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Merged WotC setting search winners/losers thread

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Thaos: The New World

1. Core Ethos Sentence. A world where heroes fight to preserve their planet against the dark god, Damian, imprisoned at its center.

2. Who are the heroes? Swordmasters and Wizards from Ahnjar, Shamans from the plains and coastlands of Sontar. Sorcerers, whose strange powers mark them, some say for good others for ill. Simple villagers hoping to defend their homeland. Young adventures from Ahnjar that know it is their duty to save these poor people with their superior skills. And people from the plains that are not as in awe of the skills of Ahnjar.

3. What do they do? Heroes are usually found in the Hunter Guild of Ahnjar that seek out followers of Damian, Monsters that roam the countryside, bandits, and keep the peace. Clerics (a.k.a. Proxies) of the Ten Mentors seek to enlighten the people and oppose Damian and his followers at any turn.

4. Threats, Conflicts, Villains. Damian, the trapped one, and his Highlords work his twisted influence from the center of the world, corrupting spirits, beasts, and men. Across the Rampart Mountains lie the badlands that the great orc army crossed and ravaged the Sontar plains and coastlands. Eventually driven out, they still poses a threat as the meager forces of Ahnjar and its protectorates of Sontar build fortifications along the mountain passes. Many of the tribes of the Sontar oppose being protectorates of Ahnjar and work to free themselves from virtual conquest.

5. Nature of magic. Left over energy from the creation of the world permeates everything and can be tapped by arcane spellcasters. Divine casters receive their magic from either the Ten Mentors that the Creator sent or from the spirits and anima that shaman communicate with and use. Damian and his High Lords also grant spells to their followers. Wizards come almost exclusively from Ahnjar, as does almost all magical learning. While arcane magic is not common outside of Ahnjar, shamans exist in almost every village of Sontar. A seed is the name given to specific bundles of energy left by the Creator when the world was made. At a predestined time seeds erupt creating new things. For example seeds brought forth humans several thousand years after Thaos was created. Seeds of course have been corrupted to birth different things such as orcs and dragons. They are very valuable and are sought after by both those who seek to protect and preserve and those who seek to corrupt and use for ill.

6. What’s new? What’s different? Thaos is a world that is not grounded in a scientific background but on spirits that keep nature in order. People get sick not because of microbes and viruses but because of spirits of disease. Fires start because of fire spirits being unleashed and not because of chemical reactions. Mystical forces are constantly in play. Agents of the Ten Mentors and Damian and the Highlords battle for control of Thaos in both the spiritual and physical realm. The complex religious relationships build unique opportunities for adventures. The imperialism Ahnjar versus the natives of Sontar lead to interesting conflict.


Registered User
Mosaic : the fragmented lands

1. Core Ethos Sentence. A piecemeal planet made of fragments from other worlds and fashioned into a conglomerate of peoples, monsters, magic and geography, where heroes struggle to hold together their fragile civilizations.

2. Who are the heroes? Whoever is willing to fight off the horde of demons that strike across the border to your homeland. Whoever is willing to learn about this new magic these strange little people use. Whoever has the courage to explore a world that has changed in the blink of an eye. Whoever is willing to ally with people from other fragments to oppose evil and champion good.

3. What do they do? They learn about their new world. Finding new allies and defending from new enemies as well as old. Exploring strange new lands and braving new dangers. Diplomacy and guile are as important as sword and magic. Heroes open new trade routes, defeat invading armies, and gather magic and knowledge to defend their homelands.

4. Threats, Conflicts, Villains. What will the Golden Empire do when its iron mines, that it need to arm its armies, are no longer there and replaced by elven woodlands? What will the elves in the Verdant Forest fragment do when they learn there is an aggressive human empire to the south that has elven slaves? Orthog the old lich king suddenly sees new lands to acquire, to drain of life. He promises himself that he won’t drain it all this time. The people of Irongate have always imported grain during the winter months what will they do when that grain is no longer available. And of course the orcs of the red moon tribe still raid the villages to the east.

