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Mellubb's "Vecna's Revenge" ICC


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Ragnor sits across from Jarrod. He calmly looks over to Leigh as he gathers some fruit from the tray. Leigh do you have any idea why we are here. It is not normal for us to brought together like this. Should we be scared?'

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"No problem Jarrod. Please pass me those pastries. Wow, food and something new going on. This is starting out to be quite an exciting day!" Kaylin can barely sit still she's so excited.


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Jarrod Nackle

Jarrod glances at Ragnor while he chews and absently passes Kayling a plate of pastries. Then, he looks around the room to take stock of exactly who is present. He wants to get a feel for his surroundings, in case there might be some clue as to why they were all brought here.

[SBLOCK=DM Only]HAH! You're not the DM!!! Fool! I totally caught you!

Anyway, I'm just looking around to find clues. Also, our parents aren't here yet, are they?[/SBLOCK]


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Coming inside, Vanta eagerly sits down to some breakfast. Between taking care of the wedding gift and studying his spellbook, he had little time to eat. He chats with his cousins. "I wonder what those green fireballs were, I bet this is about them. Hey Jemal, could you pass me one of those pastries, the ones with the peaches in the center?"


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Leigh Phelan Cleric 1, hp: 10/10

Leigh was startled at the early knock on her door.

"This better not be another of your tricks, Jarrod!" Leigh croaked from underneath her warm covers.

After not hearing anything in response, she contemplated drifting back to sleep under the warm bedclothes, but instead, drug herself out of bed.

She threw on some clothes laying on top of the dresser, and hotfooted it out her door, trying to catch up to Jarrod, while thinking,"This better not be some joke."

After entering the temple, she noticed the large amount of chairs around the table, and her interest was quickly piqued. "Different often means important," She says quietly as she grabs a glass of orange juice, mumbles a prayer to Pelor for the wonderful bounty of ripe oranges and takes a seat. She is too nervous to eat.

Leigh looks from Ragnor to Jarrod, seeing only apprehension mixed with excitement and curiosity. "I don't know what is going on yet, but I fear it cannot be good, as those green balls of fire last night did not look natural."

She tries to relax and gives a half-hearted stretch, before realizing that her mind is racing.

She keeps glancing outside, looking at the shadows cast by the sun trying to mark time as she waits.


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Jarrod Nackle

As Leigh catches up to Jarrod, he responds to her initial, waking statement, "Well, if it is, it's a trick on me, too. You go on ahead, I have to grab Kaylin and Vanta.

Back inside the temple.

Leigh said:
"I don't know what is going on yet, but I fear it cannot be good, as those green balls of fire last night did not look natural."
"I'm sure it will be fine, Leigh. What's the worst that could happen? Some epic story involving meteoritic demons falling from the sky?" Jarrod laughs out loud at this. "They're probably just bringing us all in here to explain what it was, and tell us there's nothing to worry about." He sighs in exasperation, "I swear to Baervan, hardly anything exciting happens here. And the one time something does happen, it's probably nothing."

Jarrod glances around the room in longing.


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Leigh Phelan Cleric 1, hp: 10/10

Leigh fidgets nervously with the strand of prayer beads around her neck -"But Jarrod -- why are WE the only ones here? Why are there not any of the children who do not share our past here?"

She scans the temple once more, before trying to relax, softly reciting Pelor's prayer for focus.


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As the pastries begin to disappear, and the juice pitchers empty, the door slowly opens. Gerbo walks in wearing his formal robes and green sash, which mark him as an elder. He is followed by Megan, Alan, Thaivor, Quinton, and Mayor Eric Woodsman. “Thank you for waiting, I hope you had enough to eat. There are a lot of questions and few answers. We do not know what fell from the sky last night. We want you to find out what is what. We believe they fell into the forest just west of town. We want you to go investigate.”
”There is a stream of black smoke that should be where it hit. You are to go there find out what it is and tell us.” . Alan continues.
A look of fear crosses Megan’s face as she looks into the eyes of the three children she raised. She takes a deep breath and says ”We could not think of anyone else we could trust with this task. You have been brought up to be responsible and intelligent. Be careful”
Gerbo chimes in, “I am here to speak on behalf have the Elders of this town. You would be doing us a great service if you can figure out what is was that nearly destroyed our city. If you have any question please ask.”


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"You mean you guys aren't going to go check it out? I thought that's what you did?" Kaylin pipes in, as she tries not to look a bit frightened.


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Vanta smiles widely. "This is good, there is only so much to do around here. Finally something exciting happens. Our parents are not going probably for a couple reasons. First, it is probably nothing. Second," he continues, "they could be testing us to see if we are truly able to follow in their footsteps. Or," he says with a grin and wink at the others, "they could just be tired of us being around all the time."

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