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Meridian Adventures: The Dragonwick Campaign



Official Name: Kingdom of Nazaire
Ruler: His Humble and Contrite Majesty, King Josune II of Nazaire, Prince of Calindrine (LN male human, Wiz 9)
Government: Independent constitutional monarchy with hereditary rulership; eldest male heir inherits throne or eldest female in the absence of a male heir; king has executive and judicial powers but most legislative powers lie within the House of Patricians, a law-making body composed of leading clerics, nobles and merchants
Coat of Arms:
Notable Figures: Queen Amaya of Nazaire (N female human, Rog 14); Princess Arantxa (LN female human, Wiz 6)
Rule of Law: Neutral. Moderate written laws exist with fair balance between the individual and the state; most laws however favor the wealthy class; application of the law varies from region to region
Population: 240,000
Capital: Calindrine (pop. 19,500)
Major Cities:
Major Religions: Kronum, Nerthys, Solovar, Eileania, Uino, Brannoc, Seralise
Major Resources: Wool, tin, fish, wine
Military: 9,000 (composed of equal parts heavy infantry and heavy cavalry; navy consists of 4 war galleys and 7 caravels)
Allies: Coronor, Floating Kingdoms, Pelinore (sometimes), Gwytheria (sometimes)
Enemies: Brimstone Isles, Viridia, Ursinore, Pelinore (sometimes)

The Kingdom of Nazaire is a minor kingdom located along the coastline south of Pelinore. It has had a long and turbulent past as neighboring rulers have often coveted the region both for its location and resources. Throughout its history, the region which would become Nazaire has evolved from tribal lands to minor kingdoms to fief territories and then into its present state as an independent monarchy. The Kings of Nazaire control the region from the Lone Hills to the Sea and as far east as the foothills of the Spineridge Mountains.

In its infancy, the kingdom was home to various Teleri and Comori tribal groups who generally fought over land rights. The dragonborn of the Brythonian Empire controlled the region for some time in the later days of the 4th Age into the early portion of the 5th. When the dragonborn eventually retreated to their ancestral lands, the Teleri Empire from the north conquered and subjugated these lands during the earlier part of the 5th Age.

By 823, the Lord of Calindrine, the most powerful of the local chieftains, united the other clans under one banner and expelled the Telerian Empire. Calindrine was declared a kingdom which eventually expanded in size changing its name to Nazaire in 1099. Sometime around the middle part of the 13th Century of the 5th Age, the kings of Nazaire had grown quite ineffectual and weak-minded. Collectively they became known as the Lazy Kings. The neighboring Duchy of Ursinore took advantage of this period and conquered roughly half of the kingdom which became the County of Nazaire under the suzerainty of the Ursinore dukes for roughly a century. In 1377, King Talos II of Nazaire, proved to be a shrewd and capable leader unlike his predecessors. The king led his forces against Ursinore and drove them back to their lands reclaiming the County and reuniting the nation under one lord once again. In order to accomplish this feat however, certain concessions had to be made with some of the wealthier merchant families. In exchange for the capital required to raise sufficient armies to repel Ursinore, the king had to grant seats on the Council of Patricians to several of the merchants thus giving them a voice in legislative matters.

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Official Name:
Kingdom of Njordlin
Ruler: His Most Grim Majesty, King Eirik Fairhair (CN male human, Brb 13)
Government: Independent unitary monarchy with hereditary rulership based on agnatic seniority; king's younger brothers inherit before king's sons; daughters may rule but only when no male heirs are available; all power rests with the king and the royal court; local governments maintain whatever authority granted to them by the king at his discretion
Coat of Arms: Gules, a bear rampant or armed with axe or
Notable Figures: Queen Thyra of Njordlin (CN female human, Drd 9)
Rule of Law: Chaotic Neutral. Few written laws exist with most legal matters decided by common law; most laws tend to favor wealthy and noble classes but all free folk enjoy certain rights of individuality and freedom
Population: 290,000
Capital: Winterhaven (pop. 14,500)
Major Cities: None
Major Religions: Galdor, Uino, Ainu, Seralise, Jocasta, Nerthys, Tormac, Meru
Major Resources: Iron, fish, ivory
Military: 14,500 (composed primarily of light and heavy infantry augmented by light and heavy cavalry; navy consists of 4 war galleys, 5 cogs and 20 longships)
Allies: Valkyria, Floating Kingdoms, Rendore, Selenir
Enemies: Grimarch, Pelinore, Wyngard