5. Nature of magic. Magic varies by fragment. In some areas magic is abundant and flourishing in others rare and virtually unheard of. In the Verdant Forest fragment, magic is everyday and the land even has a magical effect much like a hallow spell that excludes non-fey creatures from entering. In the Tortured Lands fragment knowledge and skill of magic is virtually extinct and magic items are rare indeed. Channeling positive energy in the Barren fragment is more difficult while necromantic magic is easier. The borders between fragments are areas of constant turmoil. Storms rage at these borders and magic is unpredictable and dangerous. Divine magic still seems to come from the gods but every caster feel a change has occurred to the gods. What that change might be is still a mystery.

6. What’s new? What’s different? What’s new and different? Everything has changed the plentiful plains to the south are now impenetrable mountains full of giants, dragons, and angry dwarves. Old alliances are torn apart and not even the wisest sage knows what lies beyond the borders. Trade routes are gone. Who do we sell our wool to? Where do we buy grain for the winter? This world can accept any existing campaign simply by ripping the area that the PCs are in and placing them wherever the DM feels is appropriate. Read a cool supplement that wouldn’t normally fit in you campaign world, well here you can just slap it in torn from its original setting. And there is always the mystery of how this world was created and by what.

Andrew D. Gable

First Post
1. Dendain is a gritty, devastated world of both human and cosmic concerns, with analogs to Earthly cultures, but yet a distinctive fantasy flair.

2. Dendain is a world in need of heroes - from the lands of the old High King, to zealous crusaders, from superstitious peasants to tribal warriors from savage lands - all adventure in the blasted world.

3. Dendain’s heroes are of many motivations - some seek to purge the land of evil, while others choose to seek a path to their own personal glory. And some are thrown into the adventuring lifestyle without warning.

4. The main threat to Dendain are the machinations of Ardanael and the other Inferni, put into action by their minions in the Dark Hegemony. However, other forces of evil also encroach on the land - the eastern warlord Tsungari of the Morning and the sorceress Sayuri plot to banish the sun-god, casting the world into an ice age. A race of ruthlessly expansionistic dwarves live in the north, developing their infernal machines and raiding the borders of the High King’s lands. And a race of serpent men from their southern isles prepare to invade. The heroes will have their work cut out for them…

5. Magic. One of the most powerful and misunderstood forces in the world. Created millennia ago when a tribe of lesser deities produced children with humankind, the sorcerers devastated the world in a great war. They were in turn devastated by the angry gods, and as a result magic - at least innate magic - is rare. Today, most magic-users must learn to grasp the power in schools of wizardry. Some of the High King’s ancient lands are zealously anti-magic, conducting huge inquisitions and mass genocide of the “magic” races (such as elves).

6. Dendain is a world unlike any other - but the main difference lies in the handling of magic, in the crusades and their aftereffects. The story of the origin of magic is clearly Biblically-influenced. During the anti-magic crusades, countless elves were slain, and the ones that were not are in a state of self-imposed exile. Dendain’s take on the non-human races is something that’s not been seen, as well - most are mutations, or subspecies of, the human. Dendain also contains three or four new PC races.

I didn't win. Not that I thought I would - my world is horribly derivative, I now realize.


Ah, hahahahaha! I just saw the announcement, but a while after I cleared my "junk mail" folder - tried to "back button" to it, got the folder with the 10 junk messages, one says "Congratulations" but my email can't retrieve the message since it was deleted, hahahaha. Of course, I probably get 10 "Congratulations" junk mails a day, so what's the likelihood it was for the setting search? :)
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First Post
Whell, glad that's over with. Now I can get on with developing my thing the way I like it.

So, a lot of us were quite excited about the new setting while we stood to make 120 kilobucks out of it... who's still excited? Interested? Who expects what out of it?

True, FR and DL came from outside the TSR committee rooms, but that's just it. They kinda came about by accident. Deliberately making an accident happen isn't an accident. On the other hand, GH is still strong and DS was also made straight from the TSR think tank, and while it didn't last forever, it has still made an impression. So I don't know how their idea of "fishing outside the lake" is going to work.

Personally, I have never used a boxed set or book to run my games out of, but I have looked to published sources for inspiration. And if the boxed set or book would have been my doing, I wouldn't have anything to complain about would I?

So I would say I'm interested in seeing what's coming up, but I don't know if I'll blow money on it. We'll just have to see.

