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Mellubb's "Vecna's Revenge" ICC


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Jarrod Nackle

"Well ok! Now we're getting somewhere. When do we leave? What do you think it is? What should be loooking for, besides the column of black smoke that won't die down?" Jarrod spouts off his questions hurriedly, not giving enough time to answer any of them. His excitement to start a real adventure, and not the ones his father tells him about, is evident on his face.


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Leigh Phelan Cleric 1, hp: 10/10


Leigh was crestfallen at the news. She was hoping for some explanation of the prior nights events, instead of being told to go figure it out for the town. But she put on a brave face for the rest of the 'children'.

"Let us make all do haste to depart, we owe it to the town to expediously get to the bottom of things. Let us all gather in the town square in 10 minutes -- I need to go get my armor and other equipment for the excursion."

With that, Leigh departs from the temple to go collect her things.

In the back of her mind, she wonders what they will find. If these were giant fireballs from the sky, wouldn't they just find ashen craters? Or were they the shells of some demons or devils, sent here to plague the lands?

Her mind was swimming in thoughts and possibilities. She gave a quick prayer to Pelor for guidance and calm, then collected all of her gear.


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Kasis Rayg Cleric of Pholtus

OCC - sorry about the delay. I'm also unsure of the calendar date or day, so I'm just using what fits to use as a comment as we eat breakfast (it's spring, but no month was listed, so I'm using 1st Flocktime), but before the elders come in. Someone posted in Light Blue - it's very difficult to read.

ICC (before the elders arrive) – "Cousins, last night was Starday, the 1st of Flocktime. The date must have some significance. I was up early calling the dawn as usual this morning for it is Sunday, and I followed its Path but I was not lead anywhere of great importance. But the lords of the Sun DO call upon us, this Sunday, for there is always a prophet’s lines – something that Cousin Jarrod will attest to- about the day after a Family’s Festival on Starday. With Half-Way having such favor with the Sun, it is no happenstance that this would happen and events to come unfold as they will. There is something important that has called us 'cousins' – something that has been written long ago, before our birth, abandonment, and rescue, often it is more than just one mere mortal’s hand – it is the will of the Gods. "
ICC (just after hearing the news from the elders) – "A wedding is a great calling to be returned home, and with the blessings of the Church, I have plenty of leave to help handle the duties of the town. I do hope it will not be long, as I do wish to return to Greyhawk to re-attend my studies. But as a dedicated Missionary, it is my duty to travel – an with Jarrod it’ll be amusing, even if a bit heathen-ish- and spread the Holy Path. Let us hope to find an answer to the mystery – and one before others arrive to sully the area with their unclean ways."

"Momma Megan, you have taught us well. Leigh is loyal to Pelor, and I’ll watch over her, making sure she never strays, besides – with Ragnor there – nobody ever gives her a hard time. We all proudly carry the task you have given us, we know that you must now live through us and although I choose a different following, you have never failed me and I hope to live the guided life that Pholtus has put forth for me. We both know he would not have chosen me if it wasn’t for the dedication which you have demonstrated. "

I kiss Momma Megan on the cheek as I head for the door. Dipping my fingers in the holy water and proposing a prayer to Pholtus, I leave the temple running to catch up with Leigh.

I too, head to my room to gather my belongings. As I pack my things, Hetal (the family dog), sits wagging her tail. “Sorry, Hetal, you cannot go with us. You’ve been a good girl all these years. I remember sleeping with you each night I was scared. I know you’d be able to protect me out there under the stars – but the ground is hard, and there is no need to hurt your hips any further. I’ll make sure to tell Pops to toss an extra bone in your bed – until I can bring you back one from some infamous monster.”

Kasis Rayg – Missionary of the Church of the One True Path of Pholtus
Adopted son to Megan and Alan Phelnar, brother to Leigh of the Radiant Pelor and Ragnor Thokk the devoted sil-Euroz


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"Okay I'm going to get my things. I should be back shortly."

[sblock=ooc]I gather all my equipment. Spells prepared today: 0: Acid splash, detect magic, read magic, ghost sound. 1: mage armor, summon monster1 x2.[/sblock]


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ADVENTURE!!! As you all hurry home with excitement of your first “real adventure” right in front of you, you soon realize that you will have no one to rely on except yourselves. The forest is only 7 miles away you figure it will take about 4 hours with little Kaylin with you. It is still unclear exactly how long your mission will take. Will you get there just to find a smoking whole? What if it WAS demons? Will they try to destroy the world again like they did all those years ago? What if there is treasure?

The question race through your mind as you stuff your bags full of the equipment you think “real adventurers” use. When you return to the temple Sandra and Megan are sitting on a bench near tree beside the temple. They welcome you and wish you luck on your trip.

Does any one have anything specific to do before we go any further?


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Standing outside in the sun, Vanta leans on his quarterstaff, looking at the sun, trying to judge the time. "I'm all set, sorry about the delay, I had to prepare my spells. I am ready to go now though."


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Jarrod Nackle

(Immediately after Kasis' speech.)
Then entire time during Kasis' speech, Jarrod listens intently, then the corners of his mouth curl up in a grin. He tries to stop himself from smiling. As Kasis rolls on, Jarrod has to hold his mouth to prevent himself from laughing. He looks at his other cousins to see if they are also grinning.

After the speech, Jarrod claps Kasis on the back and says, "Oh cousin. You are so dramatic!" Before he walks out to retrieve some equipment, he makes an illustrious, very overdramatic bow to Kasis and says aloud to the group, "I'm going to get my sword. If I don't return, please tell my dad...sniff... that I love him." He then turns to Gerbo. "Dad, if I don't make it through the hazards and perils of the Halfway back alleys, please tell my friends and cousins that I'll always think of them from the road beyond."

Jarrod looks up at the ceiling and pretends to be trying not to cry. "I'll see you all back here soon. I hope." With that, he grins widely at Kasis again, and heads out the door.

[SBLOCK=Kasis Only]Please take no REAL offense to my ribbing. If you do find it offensive, please let me know.[/SBLOCK]

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