are folks brutally honest here, but out of all the forums I've frequented, ENWorld has more obnoxiously vicious critics than I've ever seen. Goes way overboard the opposite way.

"Etc." has a period at the end. Please fix your top paragraph.

Cheers, -- N


The Vorpal Tribble said:
I wouldn't think there is any need here though. Not only are folks brutally honest here, but out of all the forums I've frequented, ENWorld has more obnoxiously vicious critics than I've ever seen. Goes way overboard the opposite way.

It's all in where you frequent, and when, I guess; ENWorld has a few people who can't keep the nasty to themselves, but it's fewer than most other places I frequent. I just left one thread on another site about a new product, where roughly 70% of the commentary were how boring, useless, derivative, and silly the product looked, based on the first preview blurb. If you do ever see people being vindictive rather than just critical, feel free to let the mods know, by the "report post" button on the specific instance. We can at least see what's pushing people's buttons, and decide if it needs action or not.

Voidrunner's Codex

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