And though I didn't win, I don't think I'll post my setting just yet. ;)


Chronicles of Pirithia

I tried a different spin with my proposal, guess it didn't work. *laugh*

1. Core Ethos Sentence.
Bold adventurers struggle against foes both ancient and new, becoming the heroes of today, and perhaps, the legends of tomorrow, all hoping to leave their marks in The Chronicles of Pirithia.

2. Who are the heroes?
“Anyone can become a hero, at least, that’s what my father told me. ‘You just need to know what you believe in and, when the going gets tough, you stand your ground.’ He died in the Siege of Waywast, when the ogres brought the gates down… but he stood his ground. He died a hero.” The young man paused and looked down at his dirt-stained fingers. “…I wonder if these are a hero’s hands?” Farmboy, priestess-acolyte, battle-scarred mercenary, or bored noble all can strive to become heroes, but only a few will succeed. Will you?

3. What do they do?
“If you wish to be remembered, then do something worth remembering!” The old man yelled at the young fools admiring their new weapons outside the inn. “Don’t build up stones in your own likeness or save up treasures in a chest like the old emperors did, for who remembers them as anything but a curse? Build a temple to help those poor souls in the broken lands or a castle to keep the northern roads safe when the orcs come or even a school to teach wizards the secrets of magic. Who will remember you for how new your sword was or for how much gold you had in a sack when you died? Build a legacy for yourself, work with other good folk, and the bards will sing your names in songs that will inspire your grandchildren to become heroes.” The growing heroes of Pirithia must work together and learn to work with the others around them to shape and change the lands and people around them into something better, something to be remembered.

4. Threats, Conflicts, Villains
“The greatest tragedy is that the seeds of evil can find purchase in almost any ground. The greatest sorrow is that it can grow so readily.” The world-weary paladin looked over the neophytes in their shining white. “And the greatest fear is that those evils would some day grow together, to become something greater. May the Blessed One never let you see that day.” Evil is growing, slowly, quietly, hiding from the light. Nobles plot against each other and make pacts with things in darkness. Mages delve into secrets that would be better left unknown. A creeping corruption slowly spreads within the walls of a beloved temple. A mad dwarven king sits smoldering on his shadowed throne. Each a petty evil on its own, but what if they were to meet, to conspire together, to grow in power? Brave heroes must fight against them, uprooting evil and exposing darkness to the light of day. Perhaps it is enough to hope that chance will prevent their coming together, but what if a darker hand moves them? Heroes are needed.

5. Nature of magic
“The Elves say that magic is the art of making dreams manifest…flowery words from a flowery people.” The instructor paused, hoping to see the spark of passion for the poetry of magic, which she secretly harbored, in the eyes of one of her students. “Of course, we know that the power of magic is drawn from the ever-changing energies of the Ethereal Plane combined with the prime elements. Now, even though that plane is oft-times called the Land of Dreams does not mean the Elves are right, though it does lend credence to tales of mages who are said to have harnessed the forbidden power of nightmare. Magic is real and it is powerful, but it is also unpredictable, a dangerous tool that must be used with caution, though great wonders can be worked with it. Few are those skilled or foolish enough to say they have mastered it, but many petty dabblers can be found. The gods also grant powers, that many call magic, but the source of that power is a secret they tell no mortals.” Magic is not a common replacement for technology in Pirithia; it is not as predictable as the meshing of two cogs or the steady pull of an ox. It is certainly more powerful, but with that power comes danger and the common folk just aren’t willing to take that risk. Brave adventurers on the other hand…

6. What’s new? What’s different?
Pirithia is a world in a state of change. Old empires have fallen apart and new nations and powers are growing from the tumbled stones. While there are certainly ancient dangers still lingering, many of the foes have not yet formed into great threats. As well, the forces of good are scattered; no great organisations or individuals keep the world safe… yet. Will our heroes have the mettle to forge these alliances and stop the growth of evil? There is enormous opportunity for them to perform great deeds and forge long-lasting legacies. Will they have the courage, wisdom, and luck to have their stories recorded in The Chronicles of Pirithia?


Drat, I didn't make it! Oh well, back to the drawing board...

1. Core Ethos Sentence. Tarmulund Empire: Rise of the Black Prince is a dark fantasy setting, where heroes must battle an ancient evil for the survival of The Last Kingdom.