Njordlin is a Voltari kingdom nestled between the Zephyrwind Sea and the Cloudpeaks. It is often at odds with the Teleri to the south each seeking to control the resources of the other. The kingdom itself extends from the shores of the Zephyrwind in the west to the foothills of the Cloudpeaks in the east and from the Wintergreen Wood in the north to the Brenz River which forms the tenuous border with the Grimarch. The kingdom's name is form Old Voltari which translates as 'North Land.' Most of the inland region is hilly or mountainous with deep river valleys. The average height is more than 1,500 feet above sea level. A large number of waterfalls can be found in the country as the rivers take melting snows from the Cloudpeaks down to the Zephyrwind Sea. The coastline is noted for its many fjords, a long narrow bay along the sea bordered by steep cliffs and formed from the retreating glaciers following the last ice age.

By the 10th-century, a number of petty kingdoms along the Zephyrwind coast, including Kronugir, Hidmark, Sunmore and Fjordlin, were unifed into the 1st Kingdom of Njordlin under the banner of Ulrik the Black following the Battle of Dragonsfjord in 957. Historically, the majority of the population dwell along the coastal regions and make their living through fishing though raiding was also practiced in the recent past. Winds warmed by the sea give the coast a much milder winter than further inland and coastal snows tend to melt much faster. The climate of Njordlin is much milder than that of other regions as far to the north. The inland regions are typically much colder and tend to be snow covered for much of the winter months. Only 3% of the kingdom is conducive to farming so most of the Voltari have lived off the riches of the sea. The water god Uino is certainly held in high esteem within these parts.

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Official Name:
Kingdom of Pelinore
Ruler: His Most High and Puissant Prince, King Hugh the Just, by the grace of Kronum, King of Pelinore (LN male human, Wiz 15)
Government: Independent feudal monarchy with hereditary rulership; succession bound by the Salic law forbidding women from ruling while following strict agnatic succession through the male line
Coat of Arms: Azure, a field of fleur-de-lis or
Notable Figures: Roland the Marshal (LN male human, Ftr 12); Genevieve, Queen of Pelinore (LN female human, Wiz 11); Sandulax, Prelate of Ximes (LE male human, Clr 16); Alayre, Duke of Galadine (LG male human, Pal 14); Ganelon, Count of Sanguine (CE undead vampire, Wiz 13)
Rule of Law: Lawful Neutral. Kingdom steeped heavily in law and tradition. Many written laws exist with law and order outweighing fairness and justice; most laws favor the wealthy class and wizard aristocrats in particular; sumptuary laws exist to limit the freedoms of the peasant class
Population: 800,000
Capital: Aeridele (pop. 60,000)
Major Cities: Dullshore, Greenfield, Northfair, Westgate, Ximes
Major Religions: Kronum, Nerthys, Solovar, Brannoc, Meru, Seralise, Eileania, Galdor, Tormac, Kharon
Major Resources: Foodstuffs, grain, wool, coal, wood, silver, gold, platinum, copper, wine
Military: 30,000 (composed of heavy cavalry supported by light and heavy infantry; naval force consists of 20 war galleys, 15 caravels and 15 cogs)
Allies: Grimarch, Floating Kingdoms, Valkyria, Nazaire (sometimes), Ursinore (sometimes)
Enemies: Njordlin, Brimstone Isles, Ursinore (sometimes)

The great Kingdom of Pelinore is an ancient land occupying some of the most fertile regions of the Telerian Continent. The kingdom stretches from the Endless Ocean to the Greenmantle Wood and from the Zephyrwind Sea in the north to the borders of Nazaire in the south. Former kings of Pelinore have often claimed divine decree in the form of a manifest destiny laying claim on all land between the Endless Ocean to the Brightwater Sea and from the Zephyrwind to the southern waters of the Shimmering Sea. This attitude was the pretext for many wars and invasions over the course of history.

