I of course disagree! I believe that since we have time - we have the rest of today, and tommorow AM to scout around and investigate. Come on, are we adventurers with a supposed destiny or are we children lined up to be spanked if we don't come home on time?
Yes the elders want us back, but they also said to investigate the situation. What do we have to tell them currently? Here's this rock that weighs something outragous by its size, a dead goblin and smoke. But we don't have much to tell.
[sblock=OCC] -
In character and out - are we a bunch of adventurers or are we wusses? If we wanted to stay home and change the cat litter we shouldn't be carrying weapons, but a shovel.
I don't have a desire for the DM to have to run a split campaign but so far it's not been that exciting - and there was the concern that it wasn't starting soon enough and excitement was needed. But I'm planning on staying here in the woods until the time arrives to return for the wedding (I'll leave approx. 1pm tommorrow).
If that is not something the DM wants to deal with then I understand. Then say we go back home, get new instructions and put us back into a position for some movement.
I realize this is a different format for game play than is traditional with table-top, but there still needs to be exciting reading and posting. And our banter about Jarrod hitting his knuckles was the most exciting so far.
I will normally trust Kaylin's player to know her husband - [my WifeFIEND kicks me during game play, and I've come to ask now "are you kicking me to touch me or to kick me" because I was "killing" the players one time and she was kicking me - just to touch me, play footsies. So I take my ques from her if I'm being to defeating towards the group - or too slow or too fast or too whatever.] - and would typcially follow her lead in this type of example, but with a day to investigate we're at a standstill in terms of doing something that is right (listening to our elders) and something that is fun, exciting and a bit dangerous (doing what the ADVENTURE part of adventurers).
Kasis Rayg