2. Who are the heroes?
Parandim Silvermane is the aging monarch of Glendor, called The Last King. Among his people are the last lines of elven blood within the old empire.

Bashere D’moray is commander of the Steel Legion of the Boar. After Summerset fell, he retreated his troops from Gussecan lands and swore fealty to The Last King.

Tul-Ku-Mak is the frustrated and nervous dwarf thane of Kil-Sundul. His warriors find themselves in the way of the undead hordes attempting to cross into Glendor. Meanwhile, vampire assassins seek to “sever the head” of the dwarven resistance (that being Tul-Ku-Mak).

Gylian Aspenleaf, the Duke of Emmerset, leads the hunters, trappers, and woodsmen of the Eastern Forest as they prepare for the coming onslaught. Just west of the Halls of Kil-Sundul, their lands will be next to face the army of the dead.

Ariana Al’kiri is the personal emissary of the Archcleric of Hemmeniya, The Lion God. She works to uncover the origins of the Black Prince, and the mysteries surrounding his sudden rise.

Finnigan Dan Kane is a wizard and the current leader of the Order of the Sacred Flame. Also called the Night Watchers, the order was chartered for the purpose of putting angry spirits to rest.

Sorsha. It is said the Black Prince had every wizard or sorcerer of notable skill hunted down and butchered; all except one. Like most surviving users of arcane magic, Sorsha, the Witch of the Fens, has gone into hiding.

The Eaters (Mind Flayers). Deep below the Wyrmtooth mountains lurk The Eaters. Dwarves have long learned that when they hear the subtle scrapping of nails against the hard rocks that they have ventured too deep. Yet when Kil-Sundul was nearly overrun by orcs boiling out of the north, Tul-Ku-Mak’s grandfather left to make a deal with The Eaters. He never returned, but the terrifying screams of the thousands of orcs outside the last dwarven choke point signaled that some agreement had been reached.

3. What do they do? King Parandim knows that if Glendor falls, it means the extinction of not only his people, but all people. Refugees continue to pour in from neighboring Gussex and Western Tarmalund. Being cut off from the empire’s heartlands, however, means starvation. In desperation, the king of Glendor has sent ships to find the elves of ages past and plea for their aid. Meanwhile, morale is low for the men of the Gussecan legion in exile; each man knows he will never see his loved ones again, except perhaps in battle. Tul-Ku-Mak is debating leaving his stronghold to search for The Eaters, but he is afraid of what awaits him if he succeeds. Ariana has enlisted the aid of the Night Watchers. They search for the witch Sorsha in hopes that she has knowledge of a weapon capable of defeating the Black Prince. The dragon knights have assembled at Grey Haven to discuss how to combat an army of undead troops equal to the population of Tarmulund minus those survivors in Glendor. The king’s knights have scoured the land for all able-bodied men who can lift a sword. Even the lowliest farmer must now fight for survival.

4. Threats, Conflicts, Villains Sangrim the lich was imprisoned a millennia ago by beings that have long left this world. Accidentally freed from his prison by miners in northern Gussex, Sangrim promptly murdered the imperial crown prince, took his identity, killed the emperor, and proceeded to wage war against his nobles. Once the dead grew abundant, he animated them, slaughtered the remainder of his army for more (obedient) soldiers, and began the methodical extermination of every humanoid on the continent. He is called the Black Prince by those who know not his true identity.

5. Nature of magic The essence of magic is invisible but everywhere. Some areas hold stronger concentrations of it than others, and it is possible to collect this mana to fuel the mightiest of spells. It takes a strong will to manipulate magic and alter reality, or to bore a hole to another plane and call forth elemental forces. Certain materials weaken the barrier between planes and allow easier access to these forces.

6. What’s new? What’s different? This is not a fight for treasure, or power, trade routes, or even justice. The heroes must battle for the survival of the world.

7thlvlDM said:
Drat, I didn't make it! Oh well, back to the drawing board...

On the plus side, 7thlvlDM.....

working up a submission and sending it in qualifies as overcoming a CR9 encounter.

Give yourself enough XP to become 8thlvlDM.


Patrick Y.

Voidrunner's Codex

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