Even during the period of dragonborn occupation when the Brythonian Empire controlled these lands, the region has long been associated with the Teleri clan who are certainly the dominate clan. Many of the Teleri customs and traditions have held course within the kingdom even during its earliest days when Pelinore was nothing but a collection of several dozen clanholds each controlled by a mighty wizard-lord. The Teleri have always given certain accommodation to the wizard class as well as all arcane spellcasters to a degree. As a result, the clans grew to become vertiable magocracies. This tradition holds true even to this day with the vast majority of the Pelinorian nobility and royalty practicing some form of the arcane art. Historically, the Teleri have attached great importance to the more intellectual pursuits. Individuals with a certain amount of academic talent are often encouraged to develop such gifts which in turn seem to have benefited the society as a whole. This, combined with the abundance of natural resources and arable land, has allowed the kingdom to flourish.

From the dawning on the 5th Age, the Brythonian Empire controlled this region and subjugated the local population. Starting in the 4th century, however, Brythonia began to withdraw in order to protect their homeland from increasing Valorian incursions. By the 5th century, the Teleri were left to control their own affairs. As the Brythonians withdrew, the local Teleri lords began to solidify their claims to various provincial territories. Assuming a number of noble titles, these petty lords competed among themselves in an attempt to increase their own personal wealth, power and influence over their territories. This often violent competition was certainly aided from the interference of two potent forces- the church of Kronum and the church of Kharon. Representing differing forces of law, the Lawful Neutral followers of Kronum and the Lawful Evil followers of Kharon held significant influence over the noble houses. The power of the Church of the Lawgivers and the Church of the Deathbringers was indeed significant but also seemed to ebb and flow with one having the edge then the other.

By the late 6th century, the Kharonites achieved dominance among the leaders of the various noble houses. For roughly 300 years, a brief Telerian Empire was formed under the control of the most powerful of the noble houses and assisted by the clergy of Kharon, the god of death. Fear and oppression were often the common tools of the day. At its apex, the Teleri Empire controlled vast territory as far east as the Brightwater Sea. Without the blessings of the Church of the Lawgivers however, order was often difficult to establish and even more different to maintain. Rivalry, skirmishes and even open warfare were commonplace led by the ruling nobles and often with the peasant population suffering greatly for it. The Empire came to an effective end by the end of the 9th century beginning with the death of the Emperor Magnus the Great. Following tradition, the expanse of imperial holdings was divided between the Emperor's three surviving sons, Prince Pelin, Prince Urso and Prince Ren. Pelin, the eldest, claimed the northwestern lands along the coast. Urso, the youngest claimed the robust highlands south of the Greenmantle Wood which would become Ursinore. Finally, Ren the middle son, took claim to the easternmost frontier naming his kingdom Rendore. It was from the eldest of these imperial princes, Pelin, that the Kingdom of Pelinore was established and from whom the Royal House claims descent.

With this splintering of a once mighty empire, the church of Kharon's hold over the aristocracy was finally weakened enough allowing clerics of Kronum, and to a lesser extent clerics of Eileania, to re-establish themselves throughout the region. The Kronumites in particular held great political power and influence, particularly with the Royal House.

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Official Name: Kingdom of Pryderia
Ruler: His Majesty, King Brandwyn II of Pryderia, Lord of the Isles (CG male human, Ranger 11)
Government: Independent feudal monarchy with hereditary rulership; eldest child of either gender may inherit the crown
Coat of Arms: Gules, three lions passant, or
Notable Figures: Glamorgan, Archmage of Pryderia (CN male human, Wiz 15); Vala, the Tiefling-Witch (CE female tiefling, Warlock 15)
Rule of Law: Chaotic Good. Limited written legal code with most laws allowing great personal freedom and liberty to all citizens of the state though slavery is allowed but uncommon. Individual freedoms sometimes outweigh the needs of the state.
Capital: Argolond (pop. 12,500)
Major Towns: Trowbridge
Major Religions: Meru, Galdor, Ainu, Solovar, Seralise, Nerthys, Uino, Jocasta
Major Resources: Gold, copper, lead, granite
Military: 11,500 (composed of light infantry, light and heavy cavalry and a navy of 13 caravels and 4 cogs
Allies: Selenir, Meridia, Galiwyn
Enemies: Wyngard, Barren Raiders

According to legend, the islands of Pryderia were founded by a race of powerful storm giants. Ruled by King Brontus and Queen Galina, the nation of storm giants was far less warlike as one might imagine but rather more esoteric and in search of knowledge and enlightenment. Dwelling in great citadels high in the Stormforge Mountains, the storm giants lived a life of relative peace and harmony. Far more interested in uncovering lost secrets of the universe and less in the more basal pleasures, the population of storm giants slowly dwindled over the years which was likely the cause for defeat when the island was invaded by a horde of Voltari raiders from the West. The giants were driven from their homes and the island nation was settled by the humans into a number of independent principalities.

The dragonborn of Brythonia never made it this far north. However as they subjugated the clans on the continent, a number of the Lyceni and Aldari likewise crossed the Stormcrest and arrived on the shores of Pryderia. Historically, each of these three clans, the Voltari, the Lyceni and the Aldari, claimed a portion of the islands as their own to rule as they saw fit. Numerous small settlements ruled by warrior nobles gradually united forming several principalities. By the 11th century of the 5th age, these principalities were loosely united under a powerful warlord-king who ruled over all of Pryderia, at least in name. The main island of Pryderia can be roughly divided into four main geographical areas: the southern plains, the central forestland, the northern mountains and the southwestern moors. Many offshore islands can also be found along the coastline.

In societal terms, the population of Pryderia, from the king down to the lowliest slave, are defined in terms of a kindred family and an individual status. The kindred consists of blood relatives and is typically defined through patrilinear descent for purposes of assessing fines and penalties under Pryderian Law. The kindred is centered around the nuclear family which consists of the parents and children. The other important aspect of the kindred is the pencenedl or family head. The pencenedl is chosen within four patrilinear generations and represents the family in transactions as well as receiving special priviledges under the law. Fostering is likewise a common custom with the younger generation being raised by the adults of another family. Such a system was established during the earlier centuries of the kingdom to establish a system of trust and assurance.

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Official Name: Kingdom of Rendore
Ruler: His Most Lawful and Royal Majesty, King Godwin the Daring, King of Rendore, Duke of Goodkeep, Count of Woodswall, Lord-Commander of the Host (LG male human, Pal 16)
Government: Independent feudal monarchy with strong military aspects; rulership is based on hereditary but also martial prowess with the king typically selecting the most promising warrior within the Royal Family; Military officers play a major role in local government, particularly in the southern provinces.
Coat of Arms:
Notable Figures: Oloron, Sorcerer-General of Rendore (N male human, Sor 17)
Rule of Law: Lawful Good. Laws tend to be codified and quite rigid but generally tempered with justice. Society organized in a rigid class hierarchy with each level of society knowing its place and expectations. Government is well organized and generally acts with honor and mercy. Rules and traditions are heavily observed.
Population: 350,000
Capital: Goodkeep (pop. 25,000)
Major Cities: Rivengard, Shrineheart, Woodswall
Major Religions: Eileania, Solovar, Galdor, Kronum, Seralise, Jocasta, Tormac
Major Resources: Silver, copper, gems, foodstuffs, wood, coal
Military: 17,500 (composed of light and heavy infantry supported by heavy cavalry, navy consists of 10 war galleys and 15 caravels)
Allies: Ursinore, Pelinore, Tritheria, Meridia, Hrathgar
Enemies: Avernia, Aelinore, Golgathor, Draugmore, Rhuthune

The battle weary kingdom of Rendore has a long and often turbulent history due to its close proximity to the Fell-Empire and the unholy machinations of its Lich-Lord. Located along the western shores of the Brightwater Sea, Rendore was once part of the Great Teleri Empire until its fragmentation after the death of Emperor Magnus. These lands were ultimately claimed by the emperor's middle son Prince Ren and the current ruling house of Rendore claims direct descent from this most worthy scion. Rendore is defined by the edge of the Greenmantle Wood to the shores of the Brightwater and from the Olona River in the north to the Nieve and Borderwater Rivers in the South. The Borderwater in particular is often a tenuous boundary line at best due to the almost continual skirmishes between the forces of Rendore and those of Avernia to the southeast. Control of Rivengard, a heavily fortified river town, has changed hands between the Kingdom and the Duchy on numerous occasions though forces loyal to Rendore typically hold on to the city after the destruction of the Borderwater Bridge nearly 200 years ago.

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(graphic courtesy of tvtrope.com)
"god of time" "Lord of Balance"
Large immortal (avatar), lawful neutral

ARMOR CLASS: 24 (plate mail)
1000 (60HD)
SPEED: 40 feet, fly 60 feet

STR 26 (+8) DEX 25 (+7) CON 25 (+7) INT 25 (+7) WIS 29 (+9) CHA 27 (+8)

SAVING THROWS: Constitution +15, Wisdom +17, Charisma +16
SKILLS: History +15, Insight +17, Intimidation, +16, Perception +17
DAMAGE RESISTANCES: cold, fire, lightning
DAMAGE IMMUNITIES: poison, bludgeoning, piercing and slashing from nonmagical weapons
CONDITION IMMUNITIES: charmed, grappled, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, exhaustion, restrained, stunned
SENSES: truesight 120 ft., passive perception 27
LANGUAGES: all, telepathy 120 ft.

Innate Spellcasting. Kronum's avatar innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 25, +15 to hit with spell attacks). He can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:
At-will: command, detect good and evil, detect magic, dispel magic, hold person, light, longstride, mage hand, mending, planeshift, remove curse, scrying, teleport
3/day each: banishment, dominate monster, haste, hold monster, slow
1/day: finger of death, geas, imprisonment, time stop

Freedom of Movement.
Kronum's avatar has a permanent freedom of movement effect active at all times and the effects of which can not be dispelled. His movement is unaffected by difficult terrain and spells and other magical effects that reduce his speed, paralyze or restrain him have no effect.

Legendary Resistance (3/day). If Kronum's avatar fails a saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead.

Magic Resistance. Kronum's avatar has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Blessing of Longevity. If he wishes, Kronum's avatar may touch a willing target and bestow the blessing of longevity. Treat this effect as if the recipient drank a potion of longevity. This ability can only be used on living mortal creatures and only once within their lifetime.

Superior Critical. Weapon attacks of Kronum's avatar score a critical hit on a roll of 18-20.

Immortal. Kronum's avatar is immortal and can not be permanently slain. If killed, the avatar can be remade within 1 month's time.


Multiattack. Kronum's avatar attacks three times with his glaive.

Magic Glaive. Melee Weapon Attack: +19 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target. Hit: 20 (3d10 + 3 + Str bonus) slashing damage.

Kronum is the god of time, lord of balance and considered the ad hoc 'king of the gods.' He rules over creation from his high seat within the infinite Halls of Time on the Outer Plane of the Twilight Lands. A deity of pure law and order, Kronum rarely intervenes directly in human affairs but on the rare occasion he can send his avatar to observe time in its progression. Of all the deities of Dragonwick, Kronum is arguably the most powerful but he has little influence upon the Greater gods. In truth, the deities do view Kronum as sort of a grandfatherly figure seeking him out for advice but ultimately acting as they see fit.

As master of time, the avatar is immune to any effects that might halt or inhibit his movement. He has potent magical abilities including the power to stop time once a day. He appears as a large male humanoid with long white hair, bluish skin and dressed in metallic armor and carrying a glaive.
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KRONUM [/B]"god of time" "Lord of Balance"
Large immortal (avatar), lawful neutral

ARMOR CLASS: 24 (plate mail)
1000 (60HD)
SPEED: 40 feet, fly 60 feet

STR 26 (+8) DEX 25 (+7) CON 25 (+7) INT 25 (+7) WIS 29 (+9) CHA 27 (+8)

SAVING THROWS: Constitution +15, Wisdom +17, Charisma +16
SKILLS: History +15, Insight +17, Intimidation, +16, Perception +17
DAMAGE RESISTANCES: cold, fire, lightning
DAMAGE IMMUNITIES: poison, bludgeoning, piercing and slashing from nonmagical weapons
CONDITION IMMUNITIES: grappled, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, exhaustion, restrained, stunned
SENSES: truesight 120 ft., passive perception 27
LANGUAGES: all, telepathy 120 ft.

Innate Spellcasting. Kronum's avatar innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 25, +15 to hit with spell attacks). He can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:
At-will: command, detect good and evil, detect magic, dispel magic, hold person, light, longstride, mage hand, mending, planeshift, remove curse, scrying, teleport
3/day each: banishment, dominate monster, haste, hold monster, slow
1/day: finger of death, geas, imprisonment, time stop

Freedom of Movement.
Kronum's avatar has a permanent freedom of movement effect active at all times and the effects of which can not be dispelled. His movement is unaffected by difficult terrain and spells and other magical effects that reduce his speed, paralyze or restrain him have no effect.

Legendary Resistance (3/day). If Kronum's avatar fails a saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead.

Magic Resistance. Kronum's avatar has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Blessing of Longevity. If he wishes, Kronum's avatar may touch a willing target and bestow the blessing of longevity. Treat this effect as if the recipient drank a potion of longevity. This ability can only be used on living mortal creatures and only once within their lifetime.

Superior Critical. Weapon attacks of Kronum's avatar score a critical hit on a roll of 18-20.

Immortal. Kronum's avatar is immortal and can not be permanently slain. If killed, the avatar can be remade within 1 month's time.


Multiattack. Kronum's avatar attacks three times with his glaive.

Magic Glaive. Melee Weapon Attack: +19 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target. Hit: 10 (1d10 + 3 + Str bonus) slashing damage.

Just a few quick thoughts on the avatar:
Though you didn't provide a CR, its defensive CR is clearly over 30 (about CR 35+/- IMHO). However, his attack bonus is approx. CR 32 and his damage is only CR7. This rather unbalanced. I would suggest upping the glaive damage [it should be 22 (2d10+11) anyway as he is large size and so is his glaive I assume] Giving him 4 attacks in the multi-attack and then giving him some legendary actions. That would get him into CR 21 range with the damage, so you could probably increase the glaive damage if you want to keep it simple (add 4d6 force or radiant damage?), or you could give him a powerful recharge attack, or both. Maybe a special reaction attack has he is the lord of time?


Thanks Dave. That's what I was looking for in terms of feedback. I always like to include a vast array of gods in my game worlds not so much for the players but because I love mythology and enjoy doing it. I don't really require player attacks on the gods BUT I thought developing a template of sorts might be kind of fun/interesting. I definitely thought the glaive attack was too week and I do plan on adding to this. I purposely left off the CR simply because I really had no idea what it should be considering he is a 60HD creature. Likely only the foolish would dare attack and they would have to pay the consequences for doing so. ;)


Thanks Dave. That's what I was looking for in terms of feedback. I always like to include a vast array of gods in my game worlds not so much for the players but because I love mythology and enjoy doing it. I don't really require player attacks on the gods BUT I thought developing a template of sorts might be kind of fun/interesting. I definitely thought the glaive attack was too week and I do plan on adding to this. I purposely left off the CR simply because I really had no idea what it should be considering he is a 60HD creature. Likely only the foolish would dare attack and they would have to pay the consequences for doing so. ;)

Your welcome, I really enjoy world building and I've been following this tread. Unfortunately, there is so much here that I have felt a bit overwhelmed to make many comments. But I really love mythology myself and stating gods (got a thread on it over here: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?468639-5e-EPIC-MONSTER-UPDATES ), so this was a topic I thought I could comment on. I make plenty of gods that are well beyond the reach of PCs, so I am all for that. Keep up the good work. Also, if you see anything interesting on my thread, feel free to grab and reskin it for one of your gods.

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